Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3687 The reborn Qijue strongman!

After leaving the alchemist's guild and returning to Tianzhi's temporary residence, Ling Feng began to live a secluded life in order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.

During this period, except for Commander Zhuo Junjiezhuo from the Thunder Clan who patrolled the sky, who came to inquire about alchemy, no one else came to disturb Ling Feng's retreat.

In the last less than a month, Ling Feng could calm down and integrate what he had gained in the recent period.

First of all, it is naturally the master-level inherited magic that was obtained before the opening of the Seven Ultimate Immortal Rankings, the "Great Killing Technique".

Although Ling Feng did not deliberately practice during this period, the speed of growth and improvement was still astonishing.

Secondly, the "Breaking Path Soul Forging Technique" harvested in the secret realm of Xiaohantan is also a very domineering attack method for him.

Directly self-destructing the Dao Fruit and the original talisman in exchange for powerful attack power, and the side effects are still within the tolerance range, which also shows the incredible nature of this secret technique.

Then comes the further evolution of the Eye of the Emperor, opening up more divine patterns.

Although Ling Feng cannot use it directly in public, if his life is threatened, he can't control that much.

You have to use it when you need it, otherwise, everyone will die and any pretense will be meaningless.

What's more, he can also use the magical power of all things in the sky to condense the Eye of All Things, and then display the ability of the Eye of the Emperor. Although the effect will be greatly reduced, it is better than nothing.

Then there is the secret technique of "Soul Xi Wandering Dragon" that was obtained from the Demon Soul Hall Master not long ago. As a magical secret method for cultivating fighting souls, it is also one of the most reliable trump cards.

Also, after the swallowing flames absorbed and devoured the Burning Void Desolate Fire, it advanced to a higher level, doubling its power.

In addition, the various magic weapons obtained during this period are also the foundation for settling down.

For example, there is the Tenglongjun Tianpingpei given by the Empress Qingluo. Although there are no clues about it at present, since it was a gift from the Empress, it is by no means simple.

There is also Si Chen's Bright Moon Mirror, which can mobilize the magic power she left in the Sun-Chasing Mirror, and its power cannot be underestimated.

Finally, there is the Jiuxiao Xuanhuang Cauldron of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

This is not just a pill furnace. The material of this thing is comparable to a divine weapon. It can not only be used to make pills and hit people, but it is also a deadly weapon.

So many trump cards and magic weapons also gave Ling Feng a lot of confidence for this dragon-slaying operation.

Time flies, and the three-month deadline for Immortal Emperor Yi Ting has come to the last day.

Early tomorrow morning, among the major forces, the geniuses who participated in the dragon-slaying operation will, under the leadership of the elders of each clan, go to Lei Xiao Imperial City to meet with Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

Ling Feng walked out of the seclusion room. After nearly a month of practice, Ling Feng's aura became even deeper, like an abyss, bottomless and unpredictable.

Especially under the influence of the Great Slaughter Technique, Ling Feng's eyes had a chilling quality, and his state of mind was slightly worse. Even seeing Ling Feng's eyes would make him tremble.

But the next moment, Ling Feng slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and his eyes became gentle again.

In an instant, he returned to his true nature, as gentle as jade, just like an ordinary mortal, without any difference.

His realm has already reached a level where his sharp edge is restrained and he can send and receive freely.

As soon as he went out, a figure came towards him and called Ling Feng from a distance: "Congratulations to Junior Brother Ling, your cultivation has reached a higher level!"

Ling Feng followed the sound and raised his fists in salute, "It turns out to be Senior Brother Wang!"

The person who came was none other than Wang Teng, the sword-wielding immortal king.

Among the many geniuses who participated in the dragon-slaying operation, there was also Wang Teng.

When he decided to participate in the dragon slaying, Wang Teng had visited late at night and formed an alliance with Ling Feng.

The dragon-slaying operation must be extremely dangerous and full of crises. Choosing a reliable ally can undoubtedly greatly increase the possibility of survival.

After meeting Immortal Emperor Yi Ting the next day, Wang Teng seemed to have disappeared from the world for the past three months, and did not finally return until the day before the deadline.

However, judging from the fierce and domineering sword energy in his body, he must not have wasted any of these three months.

His realm of swordsmanship must have reached a more profound level.

"Senior Brother Wang's promotion is probably even higher than mine!"

Ling Feng smiled modestly at Wang Teng.

Wang Teng smiled and said nothing, but his eyes shone with extremely strong confidence.

In the past three months, what he has endured in order to break through his limits is far beyond what outsiders can imagine.

Fortunately, Huang Tian paid off his hard work and succeeded!

This dragon-slaying operation will be the beginning of his blockbuster success.

"I feel relieved to see that my junior brother has not slowed down his practice progress because of alchemy refining."

Wang Teng felt that Ling Feng had also made rapid progress during this period, and was quite satisfied with this ally. Of course, this was also related to the large number of opportunities he had obtained in Qijue Tower.

After coming out of Qijue Pagoda, I believe that most of the monks have accumulated a lot of experience and have made considerable progress.

Wang Teng nodded, and then said: "I still have to pay a visit to the Immortal Jie Yin, so I won't bother you any more."

After saying that, Wang Teng left without looking back.

This Sword Master is actually a very upright guy.

Such a person is naturally more trustworthy than a villain who only eats sweet swords.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and walked out of the wing where he lived, only to find that the entire villa was basically empty.

Because the Qijue Immortal Ranking has long ended, most of the disciples of Tianzhi Sect have already left.

Of course, they are not in a hurry to return to Tianzhi. It is a rare visit to the Sky Survey Thunder Territory to practice around. They can also improve their actual combat experience and may gain unexpected gains.

After all, the journey to immortality requires more insights, epiphanies, and opportunities. It doesn't make much sense to just do it behind closed doors.

In fact, not only Tianzhi, but also most of the elite disciples of several other super-first-class forces have also left Leixiao Holy City.

However, as the leader of the major forces, he still stayed in the city, which also made the monks in Leixiao Holy City vaguely aware that something big might be about to happen.

It is very likely that this is the real reason why the Seven Ultimate Immortal Ranking is being held this time.

It's just that the top leaders of Xuntian Lei Clan kept it secret from them.


Ling Feng tightened his fists. Now everything is ready. All he has to do is wait for Immortal Emperor Yi Ting to send the geniuses of all races into the space-time rift where the causal incarnation of Taixu Zhoulong is hidden.

"Old Yi Ting, I will not let your plan succeed!"

Ling Feng secretly sneered in his heart. That old man was blind. Now that he has found him, his ambition will never be realized!

Ling Feng would not be so stupid as to let one of his biggest enemies become more powerful and even break through to a level above the immortal realm.

I just don’t know how the Qijue strongman, who is the main force in this dragon slaying, will improve in these three months?

I'm afraid, we will only know the outcome on the day when they officially appear.

At the same time, in the mysterious illusion where the Imperial Weapon Treasury was located, a vague shadow stretched across the sky.

This shadow is exactly one of the various dharma appearances of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

He is also the incarnation responsible for training and guiding the powerful Qijue.

Whenever those powerful Qijue encountered any trouble in the process of taming the imperial soldiers, he would secretly give guidance to these geniuses.

In three months, not only could he integrate the infinitely mysterious Emperor's weapons in this world of laws, but he could also get guidance from the incarnation of the most powerful person in the Immortal Realm, Yi Ting Immortal Emperor.

These seven were already extremely talented and unparalleled monsters, and their progress was unimaginably astonishing.

Completely, it can be described in four words: completely transformed.

He looked down at the different worlds of laws with a hint of satisfaction.

These seven people have completely controlled the Imperial Arms, and each of them has mastered an exclusive magical power among the Imperial Arms.

Just like Ling Feng's Destruction of All Directions, that Heaven-Destroying Sword Technique has unlimited potential for growth.

Another example is that after merging the fragments of Tianzhu, Ling Feng once again realized the Nine Art of Tianzhu, which was the peerless swordsmanship controlled by Ling Taixu, the former ancestor of Tiandao.

These imperial soldiers also contain similar magical warfare methods. After these geniuses master them, the improvement in strength will naturally be very terrifying.

And because of this, he can be the main force in slaying dragons.

What's more, what they want to kill is not an ordinary dragon, but the legendary Taixu Zhoulong.

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting has been preparing for this plan for countless thousands or tens of thousands of years. He is too eager to obtain the power above the immortal way. Therefore, in the process of guiding these geniuses and cultivating these monsters, he not only has no reservations at all, but also I wish they could all improve their talents a hundred times a thousand times.

And these geniuses did not live up to Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's expectations.

The results of these three months exceeded his expectations.

Especially Wan Jun, he is worthy of being an eternal monster among the descendants of Xuntian Lei Clan.

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting even saw a glimmer of potential in him that surpassed his own.

However, potential is just potential after all, and he still has a long, long way to go before he reaches his level.

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