Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3695 Death is coming!

Ling Feng squatted down and sealed several of Wang Teng's acupuncture points to stop the blood that was still spewing out from his wrists.

Wang Teng was sweating all over his body, his forehead was covered with big beads of sweat, his whole body was shaking, his lips were white, and he was staring at his wrist, as if he still couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Don't worry, Senior Brother Wang, it's not difficult to regenerate a broken limb."

Ling Feng stretched out his hand to hold his shoulders, although for a swordsman, it would take a long time for the newly born palm to return to its original sword-handling feel.

But it's better than dead.

Wang Teng just gritted his teeth and said: "It's a pity that my fairy sword, which is a magical weapon passed down from generation to generation in my Wang family, now actually..."

"Where there is life, there is hope."

Ling Feng encouraged him in a deep voice.


Wang Teng sighed, endured the severe pain, turned to look at Ling Feng, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Just now, thank you junior brother!"

Although he didn't know exactly how Ling Feng did it, if Ling Feng hadn't pulled him back from the vicinity of the abyss crack, his small life would have died suddenly on the spot.

"Isn't this what we agreed before, between allies, the Prime Minister -"

Before Ling Feng finished speaking, he saw Wang Teng's pupils suddenly shrink, and at the same time he slammed into Ling Feng and shouted: "Be careful!"

Ling Feng was knocked back more than ten steps by this collision, and where he was originally standing, there was actually a scarlet tentacle that penetrated directly through.

Thanks to Wang Teng's impact, he managed to escape.

However, instead, Wang Teng's chest was pierced by the scarlet tentacles.

The tentacles seemed to be alive, making a "dong dong" beating sound, and then began to frantically extract the blood from Wang Teng's body.

Wang Teng's body shriveled up quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Senior Brother Wang!"

Ling Feng's eyes widened, he raised his sword and quickly cut off the tentacle with his sword.

At the same time, several screams were heard not far around him.

Yan Jiuchuan from the Xantian Fire Clan, Hua Lingxiu from the Xantian Wind Clan, and Xia Houyuan from the Dayu Xianting all had their chests pierced by an extremely thick bloody tentacle.

The remaining Yan Jinghong, Broken Mark, and Yi Liang reacted a step faster and were not hit by the bloody tentacles, but they all stared at the abyss crack in fear.

Those bloody tentacles were shot out from the crack, and they were actually able to lurk silently next to these evil geniuses and launch sneak attacks.


The screams made one's scalp numb. Before Yan Jinghong and the others could offer help, those bloody tentacles suddenly retracted and pulled the pierced prodigies toward the crack in the abyss.

As for Wang Teng, although Ling Feng cut off the tentacles in time, 99% of the energy and blood in his body had been drained. His whole body was like a shriveled skin, with only the last few breaths left.

"Senior Brother Wang!"

Ling Feng flew to support Wang Teng. The originally tall and burly man was now as light as a piece of paper.

Ling Feng's palms trembled slightly. What happened just now was too strange and too unexpected.

"Ling...Junior Brother me once...I...I will save you once..."

Wang Teng's voice became weaker and hoarse, and in the end it was almost impossible to hear it.

Ling Feng wanted to take out the regeneration needle, but there was almost no place to insert the needle on Wang Teng's body.

No matter how much energy Ling Feng injected into Wang Teng's body, it was of no avail.

Wang Teng's body was like an earthen jar that had already been pierced to the bottom, unable to contain any energy and blood.

Those bloody tentacles are so weird and terrifying!

Above the tentacles, there must be a power of laws that no one has ever come into contact with.

Seeing Wang Teng in extreme pain, it was extremely difficult to breathe. Even with his firm willpower, his face was twisted in pain.

He no longer had the strength to speak, but his eyes, which were bloodshot and filled with endless pain, seemed to be telling Ling Feng his last request.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, his eyes turned slightly red.

Wang Teng is in too much pain now.

Death, for him, is the real relief.

"Senior Brother Wang, let's go..."

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and finally broke Wang Teng's neck.

The strike was sharp and decisive, and Wang Teng's last pain was eliminated in an instant.

This was the last thing he could do for Wang Teng.

In addition to Qi Jue, the other eight members of the fifteen-person dragon-slaying team were lost by half in an instant!

Just as Jie Yingxian Zun and his elders were worried, this dragon slaying operation was a huge gamble of their lives.

Everyone may have been prepared to put life and death aside, but death came so suddenly.

Facing such a tragic scene, he still felt somewhat solemn.

High in the sky, the heavenly sword transformed by Qi Jue was fighting fiercely with the blood dragon, and there was no time to distract from the situation below.

Although it seems to be evenly divided for the time being, if this stalemate continues, it will only become more and more disadvantageous for Wan Jun and the others.

After all, they need to spend elixirs to maintain, but the bloody demon dragon, which is suspected to be Taixu Zhoulong, can restore its spiritual power on its own in this space, and can even control the ancient energy and control the ancient energy. .

Moreover, once night falls, those wild spirits will also become a huge threat.

The situation seemed to be starting to get a little worse.

Boom boom boom!

The violent sword energy collided crazily with the bloody demonic dragon.

Although each of the heavenly swords transformed by Qi Jue could slightly suppress the bloody demonic dragon, the next moment, the aura of the bloody demonic dragon seemed to surge out of thin air, and then returned to its peak state.

After a long battle, the strongest Qijue will definitely be defeated.

And the key to this is probably still within the void rift.

The bloody demonic dragon seems to be able to continuously seize the power in the gap and turn it into its own use.

Including those lizardmen, all of them have turned into "nutrients" for the bloody demonic dragon.

Ling Feng put Wang Teng's body into a jade box. In any case, he had a life-saving grace for him.

His body should not have fallen into this desolate and hopeless world.

Whoosh whoosh!

The next moment, Yan Jinghong, Yi Liang, and the broken hen from Jueying Palace who were still alive all flew over and gathered together.

In this situation, no matter whether there was any friendship before, we must work together to have a chance of survival.

Moreover, compared with Qijue, their strength is relatively weaker, and they do not have the protection of imperial soldiers.

In other words, in this dragon-slaying operation, they were just cannon fodder to attract firepower.

But even he was a cannon fodder, and he was unwilling to give up and easily lost his life.

"It seems that in order to deal with the Taixu Zhoulong, Qi Jue's imperial weapons alone are not enough!"

Yan Jinghong analyzed in a deep voice: "That void rift seems to be able to infinitely replenish and restore the energy of Taixu Zhoulong."

Yi Liang nodded slightly, "If we can disintegrate the connection between the two, we may be able to help Senior Brother Wanjun and the others kill Taixu Zhoulong!"

Duanhen held a pitch black spear and looked around very vigilantly, but did not speak.

Ling Feng quickly adjusted his mentality and got out of the deep pain.

Right now, it's not the time to grieve.

"There is still some kind of life form in the crack!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and said: "Those bloody tentacles are very similar to the black insects we found after destroying the cyan pattern! Perhaps, that weird life form has already spread all over the world. It’s in a corner, so it can directly plunder the blood and spiritual power of all living beings in this world!”

Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, it was just as Ling Feng expected.

In every corner of the world, as long as there are lairs and caves with cyan patterns, the creatures that originally relied on the protection of cyan patterns to survive exploded like those lizardmen.

The breath of living things merged into the blue patterns, like blood vessels and tendons, constantly converging towards the mother body under the crack of the abyss.

Then, the energy of those living things will be transformed into the body of "Taixu Zhoulong".

Under such a cycle, the power of the bloody demonic dragon can always be maintained at its peak state, and even increase steadily!


There was another violent collision, and blue light almost covered the entire sky above the sky.


The thunder blocked the entire void, but an extremely thick red shadow tore a huge hole under Na Laiguang's blockade.

Roar! ——

The dragon roars and the sword cries!

The sword light and the giant dragon kept clashing, and time passed by little by little, and we saw that dusk was approaching.

The ancient energy that filled the entire space was already beginning to stir.

Once night falls, the situation will inevitably take a turn for the worse!

"We must deal with the thing in the crack of the abyss before we have any chance of winning."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and made his final judgment.

"But how are we going to get close?"

Yan Jinghong said in a deep voice: "You should have seen Wang Teng's situation before!"

"So, we have two more chances to try."

Ling Feng took out the remaining teleportation talisman and said solemnly: "I think there is a certain gap time between the attacks of the bloody ring, and this gap time is our opportunity to get closer. It prevents Wang If Teng enters the gap, it means that its own self-protection ability is very limited, and we can pose a threat to it! "

Everyone nodded, Ling Feng's analysis was reasonable.

Although Ling Feng is not willing to be an enemy of Taixu Zhoulong, nor is he willing to see the source of the ancestral dragon stolen by Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

But now, his first priority seems to be his own survival.

If he could not deal with the sneaky existence under the crack of the abyss, his own life would also be in great danger.

Sure enough, once on board this pirate ship, many things cannot be controlled by one's original intention.

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