Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3735 So cool! So arrogant!

There is actually an Immortal Elder in the main line of Yin Yue!

Qiu Liruo's appearance undoubtedly surprised the elders of those branches.

Moreover, judging from the aura, Qiu Liruo is obviously also a peak immortal in the Star Realm.

This made the Yin Yue Main Peak lineage, which was originally weak, suddenly seem to be strong again.

At least, they have the capital to compete with Changchun Zhenren and his three disciples in terms of hard power.

"Humph, it turns out it's you, little girl!"

The Wanshou Patriarch seemed to remember something, and immediately pointed at Qiu Liruo and sneered, "Girl named Qiu, you were expelled by your master back then. What qualifications do you have now to participate in the internal affairs of Cihang Jingzhai?" ?”

"Ancestor Wanshou, do I still need your consent to return to Cihang Jingzhai Mountain Gate?"

Qiu Liruo stared at Patriarch Wanshou, and the domineering and cold aura crushed him away. Even a veteran and powerful person like Patriarch Wanshou felt a chill in his heart.

This woman has only been away from Cihang Jingzhai Mountain Gate for more than a hundred years. Not only has she been promoted to the pinnacle of immortality, but her momentum is so amazing.

It’s really not that simple!

"Elder Qiu has returned to Cihang Jingzhai's sect. This matter was also facilitated by Senior Miaofan."

Ling Feng took a step forward and stood between Qiu Liruo and the Wanshou Ancestor.

Now is the time to elect a new head coach, and making the atmosphere too tense will be of no benefit to everyone.

"Hmph, now that there is no proof, I am afraid it will be difficult to convince the public based on your one-sided words!"

Master Changchun swept away the dust in his hand and sneered: "This person named Qiu is still an abandoned disciple of my Cihang Jingzhai. He is not counted as a member of my Cihang Jingzhai. Of course, he is not qualified to participate in this competition!"

"That's right! What Master Changchun said is absolutely true!"

Master Dabei clasped her hands together and kept echoing.

The Wanshou Patriarch stroked his long beard and said loudly: "Humph, only the new headmaster can decide whether to take this little girl back into the sect again. Little friend Long Fei, you are not the headmaster yet. You said, It doesn’t count.”

"Ancestor is right!"

"Those named Qiu are not eligible to participate in the competition!"

Everyone agreed. With Qiu Liruo's strength, if she got involved, many variables would happen for no reason.

Now it is just right to decide that Qiu Liruo is an abandoned disciple of Cihang Jingzhai, so that she can be excluded.

Without such a strong assistant, the main peak of the Hidden Moon might not be able to make any trouble.

As for Venerable Lingyun.

Although she is also in the Starry Realm, her cultivation talent is average, and her strength is still somewhat behind that of Changchun Zhenren and the other three.

"I'm not qualified?"

Qiu Liruo frowned deeply. She originally wanted to come back to help Ling Feng, which could be regarded as fulfilling the last wish of Venerable Miaofan and helping him successfully take over Cihang Jingzhai.

Now I have become an outsider.

Just when Qiu Liruo was about to have an attack, another figure flew towards him outside the hall, like an electric meteor.


The next moment, a purple figure landed heavily, and the purple light dissipated, revealing a tall silver-haired woman!

The woman has a beautiful face and a hot figure, but there is a long and narrow light-colored scar on her left eye, which spreads from her forehead, across her entire eyeball, and to her cheek.

It seems that it only adds a bit of brutal and domineering ferocity.

It's her!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. The person who came turned out to be Elder Ziyun from the Alchemist Guild of Leixiao Holy City!

According to Yu Shiwei, she was originally a disciple of Cihang Jingzhai and the junior sister of Venerable Miaofan. Although she was later removed from Cihang Jingzhai, she had been traveling abroad and never came back, so there was basically no one around her. I know there is such an elder.

"His mother, I just said it was weird. Why are you, a woman, suddenly looking for the seven-color barrier of the rainbow!"

The expression on Elder Ziyun's face looked very complicated, including grief, blame, anger, and a hint of sadness.

But it turned out that after Elder Ziyun returned to Leixiao Holy City, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

Based on Venerable Miaofan's character, it stands to reason that he would not study such an overbearing poison as the Rainbow Color Barrier.

Finally, Venerable Miaofan couldn't hold himself back anymore and couldn't rest assured about his former senior sister. He thought of coming to Cihang Jingzhai to take a look and see how his senior sister was doing.

Unexpectedly, I was still late after all.

When I returned to Cihang Jingzhai, I discovered that Cihang Jingzhai was actually holding a funeral.

Moreover, it is the funeral of Venerable Miaofan.

"Okay, okay, your life is gone now! I've been saying since you were a child that you are a stupid woman. What's the point of being a headmaster? Just make money by refining elixirs, isn't it? You have to be some kind of great saint. Good guy, stupid, stupid, stupid!"

Elder Ziyun's eyes were a little red, and he strode to the coffin of Venerable Miaofan. He saw Venerable Miaofan lying quietly in the coffin. Although he was saying some curse words, his tears fell unsatisfactorily. down.

"Senior sister!"

Venerable Lingyun stepped forward quickly and grabbed Elder Ziyun's arm. The senior sisters reunited after a long absence. There should have been endless topics to talk about, but it happened to be such an occasion.


Elder Ziyun sighed softly, raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corner of her eyes, gently nestled the head of Venerable Lingyun on her shoulder, and comforted her in a gentle voice: "Okay, okay, I'm not young anymore. It’s a joke if you cry like you did when you were a kid.”

Only then did Venerable Lingyun hold back his tears. He seemed to have remembered Elder Ziyun's strange habits. His face turned red and he quickly pushed Elder Ziyun away.

"Senior Ziyun!"

Yu Shiwei bit her lip, walked up to Elder Ziyun, bowed to her, and said with red eyes: "Why are you here?"

"Humph, if I didn't come, you would still have to be bullied by these old guys!"

Elder Ziyun broke out in a cold sweat, stared at the immortal elders of Changchun Zhenren's branches with a domineering look, and sneered: "Grandma, my Yin Yue Peak is not deserted, my aunt is not dead yet! How dare you bully my Yin Yue Peak? People, have you thought clearly?"

A domineering aura swept through the hall, and in an instant, the immortal elders all stepped back several steps, with extremely horrified expressions on their faces.

So cool! So arrogant!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. This elder Ziyun is indeed a fierce man who can rival Si Chen!

Moreover, he is more arrogant and domineering than Qiu Liruo.

If Qiu Liruo's arrival was still expected by Ling Feng, Elder Ziyun was really an unexpected surprise.

Although her strength is not as good as Si Chen's, the fact that she can withstand Si Chen's beating proves that she is indeed very capable.


Faced with such an arrogant and domineering attitude, Changchun Master pointed at Elder Ziyun and cursed: "You crazy woman, you..."

"What are you?"

Elder Ziyun walked up to Changchun Master and sneered: "It turns out to be Changchun Master, you wretched old man, so many people have died, why haven't you died yet?"

"you you……"

Changchun Master was so angry that Elder Ziyun almost vomited blood. The Wanshou Patriarch relied on his seniority to hold Elder Ziyun's shoulders and said loudly: "Senior Nephew Ziyun, even if your Senior Sister Miaofan is still alive, You have to call me uncle, you are too ignorant of etiquette!"

Elder Ziyun lowered his gaze and landed on the hand that the Wanshou Ancestor placed on his shoulder, and said coldly: "Wanshou Old Turtle, take your dirty hands away."


For a moment, the whole place was dead silent. Where was the seniority of Wanshou ancestor? Elder Ziyun said "Old Turtle" when he spoke. This was like a direct slap in his old face.

"You junior!"

A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of Wanshou Ancestor, "I won't let go, so what will you do?"


Elder Ziyun smiled coldly, swept away the strong energy from his body, grabbed the wrist of the Wanshou Ancestor with his backhand, and threw him directly over his shoulder.

Ancestor Wanshou's expression changed, but he was also a fierce man who practiced domineering physical skills. Despite his average age, his reaction was not slow at all.


The sound of two overbearing brute forces colliding was heard in the void. The next moment, Ancestor Wanshou groaned and was violently thrown out by Elder Ziyun.

Although Wanshou Ancestor turned around in mid-air and relieved some of the force, when he landed, he still took more than ten steps back and was intercepted by several elders of his lineage before he stabilized his body.

However, he finally didn't fall to the ground, so he didn't lose his face.

Ancestor Wanshou had a gloomy face, and stared at Elder Ziyun with a pair of big copper bell eyes.

However, I couldn't hold it in for quite a while.

In the previous confrontation, he had been completely crushed by Elder Ziyun, leaving him with almost no room to fight back.

I never thought that a woman like her could have such a terrifying and domineering physique!


Elder Ziyun sneered and glanced at the Great Master.

At present, Master Dabei is the only one who has not suffered a loss at her hands.

It is said that the first bird is shot with a gun, this Master Dabei is also one of the first birds.

"Hey, old nun, long time no see!"

Elder Ziyun looked at Master Dabei with a smile, "What advice do you have?"

"No, no, no, monks always value peace! Amitabha!"

Master Dabei bowed to Elder Ziyun with her hands clasped together, and then retreated into the crowd with a smile.

This old nun really knows how to make things happen!

"Okay, okay, very good!"

Master Changchun clenched his fists and glared at Elder Ziyun with gritted teeth. When Elder Ziyun frowned and glared back at him, Master Changchun quickly averted his eyes and stared at Ling Feng.

"Little friend Long Fei, according to the previous proposal, the election of the leader will not only rely on force, but also a competition in medical skills, right?"

"Ahem, I always disapprove of the use of force. It's too barbaric! It's really too barbaric!"

The Wanshou Patriarch said with a dark face: "We, Cihang Jingzhai, are established in the Xunfeng Heavenly Domain sect world with our medical skills and alchemy skills, and we use brute force to elect the leader. Isn't it a joke!"

Ling Feng secretly snickered in his heart. Originally, it was old guys like them who proposed to compete not only in medical skills, but also in strength.

Now that he can't defeat Elder Ziyun compared to his strength, do you want to rely on medical skills as a way out?

Forget it, let me block this escape route for you personally!


Ling Feng nodded and smiled, "Although this junior has little talent and little knowledge, since Senior Miaofan intends for me to take over as the head teacher and compete with my medical skills, even if I don't overestimate my abilities, I still have to go out and compete with the seniors myself."


For a moment, everyone smiled as if their plot had succeeded.

How many years did a mere yellow-haired boy live?

Compared with medical skills, you are too young!

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