"Twelve years ago, my father led an army to exterminate the bandits in the south. After returning to the capital, he contracted a strange disease."

Jiang Ruyin bit her silver teeth, and a trace of sadness flashed through her bright eyes, mixed with some very complicated fears.

Ling Feng listened quietly. Judging from Jiang Ruyin's expression, something extremely terrible must have happened to her father.

"Father, he...since that year, he has gradually shown a tendency to become demonized."

"Demonization?" Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, "How exactly?"

"At first, some scales like snake scales appeared on an old wound on his back. Later, those scales continued to spread. Even the most famous Taoist doctor in the royal capital tried his best to use various methods. No method can stop the spread of those scales. After twelve years, except for his face, basically his whole body has been covered with those terrible scales. Not only that, he...he also..."

As Jiang Ruyin spoke, she suddenly paused, her eyes turned red, and she took a few deep breaths before gritting her teeth and saying: "He also started, like a monster, drinking blood and eating raw meat! Until not long ago, the maids and eunuchs in the palace , began to disappear frequently..."


Ling Feng's scalp was slightly numb. Although Jiang Ruyin didn't say it clearly, he could probably guess what happened.

The majestic leader of a country turned into a man-eating monster!

"Nowadays, the time that my father is awake every day is getting shorter and shorter. I know that my father may not be able to hold on for much longer."

Jiang Ruyin clenched her fists tightly, "So, when the Imperial Master said that the rare treasure from Shanyang City could cure my father's strange disease, I immediately followed my brother to look for that rare treasure, hoping to cure it. My father’s strange illness allowed him to return to normal, but I didn’t expect that this was actually a conspiracy between the Imperial Master and the Imperial Brother to deal with me!”

"Brother, he doesn't want my father to get better at all. In fact, the reason why my father is like this is because of the poisonous hands secretly carried out by him and the Imperial Master!"

"Huh! What an unfilial beast!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, "It seems that your imperial brother has been very dissatisfied with your father for a long time. His purpose is to turn the emperor of your Beirong Kingdom into a monster who has lost his humanity. , he will be able to win the love of the people and become a good emperor praised by everyone if he performs another act of righteousness and annihilation of relatives! This is a good plan!"

Jiang Ruyin bit her silver teeth lightly, "Brother Emperor... No, I don't care what that beast thinks. I'm just worried that they will be detrimental to my father!"

At this moment, blue light flashed, and Yan Jinghong flew back, glanced at Princess Ruyin, and said with a frosty face: "Let's talk about that rare treasure from heaven! Have you seen it before? "

This guy actually likes to get straight to the point, completely ignoring Jiang Ruyin's mood at the moment.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and said quickly: "I forgot to introduce you, Long Fei, this is my friend Yan Jinghong. Don't look at him like this now, back then he could be said to be nothing, but with you That royal brother is considered a great saint by comparison!"

In the past, Yan Jinghong, no matter how arrogant, domineering, cruel and murderous, he was still quite good to his clan members of the Yan family.

But that Prince Jiang Qian even murdered his father, which was a complete loss of humanity.

"Master Long, Master Yan!"

Because he was injured and had difficulty moving, Jiang Ruyin just nodded slightly at Ling Feng and the other two as a salute.

She took a deep breath and gritted her teeth and said, "Young Master Yan is right. I have indeed seen that treasure. It looks like a sharp claw. According to the Tianfang Imperial Master and the others, it seems to be called Dragon Jade Fragment." ?”


Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong looked at each other suddenly.

In such a remote and small country, where even a strong immortal can't be found, there are actually people who know the dragon jade fragment?

How strange!


Or rather, there are experts behind them!

Thinking about it, how could he, who was just a prince, come up with poison that made all the doctors helpless and turn the king into a monster?


Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he had some guesses in his mind.

However, this is just a guess.

Even if this matter has nothing to do with the Demon Soul Palace, there must be descendants of the ancient demon involved!

"It is indeed a dragon jade fragment!"

Yan Jinghong's reaction was very direct. He smiled coldly and said: "Princess, right? You're lucky, we can help you. Anyway, that fragment is something we are determined to get. It doesn't matter if we kill a few scum and scum."

Ling Feng shrugged and did not refute.

His attitude was similar to that of Yan Jinghong.

Princess Na Ruyin hurriedly knelt in front of Ling Feng, gritted her teeth and said: "Mr. Long, your medical skills are so good that you can even save people like me who have half a foot in the gate of hell. You can definitely cure my father's strange disease." , please take action, please!”

After saying that, he kept kowtowing towards Ling Feng, just once, even his forehead turned red.

"Okay, I can try."

As a doctor, Ling Feng is naturally interested in various difficult and complicated diseases.

Now that you've encountered it, there's no harm in taking a look.

"Thank you Mr. Long!"

Jiang Ruyin burst into tears of gratitude, staring at Ling Feng with a pair of big bright eyes. Sure enough, there is no end to the fate. She survived the disaster this time and met a noble person!

Three days later, the capital of Beirong.

In the center of the royal capital lies the largest and most magnificent square in the entire Beirong Kingdom.

This is also the place where successive monarchs boarded planes to observe ceremonies, conducted military parades and drills, and held banquets with their ministers.

In the center of the square, stands a huge stone statue more than ten feet high, which is the founding monarch of the Beirong Kingdom.

After more than three thousand years, the Beirong Kingdom has grown stronger and stronger, and the square has been continuously expanded and repaired to reach the scale it is today.

At this moment, the square was crowded with people, but amidst the noise of people, a creepy roar like a wild beast could still be heard.

Through the crowd, I saw a large iron cage over three feet high and ten feet long, guarded by countless guards!

The iron cage was covered with chains, and at the end of the chains, there were several thunder formations sealed.

Through the conduction of the iron chain, the entire iron cage is wrapped with jumping arcs. Looking from a distance, it is already making people's scalp numb.

And inside the iron cage, there was a monster covered with scales, with a human head and a snake body. Although it still had a human torso and limbs, it looked extremely weird because of the layer of fine snake scales.

And behind the monster, three snake heads extended out, spitting out snake letters, and their eyes showed a fierce light.

The monster hit the iron cage like crazy, but was directly blown away by the electric current attached to the cage. After being electrocuted many times, the monster gradually became more honest, curled up into a ball, and huddled inside the cage, but no matter Whether it was the human head or the three snake heads, they all glanced coldly at the surrounding crowd of onlookers, emitting a chilling chill.

And this monster trapped in the iron cage is actually the King of Beirong who should be aloof and respected by all the people!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, the drums sounded like thunder, resounding throughout the square.

Amidst the beating of drums, Imperial Master Tianfang personally drove a carriage and led Prince Jiang Gan from the direction of the imperial city.

This Prince Jiang Gan was the beast in disguise who knocked his own sister off the cliff.

Imperial Master Tianfang sat at the front of the carriage and spoke with his spiritual consciousness: "Your Highness, are you all ready?"

"I have been preparing for this moment for more than ten years, what do you think?"

The two of them exchanged a look, both of them showing the look of success.

With the appearance of the carriage, countless people who were watching began to talk about it.

"That's His Royal Highness the Prince!"

"Thanks to His Royal Highness, I discovered that the old king had turned into a man-eating monster. Otherwise, I don't know how many people would have been killed!"

"Throughout the ages, there have been a few people who have been able to kill their relatives with justice. For the welfare of the people and the safety of all the people, His Royal Highness even spared no effort to imprison the old king despite being accused of being unfilial. It's really admirable!"

In the midst of everyone's discussion, Prince Jiang Qian suddenly jumped up and jumped directly from the carriage.

Then, with a pop, he knelt directly on the ground.

"Your Highness the Prince!"

Tianfang Imperial Master quickly stopped the carriage and walked quickly to Jiang Gan, "Your Highness, what are you doing!"

Jiang Gan's face was full of grief, anger and pain. He knelt down in the direction of the iron cage and shouted in a tragic and solemn voice, "Father, please forgive the child for being unfilial!"

For a moment, the whole place was silent.

Everyone stared at the prince.

"Such true feelings are so touching!"

"Hey, His Royal Highness is doing it for everyone, otherwise, how could he have the heart to lock up the old king!"

"His Royal Highness is actually a filial son!"


Hearing everyone's whispers, Jiang Gan sneered secretly in his heart.

A full set of acting, old man, I made you cry and kneel today, which is considered to be sending you on your way!

He squeezed out a few tears with great difficulty, stood up and walked three steps, then knelt down and shouted loudly: "Father, please forgive my child for being unfilial!"

Kneeling three times and kowtowing nine times like this, shouting loudly every time he kneels down, is really a vivid interpretation of a filial son who cannot have both loyalty and filial piety, and is upright and upright.

Finally, Jiang Gan passed the guards and came to the front of the iron cage.

He knelt down again and bowed to the monster inside.

These were all masterpieces created by his own hands. Looking at his masterpiece, Jiang Gan almost couldn't help laughing.

Old guy, you have today too!

Jiang Gan took a deep breath, kowtowed again, and knelt down all the way. His forehead had already been bruised, and red blood was flowing out.

But, it's all worth it.

Immediately, he will be the king of the Beirong Kingdom, and the troublesome old guy in front of him will become a thing of the past forever.

He completed the final kneeling in a very standard manner, and finally stood up, with a majestic look in his eyes.

"The emperor breaks the law, and the people are equally guilty! Although you are my most respected and beloved father, but now, you have turned into a man-eating beast and a monster. You are no longer suitable to continue to rule this country!"

Jiang Gan took a deep breath and gritted his teeth and said: "There were sages in ancient times who did their duty! Although I, Jiang Gan, dare not compare myself to the sages, but in order to prevent the Beirong Kingdom from becoming a country where demons are rampant, I can only overthrow my own rule with tears. Father, take this burden!"

"His Royal Highness, possessing both political integrity and talent, and a humble minister, is willing to accept His Highness as the new master!"

"I am also willing to accept His Highness as my new master!"

Under the leadership of Fang Guoshi that day, soon all the civil and military ministers present, as well as the guards and soldiers, knelt down to Jiang Gan.

Immediately afterwards, the onlookers knelt down in order like the waves.

At this moment, Prince Jiang Qian has won the hearts of the people. In addition, he is the eldest son of the emperor, so it is reasonable and reasonable for him to inherit the throne.

"Bah bang bang!"

At this moment, a burst of sporadic applause sounded very suddenly.

The whole audience knelt down, but there were only two people, but they acted independently and were out of tune with the people around them.

"Well done, well done! I, Mr. Long, was almost moved by you!"

Ling Feng gave Jiang Gan a thumbs up, and then, a third person walked out from behind him.

This third person took off the cloak on his head, his eyes were red, and he stared at Jiang Gan, with tears already streaming down his face.

"You! Why is it you?"

Jiang Gan stared at Jiang Ruyin with a look of disbelief on his face, and his heart suddenly thumped.

She should be dead!

She is obviously dead!

But at this moment, how could she be standing here?


Absolutely impossible!

And the person who was equally trembling was the Tianfang Imperial Master.

When he saw Yan Jinghong's appearance clearly, a shiver ran down his spine.

Isn't this young man the powerful immortal who made a shocking appearance in Shanyang City before?

How could he be with the princess?

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