Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3733 It’s a must!

In the letter that Venerable Miaofan left to Yu Shiwei, he explained the place where the ancestor was buried.

And what Yu Shiwei showed to Venerable Lingyun was only part of the content.

Since Venerable Miaofan decided to continue guarding the original secret, Yu Shiwei would naturally respect Venerable Miaofan's will.

Just as Ling Feng expected, the place where the ancestor is buried is not too far from the mountain gate of Cihang Jingzhai, but it is better than being hidden enough.

If the location hadn't been specified in the letter, it would have been difficult to find it.

This is an internal valley formed under an underground volcano. The volcanic activity seems to have been completely dormant, which is why such a paradise-like place evolved.

After passing through the long and narrow underground cave, the vision suddenly opened up. Inside the valley, there are lush branches and leaves, full of spiritual energy, and covered with all kinds of rare and rare grasses in the outside world.

And under a towering tree, there stood a solitary grave.

There are two figures in front of the grave, one kneeling and the other standing.

Surprisingly, it was Qiu Liruo, the poisonous hand doctor, and Cheng Tianyong, who was inseparable from her.

Qiu Liruo sat on her knees in front of the grave, her eyes empty and dull, as if she was still immersed in the past and unable to extricate herself.

I have complained and hated my whole life, but the result is this truth.

Anyone else would probably be as broken as she was.


Cheng Tianyong had been silently guarding Qiu Liruo's side. Suddenly he noticed two auras approaching and turned around suddenly, only to find that it was the female disciple of Long Fei and Cihang Jingzhai.

Ling Feng nodded slightly towards Cheng Tianyong, and immediately walked to the lonely grave with Yu Shiwei.

The body of Venerable Miaofan was lying in front of the solitary grave. His body was covered with some flower petals and his face still maintained the same posture as when he was alive.

For a master of medicine and poison like the Poison Hand Doctor, keeping the body incorruptible is naturally a piece of cake.


Seeing the body of Venerable Miaofan, Yu Shiwei rushed forward quickly and knelt before the body, feeling another burst of sadness.

After noticing the person coming, the Poisonous Hand Medical Immortal took a deep breath and did not look back. He just said with an indifferent expression: "I didn't expect you to find this place."

"Master has already written a suicide note and explained his funeral arrangements."

Yu Shiwei gritted her teeth and said, staring at the body of Venerable Miao Fan, not looking at the Poison Hand Medical Immortal.

Although the death of Venerable Miao Fan cannot be entirely blamed on the Poison Hand Doctor Immortal.

But in the final analysis, if it hadn't been for the plague created by the Poisonous Medical Fairy, they wouldn't have looked for any rainbow barrier.

"It seems that Senior Sister has long been prepared to risk her life..."

Qiu Liruo clenched her fists and did not continue.

"Little girl, senior sister, her last wish is to be buried next to her master. Now that you have found this place, it is time to settle all these grievances."

Qiu Liruo casually threw a green dagger in front of Yu Shiwei and said in a deep voice: "I killed your master. Now, right in front of the grave of my master Cihang Jingzhai, you can kill me with your own hands." "To pay tribute to the souls of senior sister and master in heaven."

She pointed to the dagger on the ground and continued: "The poison on this dagger can seal my throat when it sees blood. It can make me die painlessly in an instant. After my death, all causes and effects and all grievances will be settled." ”

"Come on, take revenge for your master!"

Qiu Liruo stared at Yu Shiwei, and she originally planned to end her life in front of this grave.

Now that Yu Shiwei is here, she is more suitable than herself to be the one to take action.

"Medical Immortal... No! Qiu Liruo!"

After hearing what Yu Shiwei said, Cheng Tianyong became excited instantly, "How can it be over if you die? What about me? What do you think of me? I was born because of you. If you want to die, then I will too. Go with you."

After saying that, Cheng Tianyong also put a short knife across his neck and laughed loudly, "Didn't you say that my life belongs to you? Now that you are going to die, I will give it back to you first!"


The dagger cut through his neck and blood flowed out. Just when the blade was about to penetrate further, Qiu Liruo shouted and slapped the dagger out of Cheng Tianyong's hand.

"What are you doing?"

Qiu Liruo's bloodshot eyes stared at Cheng Tianyong, "It's not worth it for someone like me!"

"Whether it's worth it or not is not up to you."

Cheng Tianyong smiled casually, "If I say it's worth it, then it's worth it."


Qiu Liruo was stunned, looking at the blood flowing from Cheng Tianyong's neck, dyeing the clothes on his chest red little by little, tears bursting out of his eyes uncontrollably.

"Uncle Master..."

Yu Shiwei took a deep breath and gritted her teeth and said: "In terms of seniority, I should call you Uncle Master. I think Master did not sacrifice his life just so that you could be buried with her. And Master, I would rather you hate me." She doesn’t want you to suffer and blame yourself. How could she expect you to repay her with your own life?”

"It's not the end when you die. Perhaps they hope you can live happily and turn back into the little junior sister they are willing to give everything, even their lives, to protect."

Yu Shiwei said, taking the dagger on the ground and throwing it aside, "So, don't say such stupid things again, otherwise, you will be very sorry for the hard work of Master and Master."

Tears rolled down from Qiu Liruo's eyes. After a while, she laughed at herself and said, "Unexpectedly, I can't understand as well as a little girl like you."

"The authorities are obsessed with it."

Yu Shiwei looked at Qiu Liruo, and she knew that the woman in front of her was no longer the ruthless and poisonous medical fairy before.

Therefore, her hatred should dissipate.

"Uncle, Master, I still need to take Master's body back to the mountain gate and bury her with the etiquette of a master. As for Uncle, you can come back. I think Master also hopes that you can attend her funeral. ”

"Take it back."

Qiu Liruo sighed softly, "As for me, I want to stay here and think about some things clearly."

After saying that, she raised her eyes and looked at Yu Shiwei again, and said calmly: "Based on your character and character, I think senior sister should pass on to you."

"No, according to Master's wishes, the next headmaster of Cihang Jingzhai is Young Master Long Feilong."


Qiu Liruo looked at Ling Feng in surprise.

An outsider, still a man.

Unexpectedly, before she died, Senior Sister Miaofan, who had always followed the rules, actually did something that was beyond everyone's expectations.

"it's me……"

Ling Feng shrugged helplessly, "I didn't expect Senior Miaofan to make such a decision, but who asked me to accept her Cihang Ceremony..."

Qiu Liruo looked at Ling Feng and then at Yu Shiwei, and she probably understood the intention of Lord Miaofan.

First, Ling Feng's medical skills are truly outstanding.

With such an achievement at such a young age, he might be able to raise the upper limit of Cihang Jingzhai's medical level by a large margin in the future.

Secondly, after all, Yu Shiwei is still young and has little cultivation, so it might be difficult to convince everyone if she is asked to be the head teacher.

Although this Long Fei is also facing the same situation, he is much smarter compared to a simple-minded little white flower like Yu Shiwei.

If you really want to play tricks and tricks, this kid is more than enough to deal with old guys from other backgrounds.

The most important point was that she saw that Ling Feng had no intention of being bound by the position of head.

Therefore, after he settled the other dissatisfied elders, the affairs within Cihang Jingzhai would probably be returned to the hands of Yu Shiwei and that junior sister Lingyun.

This Long Fei, to put it bluntly, is just a headmaster in name only.

When it comes to scheming, Master Miaofan is still far behind Qiu Liruo.

In addition, Qiu Liruo was the one who killed this senior sister, so she could understand the thoughts of Lord Miaofan in an instant.

"It would be good for you to take over as the head coach."

Qiu Liruo nodded slightly and said secretly in her heart: Senior sister, since it is your wish, I will help this little guy. I used to be too willful and impulsive and made too many mistakes. Since you don't want me to die, then I will spend the rest of my life making up for my mistakes.

Three days passed by in a flash.

Ling Feng and Yu Shiwei recovered the body of Venerable Miaofan, and Venerable Lingyun was solely responsible for handling the next matter.

A mourning hall was set up and letters of invitation were sent. Three days later, the main hall was completely plain and hung with white silk and white sails.

The branch elders who received the news of Venerable Miaofan's death also came to visit one after another. The elders of all twenty-eight branches gathered in the main hall of the main peak of the Hidden Moon.

In each lineage, there are about one to three peak immortals (Starry Realm), and several immortals from the Earth Realm or Open Heaven Realm, almost all of them gathered together.

The nearly a hundred powerful immortals had an astonishing momentum, which also showed that Cihang Jingzhai had extraordinary foundation.

However, on the main peak of Hidden Moon, although the only elder, Venerable Lingyun, is also the pinnacle immortal of the Starry Realm, there is only one person after all, which makes him somewhat shabby.

Originally, Venerable Miaofan was here, and with her cultivation, strength, and medical skills, she was able to suppress all other branches.

But now, it may be difficult to stabilize the situation with Venerable Lingyun alone.

And soon, as the funeral ended, the elders of the other major branches did not disperse for a long time.

Obviously, everyone has their own ideas about succeeding as the leader.

The main peak of Hidden Moon occupies the most resource-rich area, and is also the leader of all other peaks and veins.

Now that Venerable Miaofan is no longer here, their thoughts have become more alive.

"Headmaster Miaofan left in such a hurry, but I wonder if she confirmed her place as the next headmaster before she passed away?"

A Taoist priest holding a fly whisk pretended to be concerned: "It is the snake that cannot move without a head. The position of master cannot remain empty forever!"

"Changchun real person!"

Venerable Lingyun bowed his hands towards the old Taoist priest, then turned back to look at Ling Feng, and said solemnly: "Although the Headmaster Sister left in a hurry, before she died, she still chose Young Master Long Feilong to succeed her as Headmaster."


The Changchun master's eyelids twitched, "Let this kid take over as the head coach?"

For a moment, the other elders from each peak and lineage all stared at Ling Feng.

Among them were Changchun Master, another middle-aged woman dressed as a nun, and an old man with gray hair and strong muscles, who had the strongest aura and a bad look.

In their lineage, there are three peak immortals and about five ordinary immortals.

It seems that the main peak of Hidden Moon and the position of leader are covetously eyeing it.

"Who is this kid? Is he also a disciple of Master Miaofan?"

"I've never seen it before!"

"Isn't it true that the main peak never accepts male disciples?"

There was a noise in the crowd and there was a lot of discussion.

Ling Feng sighed secretly in his heart. In this situation, he had to bite the bullet.

This position of head was given to me by Venerable Miaofan.

Whether you want it or not is your own business, but it would be embarrassing if someone else came to snatch it.

Master, I still have to do it!

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