Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3734 Liruo returns to his heart!

When Venerable Lingyun said that he wanted to let this "Long Fei" who came out of nowhere to succeed the headmaster, everyone's reaction was almost unanimous opposition.

Among them, the three branches of Changchun Zhenren, Wanshou Laozu and Dabei Nun Tai had the most intense attitude.

Obviously, they were unwilling to accept such a new headmaster who "fell from the sky".

"Master Miaofan has always been calm, but he may have made a mistake in choosing the successor to the headmaster!"

Changchun Zhenren swept the whisk in his hand and sneered: "Letting such a young boy be the headmaster is too much of a joke!"

"That's right!"

"Elder Changchun is right!"

The disciples of Changchun Zhenren's lineage sang in unison, and soon, the reaction on the field became more intense.

"Master Changchun!"

Venerable Lingyun frowned, staring coldly at the old Taoist Changchun, "Senior Sister Miaofan has just passed away, and you don't take her seriously. You are so rude and ambitious. You have exposed your ambitions too thoroughly."

When people leave, the tea gets cold.

When Master Miaofan was still alive, none of these ancestors or masters dared to say a word of disapproval.

But now, Master Miaofan has just died, and Master Changchun dared to jump out and say that she was confused.

It's really chilling!

"Girl Lingyun, if we talk about seniority, you still have to call me Uncle Master Changchun. I don't know if this Cihang Jingzhai belongs to your Yinyue Main Peak lineage. How can the matter of recommending a new headmaster be entirely up to Miaofan? Everyone, don't you think this is reasonable?"

Master Changchun stroked his long beard, he was sure that there was no one in Yinyue Main Peak.

Lingyun Zun, a fairy master, still wants to continue to protect Yinyue Main Peak and manage Cihang Jingzhai?

That's too naive.

"Yes, what Changchun Daoyou said is right. This Cihang Jingzhai should not be controlled by you, Yinyue Main Peak!"

The sturdy old man with white hair and beard came out with a smile.

This person is Wanshou Patriarch, who is the oldest and most senior in Cihang Jingzhai.

Although his talent is not high, he has a long life.

In addition, this person is proficient in body refining. Although his life span has almost come to an end, he is still as vigorous as a rainbow and strong as ever.

"Lingyun, the general trend is irresistible. You should also recognize the situation."

Dabei Nun Tai also stepped forward, clasped her hands together, chanted "Amitabha", and then continued: "It is indeed against the rules to hand over the huge mountain gate of my Cihang Jingzhai to a boy of unknown origin."


Venerable Lingyun widened his eyes and looked at the elders who were staring at him. How could he not understand what they meant.

In fact, let alone them, even Venerable Lingyun himself did not understand why Venerable Miaofan wanted to hand over the head of the sect to this Long Fei.

If it were not Long Fei, even if it was Ruan Chengyu, Yu Shiwei, even if it was Changpu, Feng Ling...

Any disciple of Venerable Miaofan, she would be willing to assist him.

But it happened to be an outsider whose background she did not even know.

Even if she wanted to speak for this "new headmaster", she did not know where to start.

Seeing that Venerable Lingyun fell silent, the others naturally laughed even more happily.

It seems that the director of the Cihang Jingzhai of the Yinyue main peak is about to become history.

Just when everyone thought that this matter was a done deal, Ling Feng walked to the middle of the crowd with a smile and said calmly: "Dear seniors, dear elders! I am Long Fei, and I am honored!"


Changchun Zhenren and others smiled coldly, wanting to see what tricks this young boy who is still wet behind the ears can play.

"In fact, I am flattered that Senior Miaofan has shown me his kindness and passed on the position of the headmaster. I know that in terms of seniority and strength, I am far inferior to you seniors." Ling Feng looked up and smiled at everyone, "So, this headmaster really shouldn't be me." Changchun Zhenren nodded with satisfaction, "Boy, you are sensible!" "As the saying goes, it is important for people to know themselves. It is rare for you to have such awareness at such a young age." Wanshou Patriarch stroked his long beard, and his exaggerated muscles were slightly restrained, not as aggressive as before. "Amitabha, good, good." Dabei Nun clasped her hands together and bowed to Ling Feng. As for the Yinyue main line, Yu Shiwei and other female disciples all widened their eyes. Although the situation is stronger than the person, this new headmaster should at least be tough and fight for it! Even if he can't be the headmaster, he is still the elder of the lineage of the Yinyue main peak. How can he be so humble!

He is too spineless!


The youngest Yaya pouted her lips and glared at Ling Feng angrily. It's a pity that she has been calling him the headmaster brother affectionately these days. She should change her words to call him the coward brother in the future!

Ling Feng shrugged, knowing that his words would definitely disappoint many people.

However, this step is just a step forward.

"I am still young and I am not worthy of the title of headmaster. However, as for who to choose, I think the three seniors are very suitable. What do you think?"

Ling Feng said with a smile.


The three Changchun Zhenren looked very happy, and the immortal masters under his command also stared at the elders of other lines with warning eyes.

Although these elders were somewhat thoughtful, they still did not dare to compete with the three of them.

Ling Feng secretly sneered in his heart, and then very "deliberately" took out the Cihang Medical Code, and said with a smile: "I heard from Ms. Yu that this Cihang Medical Code has been passed down from generation to generation by successive teachers. If anyone becomes the leader, I should hand over this medical book with both hands. "


For a moment, everyone's eyes lit up.

Cihang Medical Code!

I actually forgot about this!

The other elders of the peaks, who were originally so honest, suddenly became unhappy again.

"Little brother, what you said is biased!"

One of them, a middle-aged man with a somewhat fat figure, said loudly: "Why do you think the three of them are good? Cihang Jingzhai can't save their three meridians!"

"That's right! Since we have to choose, of course it must be fair and open. How can we count the three of them!"

"If you want to choose, choose all the veins together!"

"That's right! That's the truth!"

Faced with the temptation of Cihang Medical Code, everyone really exploded.

Ling Feng secretly chuckled in his heart, this was his true purpose.

The water must be muddied first before we can fish in troubled waters!

Among the three Changchun masters, none of them were old monsters who had become mature with age. They immediately realized that this kid was not as innocent as he seemed!

First, induce them to gain benefits and divide everyone.

In this way, it is not something that the three of them can easily decide which family the head position belongs to.

In other words, this is equivalent to everyone re-selecting the leader. Since everyone has the opportunity, then the main peak of Hidden Moon will naturally get the opportunity to select the leader again.

They put pressure on Ling Feng before, just to kick the main peak of the Hidden Moon out of the game, but now, Ling Feng used retreat to advance and re-entered the game.

However, he is just a young boy. Even if he has to choose again among all the branches, no matter how he chooses, it will not be his turn!

After all, the Cihang Medical Codex in his hand must be handed over honestly.

Lord Lingyun of the main lineage naturally understood this level and couldn't help but take a high look at Ling Feng.

Sure enough, he is not a simple young man. No wonder the senior sister takes a fancy to him.

However, if you want to fight against the old guys like Changchun Zhenren, it will not be enough to just rely on scheming.


Master Changchun smiled coldly, "Young man, you really can't be judged by appearance! That's right. Since Cihang Jingzhai is composed of various peaks, naturally everyone has a chance to elect a new headmaster! However, How to compare and how to choose, you have to have an explanation.”

"Yes, yes, of course there must be an explanation!"

Ling Feng said solemnly: "Since we are competing for the headmaster and deciding who owns the Cihang Medical Codex, we must use medical skills to distinguish ourselves, right?"


Most of the elders from the peaks nodded in agreement.

In a competition of medical skills, they would have a chance to defeat Master Changchun and his three meridians.

But the Changchun master's three veins, which were originally guaranteed to win, were naturally not happy.

"I'm afraid it's not enough to compete in medical skills!"

Master Changchun snorted coldly, this guy knows how to use his strengths and avoid weaknesses. If he really wants to rely solely on his medical skills to compete, wouldn't that mean he has given up his original advantages?

Only fools fall for his deception!

"Since we are choosing a leader, this strength is also a very important part. Otherwise, how can we convince the public!"

Changchun Master stared at Ling Feng with a sneer, "My little friend, you are still young after all, so when you think about the problem, you are still a little one-sided."

Ling Feng secretly sneered in his heart, the old guy did have some brains.

"Of course, of course, strength is of course very important, but if the senior Immortal Lord wants to fight with this kid, he would be bullying the younger one."

Ling Feng said with a smile: "After all, Senior Miaofan passed the throne to me, and I can't let her spirit in heaven down, so even if I don't know my own abilities, I still have to participate in the competition for the headship."

What Ling Feng said was reasonable and reasonable. If someone refused to let him participate, it would be too disrespectful to the deceased former headmaster.

No one dares to be the first person like this.

Now that Ling Feng is participating in the competition, do other powerful Immortal Lords have the nerve to bully an Immortal Lord like him?

"That's it."

At this moment, it was Venerable Lingyun who finally stood up.

Ling Feng's performance has greatly changed her mind.

For the sake of Yin Yue's main vein, she had to choose to trust Ling Feng and cooperate with him.

"Since we are competing for both medical skills and strength, we can choose two people from each lineage to compete, so that's no problem."

Venerable Lingyun said loudly.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

This is a good compromise.

Moreover, among each lineage, those with the strongest medical skills and strength are often not the same person. If they are compared separately, there is an advantage in comparing them separately!

For a time, even the elders of the three branches, Changchun Master, did not raise any objections.

"Senior Lingyun, thank you very much."

Ling Feng turned around and bowed his hands to Lord Lingyun. He originally meant this. He had no problem with his medical skills, but if he really wanted to fight against those immortals in the Star Realm, he wouldn't be so confident.

Venerable Lingyun nodded slightly at Ling Feng without saying anything else.

At this moment, a burst of pleasant laughter came from outside the door, "Cihang Jingzhai is choosing a new headmaster. Can I, a former disciple of Cihang Jingzhai, also participate?"

There was a breathtaking coercion in the voice, and it was obvious that the strength of the person coming was not simple.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and he immediately realized that she was here!

It seems that she has made her choice.

Just when everyone was shocked, two figures quickly walked into the hall.

One man and one woman, one behind the other, were clearly Qiu Liruo and Cheng Tianyong.

After not seeing each other for a few days, Qiu Liruo looked a bit cleaner, and the makeup on her face was not as exaggerated as before. Her red lips and light makeup made her look more simple and elegant.

"Junior Sister Qiu..."

Venerable Lingyun's expression changed slightly. She only knew that Qiu Liruo was expelled from the mountain gate. As for other details, she did not know yet.

In her eyes, Qiu Liruo was just an abandoned disciple who betrayed his master.

Why did she come back today?

Qiu Liruo walked quickly to Ling Feng and immediately bowed to Ling Feng, "I've seen the headmaster!"

Her choice was to return to Cihang Jingzhai Mountain Gate.

This result was not beyond Ling Feng's expectation.

"No need to be polite."

Ling Feng raised his hand to support Qiu Liruo and said with a smile: "Elder Qiu, it would be great to have you help me!"

If Qiu Liruo is on his side, no matter what the competition is, he is sure to win!

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