Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3714 Hateful people must have pity!

Tianfang Imperial Master's expression suddenly changed. A powerful person from the immortal realm was not someone he could provoke.

If that powerful immortal man were to side with Princess Ruyin, wouldn't everything he had done before be in vain?

He took a deep breath and quietly shrank behind Prince Jiang Qian. At the same time, his spiritual consciousness said: "Your Highness, the two young men who followed the princess are not simple!"

He deliberately did not tell Yan Jinghong that he was a powerful immortal, naturally he wanted to let Jiang Qian, the scapegoat, attract firepower.

If something happens then, he can still take advantage of the chaos to escape.

It is only right that a dead Taoist friend should not die as a poor Taoist!

"I didn't expect that my royal sister's life would be so tough!"

A cold light flashed in Jiang Qian's eyes, and his palm knocked Jiang Ruyin off the cliff, clearly shattering her heart.

Unexpectedly, she could still survive even in this situation.

Moreover, he could stand in front of himself again so intact.

What a weird thing!

But right now, I must not mess up!

So what if she comes back? The overall situation has been decided and she can't change anything.

Now, he is the new monarch of Beirong Kingdom.

Jiang Ruyin's eyes were red, looking at her father who was imprisoned in the iron cage and had completely turned into a monster. She burst into tears and choked up, "Father...Father..."

At this moment, Jiang Gan shouted loudly and said coldly: "All the officers and soldiers listen to the order and capture Princess Ruyin quickly. If there is resistance, kill without mercy!"

As soon as these words came out, all the generals and soldiers were dumbfounded and looked at each other.

The onlookers in the square were also puzzled.

That's Her Royal Highness the Princess!

"What are you still doing?"

Jiang Gan's face was as cold as frost and he yelled: "She is no longer the former Princess Ruyin. She has been infected with the same strange disease as my father. It won't be long before she becomes what my father is now!"

After hearing Jiang Gan's explanation, everyone reacted. Then, the generals immediately led their soldiers to surround Ling Feng and the other three.

As for the onlookers, the birds and beasts immediately dispersed and retreated far away, for fear of harming the fish in the pond.

Jiang Ruyin was surrounded by the soldiers, but she did not defend herself. She just looked at her imperial brother with a disappointed look on her face and burst into tears, "Brother Imperial, how could you become like this? The person imprisoned in the iron cage is you. Father! And I, I am your sister!”

Jiang Gan's face was frosty and gloomy. He ignored Jiang Ruyin's question and just said angrily: "Hurry up and do it!"

"As you command!"

The generals sighed softly, and anyone with a discerning eye might be able to tell that there might be some unknown tricks in today's farce of the new king taking over the throne and annihilating relatives for righteousness.

However, the overall situation has been decided.

Now, the former Prince Jiang Qian is the new head of the country, His Majesty the Emperor.

His words are the supreme decree.

"Your Highness Princess, please stay calm and don't make it difficult for me to wait!"

A tall and burly general, holding a bronze talisman sword, raised his long sword, and the soldiers immediately closed the circle.

Immediately afterwards, he roared and killed Yan Jinghong and Ling Feng.

After all, Jiang Ruyin was a princess, and they did not dare to attack Jiang Ruyin directly, so they naturally targeted Ling Feng and the other two.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ling Feng's mouth. These soldiers, whose highest level was not higher than the Imperial realm, their attacks, in Ling Feng's opinion, were no different from crawling like a turtle.

And their attacks, even if they were standing still, would not be able to break through the Xuntian Ice Tribe's special Snow Silkworm Han Silk Clothes that Ling Feng was wearing.


It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

I saw a soldier rushing out first, slashing at him with a knife, and headed straight for Ling Feng.

Comparing Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong, Ling Feng is like a weak scholar and should be better at handling things.

Ling Feng casually grabbed the soldier's neck and threw it aside.

Mention it!


Done in one go!

The soldiers tried their best, but they couldn't even get a corner of Ling Feng's clothes.

Ling Feng threw out seven or eight soldiers in succession. The generals were dumbfounded and gritted their teeth and said, "Deal with the one over there first!"

The soldiers couldn't get any advantage from Ling Feng, so they immediately pounced on Yan Jinghong with bared teeth and claws.

However, Yan Jinghong is not as good-tempered as Ling Feng.

Naturally, he had no interest in playing around with these ordinary people. His eyes narrowed and a murderous aura swept over him.


The void trembled, and in just an instant, hundreds of soldiers were blown away.

This was because Yan Jinghong was deliberately showing mercy.

Otherwise, it would not just be as simple as being knocked away.

If Yan Jinghong was even a little serious, they would probably be blown away to the point where nothing is left.

Such a strange scene made everyone stunned.

too strong!

What level of existence is this?

Jiang Qian also felt guilty for a while, and turned around to ask Tianfang Imperial Master for help. He was a powerful Half-Step Void Immortal, and he should be able to deal with these two uninvited guests.

However, when he looked back, where was the shadow of Imperial Master Tianfang?

But it turned out that when the Tianfang Imperial Master determined that the strength of the two opponents was far beyond his own, he had already run away.

Seeing Tianfang's imperial master escaping, Jiang Gan suddenly became confused.

It can be said that everything was planned by the Tianfang Imperial Master.

Including the poison that turned the old king into a monster, it was also given to Jiang Gan by Tianfang Guoshi.

Now that something unexpected happened, Tianfang Imperial Master was the first to run away?

Old bastard!

Jiang Qian gritted his teeth with hatred, and at the same time cursed secretly, why did God treat him so unfairly?

Everything is clearly within reach.

However, the cooked duck just flew away like this?

"You...who are you?"

The burly general was so frightened by Yan Jinghong's explosive momentum that his mind trembled. He stared at Ling Feng and the two of them and gritted his teeth and said, "This is a domestic matter within our Beirong Kingdom, you two." Why bother?"

"Haha, since it's a household matter, you shouldn't interfere, right?"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly: "If you have anything to say, wouldn't it be better for the brother and sister to explain it clearly?"


The general nodded repeatedly, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said with a dry smile: "Since it is a family matter, no one should get involved."

After saying that, he quickly bowed to Jiang Qian and said, "Your Highness, it will be inconvenient for you to get involved in the affairs between you and Your Highness the Princess."

"It's not convenient for the general to participate!"

Immediately afterwards, the other generals also retreated aside with their soldiers.

They all come out to work for the Jiang family. If they can’t get down the stairs, what are they trying to do with their lives?

At this moment, anyone with a discerning eye can see which side's fist is harder.

There is nothing in this world that is orthodox or unorthodox, fair or unfair.

Big fists are the last word!

They are all veterans who have been working hard in the feudal kingdom for many years, and they still understand the situation clearly.

In an instant, the soldiers dispersed, and Jiang Ruyin stepped closer to the iron cage with red eyes.

However, the old king in the iron cage could no longer recognize his daughter. The three snake heads behind his back were spitting out scarlet snake letters and drooling. He only regarded Jiang Ruyin as food that could be hunted.

He has completely lost his mind and has become an emotionless beast.

Jiang Ruyin's heart ached like a knife. She walked step by step to the front of the iron cage and stretched out her hand to reach into the cage, but was hit by a strong electric current that paralyzed her palms.

The pain of the click made Jiang Ruyin regain some sense and wake up from her grief. She gritted her teeth and stared at her brother, asking in a deep voice: "Why? Tell me, why did you do this?"

"You ask me why?"

Jiang Qian laughed loudly. He didn't understand that he was already in danger.

From the moment Tianfang Imperial Master abandoned him and ran away, he knew that everything he had done before had been in vain.

"My good sister! My good sister! Why don't you ask why this world is so unfair!"

Jiang Gan stared at Jiang Ruyin coldly, then turned back to look at the monster in the iron cage, and spat hard.

"Compared to our great and noble father, what have I done?"


Seeing Jiang Qian being so rebellious, Jiang Ruyin angrily shouted, "You're talking nonsense! My father is kind and benevolent, and he is a rare wise king in our Beirong Kingdom!"


Jiang Qian burst out laughing, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world. He laughed so hard that he couldn't stand upright.

"Why are you laughing? Don't laugh! Don't laugh!"

Jiang Ruyin glared at her royal brother, "Never mind what you did to me, my father valued you so much and made you the crown prince, yet you did such a treasonous thing, even poisoning my father and causing him to suffer." Become a monster!"

"Yes, I did it, it was all my doing!"

Jiang Qian looked like he was going crazy and roared, "If the old man hadn't done all kinds of bad things and all the children he gave birth to died young, how could I, an illegitimate child with an unjust reputation, have his turn?"

As he spoke, tears burst out uncontrollably from Jiang Gan's bloodshot eyes, "I will never forget how my mother died! Yes, my biological mother, she was just a lowly person. Fireworks woman! But this wise and kind father you said strangled my mother to death with his own hands, and then took me back to the palace!"

"I will never forget the look in my mother's eyes when she died, the despair, the hatred!"

Jiang Gan sneered, his body trembling violently with excitement. He stared coldly at the monster among the iron dragons, grinning ferociously, "This is the true appearance of our father! His heart is more powerful than what is in front of him. The monster is even uglier and more disgusting!”

Jiang Ruyin was stunned. She had never thought that the imperial brother who had always loved her had such extreme hatred buried deep in his heart.

"Avenging my mother, what's wrong with me?"

Jiang Gan roared angrily, "Hahahaha! I'm not wrong! I'm not wrong!!!"

For a moment, the whole place was dead silent.

Unexpectedly, there is such a dark and ugly side hidden among the royal family of Beirong Kingdom.

Yes, what's wrong with avenging one's biological mother?

But how can he be considered innocent if he is treasonous and poisons his own father?

How can everything in this world be explained clearly and clearly?

"No matter what your father did to you, it was always his fault. But your sister, Princess Ruyin, what's wrong with her? She has always regarded you as a respected brother, but you were blinded by hatred. He only thinks about revenge, but ignores that he could have a family relationship that is countless times better than hatred."

Ling Feng sighed softly, his contempt for the prince lessened a lot and was replaced by sympathy.

If the same thing happened to me...

He couldn't imagine it.

Perhaps, there must be something pitiful about a hateful person, but in any case, he should not hurt Jiang Ruyin.

Jiang Qian was stunned. He looked deeply at the sister in front of him, and all the past events flashed through his mind one by one.

In this cold imperial city, she has always been her only warmth.

But he knocked her off the cliff with his own hands.

What have I done?

Jiang Qian held his head in pain. For a long time, he smiled sadly. Tears welled up in his eyes again, "I'm sorry, Ruyin! If there is really another life, I hope I won't be your brother again. That way, I can't hurt you anymore."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Qian forcibly broke through the thunder net covering the iron cage and slammed into the cage.

In an instant, the three snake heads behind the monster shot out, biting Jiang Gan's hands and feet respectively, tearing him apart.

In an instant, blood splattered, it was too horrible to watch!

As for the head of the old king, his eyes seemed to have regained some sanity, and hot tears welled up in his eyes, and he let out a painful wail.

But this glimmer of clarity was quickly suppressed by the ferocity of the beast.

Once again, he became a complete monster.

However, from beginning to end, Jiang Gan's eyes were extremely indifferent, and he did not even let out a scream.

He used his own way to severely retaliate against his father.

"No! Brother Huang, don't!"

Jiang Ruyin was so frightened by this scene that she fainted.


Ling Feng also sighed softly and turned away, unable to bear to look any further.

The so-called cause and effect is determined. If it weren't for the evil causes planted by the old king of the past, there might not be such a human tragedy today.

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