Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3732 A huge fortune!

"Master...Master, she..."

Yu Shiwei pursed her delicate lips and was silent for a moment, then she gritted her teeth and said, "Master, in order to resolve the plague in Shiyuan City, she was poisoned by the rainbow seven-color barrier. In order to buy time, she did not hesitate to use the secret method of burning yuan, and finally... finally... …”

Speaking of this, crystal tears rolled down in Yu Shiwei's eyes, "Master, she unfortunately passed away in the end."


In an instant, all the female disciples knelt down and bid farewell to Venerable Miaofan in their own way.

"Senior sister..."

Venerable Lingyun took a deep breath, slowly closed his eyes, and recited a passage about salvation in the afterlife for Venerable Miaofan. He then raised his hand and patted Yu Shiwei on the shoulder, saying warmly: "Weier, senior sister You don’t have to be too sad if you die for your ideals.”

"Disciple understands."

Yu Shiwei nodded heavily. Regarding the cause of Venerable Miaofan's death, Yu Shiwei did not tell the whole truth.

As a result, even if there was no snake venom administered by the Poisonous Hand Medical Immortal, Venerable Miaofan would have only used the Yuan Burning Secret Technique, and his time would be numbered.

Secondly, the poisonous hand doctor himself is also a poor person who has been played by fate.

There are some truths that no one can accept, so maybe burying them is the best choice.

"In addition, regarding this young master's succession as head teacher..."

Venerable Lingyun looked at Ling Feng and asked herself, although this was Venerable Miaofan's last wish, she was not very willing to accept a disciple who did not belong to the sect to become the head teacher.

"This is the letter that Master left me. It explains this matter."

Yu Shiwei took out the letter that Venerable Miaofan left for her before his death and handed it to Venerable Lingyun.

Venerable Lingyun opened the letter and read it carefully. As expected, it was written clearly and clearly.

"Master Long has great medical skills. Together with Master, he developed an antidote to the plague, and also came up with a way to completely eliminate the plague for all people within one day. Master also said that Master Long's medical skills, Never below her."

Yu Shiwei took a deep breath and gritted her teeth and said: "In addition, Master has also passed on the "Cihang Medical Code" to Mr. Long, and I have no objection to him taking over as the new head teacher."

Changpu and Fengling also immediately expressed their stance: "We have no objections."

Even Ruan Chengyu took a deep breath and said solemnly: "I have no objection."


Lord Lingyun's eyes wandered back and forth on Ling Feng and Yu Shiwei, and finally landed on Ruan Chengyu.

She was the eldest disciple of Venerable Miaofan and the most qualified candidate to succeed him as head teacher.

Since even Ruan Chengyu had no objections, what else could she say?

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

Venerable Lingyun nodded, "Since it is Senior Sister's last wish, and you, the disciples whom Senior Sister relies on the most, have no objection, okay, then..."

Venerable Lingyun stared at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "Master Long Fei, after the senior sister's body is buried, we will hold a succession ceremony for you."

Ling Feng felt helpless for a while, but now that the matter was at this point, it was no longer easy to refuse.

It's just that I couldn't hold back and took someone else's Cihang Ceremony. If I just ignored these disciples, I would be a bit disrespectful to Venerable Miaofan.

After everything is arranged properly, you can find a way to get out.

"Then it's time for you, Senior Lao."

Ling Feng nodded slightly, but Yu Shiwei sighed softly and said with some helplessness: "It's just that we never brought back Master's body..."


Venerable Lingyun frowned, "Weier, how could you do such a big thing..."

"Senior, please be patient."

Ling Feng waved his hand and smiled, turned to look at Yu Shiwei, winked at her, and said lightly: "In my opinion, the body of Senior Miaofan has already been sent back to Cihang Jingzhai."


Yu Shiwei's eyelids twitched, and she immediately reacted and quickly changed her words: "Yes, Master's body should be... ahem, 80% of it has been sent back."

"Should? Eighty percent?"

Venerable Lingyun frowned slightly, "Weier, you have always been prudent in doing things, why are you so careless this time?"

"Senior, leave this matter to me and Yu Shiwei. It will be handled properly within three days."

Ling Feng quickly stepped forward to take over the conversation.

Although Yu Shiwei is not stupid, she is too honest and cannot tell any lies.

If I ask a few more questions about the poisonous-hand medical fairy, I'm afraid I won't be able to hide it at all.

"All right."

Lord Lingyun shook his head, but was even more repelled by Ling Feng.

It seems like this guy is deliberately hiding something.

This new head teacher is really suspicious!

"Young Master Long has not yet succeeded to the position of headmaster, and the room of the former headmaster has not been cleaned yet, so I can only temporarily accept the grievance of the young master and live in the guest room in the villa."

"Don't feel wronged, it's as it should be."

Ling Feng waved his hand and smiled. It was good that he had a place to stay for the time being, which would help him understand the mystery of the dragon jade fragment.

Now he has obtained the dragon head part among the seven main fragments, and also obtained a small part of the dragon claw.

Although by accident, he used the Heavenly Dragon Claw, which was quite powerful.

But Ling Feng believes that this is far from the true power of the dragon jade fragments.

According to Taixu Zhoulong, as long as seven main fragments are gathered together, the remaining fragments can be actively summoned back.

At present, in addition to one of his own, the Master of the Demon Soul Palace and the Immortal Emperor Yi Ting must have also taken away one of the main fragments.

In other words, there are still four main fragments left, which should be ownerless for the time being.

For now, there should be little chance of getting the piece in Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's hand back.

As for the one in the hands of Demon Soul Hall Master, Immortal Emperor Yi Ting must have also been eyeing it. The two of them were playing cat and mouse, which gave them a chance to quietly search for other fragments.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng had to admire Taixu Zhoulong's foresight.

He actually used fake death to save himself.

In this case, how could anyone notice that a dead man had actually taken away the largest fragment, and it was the most important dragon head fragment!

Not long after, under the arrangement of Lord Lingyun, Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong temporarily lived in a relatively remote villa.

It is far away from the residences of other female disciples, and there is an iron gate in between.

This arrangement was obviously made out of fear that these two strange men would harass other female disciples.

In response, Ling Feng could only smile helplessly.

"Master Long, I'm very sorry. Uncle Ling Yun actually didn't mean anything else..."

Yu Shiwei and Ruan Chengyu personally led Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong to the Villa. While leading the way, they turned back to explain that they hoped Ling Feng would not have any objections to Lord Lingyun.

After all, if the relationship between the headmaster and the elders is not handled well, there will still be some trouble.

"Don't worry, I understand."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "By the way, besides the Venerable Lingyun, are there other elders in Cihang Jingzhai, or are there any other secluded masters like the Supreme Elder?"

"As for the elders of the main hall, there is only one Venerable Lingyun. Originally, Elder Ziyun of the Alchemist Guild in Leixiao Holy City was also a disciple of our Cihang Jingzhai, but because of different ideas, he went to become an alchemist. I have gone to work as an elder in the union, and although I have not been removed from the union yet, I am unlikely to come back.”

"Is she too..."

Ziyun and Lingyun do sound like they come from the same lineage.

Ling Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly as he recalled Elder Ziyun's bold and unruly appearance.

It's okay if she's not here, otherwise it would be a big trouble!

Although she likes women on the surface, Ling Feng suspects that she may be a man-in-law at heart!

"As for the elders of other branches, there are more than twenty of them. They all live in the peaks around the Hidden Moon Peak. They don't actually have much interaction with us on weekdays. They just always respect our main peak of the Hidden Moon as the main branch. As for the headmaster of Cihang Jingzhai, he nominally leads all branches. While the master is still there, there is no problem. But after all, Mr. Long, you only have the cultivation level of the Immortal Lord, so you still need to obtain the training of Master Lingyun. Support, otherwise it will be difficult to secure this position..."

"I see."

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled lightly.

No wonder Yu Shiwei has been trying to ease the relationship between herself and Lord Lingyun, but it turns out that there is another reason behind it.

However, Ling Feng didn't originally want to be a head teacher. He just came back with Yu Shiwei simply to return a favor to Venerable Miaofan.

"Then, where is the Supreme Elder?"

Ling Feng continued to ask: "Does our Cihang Jingzhai have any masters at the Immortal Emperor level?"

"There seems to be one..."

Yu Shiwei gritted her silver teeth and said, "But it's been many, many years since she's appeared."


Ling Feng shrugged, and there was no difference between having it and not having it.

This is good news for Ling Feng.

Without the Immortal Emperor, he would not be restrained. When he breaks through the realm of Immortal Lord in one fell swoop, it won't be long before he can completely control this force.

Generally speaking, Cihang Jingzhai's overall strength should be similar to that of the Tianyong City Lord's Mansion.

If you add those branches, it should be stronger than Tianyong City.

There are also about twenty Immortal Lord levels. It would be good if they could be integrated into their own new Sao Feng camp.

What’s even more rare is that these are all Taoist doctors who can make elixirs and cure diseases!

With so many alchemists and the Tianjing clan, he is a natural blacksmith.

In the future, he will neither lack elixirs nor magical weapons, so it will be much easier to recruit troops.


Ling Feng smiled faintly. If he thought about it carefully, this was actually a good opportunity for him.

With so many alchemists, if they were all under his sect, they would be a huge wealth no matter where they were placed!

After a while, Yu Shiwei brought Ling Feng and Yan Jinghong to the side palace garden.

Although it is cleaned daily, it still looks overgrown and very shabby.

Yu Shiwei looked apologetic, but Ling Feng didn't take it to heart.

"Brother Yan, please clean up here."

Ling Feng directly left the cleaning work to Yan Jinghong, then turned back to look at Yu Shiwei, and said calmly: "I'd like Miss Yu Shi to lead the way. I think the poisonous-hand medical fairy should have already taken Master Ling's body. Sent to that place."

Yu Shiwei nodded, "Well, please come with me."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, reached out and grabbed Yu Shiwei's shoulders, and disappeared in a flash.

"Let's go too!"

Calamus and Fengling shouted, but Ling Feng's shadow was nowhere to be seen.

In desperation, he could only stay and help Yan Jinghong clean up this semi-abandoned courtyard.

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