Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3688 The beginning of dragon slaying!

The next day, under the leadership of Jie Yinxian Zun, Ling Feng and Wang Teng went to Lei Xiao Imperial City again.

Although three months have passed, everything still seems like yesterday.

Led by the guards stationed in the imperial city, the group quickly arrived at the Shenxiao Hall.

Not long after, the geniuses from the other major forces also arrived one after another.

In addition to the seven major forces, the only genius who is not among the seven major forces but still obtained a quota, that is, the broken mark of Jueying Palace, has also been waiting at the scene.

However, he was not accompanied by anyone, he just stood very quietly in the corner of the hall.

This unparalleled genius from the Jueying Palace wore a black cloak as always.

The cloak is obviously not a mortal thing. It can isolate outsiders' spiritual senses and prevent them from seeing the person's true appearance through the black gauze.

Solitary and indifferent are enough to describe everything about this person. He doesn't pay attention to anyone, so naturally no one will lower themselves and put their hot face on his cold ass.

Ling Feng couldn't help but take a closer look at this guy named Duan Hen, always feeling that this guy was a little weird.

But as for what is weird, I can't say.

Could it be that he was also one of the back-up men arranged by the Demon Soul Hall Master?

This is not impossible.

Since the master of the Demon Soul Palace has already coveted the source of the ancestral dragon, he must have made countless plans.

However, Ling Feng would not be stupid enough to take the initiative to find this broken mark. If he guessed wrong, wouldn't it be tantamount to self-destruction?

Suddenly, Ling Feng felt a malicious gaze directed towards him.

Ling Feng felt a chill in his heart and looked up, only to find that it was in the direction of the Xuntian Ice Clan.

Among the geniuses who participated in the dragon-slaying operation on behalf of the Xuntian Ice Tribe, Shui Yanbing, who came out to obtain the name of Qijue, was Yan Jinghong, who had just awakened to the secret of the three-sword style not long ago.

Thinking about it, after three months of hard training, this guy's strength must have improved by leaps and bounds.

And Dao Sen's cold and murderous gaze before was obviously not from Yan Jinghong.

He continued to check, but it turned out that Shui Changyin, known as "Prince Yin", was staring at him coldly.

When he noticed that Ling Feng looked up at him, Shui Changyin's eyes became colder and colder. He even raised his hand to make a gesture of wiping his neck with a knife, and then looked away with a sneer.

Ling Feng's expression changed slightly. Could it be that he had discovered something?

But no matter what, if this person wants to harm himself, then he must take action first!

No matter who he is, Prince Yin, kill them all!

However, it must be done discreetly and without leakage.

Not long after, Empress Qingluo also arrived belatedly with her female disciple named Hua Lingxiu.

As usual, whenever Empress Qingluo arrived, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting almost always followed her.

Empress Qingluo was not kept waiting for too long.

It doesn't matter to others, but Empress Qingluo is also the Broken Immortal Emperor, so naturally she cannot neglect her.

What's more important is that in the ancient era of the war between demons, these Broken Immortal Emperors were basically friends of life and death in the past.

And Empress Qingluo once saved his life, so even if Empress Qingluo contradicted him and ridiculed him many times today, he didn't care.

Most of it is because of these old feelings from the past.

"I am deeply pleased that you all can come on the date!"

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting was seen, sitting on the golden throne, looking at the people in the audience, showing a gentle smile.

No one is absent, and every genius who comes here has a much more powerful aura.

It seems that after digesting the previous gains in the Qijue Tower, these geniuses have gained a lot.

And the stronger they are, the smoother the dragon-slaying operation will naturally be.

Of course, these are just cannon fodder after all.

The only true main force in slaying dragons is the Qijue warriors holding imperial weapons.

Immortal Emperor Yiting glanced around the hall and finally landed on Ling Feng, "Ling Feng, what happened to the elixir I entrusted you to refine? After hearing the news from Commander Zhuo, you should complete it. good."

"Fortunately, I lived up to my fate."

Ling Feng bowed his hands in the direction of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, then opened the Naling Ring and placed sixty bottles of elixirs on the table in front of him.

Thirty bottles of each type of elixir are allocated to the fifteen people participating in this dragon-slaying operation. On average, each person can be allocated two bottles of each type of elixir.

Compared with the previous task, it can be said that it has been doubled.

"very good!"

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting nodded slightly, "I really did not misjudge the person."

He stretched out his hand and took two of the porcelain bottles into the palm of his hand. After opening the porcelain bottles, he poured out a few more pills and examined them for a moment before nodding, "They are all high-quality pills, and they are all good." Youdanwen, Ling Feng, you have done a good job! I always have clear rewards and punishments, tell me, what do you want?"

"This disciple just completed the task on time and does not dare to ask for a reward. What's more, the Emperor has already given the Nine Heavens Xuanhuang Cauldron to me. If I still want to reward you, wouldn't it be too greedy?"


Immortal Emperor Yi Ting laughed loudly, waved his sleeves, and the pills on the table were evenly distributed into the hands of the disciples who participated in the dragon-slaying operation.

At the same time, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting raised his hand and swiped again, and a dark red gap appeared in the void on his right.

Immediately afterwards, headed by Wan Jun, the equally famous geniuses who had won the title of Qijue that day walked out of the void one after another.

After a lapse of three months, the Qi Jue Tianjiao finally walked out of the Imperial Arms Treasure House for the first time and breathed the fresh air of the outside world.

However, none of them showed the slightest dissatisfaction on their faces.

These three months are undoubtedly a great blessing for them that will last a lifetime.

Seeing the prodigies from all races returning, each of them powerful and powerful, the elders who led the team immediately showed a hint of joy.

However, amid the surprise, there is also a hint of worry.

Although it is definitely a good thing that Immortal Emperor Yi Ting helps them cultivate geniuses.

But what they are going to do next may be a desperate situation with a narrow escape from death.

As the overlord who dominated the entire fairyland world in the past, he has already fallen and withdrawn from the stage of history.

However, Zulong is still the overlord!

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting asked these rising stars to take advantage of Zulong, which was undoubtedly an attempt to pull a tooth out of a tiger's mouth.

No matter how outstanding a genius is, if the middle path falls, it will be meaningless.

The next moment, the geniuses of all races bowed to Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, and then returned to their respective camps.

Yushenxianjun also flew back to Jieyinxian Zun, first bowed to Jieyinxianzun, then looked at Ling Feng and Wang Teng, and nodded to them.

Ling Feng and Wang Teng cupped their fists and saluted him, saying in unison: "Senior Brother Ren!"

Jie Yinxian Zun took a look at Ren Tianhen. After merging the emperor's weapons, Ren Tianhen's momentum could indeed be said to be completely different from before.

He became more powerful and more unfathomable.

Wang Teng couldn't help but sigh. When he came back yesterday, he was still full of confidence. Today, when he saw these talented people who were returning as kings, he almost doubted his life.

Ling Feng felt a strong hatred in his heart.

These imperial soldiers are stained with the humiliating blood of countless ancestors of the Tiandao clan.

How can he not feel like a knife is twisting his heart?

But he concealed this hatred and anger very well.

He lowered his head and said no more, but turned this hatred into motivation for himself to grow and become stronger.

On the other side, Empress Qingluo also carefully inspected Yue Yinshuang's situation and nodded with satisfaction. Even she was slightly surprised by Yue Yinshuang's growth in the past few months.

In the entire Immortal Realm, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting is probably the only one who can make these geniuses undergo such a transformation at the same time.

"Okay, it's almost time!"

At this moment, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting suddenly stood up from the golden throne.

Above the sky, wind and clouds gathered, and it seemed that a vision was about to happen.

Everyone calmed down, held their breath, and looked at Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting waved his sleeves and distributed the remaining pills to the hands of the Qi Jue Tianjiao. He said calmly: "Remember, after entering the time and space rift, you must take a Tianhuang Chenchen Pill every six hours. , Otherwise, the mana in the body may be assimilated by the ancient energy, and he will definitely die!"

"In addition, you must take the Taixu Divine Pill before encountering the Taixu Zhoulong. Otherwise, just a dragon roar is enough to cause you to explode and die. And once you feel faint, weak, and exhausted, you must take it again. , restore the soul resistance."

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's instructions suddenly made everyone feel nervous.

It's a matter of life and death, and no one dares to be careless.

Seeing the solemn expressions on everyone's faces, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting nodded slightly, then raised his hands to the sky, and a huge blue vortex appeared from the dome.

"You geniuses, come with me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting swept his sleeves and directly sent all the fifteen geniuses who participated in the dragon-slaying operation into the blue vortex.

Then, he jumped into the whirlpool and disappeared.

The elders of other clans looked at each other and were about to step forward, but were stopped by Elder Lian Lei.

"Everyone, the passage into that rift is very unstable. I'm afraid it can't carry so many people in together. Please wait here, or go back first. When the geniuses return, I will definitely order my disciples to come and report!"


Empress Qingluo snorted coldly. The passage was unstable. It was clearly because Immortal Emperor Yi Ting was afraid that others would know the location of the entrance.

After a while, the figure of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting returned from the blue vortex. With a wave of his hand, the entrance to the passage was closed.

Seeing the return of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, the others did not dare to say anything more. They all said goodbye to Immortal Emperor Yi Ting and then left the hall.

Next, all they can do is wait.

And in the end, no one can say when these people will be able to return.

After Immortal Emperor Yi Ting sent away the elders of the major forces, he gave a few more instructions to Elder Lian Lei. Then, his figure turned into a blue light and disappeared into the sky.

Next, whether the dragon-slaying operation can be successful depends on the abilities of the fifteen talented juniors.

Of course, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting is so cunning that he cannot place all his bets on others.

In the same way, he also had a back-up plan and kept it secret.

In fact, this dragon-slaying plan has already been undercurrent, and it is far from being as calm as it seems on the surface.

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