After everyone gathered together, it was decided to divide the fifteen people into four teams and search from the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest.

Considering that the number of Tianhuang Chenchen Pills is limited and one must be taken every six hours, the pills refined by Ling Feng can only sustain everyone to stay in this place for about fifty days.

Fortunately, everyone checked that the talismans such as the Transmission Notes and Seal Scripts can be used normally in this space. When the time comes, whichever team finds traces of Taixu Zhoulong, they can immediately notify the other three teams and join together immediately.

After all, if you want to kill the causal incarnation of Taixu Zhoulong, all seven imperial weapons are indispensable. Otherwise, it's basically all for nothing.

Soon, everyone was divided into groups. They are, respectively, the team heading east: Wan Jun, Yi Liang, and the three people from Jueying Palace, Duanhen. (Xuntian Lei Clan + Jueying Palace)

Because Wan Jun is the strongest, their team has the smallest number of people.

The team going south is Yu Shenxianjun, Ling Feng, Wang Teng, plus Gu Qifeng from the Xantian Mountain Clan. (Tianzhi + Xantian Mountain Clan)

The team heading west: Yue Yinshuang, Hua Lingxiu, Shui Yanbing, and Yan Jinghong. (Xantian Wind Clan + Xantian Ice Clan)

The team heading north: Cao Yan, Yan Jiuchuan, Yu Fan, Xia Houyuan. (Xuntian Fire Clan + Dayu Xianting)

After the detachment was over, Wan Jun didn't waste any more time and took the lead in flying away with his two teammates.

Yu Shenxianjun also quickly led Ling Feng and others towards the south.

Although they cannot fly directly blatantly, with the ability of these talented people and the power of jumping between tree trunks, they can achieve a relatively safe leap by jumping between those towering trees.

Moreover, it does not affect the overall speed.

This space is unimaginably large, so no time can be wasted.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

Perhaps because there are no stars, the night in this space is terrifyingly dark and deep.

Whenever night falls, it seems like an invisible hand is dragging people into the endless black abyss.

At this time, the ancient energy that fills the entire world will begin to condense into wild spirits, becoming the most terrifying hunter under the cover of night.

Therefore, in addition to facing this huge world, night has also become one of the most troublesome things for all dragon-slaying teams entering this space.

After experiencing extremely brutal fights, they gradually began to notice that all the creatures in this space seemed to hide at night.

Those wild spirits will only attack animals wandering outside, but will not go deep into the nests of snakes, insects, rats and ants to hunt them indiscriminately.

Therefore, every time before night falls, everyone will seize the nests of some animals to avoid the attacks of those wild spirits.

But at this moment, what Ling Feng and his group were robbing was the nest of a furry mole.

Because their bodies are smaller than the ants in this world, it is not difficult for them to find such hiding places.

At this moment, the mole huddled up in fear. Seeing these tiny creatures in front of him actually occupying his own nest, he dared not speak out in anger.

Because although they are smaller than ants, they have very terrifying power and can easily lift it and throw it away.

Seeing nightfall, the mole had no choice but to shrink back into its nest and share the same hole with these uninvited guests.

Originally, according to Yu Shenxianjun's intention, he wanted to kill the mole directly and eat the mole meat.

However, he was stopped by Gu Qifeng.

According to him, this place was originally the mole's nest, but now it was occupied by them. Wouldn't it be too cruel to kill it in turn?

Unexpectedly, this burly and rugged man is also quite tender.

Yu Shenxianjun was not a murderous person originally. When he saw the mole huddled in the corner of the hole and did not dare to move, he stopped insisting.



The bonfire illuminated the entire cave in red, and the warm light dissipated the coldness of the night.

The mole gradually relaxed when he saw that these "little people" seemed to have no ill intentions towards him. He stretched out his body very comfortably and started warming himself by the campfire.

Gu Qifeng carelessly caressed the mole's fluffy and soft body, with a satisfied look on his face.

"You guys are quite pleasant!"

Wang Teng rolled his eyes and looked outside the cave from time to time, as if waiting for the arrival of a new day.

"Brother Wang, it's useless for you to be anxious. In the past half month, we have not wasted a moment, but what will happen? We should not find it or we can't find it. Maybe the Taixu Zhoulong is not in the south. We still wait. Forget about the news about the other couples.”

Gu Qifeng shrugged. It was hard to tell that he still believed in Buddhism.


Ren Tianhen sighed softly, "Our elixirs can only last for fifty days in total. Now half a month has passed in the blink of an eye. In addition to dealing with those huge snakes, insects, rats and ants during the day, and the ferocious wild spirits at night Besides, not to mention Taixu Zhoulong, not even a single dragon hair is seen! If you can’t even see Taixu Zhoulong’s shadow in the end, it will really be a waste of time.”

"Hey, Brother Ren, you just can't get over it."

Gu Qifeng grinned, and immediately turned over comfortably, lying on his side, "Look, don't worry about whether we can successfully slay the dragon in the end. We have already obtained the imperial soldiers and learned the magical power. It's not a loss at all? If we really meet When we get to Taixu Zhoulong, it’s hard to say whether we can get out alive, so you think so.”


Ren Tianhen was speechless for a while, but what this guy said was actually the truth.

"Senior Brother Gu is actually sober in the world."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, no wonder Gu Qifeng was able to master the ultimate move of going against the chaotic quicksand.

His state of mind cultivation is much higher than that of the monks of his generation.

Moreover, although he seems to have little pursuit, in fact, once he finds an opportunity, he will seize it more decisively than anyone else.

This can be seen from the final battle on the Seven Ultimate Immortal List.

This is the so-called state of doing nothing but doing everything.

In fact, as the genius of the Xuantianshan Clan and the hope of the clan, he shoulders the heavy responsibility of restoring the Xuantianshan Clan. How could he be a lazy guy with no pursuits?

He just hid it deeper than everyone else.

"Speak of it!"

Ling Feng suddenly stood up and said slowly: "Don't you think it's a little strange why those wild spirits, so ferocious, never enter the nests where these animals live?"

"It's a little strange."

Yu Shenxianjun nodded slightly, "In the beginning, we were tired of fighting those wild spirits at night. If Junior Brother Ling hadn't discovered this, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to hide here and chat so leisurely at this moment. But, why are those It’s really hard to understand that the wild spirit won’t invade the animals’ lairs.”

"Well, although they are limited by the power of the laws of this world, they will not exceed the level of the Immortal Lord, but they do not have entities. They can be big or small, and they are everywhere. If you really want to break into these caves , it’s not difficult at all.”

Wang Teng also nodded and analyzed in a deep voice: "However, even if it is the target they are attacking, as soon as they escape into the cave, they will voluntarily abandon the target. It is really strange."

"Perhaps there is some kind of energy in the mountains or the earth that can restrain the wild spirits?"

Gu Qifeng said lightly.

"Yeah, that's what I thought too."

Ling Feng nodded, "Actually, we have never carefully examined what is special about these caves."

Gu Qifeng picked up a handful of soil, rubbed the soil carefully, then spread his palms out and shook his head, "There is no special energy, at least, I can't feel it."

He is the genius of the Xantian Mountain Clan. The so-called mountain means earth.

The earth is gathered together to form a mountain. The law of the mountain is actually a variant of the earth law. Its essence is still the same.

Even he couldn't feel the specialness in the soil, and it was naturally impossible for others to detect any clues.

"This cave seems quite deep, why not take a look inside?"

Ling Feng pondered for a moment and then suggested.

"That's fine."

Royal Immortal Lord nodded, thought for a while, turned back to Wang Teng and said, "Junior Brother Wang, please stay here."

Although Wang Teng also wanted to go down and find out what was going on, he still nodded after hearing the words of Yu Shenxianjun, "Okay, then you go and come back quickly."

Immediately, Ling Feng raised a piece of firewood as a torch and led the way towards the depths of the cave.

Those wild spirits dare not enter caves. There must be some special reason for these places.

And these desolate spirits were actually born from the ancient energy of Taixu Zhoulong.

In other words, there is some connection between these wild spirits and Taixu Zhoulong.

Following this clue, there may be some surprising discoveries.

I don't know if this mole is too active, or if Ling Feng and the others are too small compared to this cave.

This cave is actually much deeper than imagined.

Ling Feng held the torch high and opened the way in front, while Ren Tianhen and Gu Qifeng followed closely behind, while constantly looking around at the situation.

Suddenly, Gu Qifeng pointed at the rock wall and exclaimed: "Look, there seems to be some pattern on this rock wall!"

When Ling Feng heard this, he quickly brought the torch close to the rock wall and looked carefully. There were indeed some cyan patterns. Although they didn't look complicated, they seemed to hide some kind of special spiritual power.

It seemed to be a kind of sealed power.

Ling Feng stretched out his hand to gently touch the cyan pattern, but felt an electric shock. He was so shocked that he quickly retracted his hand.

"This pattern is weird!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said slowly.

Ren Tianhen and Gu Qifeng looked at each other, and their expressions suddenly became serious.

But as everyone knows, at the same time, in the void, there is a huge creature, with a pair of huge red pupils open, staring intently at a crystal drop of water held up by the fingertips.

Within the water drop, an extremely large and vast world is reflected, which is the space where the dragon-slaying team is located.

But it turns out that the world is extremely huge in their eyes.

It turned out to be just a drop of water!

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