Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3718 Venerable Miaofan!


Yan Jinghong snorted coldly, immediately lifted the ice seal, crossed his arms and stood aside with a cold expression.

The matter of negotiating with these mortals naturally fell on Ling Feng.

Ling Feng cursed in his heart, this guy really knows how to pretend to be cool!

Shaking his head and smiling, Ling Feng waved his hand towards the kneeling mortals. A soft force lifted everyone up and said warmly: "This place is trapped by a barrier, and there is a plague raging. It seems that there are powerful immortal cultivators deliberately here. This is a plan to drive out the people here."

The leader was not too surprised. It was obvious that he had heard such arguments before and also knew some of the hidden secrets.

"The several immortal masters who stayed in the city to treat us also said the same thing."

A middle-aged man with a sallow face sighed: "But what's the use? It's been three years, three whole years! They can't cure our plague at all!"

Another man with a Chinese character face cursed loudly: "In this year, how many families have been destroyed and how many people have died on the streets! What bullshit immortal cultivators only bully us mortals!"

The leader of the old man quickly stopped the others from complaining and knelt down again, "Master Immortal, we really can't bear it any longer. I wonder if you can give... some charity..."

"City Lord, do you still need to beg them?"

At this moment, behind the crowd, a young man was seen leaning on a stone pier, as if he was too hungry to stand up anymore.

The young man was dressed in rags, and through the tattered clothes, his frighteningly thin body could be clearly seen.

The entire body has almost become skin and bones, and under the thin layer of skin, the marks of each rib are clearly printed.

This can no longer be described as thin.

The most terrifying thing about the plague was not only the torture it caused to the human body, but also the fact that this land had become a place of death.

The soil is no longer fertile and nothing can grow.

Coupled with the obstruction of the barrier, it is impossible to obtain materials from the outside world.

In three years, more of the people in this city will probably starve to death.

Even though these people in front of you are all ragged and disheveled, they are actually all wealthy and aristocratic people with dignity and status in the city.

Otherwise, if it weren’t for some food stored at home, I might not be alive now.

And the rickety old man at the head was actually the lord of Ishihara City.

This was something Ling Feng didn't expect.


The young man made a weak and intermittent voice, "Anyway, it won't be long before they become like us, and they will become just like us! Haha...hahaha..."

"Xue An, what are you talking about!"

The old city lord's eyes were full of panic. He quickly stopped the young man and explained anxiously: "Immortal Master, Immortal Master, please don't believe his lies. He...he said nonsense, he That’s nonsense!”

"Whether it's nonsense or not, I'll have a way of knowing."

Ling Feng's eyes flashed, falling on the old city lord. The old city lord was obviously a little guilty and quickly looked away.

In fact, with the strength of this barrier, even an ordinary powerful Immortal Lord would probably never come back.

The young man named Xue An must have seen some outside immortal cultivators who were also trapped and died in the city.

The reason why the old city lord stopped Xue An and stopped him from talking was probably because he was afraid that after Ling Feng and the others heard about it, they wouldn't give away the food they had.

Ling Feng directly passed the old city lord, walked to Xue An, squatted down, and said calmly: "Xue An? What did you want to say just now? Go on."

"Xue An!"

The old city lord was leaning on a cane and staring at Xue An with a sinister look on his face, " have to be careful what you say, don't talk nonsense!"


Ling Feng frowned, turned around and glared at the old city lord, and said coldly: "Have I asked you anything? Dare you say another word..."

Ling Feng looked at Yan Jinghong and said coldly: "Brother Yan, if anyone keeps nagging you later, he'll be frozen! He'll be frozen to death!"


Yan Jinghong nodded indifferently, but he couldn't help but curse in his heart: Damn, do you really think of me as a thug?

"Xue An, you can continue talking now. Let me see who dares to interrupt you again."

There was a hint of threat in Ling Feng's voice, and the old city lord also retracted his neck, not even daring to take another look in this direction.

Xue An took a deep breath, managed to muster some strength, and gritted his teeth and said: "The more you are a cultivator, the faster and more severe the attack will be after being infected with the plague! When you fall ill, when you are unable to resist, by that time , What do you think they will do to you? Not to mention you, even the immortal master who stayed to treat them will turn their backs on you. "

Xue An sneered, "Now, do you want to share the food on your body? Give it to these shameless beasts?"

"Is that so?"

Ling Feng smiled faintly and looked back at the unkempt mortals.

Led by the city lord, everyone lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word.

Obviously, they acquiesced in Xue An's words.

Human nature is mostly like this.

In the face of the instinct of survival, everything else, the so-called benevolence, justice and morality, will be abandoned.

Ling Feng patted Xue An's shoulder gently, "Little brother, thank you for reminding me. But don't worry, I won't fall ill that easily."

He poured a life force into Xue An's body, allowing his complexion to regain some vitality.

Xue An glanced at Ling Feng in surprise, "You..."

"I can understand the feeling of hunger and the feeling of being on the verge of death. In that state, no matter how noble a person is, he may lose his mind and turn into a devil."

Ling Feng's eyes swept across the crowd, and said calmly: "What a coincidence, I am also a doctor, and what a coincidence, I also like to meddle in other people's business!"

For a moment, a glimmer of hope rose in everyone's eyes.

Even if it's just a glimmer of opportunity, even if Ling Feng might just be deceiving them.

They were also willing to believe Ling Feng.

Because they want to live so much.

"So, I need your cooperation."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and finally stated his purpose.

He can basically confirm in his heart that the person who caused this plague must be related to the person behind the Tianfang Imperial Master.

After all, whether it was the plague or the method of turning the old leader of the Beirong Kingdom into a demon, it was not something that ordinary poison masters could do.

These methods are so evil, vicious, and weird!

It’s basically the same person!

If so, it would be simple.

And Yan Jinghong targeted the person who killed Tianfang Imperial Master, who was probably nearby.

What is the purpose of that person creating a plague here and trapping people in a city?

Ling Feng didn't know.

But since there is a connection between the two, Ling Feng can't just sit back and watch.

What's more, as a doctor, Ling Feng cannot do anything to save the people of this city.

"Cooperate, absolutely cooperate!"

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, the people of Shiyuan City will naturally not give up.


Ling Feng nodded slightly, "Did you see other people entering the city earlier?"


The old city lord shook his head, "There doesn't seem to be any at the city gate. However, there are several other places where you can enter the city. I can ask someone to go to those places to inquire for you. Maybe there will be news."


Ling Feng cast an approving look at the old city lord. After all, he had been a city lord before, so he really knew how to do things and had a good eye.

"Also, where is the immortal master you said stayed to treat you now?"

Ling Feng continued to ask.

"Over there in the ruins of the City Lord's Mansion..."

The old city lord felt a little guilty, "I...we were also very hungry, so we did things that were worse than animals..."

"Okay, I said let's forget about it, so there's no need to mention this matter again."

Ling Feng's expression turned cold and he said calmly: "Send someone to take me there to take a look!"

Ling Feng already had some guesses in his mind.

Perhaps those who stayed to treat these people were Cihang Jingzhai's disciples, and it was very likely that Yu Shiwei was among them.

At first, Yu Shiwei did not explain her intention to remove the seven-color barrier of the rainbow, but now it seems that it is probably related to the plague here.

In addition, they mentioned the place name "Ishihara Castle".

If all kinds of coincidences are connected together, it may be more than just a simple coincidence.

If it was really Yu Shiwei, he wouldn't be able to just sit back and watch.

After all, Yu Shiwei was the first doctor who made Ling Feng feel a sense of sympathy for each other.

And her medical ethics put even Ling Feng to shame.

"Yes Yes……"

The old city lord nodded repeatedly. At this moment, it was Xue An who got up and volunteered: "Master Immortal, I'll take you there!"

This guy was infused with energy by Ling Feng, and now he has recovered a lot. He immediately volunteered to lead the way for Ling Feng.

"Okay, then you come."

Ling Feng nodded and smiled at Xue An.

Seeing how thin he is, he must be someone who can still stick to the bottom line in this difficult situation.

Such a person, even if he is just a mortal, is still worthy of respect.

It's worth to admire.

Ishihara Castle is not that big.

Although Xue An's speed was already very slow, a quarter of an hour later, several people arrived at the ruins of the so-called City Lord's Mansion.

This place has indeed turned into ruins. All the houses have collapsed, leaving only fragments of broken walls.

According to Xue An, due to the variation in soil quality here, even the houses have become very unstable. From cracking to collapse, it often takes just an instant.

On the contrary, some simple-structured thatched houses and bamboo buildings have survived.


Xue An stopped in front of the ruins, not daring to go in.

Although he did not participate in the robbery of those doctors, he still felt ashamed as a member of Ishihara City.

Ling Feng took Xue An's arm and smiled lightly: "You don't have to feel ashamed. You are not the one who did the bad things. What's more, I think the person inside didn't blame you."

Judging from the strong smell of medicine wafting out of the ruins of the City Lord's Mansion, the doctors inside should not have given up on treating the plague.

Even so, do you still want to save the people here?

Through powerful spiritual induction, Ling Feng had "seen" clearly the doctors inside.

They were all women, and three of them were already showing symptoms of illness. They were leaning in the corner of the broken wall, their faces were sallow, and they were coughing constantly.

As Xue An said, once the plague breaks out among those who cultivate immortality, they will be faster and more violent than ordinary people.

There were two other women, who were taking medicine and were very busy.

One of these two women is slightly older, but she exudes a hint of maturity.

The other one is none other than Yu Shiwei.

The familiar silver bells had already revealed her identity.

It's a pity that he is Long Fei now and can't recognize her.


Ling Feng's glance with his consciousness obviously alarmed the older woman inside. The next moment, the woman flew out from the ruins, holding a whisk in hand, and a wisp of strong wind hit her.

Ling Feng grabbed Xue An's shoulders and stepped aside. Yan Jinghong, who was behind him, frowned. With a thought, he gathered the power of Xue An's ice soul and formed an ice wall directly in front of him.


The ice wall shattered and turned into ice fragments that scattered all over the sky, but it also effectively blocked the attack of the woman dressed as a Taoist nun.

"Surveying the Ice Clan?"

The woman had obviously seen the world, and she recognized Yan Jinghong's methods at a glance.

Ling Feng flew forward at the right moment and saluted the woman, "Senior, I'm Long Fei. You don't have any ill intentions in coming here."

The Taoist nun looked at Ling Feng carefully, then waved her whisk and said calmly: "I thought it was another old friend. I'm sorry."

Old friend?

Ling Feng was slightly stunned. Could it be that she was talking about the person who killed Tianfang Imperial Master and created the plague?

"Senior, your words are serious."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "I passed by this place by chance and heard that a plague broke out here. And I happen to be a doctor. Maybe I can be of some help."

At this moment, Yu Shiwei also ran out of the ruins and shouted loudly: "Sorry, Master, Senior Sister drank the medicine and not only vomited, she also started coughing up blood!"


Venerable Miaofan's face darkened, and his figure immediately turned into a flying figure and rushed into the ruins.

Ling Feng's eyes condensed, he nodded towards Yu Shiwei first, and then quickly followed.

Human life is at stake, and in an emergency, you may be able to help.

Yu Shiwei looked at Ling Feng's back and was slightly startled. She felt curious in her heart: Why does this young master give me a...familiar feeling?

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