Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3696 The Tree of Life and Blood! Dilemma!

Time is running out.

Ling Feng briefly explained his thoughts to the other three people.

He also has two mutual teleportation talismans, which is enough time for them to go to explore the strange creatures under the crack in the abyss and launch the bloody ring attack.

Because he was prepared in advance, Ling Feng did not need to use the ability to stop time. He could easily escape by using the teleportation talisman to teleport to the side of the detector, and then using the ability of time and space displacement to return to the original position.

But there are only two chances.

If Ling Feng's conjecture is wrong, it is very likely that someone will lose their life.

"The bloody ring lasted for about thirty breaths for the first time. After we escaped for the first time, as soon as thirty breaths passed, we immediately pressed forward again to verify my guess."

Ling Feng looked solemn, stared at the other three people, and said slowly: "This action is quite dangerous. Which of you is willing to cooperate with me?"

For a moment, Yan Jinghong, Duanhen and Yi Liang all fell into a brief silence.

But they also know very well that as night falls, their situation will become more and more dangerous.

A decisive decision must be made!

"Let me do it!"

Finally, Yan Jinghong stepped forward and took off the teleportation talisman from Ling Feng's hand.

Compared to the other two, Yan Jinghong and Ling Feng have more experience fighting side by side, and they already have considerable tacit understanding and trust between them.


Ling Feng nodded slightly towards Yan Jinghong and just warned, "Be careful!"

Yi Liang and Duan Hen took a step slower and seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, they had no friendship with Ling Feng, and there was no such thing as trust.

Naturally, one would not dare to put one's life in the hands of a stranger easily.

"are you ready!"

Ling Feng looked at Yan Jinghong and said in a deep voice.

Yan Jinghong nodded slightly and took a deep breath. The next moment, blue light flashed in his eyes, and the ice mysterious cold eyes guided the power of Xuntian Ice Soul. A layer of ice blue frost armor instantly covered his whole body.

The next moment, Yan Jinghong turned into an arrow and flew out. In just an instant, he approached the strange abyss.

As expected, within a hundred feet of the abyss crack, a strange bloody ring reappeared.

Yan Jinghong took a deep breath. He had witnessed the horror of this strange ring before. His body stopped in place, a faint blue light flashed, and he retreated in an instant at a fast speed. It even left a trail of afterimages in its original position.

At the same time, Ling Feng also crushed the teleportation talisman in his hand, and appeared beside Yan Jinghong in a flash of lightning, pulling him back.


The two of them returned to their original positions and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Although they were well prepared, they still couldn't help but feel their scalps tingling when they got close to the strange bloody ring.

Thirty breaths of time passed by in an instant.

The moment the bloody ring dissipated, Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong looked at each other, and the next moment, Yan Jinghong flew up again.

And under the crack in the abyss, blood-colored tentacles shot out, trying to harvest the lives of Ling Feng and his party again.

However, this time everyone was on guard, so naturally they could not achieve the shocking effect of instantly robbing the lives of four people like before.

Under the cover of Ling Feng, Yi Liang and Duan Hen, Yan Jinghong once again approached the vicinity of the abyss crack.

A thousand feet!

Nine hundred feet!

Eight hundred feet!

Seven hundred feet!

Finally, when he approached within a hundred feet, the bloody ring did not reappear!

Yan Jinghong felt happy. It seemed that Ling Feng's guess was indeed correct. Although the power of the bloody ring was terrifying, there was also a period of time between attacks.

The reason why Ling Feng did not hesitate to use the precious teleportation talisman to conduct experiments was to verify how long this interval was.

One breath!

Two breaths!

Three breaths!

Yan Jinghong slowed down and approached the abyss crack relatively cautiously.

Once the bloody circle erupts again, he must retreat immediately. Otherwise, once he is involved in the coverage of the bloody circle, even if Ling Feng is prepared, he may not be able to save his life.

This is also where the danger lies, and there is only the last one left of the mutual teleportation talisman.

This is their only chance, their last chance.

Ten breaths!

Twenty breaths!

Yan Jinghong slowed down very slowly. Ling Feng had told him not to risk breaking into the gap when testing the time gap.

Although it may be an opportunity, no one knows the specific situation in the gap.

Once inside, any slight deviation in time may be a fatal threat.

Although Yan Jinghong's acting style is relatively radical, he will not joke with his own life.

Finally, at the thirtieth breath, Yan Jinghong was basically only one step away from the crack in the abyss.

As long as he has a thought, he can step directly into it.

Just when Yan Jinghong was thinking about whether to try to enter it, the bloody ring had finished brewing and was about to erupt again.

Seeing the flashing red light in the crack, Yan Jinghong's eyelids twitched wildly. How dare he have any other thoughts. The figure exploded directly on the spot, and then quickly rushed backwards.

The bloody light flashed, and the bloody ring was spreading with the crack as the center.

Fortunately, if Yan Jinghong had been a little slower, the dead space and time around him would have been his fate.

Ling Feng also crushed the mutual teleportation talisman at the right time and successfully reunited with Yan Jinghong again.

With a flash of purple light in his eyes, Ling Feng activated time and space displacement again, grabbing Yan Jinghong and returning to his original position.

Although it was thrilling, I finally got the answer I wanted.

"Thirty breaths!"

Yan Jinghong wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said in a deep voice: "The gap between the two bloody ring attacks, from the disappearance of the first round to the outbreak of the second round, is only thirty breaths in total. In other words, We now have less than sixty breaths to prepare."

Yes, sixty breaths!

Once they miss this short opportunity of sixty breaths, they will have no extra teleportation symbols to refresh the attack gap of the bloody circle.

Whoosh whoosh!

At the same time, those bloody tentacles struck again.

Duan Hen and Yi Liang took action at the same time, intercepting the bloody tentacles for Ling Feng and the others, giving them a chance to rest and breathe.

After all, they contribute less and cannot take advantage in vain.

"When the space covered by the bloody ring disappears, we must attack the crack within thirty breaths and find out whoever is causing trouble inside!"

The next moment, Ling Feng finished adjusting his breath and recovered, and at the same time, he threw a pill to each of the other three people.

"After taking this elixir, whether it is speed, mana, energy, blood, or soul power, it can be increased by about 30%, and the duration is about a quarter of an hour!"

Everyone took the elixir and drank it without hesitation.

Time passed little by little, and the dead space swept by the bloody ring was also fading away little by little.

The four of them looked at each other and held their breath.

They must race against time to seize this only chance.

"It's now!"

The dead space finally disappeared completely. Ling Feng let out a low drink, and then all four of them shot out like arrows from a string.

Before, Yan Jinghong had some reservations for the sake of testing, but with everyone moving forward at full speed, it only took him five breaths to rush directly into the abyss crack.

It was different from the darkness and silence I imagined.

Within the crack of the abyss, there is an ancient tree that is so huge that it is unimaginable.

The ancient tree was dark red in color, with no bare leaves on it, but extremely lush branches, criss-crossing, filling the entire space within the gap.

Moreover, it was accompanied by bursts of beating sounds like a heart.

The root system of the big tree seems to be rooted in the entire space, spreading endlessly.

It seems that all life in the world is connected together by the roots of this big tree.

"It seems that this thing provides Taixu Zhoulong with a steady stream of energy!"

Yi Liang snorted coldly and raised his right fist high.

Qingtian Thunderbolt King punched out, Yi Liang did not care about the shortcomings of this boxing method or the backlash on himself.

The only way is to completely destroy this blood tree within the remaining twenty breaths.

Otherwise, they may not be able to escape in time when the bloody ring attacks next time.

Although Ling Feng wanted to say something, he was pressed for time and did not bother to stop Yi Liang.

At the same time, Duan Hen and Yan Jinghong also showed off their magical powers and directly launched their killing moves, frantically greeting the blood tree.

However, the blood tree is so huge that even if their attack is like a crushing blow, destroying countless branches wherever it passes, it is difficult to damage the root of the blood tree.

In other words, if the original lifeline of the blood tree cannot be found, how can it be completely destroyed?

One breath!

Two breaths!

Three breaths!

As time passed by, everyone became more and more anxious.

At this moment, they have fallen into a dilemma.

If they withdraw, the final result may be that night falls and Qi Jue is defeated, and they may not be able to escape their misfortune.

If he stayed here and couldn't destroy this bloody tree, he would still be dead.

It seems that no matter which choice you make, the result will be death.

The crowd's attacks became more fierce and fierce, but they could not hide the restlessness on their faces.

Seeing that there are only fifteen breaths left in time, whether to go or stay seems to have become the last difficult decision.

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