Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3707 The bad guy files a complaint first!

Leixiao Imperial City, Shenxiao Hall.

Soon, the news spread in the city that Immortal Emperor Yi Ting had returned with Wan Jun and other three geniuses.

Immediately afterwards, the leaders and elders of the remaining six super-first-class forces who were stranded in the city received the news of the Immortal Emperor's summons.

About a quarter of an hour later, the elders of the six major forces gathered in the Shenxiao Hall. When they saw that only Wanjun, Yushenxianjun and Yueyinshuang had returned, their expressions became obviously upset. So pretty.

Although I had long expected that the dragon slaying operation would be full of dangers, in the end, only these few people came back alive, which was still hard to accept for a while.

Especially except for the Xuntian Lei Clan, Xuntian Wind Clan and Tianzhi, all the other major forces were completely wiped out!

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting sat on the golden throne with a gloomy look on his face and said nothing for a while.

"What the hell is going on? What happened?"

Jieyin Xianzun walked quickly to Ren Tianhen and grabbed his shoulders with both hands excitedly.

"Where is the boy Ling Feng? And where is the boy Wang Teng?"

Jie Yin Xianzun stared at Ren Tianhen. In fact, when he heard Si Chen say that the sun mirror was broken, he already had some uneasy suspicions in his heart.

However, he still wanted to hear Ren Tianhen tell him the result personally.

"They...they all..."

Yu Shenxianjun clenched his fists, took a deep breath, and gritted his teeth: "The situation at that time, I...I..."

"Deng Deng!"

For a moment, Jie Yinxian Zun Jie was a little unsteady on his feet and took several steps back. Just looking at Ren Tianhen's hesitating look, he already knew the answer.

Sure enough, everything I worried about happened!

"That brat... Ling... Ling Feng..."

Xiao Xianling gritted her teeth and said, "He really... no... how is this possible? How could he die?"

Ren Tianhen took a deep breath and sighed softly: "Junior Brother Ling has indeed passed away unfortunately. I saw this with my own eyes. Not only was his body blown into ashes, but even the origin of his soul... was also dissipated!"

For a moment, Xiao Xianling felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

The origin of the soul has dissipated, which means that even if Ling Feng is reborn with blood, it will be meaningless.

He...did he really just disappear from this world completely?

He will never appear again, and there will never be Ling Feng again.

When she thought of this, Xiao Xianling couldn't suppress her inner emotions at all, and she lay directly in her grandfather's arms and burst into tears.


Is he really dead?

Si Chen's expression paused. She had already had some premonitions as early as the moment the Sun Mirror was broken.

However, the moment he actually heard that Ling Feng was reduced to ashes, Si Chen still felt as if there was an empty space in his heart.

Is your mission considered a failure like this?

it's over?

Why doesn't Yi feel even a little relaxed?

Empress Qingluo's expression also suddenly changed. First she was shocked and disbelieving, and then furious. In a pair of phoenix eyes, anger almost spewed out, staring straight at Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

The elders of the other major forces were even more ashen-faced.

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting spent a lot of time and energy, and the geniuses he selected were also the most talented juniors in their clan.

Now, everyone was killed in the dragon-slaying operation.

Not being able to explain it to the other elders in the clan is a trivial matter, regardless of how much manpower and material resources are spent on cultivating such a top talent.

It would be difficult for a descendant with this kind of talent to emerge in hundreds or even thousands of years!

This is a huge loss for their entire clan!

However, facing the aloof Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, they dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

After all, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting had bluntly stated the risks of this operation from the beginning, and also pretended to say that it was a voluntary principle.

In fact, from the moment he took away all the Seven Talents, there was no longer any word "voluntary" at all.

Of course, there are exceptions.

For example, Shui Changyin of the Xuntian Ice Clan, with his cold and cruel temperament, naturally would not feel much grief due to the death of anyone.

Especially after the death of his only biological brother who he valued.

As for Shui Yanbing, although he is from the same sect, if he dies, he will die. Naturally, he will not have any other emotions.

However, when he heard that Ling Feng also died during the dragon-slaying operation, Shui Changyin secretly sneered in his heart: You are lucky to have died during the dragon-slaying operation, otherwise, if you fall into my hands, you will definitely know. You know, what is life worse than death!

Inside the main hall, there was a gloomy and depressing atmosphere.

"Yi Ting!"

At this moment, an angry shout resounded throughout the hall, attracting everyone's attention.

Others did not dare to fall out with Immortal Emperor Yiting directly, but that did not mean that Empress Qingluo did not dare either.

In anger, Empress Qingluo no longer cared about whether he was an emperor or not, she directly called him by his name loudly and angrily said: "Is this your foolproof dragon-slaying plan? With the lives of our elite juniors from all races, In exchange for your own breakthrough?”

With Empress Qingluo taking the lead, other elders from various clans quickly joined in with her.

"Even if you are a high-ranking emperor, you can't help but have an explanation!"

"Yes, people can't die in vain!"

Everyone gathered behind Empress Qingluo. It was related to the interests of the clan and they couldn't just swallow their anger.

"I am deeply sorry for such an ending, but everyone has seen that it is not just you. There are also juniors among my Sky Patrol Thunder Clan who have fallen into that time and space forever. I am heartbroken!"

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's eyes were red and he looked grief-stricken.

Little did he know that the junior he was talking about was the one he had abandoned directly, watching helplessly as he was being sucked into the tide of time and space, but remained indifferent.

Empress Qingluo sneered and wanted to continue to scold Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, but was abruptly interrupted by him.

"What's more, the reason why this happened is all the fault of you!"

After Immortal Emperor Yi Ting said this, his eyes were like cold arrows, shooting directly at Immortal Jie Yin.


Jie Yinxian Zun was slightly stunned, with a look of astonishment and disbelief, "What does this have to do with me?"

"Strictly speaking, it should be your Tianzhi's responsibility!"

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting said coldly: "Do you really not know that the young man named Ling Feng is a remnant of the Tiandao clan?"

"God...the remnants of Heaven's way?"

Jieyinxianzun's eyelids twitched suddenly.

In fact, Jie Yinxian Zun had a lot of speculations about Ling Feng's identity. Why did he have such an abnormal attitude toward Ling Feng? He even sent experts like Si Chen to protect him personally.

Also, why did he teach him the mass killing technique?

He could even see the mysterious existence on the island in the center of Yuanyang Lake.

At this moment, Jie Yinxian Zun suddenly figured everything out.

It's like a layer of window paper, once it is pierced, everything will fall into place.

It turns out that Ling Feng is a descendant of the Tiandao clan!

"You're talking nonsense, Ling Feng..."

When Xiao Xianling heard this, she immediately couldn't help but want to argue, but she was held down by Jieyinxian Zun, who shook his head at her repeatedly.

What kind of person is Immortal Emperor Yi Ting? How can she speak here?

Xiao Xianling clenched her fist tightly and could only step aside angrily.


Jie Yinxian Zun is an old man and has figured out everything at this moment, but he certainly cannot bear the blame directly.

"I really don't know!"

Immortal Jie Yin waved his hands repeatedly and looked at Immortal Emperor Yi Ting with an innocent face, "Master Emperor, are you really sure that boy Ling Feng is the descendant of Heavenly Dao?"

"Can the Emperor's Eyes still be fake?"

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting snorted coldly, "Wan Jun, tell me if you have seen that Ling Feng's third vertical pupil!"

Wan Jun took a deep breath and nodded immediately, "I saw it."

Yueyinshuang and Yushenxianjun also nodded slightly to express their acquiescence.

Indeed, Ling Feng's third vertical pupil has been seen by everyone with their own eyes, and there is no way it is fake.

The identity of the descendants of Lingfeng's Tiandao clan is also a certainty.

"Everyone heard it!"

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting took a deep breath and looked like he was sighing, "I have planned this operation carefully and everything is in place. If it hadn't been for that remnant of the law of heaven, there would have been no way the casualties would have been so heavy!"

Wan Jun and the others' expressions changed slightly.

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting actually put all the responsibilities on Ling Feng, a "dead man".

However, it is completely impeccable.

What he said is, in a sense, part of the truth.

But in fact, he could have opened the teleportation channel to send them away long ago. It was Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's insistence on his own will, and he even forcibly stimulated the vitality of the Seven Ultimate Talents to maintain the Heavenly Sword.

If not, at least Qi will not suffer most of the casualties!

He didn’t mention a word about these things!

What a trick. The bad guys will complain first!

However, they also knew very well that Immortal Emperor Yi Ting had already demonstrated his methods before.

With both grace and power, the warning is self-evident.

If they dare to say anything, their end will not be any better than those dead people.

At least, it must not be said openly or in public.

"I was also deceived by Ling Feng at the beginning, so I even entrusted him with an important task and asked him to refine the elixir. But this time, I really made a mistake!"

He shook his head and sighed: "This little thief is very deliberate and hidden. Therefore, I understand that you, Master Jie Yin, were not aware of it for a moment and failed to see through the identity of Ling Feng!"

Immortal Jie Yin's face darkened. Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's words seemed to indicate that he believed that he was just careless. In fact, he was throwing away all his responsibilities.

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting just didn't pay attention for a moment, that's all.

"What! The remnants of heaven!"

"It's another damn remnant of heaven!"

"These remnants still want to stand up?"

It has to be said that Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's move to divert hatred was indeed very successful.

"Not only has Ling Feng been plotting evil for a long time, he has even secretly joined forces with Ning Kun, the master of Demon Soul Palace!"

Immediately afterwards, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting suddenly released some explosive information. He looked at the Immortal Lord Jieyin and said slowly: "I heard that this Ning Kun was once your disciple of Lord Jieyin and was a traitor to Tianzhi!"


Jie Yinxian Zun gritted his teeth, and after a long time, he still sighed, "Yes, this evildoer was indeed my disciple!"

"This time, Ning Kun joined forces with the remnants of Heaven to cause huge and irreversible damage to all seven of our forces!"

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting said coldly: "I have also heard that Ning Kun once killed your only son while resisting pursuit. So, please don't worry. After this incident, the Demon Soul Palace will not only He is the main enemy of Tianzhi, and the common enemy of our Xuntian Lei Clan, and even the entire Immortal Domain and the Five Immortal Courts!”

"Now, the remnants of Heaven have been executed, but this Ning Kun has escaped! However, no matter where he is in the sky or on the earth, to the ends of the earth, this thief Ning Kun will definitely die without a burial place! I promise you, as soon as I catch this person The thief will be bound to you, Jieyin Zun, and you will personally kill the enemy!"

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's words were impassioned and sincere, and his acting skills were truly lifelike.

Jieyin Xianzun took a deep breath, knowing that the other party was acting, he could only kneel down to Jieyinxian Zun, "Old man, thank you Emperor!"

"Please get up quickly!"

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting actually flew directly from the throne and helped Immortal Jieyin up with his own hands, "I bring up old matters again and bring up the pain of Master Jieyin's loss of his son. I am deeply sorry."

After his performance, he not only hid all his conspiracies and calculations and put all the blame on Ling Feng, but also created a positive image of himself as an impassioned and righteous person.

It’s really killing three birds with one stone, it’s not a bad idea!

Empress Qingluo was also blocked by Immortal Emperor Yi Ting for a moment and was unable to say a word. She could only tremble with anger, turn around and leave without saying a word.

"Empress Qingluo, wait!"

However, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting stopped Empress Qingluo and said to her back: "For the proud man of heaven who unfortunately died during the dragon slaying operation, I have other compensation. In addition, this operation, Although it is not a success, the ancestral dragon Longyuan has been transformed into dragon jade and scattered in various star fields. To show my apology, those fragments can be obtained by those who are able, and I will never monopolize them!"

"Huh, are you done with this shit?"

Empress Qingluo snorted coldly and strode out of the Shenxiao Hall without looking back.

For such a despicable and shameless person, she really disdained to be in the same room with him again, otherwise, she was afraid that she would no longer be able to suppress the anger in her heart.

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