Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3697 The polluted sand river of time and space!

Fifteen breaths, the opportunity is fleeting.

Even though the four of them tried their best to destroy the blood tree, its root system had already spread throughout the world and was too huge and complicated.

"No, that bloody ring is about to attack again. If you don't exit, I'm afraid..."

Even Yi Liang, who was the oldest and seemed the calmest, began to lose his composure at this moment.

Yan Jinghong looked back at Ling Feng.

All I could do was look at him.

In Ling Feng's body, he witnessed miracles again and again.

If there is anyone else who can resolve the current situation, it is only him.

As for the broken mark in Jueying Palace, no one could see his expression clearly because he was wearing a bamboo hat to cover his face, but judging from the frequency with which he kept swinging his sword to attack the blood tree, he seemed to be a little anxious. .

Moreover, his mana began to converge towards his legs. Once any situation occurred, he would be the first to evacuate.

I'm afraid this person is unreliable!

Ling Feng took a deep breath, he had no intention of caring about other people's situation right now.

Seeing time passing by, he felt equally restless inside.

Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and he took out the blood jade mandrill from the Naling Ring that he had previously bid at the auction house on the Tianming on the coast of the Sea of ​​Stars.

This is an extremely evil and poisonous thing. It could have been used to prepare the antidote for the phantom poison when we were at Wanjian Villa.

But in the end, because Zong Huaiyue, the young master of Wanjian Villa, killed his junior sister, all the poisoned people recovered without medicine, and this blood jade mandrill was saved and has been kept in Lingfeng's In the spirit ring.

Because Ling Feng had always disdained refining poisons, this blood jade mandrill had no use, but today, it seemed that it could come in handy.

The blood jade mandrill is a kind of strange beast mandrill that constantly eats its own kind, and finally a king of mandrills is born. It is the so-called blood jade that is condensed by the power of countless similar qi and blood. The blood jade mandrill in Ling Feng's hand would take at least a thousand years to take shape.

The power of Qi and blood contained in it is extremely pure and powerful.

If it weren't for its extremely poisonous nature, it would be a top-notch treasure.

And the reason why Ling Feng thought that this blood jade mandrill might be useful was because it contained the highly poisonous energy and blood power.

"Ling Feng, you..."

Yan Jinghong noticed that Ling Feng took out a blood-colored amber-like blood jade, and couldn't help but be a little curious.

"You'll find out soon!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and then took out a jade box, which contained the cyan patterns in the previously slashed cave, the cyan droplets stained on Wang Teng's divine weapon, and the black liquid formed by the gathering. insect.

At normal temperature, it looks like a puddle of liquid, but once heated, it turns into a thin black worm.

Ling Feng opened the jade box and threw the blood jade mandrill directly into it.

Feeling the incomparable power of qi and blood in the blood jade mandrill, the cyan liquid gathered into the form of a black insect in an instant, and then began to crazily devour the power of qi and blood in the blood jade mandrill.

The next moment, as if they were full of energy and blood, the black insects shot out with a "swish" and gathered directly towards the blood tree.

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and then his figure flashed and flew out chasing the black insect.

Since this black insect was originally part of the blood tree, when it absorbs enough energy and blood, it will inevitably converge towards the origin of the blood tree's lifeline.

As long as you follow it, you can find the source.

Although the aura of the black insect will disappear after it merges into the blood tree, the aura of the blood jade mandrill will not disappear.

In fact, the poison of the blood jade mandrill will be directly introduced into the blood tree along the black worm. During the circulation process, the poison will spread throughout the blood tree!

Seeing Ling Feng flying away, Yan Jinghong followed closely without any hesitation.

At this time, only by believing in Ling Feng can there be a glimmer of hope.

Yi Liang and Duanhen looked at each other, and then followed closely.

Although none of them knew exactly what Ling Feng had done, perhaps Ling Feng had really thought of a way to break the situation.

Everything was as Ling Feng expected.

The black insects filled with energy and blood flowed directly into the blood tree.

Although it has merged into the blood tree and cannot feel its aura, the aura of the blood jade mandrill is like a mark.

It spreads rapidly through the veins and roots of the blood tree. As long as Ling Feng locks on the breath of the blood jade mandrill, he will surely find the lifeblood of the blood tree.

One breath!

Two breaths!

Three breaths!

Time passed bit by bit, and Ling Feng was already sweating slightly on his forehead.

There is not much time left for him!

Although his idea is definitely feasible, he still needs to race against time.

Sometimes, the slightest difference can make a huge difference in the results.

Fortunately, the god of luck seems to have favored Ling Feng again.

The breath of the blood jade mandrill finally stopped in a corner where the infinite roots gathered.

"This is it!"

Ling Feng shouted, "Attack there!"

Following Ling Feng's roar, Yan Jinghong, Duanhen and Yi Liang all made a desperate move and used their skills to press the box bottom.

In the electric light and flint, Yan Jinghong's knife, Yi Liang's fist, and the broken gun were swung out at the same time. Three rays of blue, red, and black light merged together, intertwined to form three wild dragons, and collided crazily. In the direction pointed by Ling Feng.

Boom boom boom boom!

This all-out blow smashed all the roots in its path into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, the place where the blood jade mandrill stopped exploded directly under the violent and unparalleled power.

Dark green juice splashed everywhere, and immediately after, the originally lush blood tree began to wither quickly.

Instead, there was a spreading black energy mixed with blood.

What makes people feel weird is that the black energy is actually spreading and spreading.

The speed is incredible.


The whole world began to shake violently, and Ling Feng could feel that the breath of the blood tree was rapidly weakening.

It seems that the poison of the blood jade mandrill also poses a fatal threat to the blood tree.

Little did he know that his move also created an extremely terrifying monster.

Or maybe, everything is already doomed.

"Let's get out!"

Ling Feng roared, this abyss crack was about to collapse completely.

And with the death of the blood tree, I am afraid that the entire space plane will completely collapse.

In fact, without Ling Feng's reminder, the other three people also noticed something unusual here and quickly left.

Ling Feng used the fire escape technique, and his figure turned into a ball of flame, which kept dissipating and reuniting. After several flashes, he finally left the abyss crack.

And as Ling Feng and the four finally escaped, the gap was finally completely closed.


The earth is shaking!

Just as Ling Feng expected, the blood tree is the pillar that maintains the balance of the entire world. With the death of the blood tree, the world will soon be shattered.

High in the sky.

The evil spirit transformed by Taixu Zhoulong's obsession lost the power of the life blood tree to maintain it, and finally began to fall into disadvantage.

"It seems that someone else has solved the energy source of this demonic dragon!"

In an instant, Wan Jun's spirits were lifted, knowing that the final moment was coming.

"Cang Tian Emperor Sword, Qijue - cut!"

Following Wanjun's roar, the Heavenly Sword suddenly burst out with extremely terrifying power.

The seven-colored divine light bloomed in all directions, the terrifying sword energy was intertwined, and the seven-colored divine light illuminated the nine heavens!

The bloody demonic dragon roared with great rage, "Damn it! Damn it to you all! Roar!——"

The violent roar shook the sky.

Coupled with the death of the Life Blood Tree, the entire space has become extremely unstable.

As the Heavenly Sword was swung, the void collapsed, and the whole world collapsed bit by bit.

At the same time, in the void, the causal incarnation of Taixu Zhoulong looked at the time and space sand river in front of him, and it was filled with black energy in an instant. At first, only the life blood tree of a world was polluted. , and then, every surrounding world, every space, and all the life blood trees were actually contaminated and swallowed.

Vaguely, it seemed that another terrifying life was brewing.

It has swallowed the life energy in the life blood trees of countless worlds, and what kind of terrifying existence it will eventually become, even Taixu Zhoulong seems to be unable to predict.

"What on earth is that?"

Taixu Zhoulong's huge pupils stared at the sand river of time and space in front of him.

It used the incomplete power of the Dragon Source to create this sand river of time and space in order to protect itself from being entangled by any force of cause and effect, so that it could stay out of trouble, wander outside of time and space, and live an elusive existence.

But I didn't expect that the time and space sand river would be polluted so quickly.

If this continues, I'm afraid it will create an extremely terrifying monster!

"No! No!"

The next moment, Taixu Zhoulong swept its tail and actually took the initiative to divide the time and space sand river into two.

It must no longer watch the remaining life-blood trees in those planes become polluted and devoured.

Bang bang bang bang!

It returned to the sand river of time and space in person. As the planes and time and space were shattered, his true body would also be exposed to the eyes of the intruders.

It's just that it can't care about anything else.

Rather than watching the birth of an unknown monster that would affect the balance of time and space in the outside world, he had to nip this monster in the bud.

At the same time, time and space are rapidly collapsing.

The blood-colored demonic dragon seemed to sense that the sand river of time and space was constantly disintegrating. The next moment, it roared unwillingly, "No! No! -"

"it's over!"

Wan Jun controlled the Heavenly Sword and finally launched the final fatal blow.

(PS: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to everyone~)

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