Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3717 Plague City!

"Xian...Xiangu! If you have anything you need my subordinates to do, just tell me."

Imperial Master Tianfang didn't know that he was in danger, so he came to Qiu Liruo's side with a sullen look on his face, patted his chest, and said with assurance on his face.

Obviously, this guy regarded following this notorious poisonous-hand medical fairy as some kind of good job.

If nothing else works...

Imperial Master Tianfang's eyes fell on Cheng Tianyong. It would be quite exciting to be as close to this peerless beauty as this dear friend!

Seeing the slightly lewd look in Master Fang's eyes that day, Cheng Tianyong shrugged and didn't take it seriously.

How could he care about a dead man?

Qiu Liruo pursed her lips and smiled sweetly, "It just so happens that I have a small favor that I need you to do for me right now. Are you willing?"

"Of course, of course!"

Imperial Master Tianfang nodded hurriedly, staring at Qiu Liruo with a pair of narrow eyes. The charming aura of this woman was simply unbearable.

Imperial Master Tianfang asked himself that he was not usually an impatient person, but when he saw this woman, he lost even the slightest bit of concentration.

"Then, come with me!"

Qiu Liruo raised her fingers towards Imperial Master Tianfang and immediately walked out of the hall.

That day, Guoshi Fang felt that his soul had been taken away, and he followed him like a zombie.

Cheng Tianyong shrugged and murmured in a low voice: "I wonder how long this guy can hold on?"

About thirty breaths later, a heartbreaking scream came from outside the hall.

Cheng Tianyong sighed softly and walked out of the hall.

In the mythical beast square outside, Qiu Liruo held her chin in her hands, and a hint of dissatisfaction flashed in her big black gem-like eyes, "After all, he is just a half-step immortal, and he was poisoned to death after persisting for so long."

Under Qiu Liruo's feet, there was a pool of sticky black water. Obviously, it was the Tianfang Imperial Master just now.

Cheng Tianyong took a deep breath, as if recalling the nightmare he had.

This is how he came out step by step.

If it weren't for his special physique and how he managed to survive Qiu Liruo's various poisonous tortures, perhaps he would be just another Tianfang Imperial Master.

But what I have to admit is that he is able to achieve his current level of cultivation mostly thanks to Qiu Liruo.

Of course, the relationship between them is somewhat different.

Perhaps, it is a kind of mutual dependence.

"There will be no better medicine man than you in the world."

Qiu Liruo looked back at Cheng Tianyong and said softly: "So, your mission with Tianzhi failed, and I am very happy to come back to me. Otherwise, I don't know where to find another one." Such an excellent medicine man as you!"

Cheng Tianyong felt a little bitter in his heart, but he still walked quickly to Qiu Liruo's side, "From the day you rescued me, my life belongs to you."

Qiu Liruo narrowed her eyes and smiled, "For this ten-year agreement, because of your help, I have prepared a total of eighteen kinds of poisons that are enough to dominate the world! This time, that stupid woman will definitely be defeated by In my hands!"

"I wish I could help you."

Cheng Tianyong took Qiu Liruo's arm very naturally and said warmly: "Let's go, it's almost time. I also want to see who else's medical skills in the world can be compared with your poison skills."


Qiu Liruo suddenly noticed something and giggled, "It's interesting!"

"What's wrong?"

Cheng Tianyong looked at Qiu Liruo intently and asked in a deep voice.

"This idiot has been planted with the mark of divine consciousness a long time ago without even knowing it."

Qiu Liruo smiled faintly, "However, this is actually more interesting. In such a remote country, it is rare that there are immortal monks. Interesting, interesting."

Cheng Tianyong looked indifferent. If it had been in the past, he might have echoed a few words to make Qiu Liruo happy.

But since the return of the Demon Soul Hall Master, Cheng Tianyong couldn't help but ask about the news about Ling Feng.

After learning that Ling Feng died tragically in that space-time rift, Cheng Tianyong couldn't help but feel sad.

After all, the reason why he was able to leave Tianzhi alive was because Ling Feng informed him in advance.

Although he joined Tianzhi with a purpose, his friendship with Ling Feng was not adulterated in the slightest.

Unexpectedly, that night and farewell would become an eternal farewell.

Qiu Liruo naturally noticed Cheng Tianyong's changes.

The strange thing was that she, who had always been so hard-hearted, rarely felt a little heartbroken by Cheng Tianyong's sadness.

Even on this trip, she could have come alone, but by some strange combination of circumstances, she had brought Cheng Tianyong with her.

The fact is that the relationship between her and Cheng Tianyong has long been more than a simple relationship between a poison master and a medicine man.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two figures flew through the forest.

Suddenly, Yan Jinghong stopped, his figure flashed, and stopped on the crown of a towering tree.

Ling Feng was originally following Yan Jinghong, but when he saw Yan Jinghong stop, he quickly stopped, turned over beautifully in the air, and landed very accurately next to Yan Jinghong.

"What's wrong?"

Ling Feng looked at Yan Jinghong intently. This guy's expression seemed a little abnormal.


Yan Jinghong frowned slightly and slowly said these two words.

"You mean..." Ling Feng was also a smart man and reacted immediately, "That Tianfang Imperial Master is dead?"


Yan Jinghong nodded slightly, "However, my spiritual mark has been transferred to the person who killed him. Now, this person seems to be moving."

"Tsk, tsk, it seems that the Imperial Master is with the wrong person after all. The other person just killed the donkey without any hesitation."

Ling Feng held his chin with a strange smile on his face.

Probably thinking of the bitch.

"So, what do we do now?"

Yan Jinghong stared at Ling Feng, "Do you want to turn to the person who killed Tianfang Imperial Master?"

"Now we can only follow this clue."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "Although Fang Guoshi's strength was not very good that day, the poison the person behind him used was of a high grade, and he should not be an easy master to deal with! Therefore, we must be careful."


Yan Jinghong rolled his eyes and said, "If you ask me, if I killed the Imperial Master in the Beirong capital with one blow, everything would be fine. Now it's better. If we can't defeat it, wouldn't it be a duck in the mouth? Flying."

The fragment in Tianfang's hand is in the form of a dragon's claw.

If you fuse the power of this fragment, you might be able to develop magical powers such as "Dragon Claw Hand".

"If you play the long game to catch the big fish, even if you are not your opponent, at least you know that the opponent is also looking for the dragon jade fragments. If you have the opportunity in the future, you can come back and catch him in one piece!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly. He was about to make a breakthrough now. Perhaps after a hard battle, he would be able to achieve success.

In comparison, Yan Jinghong's style is more radical. Although the two have known each other for many years, their personalities are still completely different.

But this does not affect their cooperation.

Yan Jinghong didn't say much, and unfolded his body skills again. The next moment, the two people shot out electricity, turned into a rainbow, and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

About half an hour later, the two arrived outside a city that looked very dilapidated.

The towers of this city are very low, but there are also potholes and ruins everywhere.

It is more like a ruin than a city.

There are no guards on the city tower. It seems that it has long been abandoned by the secular dynasty.

On the tower, you can vaguely see the three big characters on it.

"Ishihara Castle?"

Ling Feng read these three words and felt that they seemed somewhat familiar.

It seems that I heard someone mention this name before.

Who on earth is it?

Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyes lit up and he finally remembered.

It seems that when I went to look for the ruins of the Pagoda Forest, I heard it from Fengling and Sister Yushiwei.

However, the Immortal Realm is so big that there may be many cities, and it is not surprising that they have the same place names.

In short, just go in and take a look and you will know.

If it was really that Ishihara Castle, maybe we would meet old acquaintances.

Of course, now he is Long Fei.

Not Ling Feng.

At this moment, Yan Jinghong, who had always been silent, suddenly said: "This place seems to smell like a plague."


Ling Feng glanced at Yan Jinghong in surprise, "Can you still smell this smell?"

"Your grandfather told me."

Yan Jinghong took a deep breath and seemed to be lost in memories, "Back when I was following your grandfather, I encountered a country full of plague. It was he who took action to resolve the plague."

Ling Feng stared at Yan Jinghong closely, feeling a little envious that Yan Jinghong could actually have such an experience with his grandfather.

It's ridiculous that as a successor of the Medical Saint, he has no such opportunity at all.

But he still quite agreed with Yan Jinghong's words.

This city is indeed filled with the smell of plague, and it seems that someone did it deliberately.

There were several rotting corpses floating in the moat outside the city wall.

But it seems that he died less than two hours ago.

It's really strange that the body decomposed so quickly.

Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong looked at each other, exchanged glances, and then strode towards the city.

What I encountered was like a purgatory on earth.

There were skinny passers-by everywhere, lying on both sides of the street, waiting for death in silence.

There were also some people who seemed not to be sick, but they locked their doors and windows nervously for fear of being infected with the plague.

There are also some people who are sick but still retain some physical strength, and they are walking aimlessly on the streets like zombies.

Ling Feng was a little strange. Logically speaking, these people should escape as soon as possible.

But soon, the answer was revealed.

The moment Ling Feng and the two entered the city, they felt as if they had penetrated a barrier like water waves.

It turns out that there is a barrier covering the city.

No entry allowed, no exit allowed.

Most of the people in this city are ordinary people, not even cultivators. How can they break through the barrier and leave?

Suddenly two more people arrived. Those lying on the ground waiting for death were just wailing to themselves.

When those people running around on the street saw Ling Feng and the two, their eyes glowed faintly green.

"They are people from outside! There must be food on them!"

Someone yelled, and then those sick people suddenly seemed to become very manic, and surrounded Ling Feng and the two like crazy.

"The plague on these people is really strange!"

Ling Feng frowned slightly, he had never seen such strange symptoms before.

Yan Jinghong was already a little impatient. His palms were covered with a layer of frost. He was about to take action, but was held down by Ling Feng.

"Don't kill people, their blood might be weird!"

Ling Feng shook his head at Yan Jinghong. Yan Jinghong immediately understood and immediately used the ice law. In an instant, the patients who rushed forward first were frozen.

When the remaining people discovered that Ling Feng and the others were cultivators of immortality, they immediately knelt down and begged for mercy: "Master Immortal, have mercy on me, Master Immortal, have mercy on me! We...we are just dizzy from hunger!"

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