Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3736 The Wanshou Ancestor’s desire for survival!

"Since it's better to compete with medical skills!"

The old god Wanshou Ancestor was there. He glanced back at an immortal elder behind him and said loudly: "My junior brother is a practitioner of both medicine and poison. You might as well let him poison the representatives of each channel at the same time. Who can be the best?" Quick detoxification naturally proves that his medical skills are the best, what do you think? "

Everyone was silent for a while.

But Qiu Liruo's eyes lit up.

Playing with drugs?

I'm good at this!

But unfortunately, her current identity is just an abandoned disciple of Cihang Jingzhai, and she cannot represent the lineage of the main peak of the Hidden Moon to participate in the competition.

The Wanshou Ancestor glanced at everyone's expressions, then smiled and continued to add: "For the sake of fairness, of course my junior brother will not participate in the competition by himself, and he will never give the antidote to representatives of my lineage in advance. , please rest assured! I won’t be so cruel!”

"Oh? I didn't see it!"

Elder Ziyun sneered, and immediately said sarcastically: "I think you are quite mean!"


Ancestor Wanshou's face darkened, but he couldn't beat me again and again. He could only grit his teeth and said: "You can humiliate me, but you can't question my personality!"

"Yo, you still have a personality!"

Elder Ziyun didn't give Patriarch Wanshou any face, and made the old man so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Master Changchun had already been scolded by Elder Ziyun for being a bloody nozzle, so naturally he would not take the initiative to draw firepower at this time.

We can only sit on the sidelines and watch. Anyway, the ancestors of Wanshou are thick-skinned and should be able to withstand it.

Ling Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while, and quickly stepped forward to smooth things over: "The ancestor is highly respected, I believe Elder Ziyun is just joking. But..."

Ling Feng paused, looked at the Wanshou Ancestor, and said in a deep voice: "However, poisoning is always harmful to the body, and it is also prone to accidents. If something unexpected happens, wouldn't it hurt everyone's harmony. "

"Humph, this won't work, that won't work either, but you have a good idea!"

Ancestor Wanshou's face was livid. First he was ridiculed by Elder Ziyun, and now his opinion was rejected by Ling Feng. His white eyebrows knitted together, looking quite annoyed.

"Senior, aren't you a ready-made patient?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and smiled lightly.

"What??" When Ancestor Wanshou heard this, he immediately became furious, "You little brat, how dare you beat around the bush and accuse me of being sick?"

"Senior has misunderstood!"

Ling Feng hurriedly waved his hand and explained: "I observed that when the senior fought against Elder Ziyun just now, although he seemed to be full of domineering energy and blood, compared with a junior like Elder Ziyun, he was no less generous, but in fact, he is old after all. He is already high and his qi and blood are exhausted. Although he has practiced techniques to enhance his qi and blood, he is only strong on the outside but only on the inside. If he continues to waste his qi and blood, it may not be good for the senior."


Ancestor Wanshou's eyes widened, turning from anger to shock. He stared at Ling Feng in disbelief. He never expected that such a young boy could see the deepest secret he had hidden all this time.

Moreover, it was only the short moment when he fought against Elder Ziyun!

How can this be!


"Be bold!"

"It's full of nonsense!"

The disciples and elders of Patriarch Wanshou immediately pointed at Ling Feng and were about to curse, but Patriarch Wanshou raised his hand to stop him.

At his age, life comes first.

Even though he has lived for so long, in fact, the longer he lives, the more he fears death.

Compared with life, face is nothing!

"Hey, Ancestor Wanshou, what that kid said can't be true, right?"

Master Changchun stared at Ancestor Wanshou and looked at it carefully, but he didn't even notice it.

Could it be said that "Long Fei"'s medical skills are really better than those old guys like them?

Ancestor Wanshou's face darkened and he ignored Master Changchun. He just stared at Ling Feng and asked in a deep voice: "Little... ahem, little friend, how did you figure it out?"

"The moment the senior and Elder Ziyun fought, the power of each other's energy and blood circulated at the same time. Originally, the two cultivation realms were almost the same. In terms of brute force, the senior was even better than the elder Ziyun. But in the end, the senior was defeated. Zhenfei was caused by the exhaustion of Qi and blood. "

"After the senior landed, in addition to being injured by external force, did he feel numbness in the lower right abdomen and stiffness in the back, which did not recover for a long time?"

Ling Feng said eloquently, the Wanshou Ancestor became more and more shocked as he looked at it. He didn't expect that this kid could even see all of this!

This little guy is so young, but his eyesight is so old!

Even he feels ashamed.


Ancestor Wanshou swallowed hard, and then asked urgently: "Is it possible that you have a way to cure it?"

The little old man stared at Ling Feng expectantly. At this moment, everything about being a master or not was forgotten.

Life is the most important thing!


Ling Feng nodded and smiled, but before he finished speaking, the old man immediately knelt down in front of Ling Feng with a "pop" and said, "I will join the leadership team!"

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng coughed for a while, my dear, this old man's desire to live is really not that strong!


The elders and disciples of Patriarch Wanshou stared at the old man with shocked faces. They never expected that the old man would kneel down immediately after Ling Feng could cure him.

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you come and see the headmaster soon!"

Ancestor Wanshou turned around and glared at those elders fiercely, and then everyone in the Ancestor Wanshou's lineage knelt down.

Master Changchun and Master Dabei looked at each other, this old man is unjust!

They agreed to work together to kick the main peak of Hidden Moon out of the game first, and then the three of them would compete with each other.

It's good now, this old man actually...


"Ha ha!"

Elder Ziyun looked at the scene in front of him with interest, narrowed his eyes, and clapped his hands, "Interesting, really interesting!"

Qiu Liruo stared at Ling Feng intently and couldn't help but admire him.

This kid was actually able to use Ancestor Wanshou as a breakthrough point to break up the alliance between him and Changchun Master!

It seemed that from the moment the competition was proposed, every step was planned by that kid.

At such a young age, the city is actually so deep!

This reminded her of the Demon Soul Palace Master.

This boy is so similar to the Demon Soul Palace Master!

"Ancestor Wanshou, are doing this too..."

The Changchun man really hated the fact that iron cannot become steel. He tossed his long sleeves and was so angry that he had nothing to say.

"What do you know!"

Ancestor Wanshou snorted coldly, "Old man, this situation has been going on for ten years. No matter how hard I try, there is nothing I can do. Now that the headmaster has a way to resolve my hidden illness, that is to say, his medical skills are far beyond Old man! As for you—”

Ancestor Wanshou paused and continued: "You all saw the fight between me and that crazy... ahem, elder Ziyun just now, but who among the people present could see my problem? Only The master has noticed it! So, is it necessary to continue to compete with others? I advise you not to humiliate yourself!"

I have to say that even if this old man is flattering, he is still a level above the average person.

Even though Ling Feng didn't like any flattery, he was flattered by this old man's right flattery.

It is not unreasonable to say that people become better with age!

Seeing how polite he is, I should be a little more attentive.


Master Changchun snorted coldly, but after all he was still a little unconvinced, "Why, you believe it just by saying a few words! He said he can cure your problem, and it will cure you?"

"Then let's see the headmaster show off his magical powers!"

Ancestor Wanshou said and bowed to Lingfeng, "Master, I volunteer to be a test subject for Master to prove his unrivaled medical skills! Master, please feel free to take action boldly. I will definitely cooperate with you!"

Good guy!

Ling Feng almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

How could this old man describe letting himself treat him as a just act of cooperating with him to demonstrate his medical skills?


What an eye-opener!

What an eye-opener!

Ling Feng really had to accept it!

When I first looked at Ancestor Wanshou, I thought he was just a reckless man who was all about building muscles and probably had no brains.

I didn’t expect that this old man is also a talent!

When it comes to the desire to survive, I am willing to be the loser.

"You old man is so shameless!"

Elder Ziyun would not give him any face, and directly exposed the little calculation of the Wanshou ancestor with one sentence.

Ancestor Wanshou didn't argue with her, he just snorted and said calmly: "You little girl, what do you know! Huh! Since I have accepted little friend Long Fei as the new head teacher, I should do my best! "

Ling Feng took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down his emotions. He finally suppressed his laughter and said in a deep voice: "Senior, there is no need to be polite. In fact, it is not difficult to improve the condition of senior's Qi and blood exhaustion. First, supplement it with pills. Conditioning, secondly, I can give senior acupuncture to resolve the stagnation of Qi and blood in senior’s body, and the most important and critical point..."

Ling Feng's voice paused. Ancestor Wanshou stretched out his ears and stared at Ling Feng, fearing that he might miss a word.

"I'm afraid there are still some flaws in the body-training techniques practiced by our seniors. If we can't solve these flaws, if we continue to practice them, we will end up treating the symptoms rather than the root cause!"

"It's amazing!"

Ancestor Wanshou was once again convinced, "Master, you are really amazing! The Dragon Turtle Blood Control Technique that I practiced was obtained from a secret realm when I was young. When I obtained it, there were several imperfections. , I cultivated forcefully, and this hidden danger was laid!"

After saying that, Ancestor Wanshou took a deep breath, turned to look at Master Changchun and Master Dabei, with a hint of warning in his eyes, and said loudly: "Everyone, I have made a decision. I will follow Master Long Fei to the death. If anyone has any objections, please come forward and I’m willing to argue with him!”

Although he did not directly name them when he said this, from the beginning to the end, he stared coldly at Master Changchun and Master Dabei.

Originally, the three of them united, even if Elder Ziyun and Qiu Liruo were added to the main peak of Hidden Moon, they might not have no chance.

But now, Wanshou Patriarch has made his position clear. As the saying goes, the main peak of the Hidden Moon is unprecedentedly strong, and it would be unreasonable to confront them head-on.

For a moment, the whole place was silent.

Whether it was a competition of force or medical skills, although it seemed that there was no formal competition, it seemed that they had already been compared.

Invisibly, crushing has already formed, so naturally there is no need to compare.

Master Changchun took a deep breath. He didn't expect that this old man's "rebellion" was so complete, so he could only grit his teeth and bow to Ling Feng, gritting his teeth and said: "See the Headmaster!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, other members of the clan would not regard him as the one who stood out, and all bowed to Ling Feng.

"See Headmaster!"

A crisis was resolved invisibly, and the main peak of Yin Yue regained power, finally living up to Venerable Miaofan's last good intentions.

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