On the other side, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting dragged fifteen geniuses who participated in the dragon-slaying operation into the space-time channel.

Everyone felt that things were changing before their eyes, and they didn't know how long it took before they finally arrived in a volcanic valley.

The surroundings were filled with sputtering and flowing magma. Above the sky, there were dense clouds, and there were constant red thunders filling the clouds.


Deafening explosions came and went, including the sound of volcanoes erupting and the sound of thunder exploding.

The whole world is like purgatory, so oppressive that it makes people breathless.

Everyone looked at Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

This Immortal Emperor Yi Ting is probably just one of the countless incarnations of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting. However, for them, whether it is the original form or the incarnation, it is an existence that is unattainable.

Immortal Emperor Yiting roared loudly, raised his palm to the sky, and a thick thunderbolt directly tore apart the dense clouds in the sky.

Then, a golden light descended from the sky, seemingly opening a door to another world.

"Go in! This is the only entrance to the space-time rift where Taixu Zhoulong is hiding!"

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting shouted loudly, and everyone immediately understood.

The next moment, headed by Wan Jun, all the geniuses followed the golden beam and flew into the cracks in the clouds.

After a while, the golden light engulfed everyone. Immortal Emperor Yi Ting took back his palm, split his figure into four, and turned into four pillars of light intertwined with thunder, capturing this space-time rift, or in other words, imprisoning it in place to prevent those geniuses. When they returned, they could not find their way back.

At the same time, it would also be convenient for Immortal Emperor Yi Ting to bring them back as soon as possible.

I don’t know how long it took, but when everyone walked out of the golden light and regained their feet on the ground, they were already in an extremely dense virgin forest.

What you see before you are all huge trees that are unparalleled and beyond imagination.

Even an ordinary blade is several times larger than humans like them.

Being in such a world is like an insignificant ant intruding into the kingdom of giants.


Everyone looked at the world around them in astonishment. Every plant and tree was too huge.

They were in a meadow, but the shortest weeds were several times taller than them.

The next moment, Yan Jiuchuan, Xia Houyuan and Hua Lingxiu were seen breathing rapidly, clutching their throats as if they couldn't breathe.


In just an instant, Yan Jiuchuan and the others were rolling on the ground with their throats in their hands, their limbs twitching continuously, and their bodies shaking violently.

"No, it's the ancient energy!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he quickly took out the Tianhuang Chenhua Dan and threw it into several people's mouths.

At the same time, others immediately took Tianhuang Huachen Pill.

Not long after, as the power of the medicine dissolved in the body, the faces of Yan Jiuchuan and others relaxed a little.

It seems that, as Immortal Emperor Yi Ting said, without the Tianhuangchen Transformation Pill, it would be impossible to move forward in this strange world.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Ling, for saving me. Xia Houyuan is very grateful!"

Xiahou Yuanchao bowed his hands to Ling Feng. If Ling Feng hadn't delivered the Tianhuang Chenhua Dan to his mouth in time, if he had been slower for a moment, he would have felt that his body would explode.

"Thank you, senior brother!"

Hua Lingxiu also cast a grateful look at Ling Feng.

As for Yan Jiuchuan, although he had some fights with Ling Feng during the trial of Qijue Tower, Ling Feng saved his life this time. He also lowered his old face, bowed to Ling Feng, and gritted his teeth. Said: "Brother Ling, I owe you my life!"

"Now that we are all on the same team, it is appropriate to help each other."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, it was just a subconscious action before he had time to think about it carefully.

If you think about it more carefully, the other two people can be saved, but Yan Jiuchuan should be spared.

He really didn't have a good impression of the Xuntian Fire Tribe.

Cao Yan glanced at Ling Feng, as if he wanted to say something, but finally swallowed it.

"Junior Brother Ling, it's really thanks to you this time. Otherwise, we might have lost our numbers once we got here."

Wan Jun took a deep look at Ling Feng, and probably understood why Immortal Emperor Yi Ting asked this junior, who was not outstanding in strength, to participate in this dragon-slaying operation.

"There may be dangers at every step here, so everyone must proceed with caution!"

Among the people present, Wan Jun is the strongest, and since he is the descendant of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, he is naturally qualified to give orders here.

Apart from him, I am afraid that no one else can be so convincing.

After the words fell, everyone naturally gathered together as a unit of clan power.

Of course, in addition to the broken traces of Jueying Palace, there is also Gu Qifeng of the Xantian Mountain Clan.

Both of these forces only have one bare head.

Wan Jun saw this and knew that for now, it might be difficult for everyone to open their hearts and trust each other.

Only towards one's own sects or fellow clansmen can one let down some of his wariness.

At this moment, a sudden tremor came.

Everyone's expressions changed, and Wan Jun directly sacrificed the imperial weapons obtained from the imperial weapons treasury, Tianshu.

This is a spear that is blue-gold like thunder. It is nine feet and seven inches long. There is a purple thunder talisman on the tip of the spear, which exudes a suffocating sense of oppression.

Immediately afterwards, the other seven powerful men also took out their own imperial weapons one after another. Each one shone with different colors of divine light and possessed the ultimate power of attribute laws.

It exactly corresponds to the original attributes of the Qijue strong men.

Holding an imperial weapon that fits so well is naturally even more powerful.

As soon as the Qijue powerful emperor's weapon showed up, the rest of the geniuses showed more or less envy, only regretting that they could not get one.

"Junior brothers, be careful to preserve your strength and don't be obsessed with fighting!"

Wan Jun's face was solemn. In this strange world, filled with ancient energy, it was impossible to restore his own mana by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Although everyone has brought a lot of pills, it is really unwise to waste too much mana before encountering the causal incarnation of Taixu Zhoulong.

After a while, I saw a dense army of ants walking through the dense grass.

Unexpectedly, the ants in this world are actually several times bigger than humans like them.

The mighty ants formed a long team, and to the small crowd at this moment, it was no less than a horde of beasts.

"What the hell is this place? We have become smaller than ants!"

Royal Immortal Lord Ren Tianhen cursed secretly, never expecting that one day he would be stepped on by tiny ants.

"Come with me!"

Wan Jun took a look at the surrounding environment and took the lead to turn into a ball of thunder. Hearing a "crack" explosion, Wan Jun had already performed the secret technique of "Eight Steps of Thunder".

With one step, thunder swept across a hundred miles radius, burning all those giant ants into ashes.

Then, there was a flash of blue light, and Wan Jun jumped up a big tree along the trunk.

Now that they are restricted by their own size, if they still stay on the ground, the weeds alone will be enough to completely block their sight.

As for flying in the air.

In this unknown environment, targets flying in the air are too large and can easily be hunted by predators here.

This is asking for trouble.

Everyone was smart and immediately understood Wan Jun's intention.

The moment Wan Jun forcibly opened up a passage, everyone flew to follow and followed the long trunk upwards, finally reaching the middle of the big tree.

And the distance from the canopy of the tree is actually still more than half way.

Just a random tree, but it’s so huge!

Or maybe, compared to this world, they are indeed too small.

Wan Jun took a deep breath and turned into thunder. After a while, he finally reached the crown of the big tree.

This journey is not smooth either. There are also many insects and ants entrenched in the big trees, as well as bees, birds, snakes, and rats.

None of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

Fortunately, although these animals were huge compared to them, they did not pose much of a threat.

But because they have lived in a world where the ancient energy is raging for a long time, their bodies have become extremely tough.

Even Wan Jun and the others, the proud ones, can break through their hard scales or fur without showing some real skills.

In this way, after all the efforts, everyone finally reached the canopy of the big tree and could barely look around the entire surrounding environment.

And this look is the beginning of real despair.

But it turns out that the space they are in is actually the smallest corner compared to the entire world.

Although this is already the tallest tree in the surrounding area, looking at it, it is still a mountain higher.

The big tree they are now standing on may be just a weed so small that it can be ignored in the wider space outside!

At a glance, there are many mountains, and at the end of the foothills, there is an even higher peak that is even more invisible!

But they are so small, so insignificant.

In an instant, suffocating depression and despair lingered in everyone's hearts.

Who would have thought that the so-called space-time rift would actually be a vast world big enough to rival the entire star field.

Slay the dragon?

The shadow of Zulong has not even been seen yet, and this vast and boundless world alone is enough to make people collapse.

After all, for them, the moment the Tianhuang Huachen Pill is exhausted, it means the arrival of the deadline.

However, just to fully explore this world, I don’t know how much time it will take.

By then, I am afraid that Zu Long will not be able to see his face, and the mission may have ended in failure.

How can one not feel aggrieved?

Even if you lose at the hands of Zulong, you can still be convinced, but who can be willing to lose to this vast space?

"Perhaps it is necessary for us to split up."

After a long time, Wan Jun was the first to break the silence.

Although facing this unknown space full of dangers, splitting up operations increases the risk of death, but if you want to find the ancestor dragon and spread out your operations, your chances will naturally increase several times.

"I also agree with Brother Wan."

Soon, Yushenxianjun also nodded, "This space is too huge for us. If we are unlucky and look in the wrong direction, maybe by the time the Tianhuang Huachen Pill is used up, we will all It is impossible to meet Taixu Zhoulong, so we must separate, and we can only separate. "

Everyone was silent and had no objection.

This is the only option.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Wan Jun continued: "Besides, since there are snakes, insects, rats and ants here like other places, there may also be intelligent life. We may be able to start with these local intelligent life. , find clues about Zulong!”

I have to say that Wan Jun is indeed a smart man, and his views are almost the same as Ling Feng's.

However, the reason why Ling Feng said nothing was because in his opinion, it would be a good thing if he could not meet Zulong from beginning to end.

He didn't need to do anything, the dragon-slaying operation would automatically fail, and Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's ambition would naturally be shattered.

Therefore, throughout the entire operation, Ling Feng's wisdom should not provide any help to the entire team.

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