Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3719 Ten years of agreement!

Ishihara City, the ruins of the city lord's mansion.

"Fengling, Xiangpu, Chengyu..."

Venerable Miaofan's figure swept away and returned to the three disciples.

Because they stayed in Shiyuan City for too long, these three Cihang Jingzhai disciples also unfortunately contracted the plague.

At this moment, the three female disciples were vomiting non-stop. There were bright red blood stains in the vomit, which showed that their situation was no longer optimistic.

In particular, Ruan Chengyu, who had been infected with the plague for the longest time, was even more haggard and pale. He was hanging on to his life with his last breath. Once this breath dissipated, he was afraid that his life would not be saved.

However, it turned out that as early as three years ago, Cihang Jingzhai had disciples here to treat Bai Xingsheng of Shiyuan City from the plague. However, not only could they not cure the plague, they even cost the lives of many disciples.

Yu Shiwei and Fengling went to Leixiao Holy City to participate in the Seven Ultimate Immortal Ranking. First, they were invited by the Xuntian Lei Clan, so they had no choice but to participate.

The more important reason is to find the seven-color barrier of the rainbow.

Now, although the Seven Color Barrier of the Rainbow is available, it is already very poisonous. If it is not controlled properly, the medicine used to treat the disease will turn into a deadly poison.

Therefore, Venerable Miaofan did not dare to test the medicine on ordinary people easily. He could only let the disciples who were infected with the plague test the medicine on their own bodies.

After all, they have cultivation skills, so they won't die so easily.

However, after trying it for several months, I still couldn't control the dosage of Rainbow Color Barrier.

This kind of poison can only be used by poison masters who are proficient in poison techniques. Although Venerable Miaofan has excellent medical skills, he still knows too little about these poisons.

With a flash of white light, Venerable Miaofan sat cross-legged behind the three disciples. He immediately mobilized his magic power to lift the three female disciples up, and at the same time inserted three silver needles into the acupoints on their backs.

But doing so can only temporarily suppress their injuries, which not only wastes their vitality, but may also bring about very serious consequences.

But at this moment, there is no other way to save their lives.

"Senior sister..."

Yu Shiwei arrived soon after, and since returning to Shiyuan City from their patrol of the Sky Thunder Territory, they have been trying to figure out how to solve the plague here.

Unexpectedly, not long after, even Fengling, following Ruan Chengyu and Xiangpu, would be infected with that weird plague.

Fortunately, when Yushi Wei Fang Cun was in chaos, it was Venerable Miao Fan who came in person and rescued Ruan Chengyu and the others.

However, although she stabilized the situation, she was unable to cure them of the plague for a while.

In the past few days, Venerable Miaofan's mood has become more and more anxious, as if he had a premonition.

It seemed like he was waiting for someone.

Yu Shiwei looked at the worrying situation of several senior sisters and said anxiously: "Master, they... they..."

"You won't die for a while, but this method of hanging your life is not a long-term solution."

At this moment, Ling Feng walked in from the gate outside the ruins.

With just a cursory glance, he knew that Venerable Miaofan was actually wasting his magic power to suppress the plague in the bodies of the three disciples.

According to the theory in "Tai Xuan Acupuncture", the so-called plague is actually caused by the disorder of the six qi in the body.

It stands to reason that a powerful person in the immortal realm has long transcended mortals, and his life level has also undergone a qualitative change, so he should not be infected with any plague.

However, the plague in Ishihara City can actually infect the bodies of immortal powerful people, and it attacks the bodies of immortal powerful people faster and more violently than in mortals.

This was obviously a poison carefully designed by a poison master.

Moreover, it is still a highly contagious poison.

It's no wonder that Yu Shiwei's medical skills are already very superb, and her master must be better than her.

However, now even Venerable Miaofan is almost helpless.

Venerable Miaofan did not look back, but was slightly surprised when he heard Ling Feng's words.

She originally thought that this boy who called himself Long Fei claimed to be a doctor. Judging from his young age, his medical skills were probably not very good.

But now it seems that he is really hot.

At this time, Yan Jinghong and Na Xue An had also arrived nearby. When Na Xue An saw several female disciples whose life or death was uncertain, the look of self-blame on his face deepened, and he lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

"Is there anything this young master can do?"

Yu Shiwei gritted her silver teeth, looked at Ling Feng, took a deep breath and said: "Little girl Yu Shiwei, if you can help me, I hope you can help my senior sisters to tide over the difficulties."

"It turns out to be the Rain Master girl."

Ling Feng deliberately lowered his voice a bit and said solemnly: "I'll do my best."

His eyes glanced around, and he immediately saw the medicine jars. He picked up some powder and sniffed it. Sure enough, there were ingredients of the seven colors of the rainbow in them.


Yu Shiwei quickly warned that the rainbow seven-color barrier was extremely poisonous. Although it was just some medicinal powder, it might be dangerous if it was touched directly with hands.

"Don't worry, I'm not a dabbler who's not good at studying."

Ling Feng raised his palm, but it turned out that his palm was covered with a layer of fine silver threads.

"Looking at the bowls of medicine prepared by seniors, I'm afraid they are all thinking of ways to fight fire with fire."

Ling Feng said calmly: "Among these herbs, other medicinal materials are also very rare, but one of them is Rainbow Seven Color Barrier, which is extremely poisonous. If you are not careful, you may even be poisoned. You must not return it." Just be careful.”

Yu Shiwei's eyes widened and she stared at Ling Feng in disbelief.

Just by sniffing the powder on the medicine can, I could even distinguish the seven colors of the rainbow.

How far has this young man’s medical skills reached?

"Senior, if you can trust me, why not let me try it."

Ling Feng thought for a while, looked up at Venerable Miaofan, and said calmly: "Although I can't prepare an antidote for a while, I can use better methods to suppress their illness, so as not to waste the time of my seniors." A lot of mana.”


Venerable Miaofan hesitated, gritted his teeth and said, "Do you know that as soon as I withdraw my power now, their lives may not be saved."

"So, I need the cooperation of seniors."

Ling Feng said solemnly: "Although I can't say that the acupuncture technique of the junior is stronger than that of the senior, it can have the effect of stabilizing vitality."

Venerable Miao Fan was shocked. Even she had never mastered the acupuncture technique that could directly repair the vitality diagram.


Venerable Miaofan gritted his teeth. Now, it seemed that he could only choose to believe in the young man in front of him.

Although she had never seen Ling Feng before.

However, his eyes gave her an inexplicable sense of trust.

"Okay, I'll thank you, senior, for your cooperation."

Ling Feng raised his eyes and stared at Venerable Miaofan, "Senior, I can distract the three disciples and stabilize the vitality of the three disciples at the same time. However, my ability is limited and I can only do it one by one. Senior, who do you think we should start with?"

"Let's start with Cheng Yu."

Venerable Miaofan knew that Ruan Chengyu's condition was the most serious, so he stabilized her condition first, and others would naturally feel more at ease.


Ling Feng nodded and smiled, then took out the golden needle from his arms and said solemnly: "Senior, you must take out the silver needle you implanted while I am applying the acupuncture, otherwise, we are likely to restrain each other."

"I understand. Just follow your wishes and I will fully cooperate."

Venerable Miaofan is now on the verge of riding a tiger, and if he believes in Ling Feng, there is still a chance.

Otherwise, when her magic power is exhausted, none of her three disciples may survive.

Ling Feng nodded slightly towards Venerable Miaofan, and stabbed out the golden needle in his hand. At the same time, Venerable Miaofan took out his own silver needle, and the two people's movements were smooth and seamless.

It's not like it's the first time.

This is a tacit understanding that can naturally arise between top doctors.

With just this one move, Venerable Miaofan no longer dared to look down upon him in the slightest.

Because the medical skills of this mediocre young man in front of him are probably better than his own!

After a while, Ling Feng stabilized Ruan Chengyu's condition and smiled faintly at Venerable Miaofan, "It's done! At least for three days, the plague in this girl Chengyu's body will not break out again."

A bead of sweat fell on Venerable Miaofan's forehead. Looking at the other two disciples who were still suffering, he gritted his teeth and said, "Master, please continue acupuncture for my other two disciples."


Ling Feng nodded and smiled, and took out the second golden needle again.

At this moment, Yan Jinghong outside the door suddenly became alert and said in a deep voice: "Someone is coming, and it seems to be very strong!"

Venerable Miaofan's expression also changed suddenly. She couldn't get out now, otherwise her disciple would definitely die.

However, if she doesn't step out and deal with that crazy woman, I'm afraid everyone here will not be able to escape this term.


At this moment, a burst of laughter as sweet as silver bells came. Although it sounded gentle, it gave people a creepy feeling.

Immediately afterwards, two black shadows flew over from a distance.

"Senior sister, my good senior sister, our ten-year agreement seems to have come to an end again!"

I saw a woman covered in black gauze slowly landing on another ruins outside the city lord's palace.

Her face was also covered with a layer of black gauze, and even her plain hands were wearing gloves made from black gauze.

That layer of black gauze is thin and transparent, giving it a hazy and seductive feeling.

The next moment, another handsome man arrived and stood beside the woman very naturally.

However, compared with the woman's slightly fanatical eyes, this handsome man seemed to be a little depressed.

Cheng Tianyong!

Although Ling Feng did not look back, he could already tell from his breath that the man was none other than Cheng Tianyong.

Sure enough, this matter is really related to the Demon Soul Palace!

That woman's name is Senior Sister Miaofan. In other words, they once came from the same family?


Ling Feng's gaze was focused, staring at Venerable Miaofan opposite, and his spiritual consciousness said: "No matter what happens, don't be distracted, otherwise, your two disciples will definitely die!"

Venerable Miaofan frowned, knowing that this moment had reached an emergency, so he could only remain silent, not daring to respond to the poisonous-hand doctor fairy who was shouting outside.

"Senior sister, in the past, when you saw me, didn't you always give me earnest advice? Why, now you have become mute?"

The Poisonous Hand Doctor Fairy beamed for a while, then patted his forehead, and said with a smile: "Oh, I remembered, Senior Sister, the plague has broken out among your good disciples, it's hard to control it. Oops, our ten This is just the first battle of the year's appointment. Why can't you, my good senior sister, do it now?"

"What's the point of taking advantage of others' danger!"

Yu Shiwei gritted her silver teeth and rushed out, shouting in the direction of the Poison Hand Medical Immortal: "My master is healing the injuries of the senior sisters. If you and the master have a ten-year agreement, what are you competing for? I will come with you." Compare!"

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