Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3723 Seven Colors of Poison! Seven attributes!

"Senior, I don't know what happened between you, but she was harming people and you were saving people. No matter what, you have no reason to question your behavior of saving people."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and continued: "As a doctor, it is not against my true intention to treat illnesses and save people. What's wrong with that?"

Venerable Miao Fan was slightly startled and raised his eyes to stare at Ling Feng.

After a long time, Ruo Ruo realized something and cast a grateful look at Ling Feng, "Unexpectedly, none of my juniors can see clearly."

"In terms of experience, my seniors are far better than me. It's just that the authorities are confused and trapped in it, so it's hard to see clearly."

Ling Feng waved his hand and smiled, "As long as you strengthen your beliefs, you will no longer be confused in anything you do."

"Thank you very much!"

Venerable Miaofan nodded slightly and regained his spirits.

Although what happened between her and Qiu Liruo could not be explained clearly in a few words.

However, she was just doing what she was supposed to do. No matter what the result was, at least she had tried and worked hard, so why should she blame herself?

After understanding this level, Venerable Miaofan's whole aura suddenly became enlightened.

She took out some elixirs to restore vitality and blood, drank them, and regained her energy. Her eyes were no longer confused, showing perseverance and determination.

Seeing the transformation of Venerable Miaofan, Ling Feng smiled faintly. This Venerable Miaofan was also a man of great wisdom. As expected, he understood everything.

Yu Shiwei glanced at Ling Feng with gratitude. Although she also saw that something was obviously wrong with Master's state, she was not as smart and eloquent as Ling Feng. She could wake up Miao Fanzun in just a few words. By.

"Master Long Fei, your medical skills are definitely not inferior to mine. Since you can tell, I guess you already have a way to resolve the plague."

Venerable Miaofan looked at Ling Feng and asked in a deep voice.

"Maybe I have some ideas."

Ling Feng nodded slightly, "I have also learned some poison theory from a famous teacher, so I have done some research on the method of fighting poison with poison."

When he was in the Valley of the Wicked, he had studied the poison master's ways for a period of time with the sixth-ranked "ghost doctor" Chang Baicao.

Although the former Chang Baicao's vision of the world of immortality was no longer enough, the essence of fighting fire with fire remained unchanged.

His thoughts are also timeless.

Ling Feng learned from him that it was completely different from the traditional methods he had learned through medical books.

The combination of the two also allowed Ling Feng's medical skills to break through again, and now he is as good as he is now. Even above the Immortal Realm, his medical skills are still at the top level.

Of course, the foundation of all this is thanks to the book "Tai Xuan Acupuncture" left behind by my grandfather.

"First of all, the seniors used the rainbow seven-color barrier as the main medicinal ingredient to resolve the plague. This idea is absolutely correct. However, the rainbow seven-color barrier is too toxic and difficult to control. This led to several attempts, all with the ended in failure."


Venerable Miaofan nodded, "I'm not good at using poisons, so I can only prepare antidotes according to the dosage from small to large. However, even a very slight poison of rainbow seven-color barrier is still harmful to my few... This disciple's body was severely damaged. Not only was the plague not cured, but it also damaged his internal organs."

"This is the scary thing about the rainbow."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "In fact, the seven-color poisons in the seven-color barrier of the rainbow restrain each other and maintain a very delicate balance. Seniors only consider reducing the dose to control the toxicity. I’m afraid it will be in vain.”

"I see."

Venerable Miaofan took a deep breath, "Master Long is young, but he has seen many people. Miaofan is really ashamed of himself."

"Senior, your words are serious."

Ling Feng waved his hand and smiled, and continued: "In fact, if you want to control the toxicity of the rainbow seven-color barrier and integrate it with other drugs, you must first control the balance between the seven-color poisons."

Then, Ling Feng spent about half a quarter of an hour talking about how to control the seven-color poison, which actually interacted with the power of laws of various attributes of himself.

"In other words, the seven-color poison actually corresponds to the five elements attributes plus the wind attribute and thunder attribute, a total of seven attributes."

After listening to Ling Feng's words, Yu Shiwei frowned immediately, "But, can the total of us here come up with seven attributes? But Mr. Yan outside still has an ice attribute that is useless."

"Be patient and don't be impatient."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "It's a coincidence that my spiritual roots are mixed. I spent countless spiritual infusion magic weapons before I could reach the balance of each spiritual root and step into the path of cultivation. Therefore, for these seven attributes, I just happen to have them." All."

Ling Feng's words are half true and half false. In fact, he is the spiritual root of chaos, which is all-encompassing and can naturally evolve into the power of law with any attribute.

But on the other hand, he did spend a lot of spiritual magic weapons, otherwise, he would not be able to lay such a solid foundation.

"Master Long, you..."

Yu Shiwei looked at Ling Feng in surprise.

Although it is said that the more laws a powerful Immortal Lord masters, the more Tao Fruits he can form, but in fact a large part of them are variations of the same attribute.

It is almost rare for the same person to have all the five elements of monks at the same time.

And it is extremely rare to be able to cultivate to this level with such mixed spiritual roots.

"Which aristocratic family are you a genius from?"

Yu Shiwei blinked, "I thought you were a disciple of the Xantian Ice Tribe, just like Mr. Yan."

"That's right."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "I and the Xantian Ice Clan are somewhat related."

"So that's it."

Yu Shiwei nodded and immediately regarded Ling Feng as a descendant of the collateral bloodline of the Xantian Ice Clan.

"Senior, although I am already about 70% sure, I still need to do some experiments before treating the people in the city."

Ling Feng looked at Xue An, who was waiting outside the ruins, "This person is the best experimental subject who should die right now."

Venerable Miao Fan nodded slightly, "Master Long, I just need to make it clear how I can cooperate."

"Then I'd like to thank you, senior."

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows. Only the seven-color barrier of the rainbow was not enough. As for other medicinal materials to resolve the plague, I believe Venerable Miaofan has also prepared them.

In addition, having the experience of Venerable Miaofan can also help Ling Feng avoid detours.

The two looked at each other, then walked out of the ruins together and walked straight towards Xue An.

Xue An clenched his fists, looking somewhat nervous.

"Brother Xue."

Ling Feng walked quickly towards Xue An, and when he was stunned, he knocked him out with a knife.

The toxicity of the rainbow's seven-color barrier is no small matter.

It is somewhat cruel to let such a mortal bear the toxicity of the rainbow's seven-color barrier in a clear mind.

It's better to let him faint so that he doesn't struggle.

Ling Feng supported the unconscious Xue An and leaned him against the transformed boulder, then turned back to look at Lord Miaofan.

Venerable Miaofan understood and first asked Yu Shiwei to prepare various other medicinal materials, and then handed the jade bottle containing the seven colors of the rainbow to Ling Feng.

The three of them performed their duties and began to prepare to treat the plague in Xue An's body.

About half an hour later.

When Xue An slowly woke up, he saw several pairs of eyes staring directly at him.

"I...I am..."

Xue An raised his hand and touched the back of his neck, and said in a daze: "What happened?"

"Your disease has been cured!"

Ling Feng patted Xue An on the shoulder, smiled and helped him up.

"I...I'm fine?"

Xue An's eyelids twitched wildly, and then he was overjoyed, "I, I'm really fine? I'm really fine!"

Since he was infected with the plague, he has always been weak and depressed. His internal organs are burning every day, and the burning pain is unbearable.

Now, he actually felt that he was full of strength, as if he had endless energy.

"Yes, you are completely healed."

Ling Feng smiled lightly. Although he was about 70% sure, his success with Xue An also meant that the people in Shiyuan City were saved.

"Thank you so much, my benefactor!"

After Xue An was so excited, he regained consciousness a little, and quickly knelt down to everyone present and thanked them profusely.

Ling Feng helped Xue An up again and said seriously: "Okay, there is gold under the man's knees. If you kneel here and there like this, the gold is worthless."

"Yes Yes……"

Xue An wiped away the tears of excitement and choked up a little.

He never thought that he could actually survive this plague.

"Now is also the time to deal with other people's diseases."

Ling Feng looked outside the ruins. Many people in the city seemed to have received the news and gathered around the ruins of the City Lord's Mansion to watch.

"But it's hard for us to treat everyone in one day, right?"

Yu Shiwei frowned slightly, "What's more, after three years of plague and drought, even the well water has dried up. Otherwise, the antidote can be put into the well water to relieve the plague for the whole city."

"If there is no water, we can rely on the wind."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, and Venerable Miaofan and Yu Shiwei reacted immediately.

The entire Ishihara City was surrounded by a barrier, which actually helped a lot in a sense.

Moreover, the soil of Shiyuan City has also been infected by the plague. Only by using the wind to deliver the antidote to every corner will no toxins remain.

"What a great idea! What a great idea!"

Venerable Miaofan couldn't help but fall in love with Ling Feng.

Needless to say, this young man has excellent medical skills and is also so smart.

If possible, she would rather let Ling Feng become Cihang Jingzhai's successor.

After all, your body...

Ling Feng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Now we still have half a day to prepare a sufficient dose of the antidote, and then go to high places to deliver the antidote to every corner of the city through the wind. Everyone It can be cured naturally through breathing without medicine.”

"But before that, there is another problem."

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he said in a deep voice: "When I entered Shiyuan City, I saw that basically wherever someone lives, every household has its doors and windows closed. In this way, even if there is an antidote, it cannot be blown in. So. , someone needs to tell everyone to open their doors and windows.”

"Leave this matter to me!"

Xue An stood up and patted his chest, "My lord, although I can't do anything, please leave it to me to run errands!"


Ling Feng smiled and patted Xue An on the shoulder. As a native of Shiyuan City, it would be easier to communicate with him.

"Brother Yan, please wait for him to run away."

Ling Feng looked at Yan Jinghong. Firstly, Yan Jinghong was very fast. He could cover the whole city in half a day.

Secondly, if Xue An makes sense, it is of course simple.

It didn't make sense, so Yan Jinghong kicked him away, but the effect was the same.

In the distance, on a low hill.

Qiu Liruo was sitting cross-legged on a rock with a deserted expression, holding a yellowish ancient xun in her hand.

The majestic wind blew by, blowing her robes loudly.

Cheng Tianyong stood quietly beside her, looking into the distance, and suddenly said: "From that boy's tone, he seems to be very sure. Aren't you worried?"


Qiu Liruo lowered her eyes and said without looking back: "There is nothing to worry about. Even if she cures the plague, I will just lose to her again. Anyway, this is not the first time. Even, even I don’t know if I really hope to beat her.”

"Is it……"

Cheng Tianyong took a deep look at Qiu Liruo's back and couldn't help but sigh, "Maybe you should let go of some things."

Qiu Liruo was silent for a moment and did not speak. She just blew the sound of the xun silently. The sobbing sound was like weeping and complaining, which made people feel sad...

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