Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3709 Brothers reunited! Long Yu’s right eye!

The sun was setting.

At this moment, Ling Feng was hiding under the shadow of a roof, looking at the bustling streets below, and he couldn't help but wonder.

Among the passers-by, a large part of them were just ordinary people without cultivation.

There was not even a single immortal cultivator.

This made Ling Feng wonder if he had returned to the lower realm.

It seemed that after being thrown out of the Wu Shi Void, he was teleported to a plane with a very backward cultivation level.

However, in a sense, this was also a good thing.

At least, it was not easy to expose his whereabouts here.

"The most urgent thing should be to find a place to heal the wound."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. The world with a low level of cultivation naturally had relatively poor spiritual energy.

Fortunately, Ling Feng had a large number of healing pills. If he only relied on pills, it would probably take one or two months to fully recover.

Ling Feng scanned the crowd and finally saw a man with a similar figure to himself. His figure flashed and turned into a gust of wind, sweeping past.

When the gust of wind dissipated, the man's clothes were also swept away, but he held an extra top-grade immortal stone in his hand.

The man inexplicably became a bird-walking maniac. He cursed furiously at first, and then when he saw the immortal stone in his hand, he immediately knelt down and thanked God for his generous gift.

Such a top-grade immortal stone is enough for him to buy land, a house, marry a wife, and live a life without worries about food and clothing!

Not long after, Ling Feng walked out of a ready-made clothing store and changed into a clean and comfortable silk dress.

At the same time, he did not forget to prepare more than a dozen sets of clothes and threw them in the Five Elements Palace to avoid the same embarrassing situation again.

Unfortunately, perhaps because of the low level of cultivation, there are only ordinary linen or silk here, which has not been tempered and has no magic circle blessing. This kind of clothing may not be able to withstand the momentum of the immortals' magic power.

After arriving at a large city, I still have to change some high-grade protective gear.

In addition, Ling Feng is "dead", and my face is not suitable to appear.

At this moment, Ling Feng has changed his face and has already changed into another relatively ordinary face. Even the silver hair on his head has been covered by "Thousands of Changes" and turned back to ordinary black hair.

I saw Ling Feng holding a folding fan, which has a bit of the flavor of a scholar and a gentleman.

I will probably live here for the next one or two months.

At this time, there was a uniform sound of footsteps behind him, mixed with the sound of armor swinging, "clattering" like waves.

Ling Feng looked back and saw a soldier who could not be seen at a glance, walking quickly.

In the middle of the team, there was a very luxurious open carriage.

The carriage was not pulled by ordinary horses, but by two black bears that were three feet tall.

These two black bears had a domineering aura and were full of blood. Their blood-red eyes emitted a suffocating chill. They were actually great demons comparable to the demon saint level!

A middle-aged man in a golden robe sat on the carriage, resting his eyes.

The aura of this middle-aged man was even more amazing. He had actually reached the realm of a half-step virtual immortal!

Seeing the army approaching, Ling Feng took the initiative to retreat to the side of the road to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Then he heard someone talking not far away.

"Since the golden light fell from the sky some time ago, there have been more and more practitioners in our Shanyang City. I didn't expect that even Tianfang National Master would come this time!"

"Tianfang National Master is a well-known figure in our Beironghou Kingdom. He actually condescended to come here. The thing that fell from the sky must be a rare treasure!"

"Hehe, if I pick it up and present it to Tianfang National Master, maybe I can get a high official position!"

"Just dream! Everything that falls on the ground belongs to the emperor. Dare you pick it up, be careful that you will lose your life before you become a high official! "

"That's true, we small casual cultivators should stay away from it!"

Hearing the two people talking excitedly, Ling Feng came forward, holding a folding fan and bowing to the two people, "Two big brothers, what's the matter with the golden light falling from the sky you just talked about?"

"Tsk, you sour scholar, just read your books, don't ask about the things in the world of immortal cultivation!"

A burly man on the left glanced at Ling Feng coldly with disdain.

Ling Feng's breath was restrained, and he looked like an ordinary person. No wonder the strong man regarded him as a "sour scholar".

"What about this?"

Ling Feng casually took out a piece of Yuanshi. Fortunately, the Yuanshi and Yuanjing he brought from the lower world had not been used up, but they came in handy here.

"Superior Yuanshi!"

The eyes of the two cultivators lit up, and they happily accepted the Yuanshi and immediately put on a brand new look.

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, "To be honest with you two brothers, I am actually a scholar who makes a living by writing. I always like to hear some strange stories to inspire my creative inspiration."

"Oh, you are also a writer!"

The sturdy man laughed, "Actually, this is not a secret. About ten days ago, the sky suddenly tore apart, and golden light fell on the Niu Shou Mountain area outside the southern suburbs of the city, and then attracted a large number of monks to come and search for treasures. Look, my two brothers are also among them!"

"So that's it!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes. After being blown up, the dragon jade fragments transformed by the ancestral dragon Longyuan were transported to various star fields by countless time and space channels.

Is it possible that the so-called golden light falling from the sky is one of the dragon jade fragments?

That's quite a coincidence!

Ling Feng held his chin. Although he was seriously injured now, it was still more than enough to deal with these mortals who were not even in the immortal realm.

You might as well go and have a look, maybe you can get another fragment.

"Hey, little brother, you are just curious. Niushou Mountain is already overcrowded with people. Monks from all walks of life are gathered there. There are many desperadoes and cruel people. Don't run there and die in vain. !”

The strong man raised his hand and patted Ling Feng's back a few times, grinning widely and reminding him with a smile.

"That's right, that's right, how could I have the courage!"

While several people were talking, the carriage pulled by the black bear had already passed by Ling Feng and the others.

Ling Feng raised his eyes and casually looked at Master Fang that day. He immediately looked away and lowered his head to avoid causing trouble.

However, if nothing else, the accident happened!

At this moment, there was an exclamation in the crowd, mixed with tremors and panic, and a little boy of seven or eight years old seemed to have dropped the doll in his hand on the roadside, and was about to be killed by that Two black bears trampled it to pieces, and the little boy somehow got out of the crowd and went to pick up the doll.

The person who exclaimed was the boy's mother.

"You little bastard, you don't want to die!"

The soldiers walking in front of the black bear were startled when they saw a child suddenly emerge from the crowd. They wanted to pull the child out, but the burly and majestic black bear could not stop at all.

In fact, seeing the child who suddenly rushed in front of him aroused a bit of ferocity.


The black bear's saliva fell directly into a large puddle, soaking the child.

The soldier in front took the opportunity to pull the boy behind him. Seeing that the black bear's giant claw was about to snap down, the soldier broke into a cold sweat and cursed his own damn instinct in his heart.

No matter what you do badly, you must be a good person!

It's a dead end now!

At this moment, there was a flash of blue light, and the black bear that was still roaring in a low voice turned into an ice sculpture in an instant and could no longer move.

And then, a young man in blue was seen falling from the sky. By coincidence, he saved the soldier and the child.

It's him!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly. The person who took action was none other than Yan Jinghong!

Why is he here too!

Ling Feng felt ecstatic in his heart. It seemed that this guy's life was long enough, and he didn't die in the collapse of time and space!

What's even more amazing is that I actually met him here!

Is this really just a coincidence?

Is there any connection between this?

Suddenly, Ling Feng's left eye felt slightly hot, as if he sensed something.

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, could it be because of the fragments of dragon jade?

In fact, what Ling Feng guessed was very close to the truth.

The dragon jade fragment he got was exactly a dragon head, and the spherical fragment Yan Jinghong got was, by coincidence, the missing right eye of the dragon head.

It was precisely because of this subtle induction that Ling Feng was directly teleported to the vicinity of Yan Jinghong after being thrown out of the beginningless void!

Yan Jinghong was seen standing in front of the carriage with a stern face, and his cold eyes made the other black bear next to him tremble with fear.

This huge beast actually looked like a docile puppy, obediently lying on the ground and not daring to move.

The Tianfang Imperial Master on the carriage suddenly opened his eyes, and his heart skipped a beat when he saw the young man in front of him.

I am only a half-step virtual immortal, but the person in front of me is actually a real powerful immortal!

You must know that in the entire Beirong Kingdom, strong immortals are almost rare.


At this moment, a middle-aged woman finally rushed out of the crowd, pulled the frightened little boy into her arms, and immediately thanked Yan Jinghong profusely.

The soldier also wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and knelt down in front of Yan Jinghong with a bang, "Thank you so much, young master, for saving your life!"

"Your Excellency... Your Excellency is..."

Imperial Master Tianfang carefully jumped off the carriage and bowed to Yan Jinghong.

All passers-by were dumbfounded.

The majestic national master would actually salute a young man!

Only Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and snickered secretly, this kid is really good at showing off!

What's more, Yan Jinghong didn't notice him at all.

It seems that my hiding is very successful!

But also, he should have been a dead person, how could he be resurrected?

"Don't worry, I have no intention of being your enemy, I'm just saving people casually."

Yan Jinghong waved his hand gently, and the frozen black bear recovered again. The black bear trembled and crawled down honestly.

Although this big guy has no brains, his survival instinct tells him that he cannot mess with the guy in front of him.

"Yes Yes……"

Imperial Master Tianfang was shocked, swallowed his saliva, and said with a smile on his face: "I failed to discipline you this time. I will teach these two beasts a lesson when I get back!"

"That's very good."

Yan Jinghong nodded slightly, turned around and left gracefully.

That day, Imperial Master Fang took a deep breath and couldn't help but murmur in his heart: Who is this young man? He has such terrifying cultivation at such a young age! Could it be that it comes from the Tianyu side? If the geniuses from the Heaven Realm also come to snatch the rare treasures from that day, I am afraid that ordinary people like us will have nothing to do with them...


Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. Seeing Yan Jinghong walking away, Ling Feng quickly followed him quietly.

He didn't trust others, but Yan Jinghong was one of the few people he could absolutely trust.

Now that I have met this guy, I can ask him for help to heal myself.

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