Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3698 Appearance! The real Taixu Zhoulong!

The Heavenly Sword formed by the combined forces of the seven emperors, at this moment the sword light flashed across an unknown number of millions of miles.

The entire world space is rapidly collapsing, and the place where the Heavenly Sword passed by is directly collapsing, and the tide of void is surging.


Finally, the seven-colored sword light fell on the head of the bloody demonic dragon, and then quickly cut it, cutting the bloody demonic dragon directly from the middle and dividing it into two!


The sword edge continued to slide down, all the way down the extremely slender body of the bloody demonic dragon.


The sky collapsed!

The earth is destroyed!

The giant dragon, which covered the sky with blood and light, split into two and fell heavily to the left and right sides.

Before he even hit the ground, his body began to turn into bloody spots of light, dissipating little by little.

"Is it over?"

Wan Jun was slightly startled, although this battle did not go smoothly and was full of dangers, even hovering on the edge of life and death several times.

But that is the legendary ancestral dragon!

Could it be that he was killed by them like this?

Also, where is the source of the ancestral dragon that Immortal Emperor Yi Ting mentioned?

He had divided the bloody demonic dragon into two parts from the middle, but he did not see any dragon source.


Along with the death of the bloody demonic dragon, the heavenly sword turned into seven divine lights and dispersed.

The next moment, Wan Jun, Yu Shenxianjun and others scattered and were suspended in the void.

When they looked around, they realized that the whole world had become like this...


This was not caused by the fierce battle between them and the bloody demonic dragon.

It's more like the entire world has been destroyed and the original power of the world has been lost.

"How is this going?"

Wan Jun's eyelids twitched, what happened below?

Obviously, they felt that the bloody demon dragon had lost its source of power and became extremely weak, so they had the opportunity to kill it.

Could it be that this is also related to the collapse of the entire space?

"what is that?"

Suddenly, Yu Shenxianjun exclaimed, pointing to a group of rapidly expanding black mist below, with an incredible look in his eyes.

"That breath is so terrifying, even..."

Yu Shenxianjun swallowed hard, "It has even surpassed the limits of this world! Moreover, it is still expanding!"

Soon, other Qijue experts also noticed the rapidly expanding black mist.

According to Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, restricted by the laws of this world, once existences beyond the level of the Immortal Lord enter this space, they will cause the collapse of this world.

Taixu Zhoulong will also leave because of this and disappear into endless time and space again, making it difficult to find its traces.

This is also the reason why Immortal Emperor Yi Ting did not come in person.

But now it seems that this space has still collapsed. So, wouldn’t the real Taixu Zhoulong be...

Bang bang bang!

The collapse of the plane was faster and more violent than imagined!

Wan Jun took a deep breath, made a decision immediately, and said in a deep voice: "Meet the others first, they may know something!"

After saying that, the figure turned into a bolt of thunder and flew away directly following the breath of the other members.

The rest of the people nodded and used their skills to catch up.

Not long after, Wan Jun finally locked onto the auras of Ling Feng and the others. The originally dense and green primeval forest had now turned into a very strange... scorched earth.

It is not appropriate to say that it is a scorched earth.

The scorched earth at least had black traces of flames, but the world below seemed to have been drained of all color.

It's just like……

A dead time and space.

For some reason, Wan Jun only had this thought flashing through his mind, although it was difficult for him to understand why time and space could also fall into death.

But that was his first instinct.

Ling Feng and the others were just outside the dead space, and there were only four people left in the original eight-person team.

Ling Feng, Yan Jinghong, Duan Hen, and Yi Liang.

"What about the rest?"

Wan Jun looked at Yi Liang and asked in a deep voice.

"Senior Brother Wan!"

When Yi Liang saw Wan Jun and others returning, he quickly asked: "Did you kill Taixu Zhoulong? Where is Long Yuan? Should we leave?"

This world, which is rapidly collapsing, is filled with uneasiness and fear.

Instinct tells them that they must leave this place as soon as possible, otherwise, they may be in danger of annihilation.

"answer my question!"

Wan Jun held Yi Liang's shoulders and stared at the other person's pupils.

A shocking force came over, which made Yi Liang calm down a little.

He took a deep breath, and then succinctly recounted what happened before.


But when Yue Yinshuang flew over, Hua Lingxiu was nowhere to be seen. She immediately clenched her fists and gritted her teeth: "Lingxiu actually..."

Although I had long understood that this trip was full of dangers and life and death were uncertain, it was difficult to accept the tragic death of a fellow junior fellow student.

Hua Lingxiu, Yan Jiuchuan and others are all talented kings who can be ranked at the top of the Seven Ultimate Immortal Rankings.

The achievements in the future are limitless.

Now, he died tragically here, how can anyone not feel sorry for him.

"Things happened too suddenly, but we have already solved the blood tree in the rift, but because of this, it seems that the origin of the world in this space plane was destroyed, leading to the collapse of the entire space!"

Yi Liang said in a deep voice: "Senior brother, it's time for us to leave. If we don't leave, I'm afraid..."

"You can't leave yet!"

Wan Jun frowned, gritted his teeth and said: "The bloody demon dragon just now is not the Taixu Zhoulong!"

He controlled the Heavenly Sword and split the bloody demonic dragon into two parts, but he did not see any ancestral dragon source.


Everyone's expressions darkened, and Yue Yinshuang looked at Wan Jun angrily, "Are we all going to wait here to die?"

"At this point, it's no longer up to me!"

Wan Jun also shook his head and sighed, "The entire plane has collapsed, and I can't find the time and space to leave. Now if I want to leave, I can only kill the Taixu Zhoulong, seize the Ancestral Dragon Dragon Source, and use the Dragon Source There is still a chance to break the blockade of this space-time rift. "


Yue Yinshuang bit her silver teeth lightly. Although Wan Jun's words were not necessarily lies, judging from his determined attitude, this guy left because he was determined to seize the source of the ancestral dragon.

"Okay, now is not the time to argue!"

Wan Jun straightened his face, pointed in the direction of the original crack in the abyss, and said in a deep voice: "We just looked down from above and saw that there seemed to be a black mist that was expanding. But when we looked below, we saw that There is nothing unusual, but the aura of the black mist is far beyond the level of the Immortal Lord. I suspect that it is this thing that caused the collapse of the entire space. "

"Is this happening?"

Ling Feng and others looked at each other, and then Ling Feng took the lead in flying up, looking down from a high position.

Sure enough, it was exactly what Wan Jun said. The black mist continued to expand, but the direction it extended seemed to be not in this world.

Could it be that that abyss crack is also connected to other different spatial planes.

If the blood tree is also connected to other spaces, then the huge life energy contained in it...

Suddenly, Ling Feng's pupils suddenly shrank. If this was the case, he would send the blood jade mandrill into the life source of the life blood tree. According to the characteristics of the blood jade mandrill, its poison would quickly infect the life blood tree. , constantly swallowing the energy of living things, and destroying every plane connected to the Life Blood Tree.

And such a huge amount of life energy would create an unimaginable and terrifying existence.


Ling Feng's heart beat violently, and he could detect a faint scent of blood jade mandrill from the black mist.

The blood jade mandrill has transformed, no, it should be said that it has undergone a complete qualitative change.

It is a dead thing, but it still retains a trace of the blood jade mandrill's instinct and characteristics.

Under the infusion of this huge creature's energy, I'm afraid it will be "resurrected" again.

Once it has swallowed up all the life energy in the different worlds connected by the blood tree, it will probably break through the blockade of this space-time rift and enter the outside world.

By then, I am afraid that countless creatures in the starry sky plane will suffer.


With a flash of lightning, Wan Jun flew to Ling Feng's side. Seeing Ling Feng's frown, he couldn't help but ask: "Do you recognize this object?"

Ling Feng sighed softly, "In order to destroy the blood tree, I used the blood jade mandrill, but I didn't expect that the blood jade mandrill would actually undergo such a change!"

It was actually able to replace it and completely swallow up the entire tree of life and blood.

And Ling Feng never imagined that there would be so many world planes connected to the Life Blood Tree!

Boom boom boom!

Although the Blood Jade Demon has not taken action against Ling Feng and his party yet, as long as they stay in this space, they will become the Blood Jade Demon's nourishment sooner or later.

"Is it actually a blood jade mandrill?"

Wan Jun seemed to have heard about this thing, and his expression suddenly darkened, "According to this trend, I am afraid that the real Taixu Zhoulong will be alarmed. Once the Taixu Zhoulong leaves here, our action will completely fail. ”

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, he had already reached this juncture, and he didn't expect Wan Jun to think about how to seize the dragon source.

Right now, how to leave this place is the most important thing.

The other geniuses all seem to have their own thoughts, but at the moment, I am afraid that only Wan Jun knows how to leave here.

Just when everyone was unable to reach a consensus, a deafening roar came from the sky again.

It was a roar coming from the top of the Nine Heavens. Compared with the previous roar of the bloody dragon, it had an air of majesty like a monarch.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, the dead time and space shattered, exposing the black blood tree under the crack in the abyss that had long been entangled and completely infected by black energy.

In the center of the blood tree, there was a huge black insect hovering above it.

The black insect flapped the huge light wings behind it. Every time it trembled, the branches of the life-blood tree seemed to beat, continuously pouring huge life energy into the black insect's body.

That black insect is the blood jade mandrill that has been "resurrected"!

"Evil beast!"

With a low roar, an extremely huge dragon head appeared in the sky!

The dragon's beard trembled in the strong wind, and those blood-red eyes stared at the blood tree in the center of the void. The violent breath blew and the blood tree shook violently.

"Taixu Zhoulong, that is the real Taixu Zhoulong!"

Ling Feng's eyes were beating wildly, and his heart was shouting at the same time.

This is Taixu Zhoulong!

Once upon a time, in the turbulence of time and space, he had the opportunity to glimpse the ancient existence.

The next moment, Ling Feng couldn't help but worry about Taixu Zhoulong.

Originally, the collapse of this time and space proved that a creature with the power to transcend the world entered this space. He could have escaped at the moment when the world collapsed. In this way, he could directly avoid the lock of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting and escape this disaster. .

However, it did not do this. Instead, it did not hesitate to be exposed and chose to eliminate the blood jade mandrill first.

Ling Feng even felt guilty that it was because of himself that Taixu Zhoulong was exposed.

"Taixu Zhoulong! That is the real Taixu Zhoulong!"

Wan Jun burst into ecstasy, "It finally appeared! It finally appeared!"

Yu Shenxianjun said in a deep voice: "It seems to be coming to destroy the black insect!"

"That's better. The snipe and the clam fight, and the fisherman benefits!"

Cao Yan smiled coldly, "When they both lose, we can easily kill Taixu Zhoulong and seize the dragon source!"

Yu Fan also sneered, "God is really helping us!"

Only Ling Feng's thoughts changed rapidly. This was not the result he wanted to see.

In the end, how can I help Taixu Zhoulong?

Ling Feng clenched his fists. Unfortunately, the current situation was no longer within his control.

The black insect transformed from the blood jade mandrill also noticed the arrival of Taixu Zhoulong and immediately increased the speed of absorbing the energy of living beings.

He wants to drain the air of life from all planes in the sand river of time and space, so as to obtain enough power to fight against Taixu Zhoulong.

It's a pity that Taixu Zhoulong cut off the sand river of time and space early and divided the remaining half of the plane.

He used his ancient energy to create these planes. Although the original purpose was just to protect himself and shield his own cause and effect, he did not expect that life would still be nurtured and reproduced in countless time.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to consume his own spiritual power to create the blood tree.

It was originally intended to provide the creatures in these planes with shelter from wild spirits.

But unexpectedly, because of the evil evil transformed by obsession, these lives were wiped out!

The reason why he appeared was to end all this and prevent the remaining planes of time and space from being infected by the blood jade mandrill.

"Do you still want to fight to the death?"

Taixu Zhoulong breathed out immortal dragon breath, and instantly turned into an endless fire, burning the blood tree.

The black insect made a shrill scream, but it absorbed a large amount of life energy, and it contained endless ancient energy.

Taixu Zhoulong's suppression power against him has also become very limited.

The black insect flapped its wings and flew into the Taixu Zhoulong!

After devouring most of the life energy of the Life Blood Tree, the extremely swollen black insect actually wanted to swallow the Taixu Zhoulong as well.

This monster is so crazy!

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