Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3699 The eighth imperial weapon!

The huge black insect transformed from the blood jade mandrill, like a pitch-black ink dragon, soared into the sky from the crack in the abyss and crashed directly into the Taixu Zhoulong.

After absorbing half of the life energy in the sand river of time and space, the size of the blood jade mandrill turned out to be much larger than the blood demon dragon that the evil evil had transformed into before, and its aura was also more terrifying, more evil and weird. .

"act recklessly!"

Above the sky, in the huge dragon head, the eyes flashed red, and then, the mouth opened wide, and a violent wind swept across the sky and the earth, stirring up the entire void and causing time and space to rise. ripple.

Under the ripples, the tide of time and space spread out in all directions, affecting far more than tens of millions of miles!

Led by Wan Jun, all the members of the dragon-slaying team fled in all directions for fear of being sucked into the tide of time and space.

Otherwise, even with their strength, they will probably suffer a lot and may even be life-threatening.

The black insect was the first to bear the brunt and was directly involved in the ripples of time and space.

Then, the endless tide of time and space bombarded the huge body of the black insect like a bursting balloon. Countless cracks exploded in it, and the extremely huge life energy, mixed with the ancient energy, exploded. Here comes another energy storm.

Boom boom boom boom!

With the black insect at the center, the terrifying energy explosion shattered the black void into pieces.

With an even more terrifying tide of time and space involved, coupled with the massive amount of life energy in the black insect's body, this big explosion is likely to last for quite some time.

Everyone was stunned when they witnessed this scene.

He thought that the blood jade mandrill had some abilities and dared to attack Taixu Zhoulong.

Unexpectedly, it was actually given away directly!

At this moment, I saw the Taixu Zhoulong above the sky. He opened his mouth and took another sudden breath, shooting out a black shadow wrapped in red light from the broken void.

Astonishingly, it was the original body of the Blood Jade Mandrill.

But it turns out that the blood jade mandrill is by no means as vulnerable as it seems.

The reason why it was blown up by the Taixu Zhoulong was because he wanted to escape from this place by using the golden cicada's method of escaping its shell. With the infinite life energy of the life blood tree that he had swallowed before, as long as he kept a low profile for a while, it would not be too late to emerge from the sky again. .

It's a pity that although its abacus was loud, it could not be hidden from Taixu Zhoulong's eyes.

Roaring unwillingly, Taixu Zhoulong had swallowed the blood jade mandrill directly into its belly, and a catastrophe was eliminated invisible.

However, this is not good news for the dragon-slaying team.

It seems that the blood jade mandrill did not consume much energy of Taixu Zhoulong.

"Is this the real Taixu Zhoulong!"

Yu Shen Xianjun took a deep breath. Even though his strength was limited to the level of the Immortal Lord, his strength was still frightening.

Even Wan Jun began to doubt for the first time——

Can the seven emperors' soldiers combined into one really be able to kill such a being?

However, at this moment, the mutation reappeared!

Taixu Zhoulong, which swallowed the blood jade mandrill, suddenly became violent.

Those blood-red pupils shot out a heart-stopping light of destruction.

In a roar that shook the Nine Netherworld, Taixu Zhoulong's huge body emerged bit by bit from the depths of the void.

When he completely descended into this already dilapidated space plane, the suffocating sense of oppression truly manifested itself.

The huge dragon body directly shattered the entire plane, all mountains, rivers, jungles, oceans, deserts...

Everything ceases to exist in this moment!

Everyone was directly exposed to the void, and the violent destructive power had only just begun.

In an instant, all the members of the dragon-slaying team poured an entire bottle of Tai Ying Shen Dan and Tianhuang Chen Hua Dan directly into their mouths.

The power of the medicine exploded in the body, and it was able to withstand the terrifying aura exuded by Taixu Zhoulong.

He was so huge that even the entire space plane in front of him seemed as small as an ant.

But at this moment, his huge body, flesh and blood began to tremble with accumulation.

It seemed like there was something foreign that was causing trouble in his body.

His huge body twisted wildly in the void, and every time he shook his body, he would set off an extremely terrifying space-time storm.

"It's a blood jade mandrill!"

Ling Feng's eyelids jumped suddenly. He had long discovered that after Taixu Zhoulong swallowed the blood jade mandrill, what was surprising was that the aura of the blood jade mandrill not only did not disappear, but was still growing at an extremely exaggerated speed. , expand rapidly.

Its life level has already undergone qualitative changes.

Sure enough, even if it was swallowed by Taixu Zhoulong, it did not fall in an instant. Instead, it was still inside Taixu Zhoulong, eating away at Taixu Zhoulong's energy.

Of course, this is not the real Taixu Zhoulong, but just the incarnation of cause and effect that contains a trace of the power of the ancestral dragon.

Otherwise, the energy at the level of the Ethereal Ethereal Dragon can directly burst this humble worm in just an instant.

But the current situation is that Taixu Zhoulong was affected by the blood jade mandrill and began to become extremely violent.

And the dragon-slaying team in this time and space will probably have nowhere to hide as this time and space is further destroyed.

Once the elixirs in their body are exhausted, the only thing waiting for them is death.

The only way to leave here seems to be to kill Taixu Zhoulong and seize the source of the ancestral dragon!

Wan Jun's figure flashed, holding the Emperor's Death Spear high in his hand, and lightning suddenly exploded, turning into countless thunder dragons that entangled around him.

"What are you waiting for? Take this opportunity to kill Taixu Zhoulong!"

While Taixu Zhoulong is entangled with the blood jade mandrill in his body, unable to concentrate on dealing with them, he may still have a chance by using Emperor Weapon Heyi and summoning the Heavenly Sword!

The other people immediately understood and drew out the imperial weapons. In an instant, the seven-color divine light shone, and then, the heavenly sword reappeared!

A huge sword that stretched across the void rose into the sky in an instant and slashed straight at Taixu Zhoulong.

Only with the sharp edge of the Imperial Arms can one break through the dragon scales on Taixu Zhoulong's body and get to the vital point.


Unfortunately, they still underestimated the power of Taixu Zhoulong.

Even if he is multitasking and still needs to fight against the blood jade mandrill in his body, Taixu Zhoulong is still the supreme overlord that has existed since ancient times.

The dragon body swept away, and the terrifying void storm rolled up a shocking tide!

The huge heavenly sword stagnated in the void for a moment, and then was rolled over by the void storm, instantly losing its balance.

No matter how Wanjun tried to break away from the power of the storm, he found that his own strength was so humble, insignificant, and vulnerable in front of Taixu Zhoulong!


After only holding on for less than ten breaths, the heavenly sword formed by the fusion of the seven emperors' weapons directly turned into seven rays of light and scattered in all directions.

The seven powerful men each covered their chests, blood spurting out.

After just a moment of confrontation, the difference was clearly revealed!


Wan Jun suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his brain was dizzy, and if he hadn't had the Taiyin Shendan to calm his mind, he might have fainted to death.

That power is really terrifying.

Although the bloody demon dragon from before also possessed the power of Taixu Zhoulong, it was not the same at all.

In the past, the Heavenly Sword could fight evenly with the Blood Demonic Dragon, and it was hard to tell them apart, but now, it was a complete instant kill!

It seems that Operation Dragon Slaying is simply a foolish joke.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Wan Jun laughed crazily, almost falling to the edge of despair.

However, at this moment, Zhanhen, who had been silent and no one had seen his true face until now, suddenly stood up.

He suddenly turned around, looked at Ling Feng, and said something puzzling.

"Are you still going to stand by and watch?"

Duan Hen's voice was very plain. Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, pointed at himself, and said with some confusion: "What, what do you think I can do?"

"You hold the eighth imperial weapon. If you fuse it with your imperial weapon, you may not be able to fight!"

Duan Hen's words made Ling Feng feel a wave of panic in his heart.


Ling Feng's eyes widened and he stared at the man wearing a black hat in front of him in disbelief.

The black gauze covered his face, but it couldn't hide those breathtaking pupils.

How could he know?

In an instant, Ling Feng's thoughts changed rapidly.

Could it be that he is the back-up man of Demon Soul Hall Master?

The master of Demon Soul Hall can actually send his own people into this time and space?

"Who are you?"

Ling Feng stared at the broken mark, while the others were as confused as the two-foot-long monk.

What riddle is going on between these two people?

"The eighth imperial weapon? What imperial weapon?"

Wan Jun stared at Ling Feng fiercely, "Junior brother Ling Feng, could it be that you also have imperial weapons in your hands?"

If the eighth imperial weapon is fused together, the power of the Heavenly Sword will be another qualitative leap.


What an opportunity!

Yushenxianjun, Yue Yinshuang, Cao Yan, Shui Yanbing...

All the seven powerful men also looked at Ling Feng.

How could he also have imperial soldiers?

Only Yan Jinghong couldn't help but worry about Ling Feng. If the identity of Ling Feng's Tiandao clan was exposed, I'm afraid...

The consequences could be disastrous!

"Do you think you can really hide it from my eyes? A descendant of the Tiandao clan!"

The sound of breaking marks suddenly became familiar, and as he took off the hat on his head and moved it aside, everyone was so shocked that their eyes almost fell out.

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting!

Duan Hen's appearance is exactly the same as Immortal Emperor Yi Ting!

Ling Feng's eyes widened and he stared at the broken mark. The thoughts in his mind were racing, and countless speculations came to his mind.

"You don't have to guess!"

Duanhen stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly: "I am Yi Ting. It is such an important matter to seize the source of the ancestral dragon. How can I rest assured if I don't personally come forward?"

But it turned out that in order to prepare for this dragon-slaying operation, in addition to selecting the seven geniuses from the Seven Ultimate Immortal List and controlling the seven imperial soldiers, he also did not hesitate to cut off a ray of his soul, changed his name to Duan Hen, and worshiped in the Jueying Palace. , start practicing again.

Originally, Duan Hen was not only the candidate to command the Heavenly Sword to Slay the Dragon, he was also the best candidate to control the eighth imperial weapon.

However, when Immortal Emperor Yi Ting discovered Ling Feng's existence, the plan began to change.

The reason why he no longer got rid of Ling Feng immediately, but also tried his best to lure Ling Feng into the situation, was for this moment!

He needs Ling Feng's eighth imperial weapon to serve as a stepping stone for him to reach the top of the immortal path.

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting did not hide his plot at all. He stretched out his hand to take a shot, and Ling Feng's body flew towards Immortal Emperor Yi Ting uncontrollably.

This is a direct crushing in terms of strength and realm.

Although Duanhen is only the incarnation of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting and has only the cultivation level of Immortal Lord, he is after all a ray of spirit of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting!

"See Emperor Zun!"

The members of the dragon-slaying team quickly bowed to the Immortal Emperor Yi Ting. Even the Immortal Lord Ren Tianhen, although he cared about the friendship with Ling Feng, did not dare to make trouble in front of the Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

Yan Jinghong clenched his fists tightly and lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

As long as he reveals the slightest hint of murderous intent, I am afraid that he will be the next one to be annihilated.

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and tried to break away from Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's control. Unfortunately, in front of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, he was like an ant that could be crushed to death at any time.

Nothing can be done!

Ling Feng felt extremely unwilling. Where was he exposed?

Obviously with the restriction of Keveli, the aura of the Tiandao clan should be well hidden!

And from the beginning to the end, he never exposed any of the power of the Tiandao clan in front of others. How could he be exposed?

The next moment, all the energy in Ling Feng's body was destroyed, condensed out automatically, and floated up from behind.


Immortal Emperor Yi Ting stretched out his hand and held Shi Fang Mie in his hand, flicking it a few times with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"Not bad, not bad! Hahahaha——"

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting laughed wildly, "As expected of that person's descendant, this heavenly weapon of yours is of higher quality than the countless imperial weapons in my inventory!"

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