Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3692 Black Worm! Accident!

Boom! Boom! …

Following the sound that sounded like a beating heart, Yu Shenxian Jun ignored other possible hidden dangers and flew out directly, chasing in the direction where the sound disappeared.

Although the sound almost disappeared in an instant, Yushenxianjun was a strong man who majored in the divine soul. With the powerful power of the divine soul, he was able to lock the source of the sound.

The cyan patterns in almost all caves and lairs in this world, their sources of life, all point to the same place.

Yu Shenxianjun's speed was extremely fast, and he chased the disappearing voiceprint for five hours.

Seeing night fall, Yu Shenxianjun could only stop reluctantly. Before the dusk completely enveloped him, he had to find his hiding place tonight.

Otherwise, those ubiquitous desolate spirits, although not likely to kill them, would cause a lot of headaches.

After a while, a few people found a tree hole. After knocking out the squirrel inside, they could only make do with it here for the night and continue to search for the source of those cyan patterns early tomorrow morning.

"I can feel that I am very close to the source of that sound!"

Lord Yu Shenxian sat in the center of the tree hole, staring at the dark night sky outside, with a trace of unwillingness flashing in his eyes.

Just a little bit closer to locking the target.

However, it is undoubtedly unwise to move at night and confront those wild spirits head-on.

"It doesn't matter. Those cyan patterns are everywhere anyway. I'll just have to strike again tomorrow."

Wang Teng was able to see clearly. He sat in front of the campfire and repeatedly wiped the dark green juice on the sword blade with a silk handkerchief.

That's the stain left by the cyan pattern in the tree hole, or it can be said to be...

Blood stains.

For a swordsman, the sword in his hand is like his own life. Wang Teng naturally does not allow those stains to remain on his sword blade.

"These stains are really hard to remove."

Wang Teng frowned slightly. He had been wiping it for a long time, but he still couldn't erase it.

"Senior Brother Wang, you might as well let me take a look."

Ling Feng said in a deep voice.


Wang Teng turned to look at Ling Feng, thought for a while, and handed his sword to Ling Feng.

Since it is a cooperative and ally relationship, there is still some trust.

Ling Feng carefully took Wang Teng's fairy sword. It stands to reason that such a magical weapon would naturally kill people without being stained with blood. The sharp energy left on it was enough to keep the blade from being stained by fine dust.

But those dark green juices were actually immune to that sharp sword energy.

In other words, these juices are also unusual.

Ling Feng put the sword blade in front of his eyes, carefully looked at it for a moment, and then placed the sword on the bonfire to roast it for a while.

Sure enough, those dark green stains began to gather together as if they were alive, and then began to squirm toward the edge of the sword like thin black worms.

"What is this?"

Wang Teng's eyes widened, seeing that his fairy sword was actually stained by such a foreign object. He frowned and wanted to kill the black worm condensed from the dark green juice.

"Wait a minute!"

Ling Feng called out to Wang Teng and reached out directly.

The next moment, a green light appeared in Ling Feng's palm, and the pure wood spiritual energy dispersed.

As if being summoned, the black insect immediately jumped from the blade of the sword directly into Ling Feng's hand, and began to greedily absorb the wood spiritual energy escaping from Ling Feng's hand.

"it is as expected."

Ling Feng's eyes lit up and the corner of his mouth curled up.

Then, another transparent film appeared in the palm of the hand, tightening little by little.

While the black insect was still greedily devouring the wood spiritual energy, it had been trapped in it without even realizing it.

When it finally came to its senses, no matter how hard it struggled, it could not break through the cage formed by Ling Feng's pure magic power.

"What's this?"

Only then did Yu Shenxianjun finally asked out of curiosity.

Ling Feng shook his head slightly, "I don't know either, but it should be the blood of the life form we are tracking. It's incredible that just a drop of blood can have such vitality. Maybe it will really be with Zulong. There is some connection between them.”

Yushenxianjun took a deep breath and nodded slightly, "So, at least we are currently tracking in the right direction!"


Ling Feng secretly regretted it in his heart. He originally wanted to fish it out and get through it, but when he encountered these interesting things, he still couldn't control his curiosity!

He could only smile bitterly and said: "I am just guessing. I dare not say it must be right."

"I trust your guess."

Yu Shenxianjun's words made Ling Feng want to cry without tears. Can you stop trusting me so blindly?

"So, what's the use of this thing?"

Wang Teng stared at the squirming black insect in Ling Feng's hand and asked in a deep voice.

"Since it is the blood of that mysterious life form, there must be some connection with the original body."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said calmly: "Maybe it will be of some use. Even if it is useless, it still has certain research significance for alchemists, right?"

"That's true."

Wang Teng was relieved. As Ling Feng's alchemist, it was indeed reasonable.

Ling Feng held the blood-coagulated black worm in his hand and examined it for a moment. Perhaps because it was out of the high temperature, the black worm dispersed again and turned into a pool of dark green juice.

Seeing such a strange change, Ling Feng no longer hesitated, and sealed the juice together with the film in a space talisman seal, and then carefully collected the Naling Ring.

When I have time later, I will take it out and study it.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Ling Feng received a message from Wan Jun and several other teams.

Apparently, after receiving the news from Ling Feng, they didn't waste a moment and rushed on at full speed, meeting up earlier than expected.

Moreover, because the direction in which Yushenxianjun was chasing the voiceprint yesterday was somewhat towards the west, the team that would join them the fastest would be Yue Yinshuang and Shui Yanbing.

After locating the talisman again, Yu Shenxianjun and others decided to wait until everyone gathered together before continuing to track the source of the voiceprint.

If they could really follow the clues and find Zulong, their team alone would not be enough.

If you want to kill the causal incarnation of Taixu Zhoulong, you must fuse the power of the seven imperial soldiers together.

These are the original words of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

Therefore, during their three-month retreat, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting not only gave everyone guidance, but also taught them how to integrate the power of the emperor's weapons.

The power that the seven powerful men can exert when combined together is completely different from that of a single imperial weapon.

About half an hour later, Yue Yinshuang, together with the geniuses from the Xantian Wind Clan and the Xantian Ice Clan, finally reunited with Yushenxianjun and his party.

Yue Yinshuang immediately stepped forward to ask about the situation.

Yu Shenxianjun briefly described the situation he currently had. While they were talking, Wan Jun, Yi Liang, and the Broken Hen of Jueying Palace finally arrived.

"Senior Brother Wan!"

Yu Shenxianjun stepped forward to say hello. Wan Jun nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "Brother Ren, what is the specific situation?"

Yu Shenxianjun smiled faintly, "It's a coincidence..."

Immediately, they briefly explained how they discovered those cyan patterns and discovered that these patterns were actually alive.

"It turns out to be these patterns!"

Wan Jun's eyes narrowed. He had noticed these patterns before, but he didn't pay attention to them. Unexpectedly, the clues were hidden in these details.

He asked some more about the situation, but Yu Shenxianjun didn't know much. If he wanted to continue to locate the source of the voiceprint, he needed to destroy the pattern in the cave again, and then continue tracking.

However, the four people from Xantian Fire Clan and Dayu Xianting failed to arrive.

After waiting for about half an hour, everyone became somewhat impatient.

Wan Jun frowned deeply. Although he didn't say much, anyone with a discerning eye could see the displeasure on his face.

"Hmph, the Xuntian Fire Clan still boasts that his fire escape skills are not inferior to those of the Xuntian Wind Clan."

Shui Yanbing couldn't help but sneer. He had never had a good impression of Cao Yan, so when he found the opportunity, he couldn't help but make some sarcastic remarks.

"Did there be an accident?"

On the other hand, Hua Lingxiu from the Xantian Wind Clan was a little worried.

"That's not true. Although the animals here are huge, apart from their thick skin and thick flesh, they are not a threat."

Wang Teng said calmly.

At this moment, a magic talisman flew out from the arms of Wan Jun, Yue Yinshuang and Yu Shenxianjun at the same time.

All of them actually originated from Cao Yan's help talismans.

"Sure enough, something happened!"

Wan Jun's expression changed, he looked at a few people, made a decisive decision, and immediately rushed to help.

Regardless of their personal relationship with Cao Yan and the others, at least at this moment, they cannot die.

Without Cao Yan and Yu Fan, the seven emperors' soldiers would not be able to unite, and the mission of slaying the dragon would be declared a failure.

This is why Wan Jun is so anxious.

"let's go!"

Yushenxianjun took a deep breath and looked at Wang Teng and Ling Feng.

The next moment, everyone flew out and flew towards the direction where Cao Yan sent the message for help.

Things have to be prioritized. Before slaying the dragon, no matter what, the Qijue strongmen must not reduce their numbers!

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