Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3708 Ling Feng escapes from trouble!

Soon, the news about the ancestral dragon Longyuan turned into dragon jade fragments and scattered in various star fields spread like wildfire throughout the entire Leixiao Holy City.

Of course, this is also the result of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's intention.

I believe that it won't be long before news about the origin of the Ancestral Dragon will spread not only in the Sky Surveying Thunder Domain, but also in other areas controlled by the Immortal Emperors of the Four Directions.

By then, there will definitely be a wave of searching for dragon jade fragments.

After all, everything related to the ancestral dragon, even just a drop of blood essence, can be called a rare treasure.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about divine objects such as Ancestral Dragon Longyuan.

Even if you don't know what Ancestral Dragon is, just by hearing the word "Ancestral Dragon", you already know that it is an extraordinary creature.

Of course, some monks can probably guess that Immortal Emperor Yi Ting will definitely not give away such treasures to all the monks in the world.

What he did was just to let the monks from all the major star regions become his free laborers to help him find the source of the dragon.

But even if they knew this, they still couldn't suppress their inner greed and couldn't control their desire to find the source of the ancestral dragon.

This is the nature of human nature.

In the next three days, the leaders of the six super-first-class forces and their disciples also left Leixiao Holy City one after another.

They were full of life when they came, but when they returned, they were all lifeless. After all, it was a pity that the proud son of heaven who had worked so hard to cultivate died like this.

But it was related to Ancestral Dragon Longyuan. Even though he knew that Immortal Emperor Yi Ting had other plans, he still needed to return as soon as possible to inform the top leaders of the clan and discuss the next step.

Whether Immortal Emperor Yi Ting will come to seize the dragon source is another matter. Before that, if you can get the fragments of the dragon jade, you may get some unexpected benefits.

The major forces left one after another, and Tianzhi was left to the end by Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting later summoned the Immortal Lord again and asked about the Demon Soul Palace in detail.

He even bluntly said that Ning Kun, the master of Demon Soul Palace, took advantage of the chaos and took away one of the largest dragon jade fragments.

As a result, Ning Kun was directly pushed to the forefront.

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's move was extremely vicious.

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting then said bluntly that soon he would send the core elders and elite disciples of the clan to join forces with Tianzhi to help completely eliminate the rebellion in the Demon Soul Palace.

For this, Jie Yinxian Zun can only express his gratitude and gratitude.

However, with the shrewdness of Immortal Lord Jie Ying, how could he not know that Immortal Emperor Yi Ting was ostensibly helping their Tianzhi to suppress the rebellion, but was actually doing it for the dragon jade fragment?

"Jie Yinzun, I hope you can cooperate sincerely with the elders sent by me to completely eliminate our common enemy!"

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting glanced at Immortal Jieyin with a flat expression, and Immortal Jieyin quickly bowed and said, "I will do my best to live up to the emperor's expectations!"

"good very good!"

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting laughed loudly, and then waved his sleeves, "Jie Yin Zun, you can retreat!"


Immortal Lord Jie Yin let out a long breath, bowed to Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, and then quickly exited the hall.

After Yingxian Zun left, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting turned cold and shouted toward the void ahead: "Nirong, you have only half a month to summon thirty Wheel Realm Immortal Emperors and fifty Peak Immortals. Your Majesty, go to the Divine Realm and destroy the Demonic Soul Palace!"

"Yes, Emperor Zun!"

In the void, a low and hoarse voice came back, and lightning flashes were vaguely visible.

"in addition……"

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting looked at Wan Jun, "How are you recovering from your injuries?"

"Thank you Emperor for your concern. This disciple is no longer in the way!"

"Very good, he is indeed a good man from my Sky Patrol Thunder Clan!"

A trace of approval appeared on Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's face, "I will assign you to act with Nilong. You can also bring a few juniors with you to increase your experience."


Wan Jun was slightly startled, then nodded quickly and said: "Disciple understands!"

"That girl Xin'er can't sit still. Please take her with you this time."


Wan Jun couldn't help but sigh in his heart. With Wan Xiner as a troublemaker, he would inevitably fall into some unnecessary trouble again.

"Remember, no matter what method you use, the dragon jade fragment in the hands of the Demon Soul Palace Master must be brought back to me, otherwise, you don't have to come back!"

"Yes, this disciple will definitely fulfill his mission!"

Wan Jun took a deep breath, but Elder Nirong, plus thirty Immortal Emperors of the Wheel Realm, and fifty powerful Immortal Masters were there to help.

The possibility of failure in this mission is almost zero!

Yan Jinghong didn't know where he was involved in the turbulence of time and space. When he escaped from the time and space channel, he appeared in a mountain forest.

The nearby villages are actually just a group of ordinary people from a mortal country, and they don't even know what the outside world is like.

Although Yan Jinghong was anxious, he was still seriously injured in the turbulence of time and space.

By the time he recovered from his injuries, it was already half a month later.

"Uncle Qiao, Aunt Qiao, I'm sorry for bothering you for so long!"

Yan Jinghong bowed his hands to a middle-aged couple to express his gratitude.

"Little brother, stop being so polite. It's just an extra pair of chopsticks for multiple people. How can it be considered an intrusion?"

Uncle Qiao quickly supported Yan Jinghong and said with a smile: "Besides, little brother Yan, you also helped us a lot!"

"That's right. If you don't dislike it, little brother, you can stay here for as long as you like!"

Aunt Qiao was also smiling from ear to ear. These days, it was rare for people outside the mountains to be so polite to country folk like them.

"Aunt Qiao's kindness is appreciated by Jinghong."

Yan Jinghong shook his head and smiled, "However, my injuries have completely healed, and there are other important things to do. If there is a chance in the future, I will come back to visit my uncle and aunt again!"

It has to be said that Yan Jinghong's withdrawn and indifferent temperament has changed a lot since he followed Ling Feng.

If it were the original Yan Jinghong, he would not be so polite to these ordinary people.

"Is Brother Jinghong leaving?"

At this time, the children who were chasing and playing with several puppies in the yard heard that Yan Jinghong was about to leave. They rushed into the house and hugged Yan Jinghong's thigh. "Brother Jinghong, can you not do it in the future?" Did you play with Xiao Huzi?”

Yan Jinghong gently stroked Xiao Huzi's head, "There's no banquet in the world that doesn't last forever. Don't worry, Xiao Huzi, I will come to see you again!"

However, Yan Jinghong knew very well that for immortal monks like them, the life of a mortal was just a fleeting moment.

Since then, I'm afraid there will be no chance of seeing each other again.

Taking a deep breath, Yan Jinghong took out some body-building elixirs from the Naling Ring and handed them to Qiao Xiaohu, "Xiao Huzi, you can take one of these elixirs every year. Maybe you can use them if you have the opportunity." …”

After thinking for a while, Yan Jinghong shook his head again and said nothing more.

Perhaps, for them, setting foot on the immortal path is not a good thing.

"Anyway, it's good for you."

Yan Jinghong smiled, if the little tiger ate this pill, he would at least be considered to have natural powers when he grew up.

In the mortal world, it is enough to make some achievements.

"By the way, Uncle Qiao, what is the nearest town to this village? I want to go there first to find out the news!"

"Oh, you want to get some news!"

Uncle Qiao narrowed his eyes and smiled, "It's not far, not far. After leaving the village entrance and walking east, it takes a whole day's journey to reach Shanyang City. There is no better place than our village, with a population of tens of thousands. Woolen cloth!"

Is there only a few tens of thousands of people...

Yan Jinghong shook his head and smiled bitterly, wondering what kind of world he had fallen into with a backward cultivation level.

Also, is this really still a fairyland?

If you accidentally fall back to the lower realm, it will be difficult for you to find your way back!

"By the way, I left a few days ago, and I went to Shanyang City. It's strange to say that the city has become much more lively than usual. I heard that half a month ago, Shanyang City Something strange suddenly appeared in the south of Yangcheng City. It was as if a hole had been ripped open in the otherwise normal sky. Something fell from the sky. From a distance, it looked golden and looked like a treasure! "

"So, not only the people in the city went out to hunt for treasures, I heard that even the emperor in the palace was very interested in this treasure, and even sent many military lords here!"


Yan Jinghong narrowed his eyes. Could it be that other dragon jade fragments also fell to this place?

It seems that my luck is pretty good!

"Thank you, Uncle Qiao!"

Yan Jinghong saluted Uncle Qiao's family with his fists clasped, his figure flashed, and he flew away.


Uncle Qiao was stunned by this scene and exclaimed repeatedly, "Could it be that this little brother Yan is actually an immortal?"

For ordinary people, it takes a whole day's journey, but for Yan Jinghong, it was almost instantaneous.

After a while, Yan Jinghong arrived outside Shanyang City.

Just as Uncle Qiao said, Shanyang City was extremely lively.

However, although there are monks in the city, there are almost none who have reached the realm of virtual immortals.

The most powerful ones are equivalent to the saint-level experts in Xuanling Continent.

"It seems that I am still within the scope of the Immortal Realm."

Yan Jinghong secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although it was a remote place, the overall level of cultivation was very backward.

However, the number of saint-level experts that can appear in such a small city is far from what the lower world can compare with.

With a flash of figure, Yan Jinghong easily passed over the guards guarding the city and flew into the city.

With his cultivation at the peak of Immortal Lord, he can indeed be regarded as an immortal-like existence to these mortals.

There is no immortal powerful person, that is to say, if there is a dragon jade fragment, he can naturally take it easily.

In addition to the previous spherical fragment that looked like an eyeball, this is probably the second one.

Luck is coming, it’s really unstoppable!

Brother Ling, is it really your spirit in heaven that is protecting me?

"A sneeze!——"

In the beginningless void, Ling Feng suddenly sneezed several times in succession.

"Who is talking about me?"

Ling Feng shook his head. He didn't know how many days he had been trapped here today.

Ling Feng felt helpless and bitter as he watched his injuries become more and more serious.

It turns out that in this beginningless void, not only does the spiritual energy of heaven and earth not exist, but even the pills eaten have no effect.

He couldn't adjust his breath, and the pills had no effect. In addition, the injury was serious and his vitality was sluggish.

If this continues, are we really going to wait here to die slowly?

Ling Feng felt helpless, Taixu Zhoulong died too hastily, and he didn't even have time to tell himself how to leave.

In the past few days, Ling Feng suffered from the serious injury and did not dare to try randomly. If he was not careful, he would be thrown out of the beginningless void and then be involved in the turbulent flow of time and space.

The turbulent flow of time and space in this immortal realm is no better than that of the lower realm.

At that time, even the Immortal Lord and the Immortal Emperor dared not ignore the destructive power of the tides in space and time.

Not to mention, in his current state.

"Could it be that Immortal Emperor Yi Ting failed to kill me, but instead he was trapped and died here..."

Ling Feng wanted to cry but had no tears. If he really wanted to die like this, he might as well die in the hands of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, at least he would have some dignity.

"No, since Senior Zulong dragged me in here, he must have thought about how to get me out. Can't give up! Never give up!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. The more this situation happened, the more he needed to calm down and calm down!

"The connection between me and Senior Zulong is first of all the mark of time and space. Could it be..."

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and reluctantly activated the time and space mark in the sea of ​​​​spirit, but unfortunately, there was still no reaction.

"Sure enough, it's not this..."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly. If it was really just a time and space mark, he would have escaped long ago. Why is this!

Since it is not a time and space mark, then maybe it is...

Ling Feng's thoughts moved, and the dragon jade fragments suddenly flashed past.

"Why is the dragon jade fragment I got a dragon head? Could it be..."

Ling Feng blinked, and a faint thought flashed through his mind.

Perhaps, that dragon head is actually the key to controlling the beginningless void, and is the key to entering and exiting the beginningless void——


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. He had only used the fragments of the dragon's head to greatly enhance the power of the dragon's roar, and then put it away.

Now that I think about it, it was really too hasty!

Thinking of this, Ling Feng sinks his thoughts into the dragon head fragment again, recalling the feeling of using the dragon roar.

Gradually, his brain started to heat up slightly, and then his left eye seemed to see a very complex and strange pattern.

Ling Feng forced himself to cheer up and use his thoughts to push the patterns.

The next moment, a white light suddenly flashed in front of him. Before Ling Feng could react, he was violently thrown out and fell heavily to the ground.

Ling Feng was already seriously injured, and now he was even more dizzy and a little disoriented.

"Bah, bah, bah..."

Ling Feng spit out a few mouthfuls of dust and fanned the dust in front of him.

Along with a gust of cool breeze, Ling Feng felt that his crotch felt a little bit chilly!

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of exclamations from all around.



"White-haired bird-walking madman!"

Amidst these bursts of exclamations, Ling Feng showed a look of extreme joy.

What a familiar shout!

That must be a human voice!


I really came out!

It wasn't until a group of guards in armor gathered around him that Ling Feng realized that the clothes on his body had long been torn to pieces in the turbulence of time and space.

And because the Naling Ring was also destroyed, naturally there were no other clothes.

The white-haired bird-walking maniacs mentioned by those older girls and younger daughters-in-law turned out to be me!

"Holy shit!"

Ling Feng quickly covered his vitals, and his figure flashed, turning into a ball of lightning and disappearing into the bustling city.

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