Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3724 Cihang Medical Code!

Not long after, a light yellow wind blew over Ishihara City.

Along with this breeze, the people who were lying on the ground waiting to die gradually felt that their bodies had regained a trace of strength that they had not seen for a long time.

That gust of wind was created by Ling Feng at the Gao Gao Institute. The antidote developed by him and Venerable Miao Fan was ground into powder and spread into every corner of Shiyuan City through the wind.

As more and more people recovered, they cheered and jumped for joy. The people who had closed their doors and windows also walked out of their houses one after another, breathing in the wind that swept away the plague.

This saved Yan Jinghong and the others a lot of trouble.

"It's getting better! Everyone's getting better!"

Yu Shiwei couldn't help shouting excitedly.

On the high mountain in the south of the city, Ling Feng and his group looked at the changes in the city, with a hint of joy on their faces.

Not only does the antidote prepared by Ling Feng work, but his method can definitely cure the entire city within one day.

Venerable Miao Fan took a deep breath. With Ling Feng's help, she barely managed to defeat the Poison Hand Medical Immortal again.

But what about next time?

What about next time?

Every competition will involve many innocent people.

Maybe, that's all.

A look of determination flashed through Venerable Miaofan's eyes, as if he had made some kind of decision.

Ling Feng saw that she looked a little strange, but he didn't want to ask more questions.

His purpose was to regain the dragon jade fragment that was snatched away by the poisonous-hand medical fairy.

And with the strength of him and Yan Jinghong, even if they join forces, it will be difficult to gain any advantage from the poisonous-hand medical fairy.

Therefore, when he helped Venerable Miaofan, he actually had some selfish motives of his own.

It would be much easier if he could help Venerable Miao Fan defeat the Poison Hand Medical Immortal and regain the fragment.

"Light yellow wind?"

The sound of the xun gradually stopped, Qiu Liruo put the ancient xun away again, gently raised her palm, and held it flat in the air.

After a while, a layer of light yellow powder fell on the palm, which was the powder that could cure the plague.

"It's really hard for you to think of such a method."

Qiu Liruo murmured in a low voice, "It seems that I am going to lose again..."

"let's go."

At some point, Cheng Tianyong had walked to her side and said warmly: "I always feel like something is going to happen."

Qiu Liruo turned her head and glanced at Cheng Tianyong, and after a long while, she finally said slowly: "It's been so many years, it's time to settle things."


Cheng Tianyong felt a trace of panic in his heart for no reason, and gritted his teeth and said: "Medical Immortal, Your Majesty's mission is for us to find the dragon jade fragments scattered everywhere. Now that the task has not been completed, how can you delay Your Majesty for your own personal affairs?" mission?"

"Tian Yong, when did you learn to use the Lord to suppress me?"

Qiu Liruo was not angry, but showed a playful smile.

She slowly took off the veil covering her face, revealing her stunning face under the veil.

Cheng Tianyong was a little stunned.

Although Qiu Liruo's veil could not hide her peerless appearance at all, after taking off the veil, it still made Cheng Tianyong, a young man who grew up in makeup and powder since childhood, fascinated.

Moreover, this was the first time Qiu Liruo took off her veil in front of him.

"what do you mean?"

Cheng Tianyong stared blankly at Qiu Liruo, and the panic in his heart became clearer and clearer.

"From now on, I won't wear a veil."

Qiu Liruo smiled lightly, handed the jade box containing the dragon jade fragments to Cheng Tianyong's hand, and said warmly: "If I can't go back, please help me give this fragment to the Lord."

"how come……"

Cheng Tianyong stared at Qiu Liruo blankly, "You and your senior sister have made ten-year appointments so many times, why can't you go back? I don't allow you to say such things!"

"Yes, how many times have we dated for ten years..."

Qiu Liruo smiled and said: "There are so many that I can't remember them all, but this is the first time that I see such killing intent in the eyes of my senior sister. This time, I'm afraid she won't give in easily. I'm leaving. Senior sister's cultivation has always been better than mine. If she really takes action, I am no match for her."

"Now that you know, let's leave now!"

Cheng Tianyong hurriedly took Qiu Liruo's arm, "I won't allow you to die in vain!"


Qiu Liruo pursed her lips and smiled, "Do you think I will die? In terms of strength and cultivation, I am not as good as her, but don't forget, what I am best at is using poison."


Cheng Tianyong grabbed Qiu Liruo's arm tightly, "But I, I don't want you to take risks."

"I'm sorry Tianyong."

Qiu Liruo shook her head slightly towards Cheng Tianyong, "If the knot in my heart is not untied, I will not be able to accept another person. Do you understand?"

"Okay, wherever you want to go, I will accompany you."

Cheng Tianyong took a deep breath and pushed the jade box back into Qiu Liruo's hand, "If you live, I will live. If you die, I will die with you. From the moment you saved me, my life was originally It’s yours.”

Night falls.

Perhaps both sides knew that a war was imminent, so this night was particularly peaceful.

However, everyone knows that this is probably the eve of the storm.

Venerable Miaofan wrote furiously next to a worn-out desk. He wrote all night without knowing what he was writing.

Yu Shiwei was very busy taking care of her three senior sisters.

Outside the ruins, Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong gathered around a bonfire. Yan Jinghong broke off a branch out of boredom and asked casually: "I said Ling... ahem, Long Fei, you are here to treat... I am here to save people, and I am always attentive to these women. Don’t forget the purpose of our trip.”

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and said, "What kind of courtesy can I offer? If you are so confident, you can challenge that poisonous hand doctor to a duel!"


Yan Jinghong choked on Ling Feng's words, snorted lightly, turned away, and stopped talking to Ling Feng.

Ling Feng chatted to death with just one sentence, and fell into silence that night.

Early the next morning.

Venerable Miaofan walked out of the ruins of the side hall, first handed a letter into the hands of his disciple Yu Shiwei, without saying anything else, and then went straight to Ling Feng.

Ling Feng was sitting cross-legged in meditation when he felt the aura of Venerable Miaofan approaching. He quickly opened his eyes and said hello to Venerable Miaofan.


Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted Master Miaofan, and said with a smile: "Good morning!"


Venerable Miaofan nodded slightly, then took out an ancient book from his arms and handed it to Ling Feng, "Master Long Fei, this is a medical classic that has been passed down by Cihang Jingzhai for dozens of generations and compiled by successive medical masters. Master, He is young and has great medical skills. I hope Mr. Long can accept this medical book."


Ling Feng suddenly felt flattered, "This is a classic handed down from our predecessors, how dare I..."

"I also ask Mr. Long not to refuse."

Venerable Miaofan insisted on putting the medical book into Ling Feng's hands, "Young Master first saved my three disciples, and then helped me win the bet with my junior sister. This is just a medical book, so I think it is my thank you gift to you." ”

"All right."

Ling Feng couldn't resist her, so he had to accept the medical book.

In fact, although Venerable Miaofan said it lightly, in fact, there must be many precious medicinal prescriptions and elixirs in the medical books.

These are priceless treasures.

Especially those precious ancient elixirs, how can they be described as "a mere medical book".

If this were seen in the eyes of Chen Yuanmo Chen, the president of the Alchemist Guild, who is a money man, this would be a priceless treasure that cannot be exchanged for ten thousand dollars!

"Thank you very much, senior."

Ling Feng carefully put the medical book away and could vaguely smell the fragrance of ink on it.

It seems that Venerable Miaofan spent the whole night writing furiously, and must have completed many elixirs and medicinal prescriptions that she knew.

It can be said that Ling Feng got a big deal this time.


Two winds roared.

Ling Feng's expression condensed, he didn't expect that the poisonous hand medical fairy would come so quickly.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Shiwei ran out from the ruins, and Yan Jinghong also jumped up from where he was.

Qiu Liruo and Cheng Tianyong were seen flying over, and finally stopped hundreds of feet away from the ruins.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly.

Today Qiu Liruo is not wearing a veil.

I have to say that although this woman is vicious, she is indeed very beautiful.

Moreover, compared to Xiao Xianling, girls like Yu Junyao have a more mature charm.


Ling Feng shook his head slightly, what was he thinking about?

Yan Jinghong's eyes also lit up. Although this guy pretended to be indifferent and had a gloomy face, and it was completely impossible to tell what was going on in this sinister man's mind, he was obviously amazed by Qiu Liruo.

"Junior sister, you came fast enough!"

Venerable Miaofan waved his whisk lightly and stared at Qiu Liruo opposite.

"Senior sister used the wind to disperse the antidote into the whole city yesterday. As expected, the plague in the whole city was eliminated in one day. It was an eye-opener for me, junior sister!"

Qiu Liruo seemed to have no consciousness of being a loser. Instead, she smiled and said: "Senior sister, the so-called willingness to admit defeat, it seems that I have been defeated by you again."

"The method was thought up by Mr. Long, and the antidote was prepared with his help."

Venerable Miaofan was upright and said bluntly: "So, the person who wins you is actually him."

"No matter what, a win is a win." Qiu Liruo's eyes gradually turned cold, "So, senior sister, you have successfully defended that woman again. You must feel very happy, right?"

"Junior sister, why are you so stubborn?"

Venerable Miao Fan sighed softly, "I don't want to take action against you, but what you have done has exceeded the limit of what I can tolerate."

"Senior sister, I know you won't let me go easily this time." Qiu Liruo sneered: "It doesn't matter if it's better than a hundred times or a thousand times. In the final analysis, we should make the same decision between you and me. It’s over.”

Venerable Miao Fan smiled bitterly, "It's still the same as before, little junior sister, I can never hide my thoughts from you."

"So, what are you waiting for?"

Qiu Liruo's eyes narrowed, and the appearance of an abyssal devil appeared behind her.


There was a low roar, and terrifying black smoke spread to all directions.

Venerable Miaofan swept away the dust, and his figure turned into a white light and shot out, directly fighting with the demon behind Qiu Liruo.

This battle is inevitable after all.

Cheng Tianyong clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and stepped aside, while keeping a vigilant eye on Yan Jinghong and his party.

Yan Jinghong shrugged and said calmly: "Cheng Tianyong, I remember you should be a disciple of Tianzhi, why are you hanging out with this witch?"

Cheng Tianyong stared at Yan Jinghong angrily, "You are Brother Ling's friend. I will tolerate you once, but I warn you not to insult her again!"

"I just said it, so what?"

Yan Jinghong snorted coldly, "You are considered a person, but you are so confused by beauty. It's really embarrassing!"

"What did you say?"

Cheng Tianyong was filled with rage, roared, summoned the Five Elements Puppet, and cursed: "I've already warned you!"

"Let's fight. There was no winner yesterday. If we really want to fight, you are no match for me!"

Yan Jinghong is so arrogant. For so long, the only one who can convince him is Ling Feng.

Immediately, the two of them fought again and vowed to decide the winner.

"Two idiots..."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, cursed secretly in his heart, and looked into the sky again. At this moment, the battle between Venerable Miao Fan and the Poison Hand Medical Immortal had reached a fever pitch.

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