Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3712 Princess Beirong!


With a loud noise, the ice wall sealing the entrance of the cave exploded and turned into ice shards all over the sky, scattering in all directions.

Immediately afterwards, two figures flew out, one behind the other. It was Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong who finally broke through the barrier.

Ling Feng jumped up to the top of the mountain, faced the strong mountain wind, spread his hands, and let out a clear whistle.

In an instant, my energy and spirit returned to their peak state, and I felt the natural creation of heaven and earth, as if I had some enlightenment.

As the saying goes, if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed later.

After this battle, Ling Feng was one step closer to the realm of Immortal Lord.

If you still stay in Tianzhi to meditate and work behind closed doors, I am afraid that even if you spend a few more years, you may not be able to reach this step.

Therefore, opportunities and risks coexist.

If you don't take some risks, how can you achieve the gains you have now?

Just talking about the Eye of the Emperor, it is impossible to go one step further without patrolling the sky and thunder field.

Yan Jinghong flew down and landed next to Ling Feng. Looking at Ling Feng's eyes, the light suddenly disappeared, knowing that this guy might have had another epiphany.

It is really not an easy task to catch up with him!

"Do you have any extra clothes?"

Suddenly, Ling Feng turned his head to look at Yan Jinghong and asked casually.


Yan Jinghong was slightly startled, a little confused.

"Although I escaped with my life by luck, the Naling Ring was destroyed, and all the clothes were buried with it. Now these clothes are ordinary fabrics, which cannot withstand the operation of magic power. A little luck will It would be a bit ugly if my clothes were completely exposed.”

Yan Jinghong rolled his eyes and threw several sets of clothes brought from the Xantian Ice Clan to Ling Feng, "These are new clothes, I have never worn them."

Ling Feng smiled and put on a suit, and the clothes automatically adjusted to the size suitable for Ling Feng. They were not only comfortable, but also cool and breathable. They could even cooperate with the power of Xuntian Ice Soul to enhance a certain self-defense effect.

Ling Feng also has the blood of half of the Xuntian Ice Clan, so these clothes are suitable for him.

"Not bad! Thanks!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly. Since he was now "Long Fei", in order to deceive others, he could try to reduce or avoid using the fire laws that he most commonly used before, and instead focus on the ice laws.

At this moment, Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and in his sight, he saw a woman with breathtaking energy lying in a mountain stream at the foot of the mountain.

Seeing that the woman's clothes were gorgeous and made of unusual materials, she was obviously not an ordinary person in Shanyang City.

And the aura on her body seemed to come from the same lineage as the Tianfang Imperial Master whom she met in the city before.

Probably, he was a junior disciple or grandson of Master Fang that day.

Perhaps it was the instinct of being a doctor deep in his heart, Ling Feng flew towards the mountain stream without much hesitation.

She is just a little girl, and she is not a threat to herself.

Yan Jinghong obviously also noticed the gorgeously dressed girl. He sighed softly and flew to follow her.

Wasn't it because he was influenced by Ling Feng that he became more and more soft-hearted?

From the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, it was almost instantaneous at Lingfeng's speed.

With a flash of his figure, Ling Feng picked up the seriously injured girl from the mountain stream. With a turn of magic, he dried all the girl's clothes and hair.

Although the woman's face was pale and her aura was very weak, she still could not hide her unique noble temperament.

Of course, her appearance is also quite beautiful, but Ling Feng has seen so many beauties that he has long been immune to it.

The next moment, Ling Feng helped the girl sit up on a boulder beside the stream. He put his hand on the girl's veins and frowned.

Not only did this woman suffer severe internal injuries, but her heart was damaged and almost severed.

It seemed that she had been soaking in the mountain stream for at least three days.

If it weren't for the fact that she seemed to have a natal magical weapon on her body that protected her last breath, she might not have been able to hold on until now.

"The person who took action was really ruthless! He wouldn't let such a little girl go."

Ling Feng frowned and said in a deep voice.

Yan Jinghong crossed his arms and stood aside with a cold face, but he couldn't help but secretly curse in his heart: When you attack the enemy, it won't be much better.

Of course, when Ling Feng killed someone, it was almost impossible to find the whole body.

Under normal circumstances, if there is no residue left after being blown up, rounding it off is equivalent to not killing anything.

Naturally, Ling Feng didn't know what Yan Jinghong was thinking. He put his hand on the girl's back, first infused a breath of life to protect the girl's heart veins, and then took out the regeneration golden needle to connect her heart veins.

If it were anyone else, the woman would almost have to wait for death in this situation.

Even if he is barely saved, he will just hang on for three to five years and die painfully on the hospital bed in the end.

But for Ling Feng, who possesses Taixuan acupuncture skills, this can only be regarded as a small scene.

"Sorry, I'm offended!"

Ling Feng lowered his voice and whispered in the woman's ear. Regardless of whether she could hear it, he gently took off the clothes on the woman's upper body.

When life and death are at stake, there is no need to care about the difference between men and women.


When Yan Jinghong saw Ling Feng undressing the woman, he naturally did not take advantage of her. He flashed his figure and flew aside to give Ling Feng...

Let the wind go?

About half an hour later, Ling Feng took out the last golden needle from the girl's fair back, and her vitality finally fully recovered.

Even because he had obtained Ling Feng's life aura, he had transformed the girl's physique to a certain extent.

After all, Ling Feng is a powerful immortal, and that woman is just an ordinary person.

To ordinary people, even a single hair of a powerful immortal is a rare treasure.

Not to mention, Ling Feng poured his own life energy into her body.

For that woman, this was nothing short of a great blessing.

"Cough cough cough..."

Finally, the girl woke up leisurely, and Ling Feng also pulled the woman's dress back to its original position in time to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

"Girl, are you okay?"

Ling Feng held the woman's back and asked softly.

"Thank you, sir, for saving my life!"

The woman was calmer than she imagined. Although she was still very weak, she still gritted her teeth and saluted Ling Feng.

"No need to be polite!"

Ling Feng quickly supported the girl, waved his hand and said with a smile: "It turns out that the girl has woken up a long time ago. I have offended many times before. I hope you can forgive me."

"If it hadn't been for Young Master's rescue, Ru Yin would have died in that cold water stream."

Jiang Ruyin bit her lip. This woman was a rare and reasonable person.

Probably the same type as Yu Shiwei.

Ling Feng shook his head, thinking of Yu Shiwei for no reason.

"By the way, how did the girl end up in the mountain stream?" Ling Feng changed the topic and said warmly.


Jiang Ruyin seemed to think of something extremely sad and sad, her eyes turned slightly red, and she choked with sobs: "How could Ruyin have imagined that the imperial brother who has always been the most respected and trusted would actually take action against me and knock me down?" cliff."

"Brother Royal?"

Ling Feng was slightly stunned and looked at the woman who claimed to be Ru Yin, "Could it be that you are the princess of Beirong Kingdom?"


Jiang Ruyin nodded lightly, "My name is Jiang Ruyin, and I am the princess of the Beirong Kingdom. A few days ago, I came to Shanyang City with my royal brother after receiving the news from Tianfang Imperial Master back to the royal capital..."

Following Jiang Ruyin's narration, Ling Feng also roughly understood how she was knocked off the cliff by his royal brother.

However, it turned out that National Master Fang had found the rare treasure that had fallen into the Niushous Mountain seven or eight days before that day, and then passed the news back to the royal capital.

In order to treat the monarch of the Beirong Kingdom who was suffering from a strange disease, Princess Jiang Ruyin followed her brother Jiang Gan to Shanyang City, preparing to bring the rare treasure back to cure her father's strange disease.

Who would have expected that after his brother got the rare treasure, he would join forces with Tianfang Imperial Master to severely injure her and knock her off the cliff.

If she hadn't met Ling Feng, she might have died.

Sure enough, the royal family has had no family ties since ancient times, so Ling Feng was used to this kind of thing.

"Princess Ruyin, you don't have to be too sad."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and comforted him in a gentle voice: "Can you tell me in detail about your father's strange illness and the strange treasure that was dropped that day? This is very important to me."

Jiang Ruyin raised her eyes and looked at Ling Feng carefully. After hesitating for a moment, she nodded, bit her silver teeth and said, "I started talking about my father's strange disease more than ten years ago..."

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