Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3715 Let the Imperial Master fly for a while!

As the Tianfang Imperial Master fled, Jiang Gan committed suicide, and the farce finally came to an end.

With the assistance of those generals, the crowd of onlookers was quickly evacuated.

Jiang Gan committed suicide and threw himself into the cage, where he was torn into pieces by the monster transformed by the old king.

The newly crowned king died in death before he had been emperor for an hour.

Although his feelings are pitiable, he is still trapped in a cocoon.

The next day, when Jiang Ruyin woke up, she found that she had returned to the palace.

She sat up suddenly, recalling everything that happened before she fell into coma, and suddenly felt sad again.


When the maid who was responsible for serving Jiang Ruyin saw that Jiang Ruyin finally woke up, she quickly stepped forward excitedly and said, "Great, Your Highness, you are finally awake! I'll call someone right away!"

"Xiao Xia..."

When Jiang Ruyin saw her maid, she quickly stopped her and asked weakly, "How long have I been unconscious?"

"Your Highness, you have been unconscious for a day and a night!"

Xiaoxia's eyes were slightly red. Although she was only Jiang Ruyin's maid, Jiang Ruyin was always easy-going and did not have the airs of a princess.

Therefore, she naturally felt deep sympathy for Jiang Ruyin's experience.

Overnight, my father turned into a monster, and my brother was the initiator of everything.

No matter who you put it on, it would be difficult to accept it.

"Where are the two young men who came back with me..."

"They, General Xiahou arranged for them to stay at the hotel."

Xiaoxia stepped forward and helped Jiang Ruyin sit down, and said softly: "Princess, don't worry. Let me serve you and eat something. You can see how weak you are now."

"No, help me get up and change quickly."

Jiang Ruyin struggled to get up. The old king was still a monster, imprisoned in an iron cage.

How can she still be in the mood to cultivate here now?

And the only one who can cure his father is Mr. Long Fei.

It's just that masters like them don't belong to the same world as them, and they always come and go.

It is rare for her to have such an opportunity to meet such an expert. If she waits for Long Fei to leave, she may not have such an opportunity to meet him again in her life.

At that time, no one can really save my father.

"Your Highness!"

Xiaoxia wanted to persuade her, but was interrupted by Jiang Ruyin, "If you don't help me, I will do it myself!"

"Hey, Your Highness, Xiaoxia will just help you..."

Xiaoxia sighed softly and could only help Jiang Ruyin put on her clothes and help her rush towards the hotel.

Autumn Leaves Hotel.

In the courtyard at the entrance of the hotel, there is a huge iron cage. It is the same iron cage that imprisoned the old king in the central square of the royal capital.

However, the seal of the thunder circle was lifted and replaced by an energy barrier used to trap the old king.

In this way, he can also suffer less.

At this moment, Ling Feng was holding his chin, surrounding the huge iron cage, and looking at the snake-like monster inside.

As for Yan Jinghong, he stood aside with his arms crossed and an indifferent expression.

It seems that due to swallowing more of Jiang Gan's energy and blood, the number of snake heads behind the old king has changed from three to four, and the entire body has also expanded a lot, and the only remaining face has also become... Covered in scales, it looks very weird, even a little disgusting.

The person who can make poison of this level is probably a powerful immortal.

Moreover, the level is probably not low either.

His attainments in alchemy are probably not inferior to his own.

Such a top alchemist would actually help a prince of an ordinary secular dynasty to refine poison?


Quite suspicious!

Now that Jiang Gan is dead, I am afraid that only the Tianfang Imperial Master can answer all the answers.

The reason why Tianfang Imperial Master was able to escape was actually part of Ling Feng's plan.

Otherwise, it would be too ridiculous for him and Yan Jinghong, two powerful immortals to come and still not be able to trap a mere half-step Void Immortal.

Ling Feng deliberately let Master Tianfang go so that this old guy could guide them and lead them to find the real person behind the scenes.

Anyway, with the trace of spiritual consciousness left by Yan Jinghong on him, even if Guoshi Fang fled to the ends of the earth that day, he could not escape from the hands of Ling Feng and the others.

As for the dragon jade fragment.

But there is no need to rush.

Since Tianfang Imperial Master knows that this object is a fragment of dragon jade, it means that the person behind him may also be looking for the fragment.

As long as you follow the clues, you might get unexpected gains.

Well, let this national master fly a little longer!

"your Highness!"

At this moment, the voice of the guard guarding the door broke Ling Feng's thoughts.

"Counting the time, it's time for her to come."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. In fact, Jiang Ruyin was just too frightened to faint and her body was still a little weak due to old injuries.

If Ling Feng wanted to save her, it would be easy.

However, it would be good to let her sleep a little longer and rest.

And Ling Feng could also take advantage of this period of time to give the Tianfang Imperial Master time to run further away.

"Master Long! Master Yan!"

The next moment, I saw Princess Ruyin coming, covered in dust.

When Jiang Ruyin saw the iron cage in the courtyard and the monster imprisoned in the cage, she burst into tears again and choked up, "Father...Father..."

"Don't be too sad, princess."

Ling Feng took a step forward, stretched out his index finger and tapped Jiang Ruyin's forehead lightly.

In an instant, Jiang Ruyin felt refreshed, and all the fatigue in her body was swept away.

"Your Royal Highness, I think I can solve the poison in your father's body."

Ling Feng's words suddenly gave Princess Ruyin hope. She stared at Ling Feng with her eyes, and immediately knelt down to Ling Feng with a plop.

"Master Long, please save my father. No matter what you want, even if it's my life, Ruyin will definitely give it to me!"

"What am I going to do with your life?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "There is just one problem, the princess needs to think about it carefully."

"what is the problem?"

Jiang Ruyin blinked her eyes and held her breath, fearing that she would miss any detail.

"Have you forgotten how your royal brother died in the end?"

Ling Feng sighed softly, "As an outsider, I can't say much about the grudges between your father and brother, but after all, your brother died in the mouth of your father. If he If he really wakes up, can he bear that kind of blow? "


Jiang Ruyin stared at Ling Feng blankly, her eyes suddenly becoming vacant and lifeless.

Yes, after the father woke up, he knew how cruelly he killed his own son. Can he withstand that kind of blow?

He will be trapped in pain and despair his whole life.

"So, the reason why I didn't help your father remove the demon poison from his body is not because I wanted to ask for any benefits from you, but because..."

Ling Feng stared at Jiang Ruyin and said slowly: "I think this decision should be made by you!"

Whether to help the old king regain his sanity, only Jiang Ruyin, who is the old king's biological daughter, is the most suitable to make this decision.


Jiang Ruyin suddenly fell into conflict and hesitation.

Regardless of whether his father wakes up or not, it is a very cruel choice.

"I can't choose, I...I really can't choose!"

Jiang Ruyin burst into tears.

It is really cruel to let such a flower that has been cultivated in a greenhouse since childhood endure such soul torture.


Ling Feng sighed softly, and immediately took out two pills and placed them in his two fists.

"Since you can't choose, then let God decide."

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he said slowly: "One of the two pills in my hand can dissolve the demon poison in your father's body and help him regain consciousness. The other one can end his pain. Let him die with dignity."


Jiang Ruyin's eyes were filled with tears. After hesitating for a long time, she finally nodded slowly, "Okay, then, let God decide..."

"God willing……"

Ling Feng took a deep look at Jiang Ruyin and said, "Then, make your choice."

Jiang Ruyin's eyes kept wandering back and forth between Ling Feng's fists, unable to make a final decision for a long time.

Ling Feng sighed lightly and did not force her.

a long time……

For a long time...

Finally, Jiang Ruyin's eyes locked on Ling Feng's right hand, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Just...just choose this side. No matter what the result is, I...I will accept it!"


Ling Feng nodded, and in a flash, he crossed the barrier of the iron cage and entered the cage.

When the snake-like monster saw Ling Feng, it immediately pounced on him. Four snake heads wrapped around Ling Feng's body and opened its mouth to bite.

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and the demonic snake's movements suddenly stopped.

Under Ling Feng's strong mental pressure, there was no way that monster could be allowed to act arrogantly.

The next moment, Ling Feng casually threw the pill held in his right hand into the old king's mouth, and said with an indifferent expression: "It depends on God's will whether you live or die."

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