Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3725: Clean the sky! The secret method of burning Yuan!

High in the sky.

Venerable Miaofan held a whisk in his hand, stared at Qiu Liruo with his cold eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Junior sister, stop it. Are you still stubborn after so many years?"

"Sister, you should know my character best. I never give up until I reach my goal!"

Qiu Liruo smiled coldly, "You have defended that woman for so many years. If she is not wrong at all, why don't you let me see her! Do you have to intervene in the matter between me and her? ?”

"It's treacherous to bully your master and destroy your ancestors. I just don't want you to make the same mistake again and again."

Venerable Miao Fan shook his head and sighed, "You only remember that Master refused to save that man until he died. Do you still remember that Master adopted you and raised you, and you have forgotten all the kindness of raising you for decades? ?”

"That's between me and her too!"

Qiu Liruo's eyes became colder and colder, "Today, if you don't reveal her whereabouts, I will fight you to the death! After so many years, it's time to come to an end!"


Venerable Miaofan let out a long sigh, waved the dust in his hand, and condensed a thousand-foot golden light, crushing towards Qiu Liruo.

The evil magic behind her seemed to be severely suppressed by the golden light. Although Qiu Liruo gritted her teeth and continued to pour in her true energy, it was still difficult to resist the golden light that purified everything.


After a while, the blood magic phase shattered and turned into black smoke and dissipated.

Venerable Miaofan's cultivation level is already higher than that of Qiu Liruo. Coupled with the whisk magic weapon in her hand, she is born to be the nemesis of Qiu Liruo's evil skills.

One is ebbing and the other is ebbing, and judgment is made.


Qiu Liruo suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and stared at Venerable Miaofan with a pair of angry eyes, "It is indeed our sect's most precious treasure, the Pure Sky Whisk, but in your hand, it is worse than in that woman's hand. Even more awesome!”

Qiu Liruo gritted her teeth and shouted, and the next moment, her figure turned into a black whirlwind and rushed over again.


Venerable Miaofan let out another long sigh, waved the dust from the sky, and a golden whirlwind swept towards Qiu Liruo. The next moment, a storm swept across, and the golden wind surrounded Qiu Liruo's path, and immediately turned into a picture. A big golden net enveloped the past.


Venerable Miaofan made a hand gesture, pulled in the golden net, and bound Qiu Liruo in the net. The more she struggled, the tighter the net tightened.

Soon, Qiu Liruo couldn't move.

"What a powerful magic weapon!"

Ling Feng's eyes lit up. This treasure might be comparable to the bright moon mirror that Si Chen gave to him.

It's a pity that the Haoyue Mirror was destroyed in order to resist the attack from the incarnation of Immortal Emperor Yi Ting.


Yu Shiwei looked a little excited. Now Qiu Liruo has been bound by the golden net and cannot move. Obviously, Venerable Miaofan won the battle.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Ling Feng frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "Since Qiu Liruo knows that she is no match for Senior Miaofan, yet she still dares to come and provoke him, I'm afraid... there is a back-up plan!"

Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he shouted: "Senior, be careful!"

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

Qiu Liruo was trapped by the golden light net and could not move. Venerable Miaofan flew forward and wanted to continue to persuade, but unexpectedly, when Venerable Miaofan flew close to her and came within three shots of her, Qiu Liruo said , actually spitting out a stream of black smoke.

The black smoke condensed into a small black snake, which flew out like a sharp arrow.

When there was no time to escape, it had already approached the neck of Venerable Miaofan.

As soon as the snake vomited, it bit Venerable Miaofan on the neck. The deadly poison quickly traveled with the blood and soon traveled to the internal organs.

In just an instant, Venerable Miaofan's expression changed dramatically, his body stiffened, and then he fell straight from the air!


Yushi Wei's beautiful face turned pale, and she flew towards Master Miaofan.

"It's really a scam!"

Ling Feng frowned slightly, touched the ground with his toes, and stood up straight from the ground. Then, a phantom of a divine dragon rose up behind him, like a fierce dragon crossing the river, and slammed into Qiu Liruo's place.

Without the magical support of Venerable Miaofan, the golden light network is no longer unbreakable.


There was an explosion, and the net shattered. Qiu Liruo escaped from the trap, and then launched another blood magic phase to attack Venerable Miaofan.

At this moment, Ling Feng transformed into a divine dragon and slammed into Qiu Liruo's flank!


In an instant, the dragon roared!

Ling Feng directly activated the power of the dragon jade fragment, combined with the magical power of dragon roar, and hit it with all his strength. In addition, Qiu Liruo was unprepared, and was immediately knocked out hard and suffered serious injuries.

The next moment, Ling Feng used the law of space, and his figure suddenly appeared behind Qiu Liruo.

She is a powerful immortal. Once she comes to her senses and is slightly prepared, not only will she not be able to pose the slightest threat to her, she will actually be in crisis.

Therefore, we must take advantage of her illness to kill her!

The next moment, a divine light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and he stared at Qiu Liruo's eyes. His soul-stirring gaze once again made Qiu Liruo's expression stagnant and fell into a sluggish state.

But Ling Feng knew that with the power of his consciousness, he could only control her for about three breaths at most.

However, this is enough!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng faced Qiu Liruo face to face and let out a roar of a dragon. His close-fitting "unrelievable power" made Qiu Liruo's eyes flash with stars and she was unable to recover at all.

Taking this opportunity, Ling Feng had already taken out more than a dozen sealing talismans and pasted them all over Qiu Liruo's body. Not only that, he also used magic weapons such as the "Binding Immortal Lock" to bind Qiu Liruo's body tightly. Tied several times.

When Qiu Liruo finally came to her senses, Ling Feng and Ding Xin bumped into Qiu Liruo's heart with their knees, and immediately pressed her to the ground.

With more than a dozen sealing talismans, a dozen immortal locks, and the human sandbag Ling Feng suppressing him, Qiu Liruo couldn't use any tricks this time.

"Bring the antidote!"

Ling Feng stared at Qiu Liruo coldly. He would not show mercy just because she was a beautiful woman.


On the other side, the confrontation between Yan Jinghong and Cheng Tianyong had always been evenly matched. No one could win over the other. But when he saw the situation on Qiu Liruo's side, he was distracted for a moment and was struck in the shoulder by Yan Jinghong. .

If Yan Jinghong hadn't been merciful and withdrew 70% of his sword energy, one of Cheng Tianyong's arms would have been removed.

"Hmph! Absent-minded, you are not worthy of being my opponent now!"

Yan Jinghong snorted coldly and stopped entangled with Cheng Tianyong. Cheng Tianyong pressed the wound on his shoulder with one hand and rushed towards Ling Feng at the same time.

"Let her go!"

Cheng Tianyong stared at Ling Feng and roared hysterically.

"It's easy to let her go, let her come up with the antidote!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly and looked back at the situation at Venerable Miaofan's side.

Yu Shiwei supported Venerable Miaofan and managed to stand up, but after just a moment, Venerable Miaofan's face turned blue and was surrounded by black energy.

The speed at which the poison develops is staggering.

After all, she has advanced cultivation and is a master of medicine. It stands to reason that she has considerable resistance to all kinds of poisons.

However, when faced with Qiu Liruo's poison, it turned out so quickly.

But in the face of such a poison, Yu Shiwei's medical skills were completely helpless.

"Medical Fairy, give him the antidote!"

Cheng Tianyong stared at Qiu Liruo with red eyes, "Just think of it as me begging you! Give them the antidote!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Qiu Liruo instead laughed loudly, "You want an antidote? Okay, senior sister, just tell me the whereabouts of our good master, and I will give you the antidote right away!"

"It's already this time, you..."

Cheng Tianyong was so anxious that he almost jumped.

If Venerable Miaofan was poisoned to death, wouldn't she also have to be buried with him?

"Are you really not afraid of death?"

Ling Feng frowned, took out a dagger from his inventory, and placed it directly on Qiu Liruo's neck.

With Venerable Miaofan's arrogant temper, if she could say it out, wouldn't she have said it long ago?

But in this case, it was not easy for him to use the magical power of the Eye of Heaven to forcibly read Qiu Liruo's memory.

The sharp sword edge cut through the snow-white skin on Qiu Liruo's neck, drawing out bright red blood.

Qiu Liruo was not afraid at all, but instead stared at Ling Feng with a sneer.

Cheng Tianyong was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, but he didn't dare to act rashly. He could only keep pleading with Qiu Liruo, hoping that she could take a step back first.

It's a pity that Qiu Liruo's temper is probably even harder than that of Venerable Miaofan.


At this moment, it was Venerable Miaofan who weakly shouted.

With the support of Yu Shiwei, Master Miaofan slowly walked over. She glanced at Qiu Liruo feebly, took a deep breath, and said to Ling Feng: "Long... Master Long, let her go." Bar."


Ling Feng frowned. Without the antidote, Venerable Miaofan might not be able to survive for long.

Does it have to rely on Xiaodie's ability again?

But her wound was on her neck, so it would be a bit inappropriate to go up and suck it by herself.

It’s safer to get the antidote!

"Let her go."

Venerable Miaofan sat down slowly, looked at Qiu Liruo, and said with a weak expression: "Don't you just want to know the whereabouts of Master? I...I can tell you."


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment. After a long time, you compromised first!

Qiu Liruo's pupils shrank, as if she couldn't believe it, but she quickly recovered and hummed softly: "Okay, since you are willing to tell me, I will give you the antidote."

She raised her eyes and glared at Ling Feng, "Let me go, how can I get the antidote!"

Ling Feng shrugged, then jumped up from Qiu Liruo, and untied the immortal lock that trapped her hands.

Qiu Liruo struggled to get up, and immediately took out a dark green medicine bottle from the space magic weapon, threw it to Yu Shiwei, and said coldly: "Half for external application, half for internal use."

"'s not necessary..."

Venerable Miaofan shook his head and smiled, "My poisonous injury is not just as simple as your snake venom. In order to refine the antidote to the plague, I was already poisoned by the rainbow seven-color barrier. In order to forcefully extend my life, I cast With the secret method of Burning Yuan, my lifespan is only a few days long..."


Yu Shiwei's eyes widened, and she immediately realized that three of her senior sisters had tried the medicine on themselves, but they failed to cure the plague, and instead accumulated the poison of the seven colors of the rainbow in their bodies.

In order to save them, Venerable Miaofan actually absorbed the toxins in their bodies into his own body.

After doing this several times, it was actually time for Venerable Miaofan to become poisonous.

However, she used the secret method of Burning Yuan to forcefully extend her life for a few days.

Although doing this can suppress the poison, it is basically equivalent to cutting off one's own life.

Even if the poison is detoxified, it is impossible to recover.

In just a few days, all her future vitality has been overdrawn.


As he spoke, Venerable Miaofan suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood as black as ink.

Now the power of the Burning Yuan Secret Technique is gradually dissipating, and she has been poisoned again.

Now, even if Ling Feng summons Xiaodie directly, he may not be able to save the day.

"No, no! You're lying to me! You're lying to me, aren't you?"

Seeing Venerable Miaofan getting weaker and weaker, Qiu Liruo suddenly became very restless.

She snatched the antidote and forced it into Venerable Miaofan's mouth. She gritted her teeth and said, "You can't die. I won't allow you to die!"

She never thought about killing her senior sister.

Even at that moment, she had not thought about letting Venerable Miao Fan die from the poison.

But things seemed to be beyond her control.

The senior sister who loved her since childhood was about to die tragically in front of him.

"Junior sister, haven't you always wanted to know Master's whereabouts? I can tell you now... In fact, I have already wanted to tell you. Guarding the truth alone is really... so tiring, so tiring... …”

"No, we will continue to fight, ten years, twenty years, a hundred years! We will continue to fight!"

Qiu Liruo became very flustered, her eyes were red, she firmly grabbed the palm of Venerable Miaofan, gritted her teeth and said: "You can only tell me if I beat you with my own ability! Not now, not now!"

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