Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3700 Chaos flows! Perfect Heavenly Sword!

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting held Ten Directions All Destroyed in his hand and waved it casually. Although he had not yet tamed Ten Directions All Destroyed, he still aroused ten thousand feet of sword energy, cutting through a large area of ​​the void and destroying it.

Even if his realm is also suppressed at the Immortal Lord level, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting is still the Immortal Emperor Yi Ting!

And the ten directions were destroyed. In the hands of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, a strong aura of unwillingness was released. The sword spirit Xiaobai gathered together and actually wanted to resist the control of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

However, how could he compete with Immortal Emperor Yi Ting?

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting smiled coldly, and with a focused gaze, the sword spirit that had just been formed was dispersed by Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's glare.

If he wasn't afraid of affecting the dragon-slaying plan, he would have forcibly deprived the sword spirit of his self-awareness.


Ling Feng roared, stared at Immortal Emperor Yi Ting hatefully, gritted his teeth and said, "Can you make me understand clearly? How did you know my identity? How was I exposed?"

"No, no, no, you did everything very well, you even almost deceived me."

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting smiled coldly, "You will probably never think that your flaw lies in Qingluo. You can hide it from me, but you can't hide it from Qingluo. She wanted to protect you too much, but she exposed it instead Got a flaw!”

"Empress Qingluo?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly. It turned out that she had seen through him a long time ago!

But why can Empress Qingluo see through her own secrets?

Also, what did Immortal Emperor Yi Ting say, and Empress Qingluo wanted to protect herself?

Everything happened so suddenly that Ling Feng didn't even have time to think about it.

At this moment, Ling Feng's life hangs on a thread. His life depends only on Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's thoughts.


The next moment, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting suddenly threw All Directions back to Ling Feng's hands and said calmly: "As long as you help me slay the dragon, after the job is done, I can let you go and give you three days." Escape for your life, if you can escape from me, it’s your fault!”

"Don't even think about it!"

Ling Feng glared at Immortal Emperor Yi Ting and helped him seize the source of the ancestral dragon. When he breaks through the peak of the immortal way and reaches a higher realm, even if he goes to the world and escapes to the ends of the earth, what's the point?

I'm afraid that even the Demon Queen in her peak state won't be able to shake him in the slightest.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

Regarding Ling Feng's answer, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting did not show much surprise. It seemed that he had already guessed that Ling Feng would answer him like this.

"If you agreed to this so easily, you would not be worthy of being that person's descendant. It's a pity that now, it's no longer up to you!"

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting snorted coldly. The next moment, Ling Feng unexpectedly held Ten Directions Destruction uncontrollably. With his long sword held high, a rainbow rose into the sky. It turned out to be the power of chaos, inspiring Ten Directions Destruction. all the power.

Immediately afterwards, the third vertical pupil opened uncontrollably, further expanding the sword's power, sword intention, and sword domain to its peak state.

"The Eye of the Emperor, after so many years, I finally see it again!"

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting looked at Ling Feng and smiled coldly, then turned back and glanced at Wan Jun and the others, "What are you waiting for? Quickly mobilize the emperor's soldiers and combine the eight swords into one!"


Wan Jun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth fiercely. After Immortal Emperor Yi Ting gave an order, he immediately activated the Emperor's Death Spear and was the first to rush towards Ling Feng.

Although the other seven geniuses have their own thoughts, under the terrifying power of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, there is no way they dare to resist at all.

After a while, a handful of imperial weapons merged into the radiance that destroyed all directions.

The eight emperors' soldiers merged into one, and under the infusion of Ling Feng's power of chaos, it seemed that they truly showed their true full state.

"This is the true power of the imperial army!"

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting looked at the Heavenly Sword that had merged with the eight emperors' soldiers and all the energy of the eight geniuses. He jumped up and rushed directly towards the Heavenly Sword.

This time, the sword holder has changed from Wan Jun to Immortal Emperor Yi Ting. Only under his control can this heavenly sword exert its true dragon-slaying power.


The void trembles!

As if feeling the terrifying aura of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, the Taixu Zhoulong above the sky let out an extremely high-pitched roar.

On the one hand, he had to contend with the blood jade mandrill in his body, and on the other hand, he had to deal with the Yi Ting Immortal Emperor holding the Heavenly Sword.

The situation is critical!

Underneath the void, Yan Jinghong silently clenched his fists, sighing that he was so insignificant.

He agreed to fight side by side with Ling Feng, rescue his family, and become his companion.

But at this moment, he could do nothing.

He watched helplessly as Ling Feng was manipulated by Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

After slaying the dragon, what kind of fate awaits Ling Feng?

Yan Jinghong didn't dare to think about it anymore, and could only swear secretly in his heart: Ling Feng, if you really can't survive this disaster, I, Yan Jinghong, will definitely save your relatives for you even if I work hard throughout my life!


Large tracts of void collapsed, and Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, a tiny figure, controlled countless heavenly swords and rushed towards the invisible person in the void.

Ordinary people would feel timid and fearful even if they took one more look at this behemoth. However, in front of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, he became prey instead.

"How many thousands of years have passed, Taixu Zhoulong, we meet again!"

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting sneered with his hands behind his hands. Behind him, the Heavenly Sword was like a Milky Way, crossing the sky.

In the ancient demon-slaying battlefield of the past, the ten ancestral dragons were the absolute main force.

The former Immortal Emperor Yi Ting was also a powerful member of the alliance of hundreds of millions of immortals.

It's not surprising that he has seen Taixu Zhoulong.

"I have been pursuing you for who knows how many years. As the ancestral dragon and the saint of destiny, you should understand that the general trend is irreversible and the destiny cannot be changed. You have tried your best to hide in the cracks of time and space, untainted by cause and effect, but this piece of In the galaxy of time and space, countless creatures have died because of you, and the power of cause and effect has entangled you. Do you think you can repeat your old tricks this time and escape safely? "

"It's you! It's you!"

Taixu Zhoulong, who was already in a state of rage, saw his blood-colored pupils bursting with ferocious flames after seeing Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

"How can I die at the hands of villains like you for killing my lord and rebelling against me?"

Taixu Zhoulong roared incessantly, and a huge dragon claw covering the sky and stars directly grabbed Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

Boom boom boom!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Incomparably violent energy stirred the void, and the heavenly sword behind Immortal Emperor Yi Ting slashed out under the control of his mind, violently colliding with the dragon's claws.

Terrifying power erupted in the void, and the broken world was even more shattered.

Vacuum storms are raging everywhere, and the tides of space and time are raging across the galaxy!

Even if the two peerless powers suppress their realm to the level of the Immortal Lord, the energy they erupt is still enough to destroy the world.

For a time, the two sides fought fiercely and were equally divided.

However, there is still blood jade mandrill in Taixu Zhoulong's body causing trouble.

Blood Jade Mandrill also took advantage of Taixu Zhoulong's confrontation with Yi Ting Immortal Emperor to madly attack Taixu Zhoulong's spiritual sea, eating away at the original power in his body.

Internal and external attacks, even though Taixu Zhoulong is the innate supreme overlord, it seems that it has truly reached the end of its life at this moment.


The Heavenly Sword is indeed a combination of the power of the Imperial Armament and the blessing of Ling Feng's power of chaos.

Under the control of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, it became a peerless artifact that cut the heaven and earth and divided the universe.

The terrifying sword light fell on Taixu Zhoulong's huge body, finally breaking through the indestructible dragon scales.




More and more blood holes appear on Taixu Zhoulong's body, rolling and surging like blood-colored rivers in the void!

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's eyes showed an extremely fanatical look.

What he has longed for for thousands of years is now right in front of him!

"no no!--"

Although Ling Feng couldn't help himself, but integrated into the Heavenly Sword, he could clearly see that Taixu Zhoulong was almost in a desperate situation.

With the power of the Heavenly Sword and the power of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, I am afraid that Taixu Zhoulong will no longer be able to withstand ten swords!

Not to mention the hatred between Ling Feng and Immortal Emperor Yi Ting for genocide, the hatred is as deep as the sea.

Just relying on the time and space mark left to him by Taixu Zhoulong in the past helped him master the laws of time and space. This kind of kindness must be repaid.

Now, he has become an accomplice in the massacre of Taixu Zhoulong.

Strong regret swept through my heart.

If I had known this, I should never have left Tianzhi and come to Leixiao Holy City to participate in the Seven Ultimate Immortal Ranking.

He should never be so naive as to think that as long as he does not use the abilities of the Tiandao clan, he will not be exposed.

There is heaven outside the sky, and there are people outside the world.

Because of my temporary fluke and temporary arrogance, I had to pay such a heavy price!

"No matter what, we must not let this old bastard Yi Yiting kill Taixu Zhoulong!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth. He hated that he couldn't control himself. Instead, he felt the power of chaos flowing out of the sea of ​​energy in his dantian to maintain the balance of the Heavenly Sword.

Wait a minute!

For a moment, Ling Feng was so blessed that his own power of chaos was the key to maintaining the Heavenly Sword!

If the Heavenly Sword is lost, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting will be unable to do anything to Taixu Zhoulong.


Ling Feng gritted his teeth, as long as he could control the power of chaos and continue to vent it uncontrollably, he would have a chance to create opportunities for Taixu Zhoulong.

But, what should I do?

He cannot mobilize his own energy, so he can only take risks.

Anyway, it has been exposed, so there is no need to worry so much anymore!

"Cavli, come out!"

Ling Feng roared like crazy in his own spiritual sea.

Keveli left a ray of divine soul in his body. Ever since he stepped into the fairyland, in order to avoid discovering his demonic energy, he had never contacted Keveli's divine soul, or even the Hunyuan Immortal Immortal. Even the devil dare not use it.

But now, he has no worries.

Sure enough, Keveli's figure soon appeared in the sea of ​​​​spirit, and the lazy voice sounded again, "What's the matter, you are so anxious?"

The next moment, Keveli seemed to realize something and said in surprise: "Why, you seem to be incapable of controlling yourself now?"

Ling Feng nodded, gritted his teeth, and said bitterly: "I was exposed, and now I am controlled by Immortal Emperor Yi Ting."


Keveli's eyelids twitched suddenly, "You exposed your secret so soon? When I asked you to go to the Demon Realm with me, wouldn't these things have happened?"

"It's a long story, and there's no time to explain it now!"

Ling Feng could barely maintain his sanity. This was thanks to his luck in breaking through to the level of three souls in the ancestral land of the Tiandao clan.

Otherwise, I am afraid that this time, he will really become Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's tool.

"Now, I want you to help me seal the sea of ​​energy in my Dantian and prevent any trace of mana from leaking out!"

As long as the power of chaos stagnates, Tianjian will naturally collapse.

Without the Heavenly Sword, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's plan would be in vain.


Keveli was slightly startled. In your current situation, your Dantian Qi sea is sealed. Are you not afraid of being torn into pieces by the tide of time and space? "

"Isn't this also you?"

"Good boy!"

Keveli shook her head and smiled bitterly, "You actually trust me so much now?"

"Besides trusting you, do I have any other choice?"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and said: "Hurry up, there is no time to waste!"

While Ling Feng and Ke Weili were communicating with each other, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting controlled the Heavenly Sword again and slashed out seven swords.

There are still three swords left!

The last three swords!

There is not much time left for Ling Feng and Taixu Zhoulong!

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