"Did you find out..."

The giant creature let out a low sigh.

The next moment, colorful shadows condensed around the behemoth, transforming into countless strange and bizarre faces.

"Does it have to be this way?"

"Kill, kill, kill! Kill all those intruders!"

"Reshape the countercurrent of time and space, remove cause and effect from this time and space, and start over again!"


Those shadows of different colors were all talking, and the surroundings suddenly became noisy.

"I am the dragon of time and eternity. I have a glimpse of the past and the future. My destiny is immutable and cannot be changed."

But it turns out that this behemoth is actually the target of the dragon-slaying team this time, Taixu Zhoulong.

In other words, it is the causal incarnation of Taixu Zhoulong, and there is a remaining source of the ancestral dragon.

But he saw Taixu Zhoulong smile flatly, and there was a trace of relief in his rich and vicissitudes of voice.

The next moment, the behemoth slowly exhaled a breath of mist, blowing away those shadows.

"Go away, all go away."

However, one of the red shadows escaped the mist blown by the Taixu Zhoulong, and then turned into a red light and penetrated directly into the world of water droplets held up by the huge monster.


Taixu Zhoulong was slightly startled, but by the time it reacted, it was already too late.

The so-called evil spirit is a kind of thought.

One thought of gods and demons, one thought of the ocean, all things may originate from one thought.

The many shadows that appeared around Taixu Zhoulong before were all thoughts.

But this evil has become an obsession, so he can withstand the breath and forcefully enter the world in the water drop.

For Taixu Zhoulong, destiny cannot be changed. It may have already seen its end and final destiny.

However, the obsession for survival still turned evil into evil.

If the dragon-slaying team wants to kill Taixu Zhoulong and steal the origin of the ancestral dragon, they must bear the brunt of the attack and must first destroy the evil.

"When a thought turns evil, my heart is not willing to accept it! Destiny... Destiny..."

The huge red pupils of Taixu Zhoulong stared at the water droplets suspended above the fingertips. The erect pupils shrank into a dark red gap and murmured: "When a whale falls, all things are born, that is, the body Is it the destiny of Zulong..."

The next moment, Taixu Zhoulong waved his dragon claw, and the water droplets flew out, directly flowing into the ocean-like vast river behind him.

That river is made up of countless identical water drops.

In other words, if the dragon-slaying team wants to see the Taixu Zhoulong, they must break out of the countless worlds and find this place.

The difficulty can be imagined.

Coupled with the obstruction of evil spirits, pills and time constraints, the chance of success of this dragon-slaying plan is probably very slim.

"Destiny may not be changed, but if even the sand river of time cannot be crossed, it means that the time of destiny has not yet come."

The huge body of Taixu Zhoulong hovered in the void and let out one last high-pitched roar, "If it is destiny, stand in front of me!"

"What do these patterns mean?"

Deep in the mole's burrow, Ling Feng, Gu Qifeng and Yushenxianjun all looked at the patterns carefully.

Why do the wild spirits dare not enter the caves where the creatures here live?

Is there any direct connection with these patterns?

As of now, no one can explain it.

However, among these cyan patterns, there seems to be some kind of mysterious sealing power, as if there is something hidden.

Ling Feng looked at it carefully, thoughtfully, but did not say much.

"That's all..."

Finally, it was Yu Shenxian Jun who took the lead to break the silence, "Let's wait until tomorrow to see if there are such patterns in the lairs of other animals."

"Yeah, that makes sense."

Ling Feng nodded, and immediately took out a piece of white tissue paper, rubbing the pattern on the rock wall, and explained at the same time: "Maybe it can be used for some purpose in the future."

"Junior Brother Ling is still thoughtful."

Lord Yu Shenxian raised his hand and patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, and immediately they returned the same way.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, everyone left the mole's nest, and the wild spirits seemed to disappear the moment the sun appeared.

"Big guy, thank you for the treat!"

Gu Qifeng touched the mole's furry body. He originally wanted to call him "little guy", but considering that this "little guy" was dozens of times larger than himself, he could only change his name to "big guy". .

Feeling the kindness of the "little man" in front of him, Mole seemed to have lost some of his wariness and showed no intention of resisting.

"I didn't expect Brother Gu to have such kindness towards these animals."

Yu Shenxianjun looked back at Gu Qifeng and smiled lightly.

"Animals are sometimes more trustworthy than people."

Gu Qifeng smiled casually, said goodbye to the mole a few more times, and then left with the team.

The mole's dark eyes rolled a few times, then turned around and disappeared into the grass.

To it, these humans are just a few uninvited guests who suddenly come and leave suddenly in ordinary life.

Because of those magical discoveries last night, Ling Feng and the others did not rush to explore further to the west today. Instead, they started to look for the same cyan pictures in the nearby caves with the mole hole as the center. Pattern.

And everything was as expected.

About an hour later, in a tree hole, several people actually saw the exact same pattern.

Ling Feng opened the tissue paper that was rubbed last night. The pattern on it was exactly the same.

"It's the same pattern again."

Yushenxianjun took a deep breath, "This is already the thirteenth cave we have found. Whether it is a mouse hole, an ant hole, a ground hole, a tree hole... wherever animals live, there are such patterns. "

"So, the reason why those wild spirits do not invade the nests of small animals must be related to this pattern!"

Gu Qifeng analyzed in a deep voice.

Royal Immortal Lord, Ling Feng and Wang Teng all nodded.

"In other words, Huang Ling is afraid of the sealing power of these patterns."

Gu Qifeng narrowed his eyes, "I think we may have found some useful clues. However, we still can't understand what these patterns mean."

The Imperial Immortal Lord nodded slightly, thought for a moment, and then looked at Ling Feng, "Junior Brother Ling, what do you think?"

In the trial of the Qijue Immortal Ranking, Ling Feng's intelligence and sagacity undoubtedly left a deep impression on Yu Shenxianjun.

Therefore, he most wanted to hear Ling Feng's opinion.

However, how did he know that Ling Feng's only thought now was to mess around.

When all the elixirs are mixed, I have to go back if I don't want to go back. Then I don't have to do anything, and Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's plan will automatically go bankrupt. Wouldn't it save trouble.


Ling Feng pretended to be thinking hard and thought hard for a long time, but finally shook his head.


Yushenxianjun sighed softly and looked at Wang Teng and Gu Qifeng again, "What do you two junior brothers think?"

Wang Teng raised his sword, shook his head and said, "It's useless for you to ask me about things that have nothing to do with swords."


Yu Shenxianjun was speechless for a while, and could only place his hopes on Gu Qifeng.

Gu Qifeng pondered for a moment, and finally said slowly: "I think we have preconceivedly regarded these patterns as some kind of seal inscriptions, but is there a possibility that these patterns are also alive?"


Wang Teng's eyes lit up, as if he thought of something, he stabbed out with a sword.


The sword edge swung, and a sharp sword energy directly cut open the tree hole. The cyan pattern twisted for a while, trying to resist Wang Teng's sword energy.

However, the next moment, it exploded directly, and at the same time, there was some dark green juice splashing out.



Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden tremor, which was like the heartbeat of the earth.

"There is indeed life!"

Yu Shenxian Jun's eyelids twitched, and the next moment, his figure turned into a bolt of lightning and flew out, while shouting loudly: "Follow me!"

But it turns out that Yu Shenxianjun has already locked onto the sound of the heartbeat and traced it directly to the source. Maybe he can find something.

Ling Feng and others looked at each other and followed quickly.

"Junior brother Ling, you use the magic talisman to inform the brothers in other teams and tell them our findings. I think it's time to meet up!"

The Royal God Immortal Lord was chasing the beating heartbeat while giving orders to Ling Feng.


Ling Feng immediately took out the communication talisman and sent out an emergency summons message.

The next moment, the talisman burned out and turned into three golden lights, flying towards three different directions and disappearing in an instant.

I believe that within ten hours at the latest, the companions from the other three teams will arrive here.

Whoosh whoosh!

The team led by Wan Jun was still heading east. Like Ling Feng and his team, they also quickly discovered the secret that Huang Ling would not take the initiative to invade animal lairs.

Therefore, in order to avoid wasting a lot of mana fighting against the wild spirits, they also chose the strategy of rushing during the day and resting at night.

However, half a month has passed now, but nothing has been achieved. Even a calm and proud man like Wan Jun can't help but become a little anxious.

After all, the purpose of this trip is to allow Immortal Emperor Yi Ting to break through the limits of the immortal way and reach a higher level.

As the genius of the Xuntian Thunder Clan, he is naturally the one who hopes most that the dragon-slaying operation will succeed among all the people.

The elixirs are limited, and most of the bottle is almost consumed. In addition to dealing with wild spirits and various emergencies every day, not even the shadow of the ancestral dragon can be found.

It is impossible to say that there are no fluctuations in mentality.

At this moment, the communication talisman flew out of his arms automatically.

The next moment, as the talisman ignited fire, the summoning message sent by Ling Feng also appeared.

"It's Ren Tianhen's team!"

Wan Jun's eyes lit up, and the next moment, he showed a hint of ecstasy, "Finally there is progress!"

His eyes condensed, then turned into a bolt of lightning, soared into the sky, turned back to Yi Liang and Duanhen and shouted: "Let's go!"

At the same time, Yue Yinshuang and Cao Yan also rushed to the west as soon as they got the news.

After half a month of futile efforts, everyone has already lost their patience. Now they are in urgent need of a breakthrough.

Otherwise, sooner or later, they will gradually get lost in this endless vast world.

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