Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3694 The fusion of imperial soldiers! Time and space are destroyed!

"Taixu Zhoulong must be Taixu Zhoulong!"

Hearing the voice coming from the crack in the void, everyone got excited.

After such a long time, I finally found the rightful owner!

Wan Jun and Yu Shenxianjun, who were at the front, were not in a hurry to rush forward and fight. Instead, they very wisely chose to retreat and join up with the other five imperial weapon holders.

Now that Taixu Zhoulong has appeared, there is no need to hide it anymore.

At the same time, Yue Yinshuang, Cao Yan, Shui Yanbing, Yu Fan and Gu Qifeng all flew out in tacit understanding and joined Wan Jun.

As for the lizardmen miscellaneous soldiers, they were left to the remaining nine.

"Everyone, quickly swallow the Taiyin Shendan!"

Now that Zulong has appeared, it's time for the Taiyin magic elixir to come in handy.

In an instant, everyone took out the Taiyin Shendan and drank it almost at the same time. The power of the elixir instantly formed an indestructible barrier in the sea of ​​​​spirits.

Immediately afterwards, Wan Jun raised the Emperor's Death Spear high, and a bolt of thunder fell from the sky, turning into a thunder dragon around him, circling and roaring.

Yu Shenxianjun sacrificed a disc-like magic weapon. He majored in the divine soul and was not good at using swords. This disc magic weapon, named Tianlang, could not only multiply the original power of the soul, but also Able to project the power of the soul and reflect the heavens.

Tianlang shot up into the sky with a green light, and instantly merged with the light from the Emperor's Death Spear.

Then came Yue Yinshuang's Feng Lian, Cao Yan's Emperor Yan, Shui Yanbing's Canglan...

In an instant, the brilliance of the seven imperial soldiers turned into colorful divine light and soared into the sky.

Thousands of rays of light covered the heaven and earth. Wherever the divine light passed, thunder and fire intertwined, ice winds raged, the mountains shook and the earth shook. Large areas of lizard people were directly wiped out and wiped out.

The power of the fusion of the seven imperial soldiers has finally begun to show its might!

With Emperor Ming in Wan Jun's hands as the main body, the power of the Seven Ultimate Powers seemed to be perfectly integrated. The seven people merged into a ball of colorful divine light at the same time. Finally, they turned into a giant sword that stretched across the sky. It seemed that they could Split the entire world into two.

After the seven people turned into heavenly swords, they swung their swords in the air and wiped out a large number of lizardmen. In an instant, they had broken through the blockade of the lizardmen and reached the abyss crack.

"Is this the power of the fusion of imperial weapons?"

The other members of the dragon-slaying team were stunned.

No wonder Immortal Emperor Yi Ting believes that with the help of the power of the imperial weapons, he can kill the causal incarnation of Taixu Zhoulong and seize the origin of the ancestral dragon.

The power of the imperial soldiers is truly terrifying.

Wang Teng stared at the Heavenly Sword that Qi Jue had transformed into, and murmured to himself, "If I can control that Heavenly Sword, even if I can only use it once, I will die without regrets."

"Senior Brother Wang, let's deal with these monsters around us first!"

With a thought, Ling Feng used the power of three fighting souls to use the Soul Walking Dragon to continuously kill large swaths of lizard people.

Coupled with the Heavenly Sword formed by the combination of the Seven Jue, the pressure on everyone was suddenly reduced.

However, this is far from the time to relax.

What's more, Ling Feng still has some doubts in his heart. Is the red shadow in the crack really the causal incarnation of Taixu Zhoulong?

At this moment, the Heavenly Sword transformed by Qijue, led by Wanjun, has approached within a thousand feet of the abyss crack.




The power of law, which combines various extreme attributes, is almost crushing to completely destroy the crack.

And the shadow that had been hiding under the abyss, in the shadows, finally couldn't hold it back any longer, and burst out of the darkness.


An extremely high-pitched dragon roar shook the nine heavens.

In an instant, everyone felt their heartbeats suddenly speeding up, and their energy and blood boiling and trembling.

Is this the power of the ancestral dragon?

If he hadn't swallowed the Taiyin Divine Pill in advance, under this violent pressure, he would probably have lost his mind, or even the source of his soul would have collapsed, which is completely normal.


Everyone's expressions became solemn, and the next moment, the bloody shadow became clearer and clearer, as if rising from nothingness.

In an instant, a huge bloody dragon hovered above the nine heavens. It was more than ten times larger than the heavenly sword formed by the fusion of the seven emperors' weapons.

"Is this Taixu Zhoulong?"

Ling Feng was slightly startled. This seemed to be quite different from the Taixu Zhoulong he had seen before.

Although similar in appearance, Taixu Zhoulong gave him the impression of a majestic yet compassionate elder, completely unlike the bloody demonic dragon in front of him, whose whole body was filled with terrible evil aura.

However, the time and space imprints in the spiritual sea clearly have a certain sensitivity to the bloody demonic dragon.

Could it be that he is really the causal incarnation of Taixu Zhoulong?

Ling Feng took a deep breath. The thing he least wanted to happen before seemed to have inevitably happened.

Now that Taixu Zhoulong has appeared, I believe it won't be long before Demon Soul Hall Master's back-up force will also appear.

What key role will those pills that he tampered with play in the Demon Soul Hall Master's plan?

Anyway, Ling Feng also kept an eye on it, and the elixirs distributed to Yu Shenxianjun, Yue Yinshuang and Shui Yanbing did not contain the powdery ingredient of Yamata Snake Grass.

The third of the Seven Ultimate Pills has not been affected. In other words, even if the Demon Soul Palace Master really uses himself to transport some unknown spirit body here through the so-called underworld, its power will be great. discount.

In this way, a new balanced relationship can be formed.

"What a Taixu Zhoulong!"

Above the Heavenly Sword, there was a roaring sound.

After the fusion of the seven imperial soldiers, Wan Jun's mind was the master, and he was also the one who actually controlled the Heavenly Sword.

Seeing this "Taixu Zhoulong" finally appear, Wan Jun became ecstatic.

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting is only one step away from achieving his goal.

If he could seize the origin of the Ancestral Dragon and help Immortal Emperor Yi Ting break through the peak of the Immortal Dao and reach a higher supreme realm, he would be the greatest contributor to achieving this great feat for the Emperor!

And can be the creator of this feat.

What an honor!

What a blessing!

As if feeling Wan Jun's high-spirited fighting spirit soaring into the sky, Tianjian unexpectedly surged again, becoming three times stronger.

And that earth-shattering terrifying power also exploded in an instant.


There was a roar that shook the earth and shook the Nine Nether Qingming. The heavenly sword danced like a wild dragon and slammed into the bloody demonic dragon transformed by the evil spirit.


Just the first collision caused the whole world to tremble violently.

The earth cracked, the sky clouds changed color, and the bodies of the lizard men who were besieging Ling Feng and others actually exploded on their own.

And their essences all turned into little bits of blood, pouring crazily into the crack of the abyss.

The battle between the Heavenly Sword and the Blood Dragon was evenly matched for a moment.

However, with every collision, a large area of ​​lizardmen would explode.

"What is going on? Is there something weird in the crack?"

Yi Liang, who was patrolling the Thunder Clan, stared at the direction where the blood light disappeared.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. It seemed that the source of evil energy was still in the crack of the abyss.

“Just go and see and you’ll find out!”

Wang Teng took the lead and galloped away with his sword in hand.

Without the interference of those lizard men, he had already approached the crack of the abyss in just a few blinks of an eye.

"Hmph, I want to see what's causing the trouble!"

Wang Teng snorted coldly, raised his sword high, and in an instant, the blazing golden light condensed into a thousand-foot giant sword, and slashed hard towards the dark crack of the abyss.

He didn't dare to break into it rashly, but he could see the situation inside by outputting it outside and blowing it up.

However, what he never expected was that before he could strike with his sword, a streak of blood exploded from the crack in the abyss, like a bloody ring, with the crack as the core, radiating out in all directions.


As the blood light passed by, that period of time and space seemed to have been drained of all color, turning into a period of black and white and stagnant time and space.

Everything swallowed, even time and space, will become a dead zone.

Before Wang Teng could react, the golden giant sword in his hand was blocked. No matter how much he struggled and tried to pull the sword out, it didn't move at all.

And with the speed at which the blood spread, almost in the blink of an eye, Wang Teng would be swallowed up as well.

"not good!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly, that was the power of the law of time and space!

Once swallowed by the blood light, Wang Teng will definitely die.

In fact, it can no longer be described as death. It is complete annihilation. Not even a hair, a drop of blood, or a wisp of breath will exist.

In the flash of lightning, Ling Feng directly used the teleportation talisman Wang Teng gave him, and in an instant, he appeared directly next to Wang Teng.

Before anyone could react, the Yin-Yang fish floated in Ling Feng's left eye, displaying the ability to stop time for the first time.

With time standing still, even if Ling Feng used the Eye of Heaven, it would be impossible for others to notice it.

Of course, the more important thing is to slow down the spread of blood.

Even if it is only such a short thousandth of a breath, it is enough!

At the moment when the blood light spread and paused, Ling Feng made a decisive decision. With a flash of sword light, he directly cut off Wang Teng's sword-holding palm. At the moment when the power of stopping time disappeared, he activated the time and space mark and used the ability of time and space displacement. , returned to its original position.

However, he also brought Wang Teng with him.


Screams rang out, and before anyone could react, they heard Wang Teng grabbing his arm and screaming in pain.

In order to save his life, his palm was cut off directly by Ling Feng.

Because Ling Feng only had one thousandth of a breath, there was no room for any hesitation.

If there is more time, Ling Feng can consider cutting off Wang Teng's fairy sword and saving his hand. However, if the sword fails to cut off Wang Teng's fairy sword, not only Wang Teng will die, but he may also suffer certain consequences. threaten.


Everyone looked at each other, and then all looked at Ling Feng who was standing aside.

Could it be that he did it?

However, no one discovered what this guy had just done!

And around the crack in the abyss, the bloody ring finally stopped after spreading for about thirty miles.

Within a radius of thirty miles, all colors, sky and earth, mountains and forests, all became dim, leaving only gray and white.

It was dead silence!

That is disillusionment!

This is the first time that everyone discovered that time and space can actually die.

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