Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3710 Dead, but not completely dead!


In a secluded alley, two figures flew past, one behind the other.

At this moment, the figure in front suddenly disappeared!

Immediately afterwards, ice flowers scattered all over the sky, turning into ice cones and shooting backwards.

"There's no need to be so cruel! Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng used the Jiuyou Instant Body Technique and could barely avoid the ice flowers, with a helpless smile on his face.

Because of the forced activation of magic power, Ling Feng's blood surged and he couldn't help but cough violently.

The clothes on his body could not withstand the operation of the magic power. After hearing a few "chichi" sounds, the originally brand-new clothes became tattered again.

There was a flash of blue light, and Yan Jinghong's figure reappeared, but his whole body was covered with a layer of black ice armor, and he stared at Ling Feng with a solemn expression.

Originally in this country with a low level of cultivation, Yan Jinghong naturally did not need to be so vigilant, but the guy following him could actually maintain a very stable distance from him no matter how fast he accelerated.

In other words, his speed is definitely not inferior to his own!

What's even more frightening is that he can't see through the other person's cultivation at all!

"Who are you?"

Yan Jinghong stared at Ling Feng coldly. Although the "strange" man in front of him looked a little sick, it gave him an unfathomable feeling.

It seems that there is a world outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. Even in such a backward and barren country, there are some mysterious beings.

"Brother Yan, do you really not recognize me at all?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly.


Yan Jinghong's eyelids twitched suddenly and he stared at the man opposite him in disbelief, "Do you know me?"

Yan Jinghong began to brainstorm in his mind, constantly thinking about whether he had seen this person before.

However, since I set foot in the Immortal Realm, I have basically been practicing in seclusion in the holy land of the Xantian Ice Clan. I have not met many people. If I had met this person, I should not have any impression at all.


Seeing Yan Jinghong's confused look, Ling Feng couldn't help but burst out laughing, "It seems like my disguise was really successful! Even you can't recognize me, let alone the others!" "

Yan Jinghong stared at Ling Feng, looking up and down countless times.

But the aura on Ling Feng's body was something he had never sensed before.

"Who are you?"

Yan Jinghong's eyes turned cold, "I'll ask you one last time. Don't blame me for being ruthless if you try to be mysterious again!"

"Okay, okay!"

Seeing Yan Jinghong's aggressive look, Ling Feng could only take off the Qianji Baibian on his face and restore his original appearance.

And when Ling Feng took off his disguise little by little and revealed his true face, Yan Jinghong went from shock, to astonishment, to disbelief, then to surprise, then to shock again, and finally, in great shock, he uttered, "You ...You're not dead?"

"Sort of dead, but not quite dead."

Ling Feng shrugged, covered his chest, and coughed a few more times, "If Taixu Zhoulong hadn't rescued me at the last moment, I might have really died."

Seeing Ling Feng's weak look, Yan Jinghong quickly stepped forward to support Ling Feng and said excitedly: "I knew you wouldn't die so easily!"

"I faked my death to escape this time, so my identity should not have been exposed to anyone."

Ling Feng reorganized the changes and turned back into the scholarly appearance before. At the same time, he warned: "You have to keep this matter a secret for me."

Yan Jinghong nodded and smiled, "I didn't expect that the thorn-headed Ling Feng of the past would now be anonymous like others!"

"I didn't expect that the former eldest son of the Yan family would become so kind and have a strong sense of justice!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly. Yan Jinghong used to be arrogant, domineering, cruel and vicious, but today he actually took action against an ordinary person.

People do change.

However, some people will get better, while others will get worse.


Yan Jinghong snorted, "What kind of kindness? What sense of justice? Do you really think I was going to save that kid? I just left a mark of spiritual consciousness on that national master, waiting for him to find the one who descended from the sky." I can just take the rare treasure from him and save myself the trouble of looking for it!”

"Oh? So that's it!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled. This guy is still as duplicitous and arrogant as ever!

However, he knew how to use the Tianfang Imperial Master to find the rare treasure from heaven. It seemed that Yan Jinghong, who had always been reckless and impulsive, had finally grown up and started to use his brain!

"Now I've cast the net, I just have to wait to close it."

Yan Jinghong looked back at Ling Feng and saw that he looked weak. He frowned and said in a deep voice, "It seems that the first priority is to find a place for you to heal your injuries."

Ling Feng smiled bitterly and nodded: "I was seriously injured this time. Fortunately, I met you. Otherwise, it would not be easy to fully recover."

Yan Jinghong rolled his eyes, and a blue light flashed around his body, directly surrounding Ling Feng. The next moment, it turned into a long rainbow, soared into the sky, and disappeared into Shanyang City.

News about the dragon jade fragments scattered in various star regions was quickly transmitted from Leixiao Holy City.

Soon, not only the Heavenly Punishment Thunder Territory, but also the Xunfeng Heavenly Territory, the Shenzhi Heavenly Territory, and the Burning Sky Fire Territory...

The news quickly spread throughout the major cities within the Immortal Domain, and it is believed that this news will soon spread further from the main city to the surrounding cities.

Even with the vastness and vastness of the Immortal Realm, except for some extremely remote corners or extremely backward areas, I believe that within three months, this news will completely spread throughout the world.

And just the day after this news spread, a large number of immortal monks had already begun to take action to pursue the scattered dragon jade fragments.

All major sects and major forces have also issued internal tasks to find dragon jade fragments, and it is directly the top task, and the reward is also quite impressive.

Of course, as for whether these disciples will hand over to the sect honestly, it depends on how the individual weighs the pros and cons.

But no matter what, the search for dragon jade fragments has set off a wave throughout the entire Immortal Domain.

It won't be long before various teams specializing in searching for dragon jade fragments will emerge.

These are all things for later.

Let's talk about the fact that Jingyin Xianzun and his party finally returned to Tianzhi about ten days after leaving Leixiao Holy City.

Although among Tianzhi's disciples who participated in the dragon-slaying operation, Yu Shen Xian Jun was still the only one left. However, the fall of Yu Shen Xian Jun Wang Teng and Ling Feng still brought a lot of trouble to Jie Yin Xian Zun. blow.

"Finally home!"

On top of the spirit boat, Dragon Controlling Immortal Lord Ao Tianxin pointed to the huge heavenly gate towering into the sky in front of him, with a hint of joy on his face.

His overall results were pretty good, and in addition to the top fifteen geniuses in the Seven Ultimate Immortal Rankings this time, there were a total of twelve casualties.

Although he failed to be selected into the Qijue, if he eliminates those people in front of him, wouldn't it mean that he is also the Qijue?

What's more, his relationship with Wang Teng and Ling Feng is not very good.

The two of them died during the dragon-slaying operation, so he naturally felt a lot of sadness.

At most, it's just a little bit of loss.

After all, they were from the same school, so he didn't snicker behind their backs, so he was right with them.

What's more, Ling Feng is a remnant of heaven!

"Hey, Brother Ling, Brother Ling, why are you so...hey..."

Among all the people, except for Jieyin Xianzun and Xiao Xianling, Shan Chiyan was probably the most saddened.

Over the past few days, Chi Yankuang sighed every day, as if the person who died was his own brother.

To say that this Red Flame Maniac is also a man of good temperament, Ling Feng's acquaintance with him was not in vain.

Immortal Yufeng patted his shoulder gently and shook his head slightly towards him.

Ling Feng's identity is somewhat sensitive. Now that he has returned to Tianzhi, he still tries his best to hide those emotions to avoid being labeled as having colluded with the remnants of Heavenly Dao and the Demon Soul Palace.

People's hearts are sinister and we have to guard against them!

Chi Yankuang took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and said no more.

On the other hand, Yu Shenxian Jun snorted coldly and gritted his teeth and said: "No matter whether Junior Brother Ling Feng is a remnant of heaven or not, I only know that if it weren't for him, I would definitely die in this dragon slaying operation!"

If Ling Feng hadn't broken the connection between the Life Blood Tree and the bloody demonic dragon, these seven powerful men might not even be able to see Taixu Zhoulong, and they would have died miserably from exhaustion.

Therefore, no matter what identity Ling Feng is, Ling Feng saved him, and this will not change.

Compared to the hypocritical Immortal Emperor Yi Ting, Ling Feng is much better than him.

"I don't care what other people think. In short, I will always enshrine Junior Brother Ling's immortal shrine in Ren Tianhen's cave. Three pillars of fragrance every day will never be cut off!"

After all, he is the leader of the Six Imperial Guards, he is indeed strong enough!

All the disciples were silent, no one dared to say a word in rebuttal.

Yushenxianjun was already much stronger than all their disciples, and now he also got an imperial weapon.

To say that the people who benefited the most from this dragon-slaying operation were probably Ren Tianhen and the other three Qi Jue Tianjiao who came back alive.

Not long after, the spirit boat slowly descended from the sky.

"Everyone can return to your respective caves first and wait for your Majesty's summons."

Jie Yin Xianzun dismissed the disciples, looked at his depressed granddaughter, and couldn't help but sigh.

How could he not see the hint of affection Xiao Xianling had for Ling Feng.

Unfortunately, it's too late to say anything now.

Jie Yinxian Zun gently stroked Xiao Xianling's head and said warmly: "Girl, go back!"

Xiao Xianling gritted her teeth. After returning to Tianzhi, her mood became even more gloomy and depressed.

In Ling Feng's cave, Yu Junyao, Tuo Bayan and Yue Yunlan were all still looking forward to Ling Feng's return.

But now, how was she going to tell them the sad news of Ling Feng's tragic death?

This kind of pressure is too much!

"Let's go back!"

Jieyin Xianzun patted Xiao Xianling's shoulder again, turned his hand to take back the spirit boat, and looked back at Si Chen.

"It seems that it's time for you to return your message to Your Majesty. Let's go together."

Jie Yinxian Zun sighed softly. He could be said to have witnessed Ling Feng create countless miracles step by step.

In just ten years, he has accomplished something that others could not achieve in hundreds of years.

Now it seems that this is probably because he has the blood of the Tiandao clan in his body, which is why he is so talented.

Si Chen nodded silently, and then, the two powerful figures turned into divine light and shot straight into the sky, flying towards the Bright Abyss Realm where the Lord was.

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