Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3935 Seven-Colored Underworld!


With bursts of wild thunder, phantoms of bloody ghosts and pagodas condensed in the sky!

From the mouths of those phantoms, dark red thunder balls spewed out, and then they struck down on the head of the imitation Shennong cauldron where Ling Feng was refining alchemy.

The three alchemy masters all showed a hint of solemnity.

This turned out to be a more terrifying disaster than the Blood Buddha Tribulation!

This means that at this moment, once the elixir in the elixir furnace is refined, it will be at least the ninth level immortal grade or above.

More likely, it will reach the divine level!

The seven-color miasma of the rainbow is indeed the Overlord Poison Flower. The terrifying poison contained in it, once it is successfully refined, the effect of the refined elixir will be immeasurable.

"The annihilation of the Buddha, that junior is really going to cause trouble for us!"

Emperor Xiaolie Dan laughed loudly. After all, he was a powerful Immortal Emperor. Facing such a terrifying thunderstorm, he was not afraid.

Qinglian Dansheng and Ziyang Zhenren looked at each other and both offered their magic weapons.

Faced with such a terrifying calamity, they did not dare to be careless at all.

call out!

A huge green lotus floated up from behind Qinglian Dansheng.

The lotus spread quickly in the air, split into two, and then split into four...

In an instant, the sky was filled with lotus flowers. With the powerful vitality of the green lotus, the thunderballs spewed out by the pagoda were offset one by one.

That Master Ziyang was not to be outdone.

He raised his hands to the sky, and three fireballs as hot as the sun appeared behind him.

In an instant, the three yangs were in harmony, and the scorching red sun true fire could even be refined to extinguish the tribulation thunder.

As for Xiao Lie Alchemy Emperor, he is even more domineering. His alchemy furnace can actually absorb the power of thunder, turn it into thunder fire, and sacrifice it to the alchemy furnace.

With these three powerful Immortal Emperors protecting the law, Ling Feng can naturally sit back and relax.

Ten breaths!

Twenty breaths!

Thirty breaths!

Amid the shocked and stunned gazes of the fifty people on the field, Ling Feng finally completed the last step.


A streak of blood rose into the sky from the alchemy furnace.

Ling Feng's figure flashed out in an instant, so fast that he even left an afterimage on the spot.

And when Ling Feng put the elixir into the elixir bottle and returned, it perfectly overlapped with the afterimage.

It seemed as if he had successfully pocketed the elixir without moving.

This kind of body technique also makes everyone's eyes shine.

The divine elixir was completed, and the elixir calamity finally dissipated.

Above the sky, the three alchemy masters flew back.

Several people looked a bit embarrassed.

Even with the combined strength of the three of them, they still suffered some hardships under the terrifying divine power that destroyed the Buddha Tribulation.

Especially the Xiao Lie Pill Emperor, who threw himself directly into the thunder. He looked a little disgraced at the moment, and his clothes were shattered in several places.

With a fleeting glance, he jumped directly in front of Ling Feng and said with a loud smile: "Little friend, let me see what kind of elixir you have made!"

"Thank you to the senior protectors!"

Ling Feng first bowed to the three Immortal Emperors, then took out the pill bottle and handed it to the Xiao Lie Pill Emperor.

Qinglian Dansheng and Ziyang Zhenren both looked over.

Obviously, they also want to know what level the elixir that can trigger the catastrophe of the Buddha has reached.

At the same time, Zhu Yucheng, Chen Yuanmo, etc., and the presidents of the alchemist unions from all the immortal realms also gathered around.

Xiaolie Pill Emperor took a deep breath and slowly opened the porcelain bottle.

Although there is no strong fragrance of elixir, the moment the elixir bottle is opened, a dazzling blood light shoots out, exuding an unparalleled and fierce aura.

This small pill seemed to contain an ancient ferocious beast sealed inside.


Xiaolie Pill Emperor swallowed his saliva and slowly poured out the pill.

A red elixir the size of a broad bean fell into the palm of his hand. Then, a hot breath spread out. Emperor Xiao Lie's eyelids twitched and he quickly activated his magic power to protect his palm.

In an instant, Xiaolie Alchemy Emperor's palms turned red, which was his unique secret technique when refining alchemy, Xuanyang Chi Lian Shou.

However, even though he had used secret techniques to protect his palms, he was still broken by the evil spirit emanating from the elixir.


In just a split second, Xiaolie Pill Emperor was in pain, and the pill immediately flew out of his hand.

"This elixir can also bite people!"

Xiaolie Pill Emperor cursed loudly and saw the pill being thrown away, but he didn't dare to reach out to grab it.

Master Ziyang on the side sneered and said with a sneer: "Old Xiao Lie, you can't even hold back the elixir? How dare you call yourself the Alchemy King!"

With that said, Master Ziyang grabbed the elixir.

But soon, he also tasted the power of the elixir, screamed in pain, and quickly threw the elixir away.

After just a moment of contact, Master Ziyang's palm actually began to fester, even revealing the stark white bones inside.

"Hahaha! Can't we see who it is now?"

Xiaolie Pill Emperor laughed. He had Xuanyang's red hands to protect his body, so he dared to grab it directly.

As for Ziyang Zhenren, he directly used magic power to protect him in his palm, so he couldn't resist the poison on the elixir.

Cold sweat broke out on Zi Yangzhen's forehead. He gritted his teeth and cut off his palm. He immediately sealed the blood vessels and barely restrained the spread of the poison.

Immediately afterwards, Master Ziyang took a deep breath, took out a pill from his arms and swallowed it.

In an instant, the flesh and blood squirmed rapidly at the place where the wound was broken, and soon, a white and tender palm grew again.

He is worthy of being a master of alchemy, and he does have some background.

At the same time, the Qinglian Pill Sage learned the lesson from Xiaolie Pill Emperor and Ziyang Zhenren and did not dare to reach out to grab it. He just used his mind to control several lotus flowers and stopped the pill.

The next moment, the elixir was suspended on a lotus flower, spinning slowly.

As the elixir gradually stabilized, everyone could see clearly that there were seven elixir patterns condensed on the bloody elixir!

"My little friend, what's the name of this elixir?"

Xiaolie Pill Emperor suffered a loss and did not dare to take advantage of it easily again. He just turned to look at Ling Feng and asked.

Even with his level of attainment, he couldn't figure out what kind of elixir this was.

Ling Feng first bowed his hands to the Xiao Lie Pill Emperor, and then slowly said: "Mainly the seven-color miasma poison of the rainbow, the miasma dream devil flower, the mysterious soul-eating grass, and the ghost spring of the former Wu Dao Brother A brand-new elixir refined with the supplement of Purple Heart Fruit, for now, let’s name it, Seven-Colored Yellow Spring!”

"Who wants to ask your name?"

Elder Ziyun couldn't help but stepped forward, "What exactly does this pill do?"

"I refine the power of various poisonous medicines into poisonous spirits. In times of crisis, if you take this elixir, you can merge it with the power of the poisonous spirits and instantly transform your own magic attributes into poisonous laws. Moreover, Increase your own strength at least ten times."


For a moment, the three great leaders all looked horrified.

As for Master Ziyang, who had suffered enough, he even exclaimed, "Can this thing be eaten?"

He just touched it and almost lost his hand. If he ate it, he would probably be gone.

"You can eat it, but it comes at a huge cost."

Ling Feng nodded, and then slowly said: "This is a kind of elixir that will lead to death. You can only take it when you are certain to die. It will drag your enemies into hell together."

Everyone gasped, this pill is really vicious!

It was reasonable to think that something as poisonous as Rainbow Miasma could be used to refine some good elixirs.

However, if you know that you will die, it is not too trivial to bury your enemy with him.

At least before he died, he had avenged himself with his own hands.

Moreover, there are seven pill patterns on this pill, and its increase is probably even more terrifying.

Although Ling Feng only said ten times, in fact, I'm afraid it can reach an astonishing twenty times or even thirty times increase.

It means you will die if you take it, the side effects are too outrageous.

But no matter what, Ling Feng successfully refined the elixir.

After a long while, everyone came back to their senses one by one from their shock.


President Zhu Yucheng took a deep breath, walked slowly to Ling Feng, and said in a deep voice: "According to the rules of the competition, all the elixirs refined by the contestants will be sealed in our Alchemist Guild. Fellow Daoist Han, this elixir of yours is no exception."


Ling Feng nodded, put the elixir into a porcelain bottle, and sent it to Zhu Yucheng.

Zhu Yucheng should have been overjoyed to have been able to get a divine elixir for free.

However, Ling Feng's elixir, the effect of dying together, is too overbearing. Even if it is put up for auction, few people will be willing to bid.

However, the divine elixir itself is extremely expensive, so the possibility of selling it is even smaller.

Basically, it can only be the bottom of the box.

In addition, due to the troubles made by Elder Ziyun before, he did not sell many medicinal materials with increased prices. At this alchemist exchange conference, their alchemist union will definitely suffer a loss!

Zhu Yucheng smiled bitterly and shook his head. After putting the elixir away, he slowly said: "Will anyone continue to challenge me?"

After he finished speaking, the whole place fell into silence for half an hour.

"Boss Shuihan, it seems that you will definitely come out on top this time!"

Fatty Huang smiled and touched Ling Feng with his elbow. He thought he was just powerful, but he didn't expect him to be so powerful in alchemy.

Of course, Ling Feng had already used his spiritual consciousness to explain to him that Long Fei was just his pseudonym, and Shui Han was his real name.

Fatty Huang didn't mind at all.

Whether it was Long Fei or Shui Han, in short, Ling Feng was his first true friend.

This will never change.

On the other side, at the VIP table, Yu Bingqing's beautiful eyes were shining, and she looked at Ling Feng with a little more reverence.

"If no one comes up to challenge us, then this Alchemist Exchange Conference will come to an end."

President Zhu Yucheng looked at everyone.

In fact, he probably had expectations for this result.

Just the seven-color miasma of the rainbow, ordinary alchemists would not dare to refine it.

Even if you dare to refine it, what kind of precious treasures of heaven and earth can compete with this "Overlord Poison Flower"?

Whether it's the cost or the price, it's too big.

Finally, an old man came on stage and wanted to give it a try.

However, the material of Rainbow Miasma makes people have difficulties.

Because even the Alchemist Guild's inventory does not contain such poison.

Ling Feng graciously handed a small piece of Rainbow Miasma Poison Flower into the hands of the old man.

And, don’t take any money.

He also wanted to see if anyone could beat his own record.

The old man thanked Ling Feng and began the challenge.

However, in just a quarter of an hour, the old man suddenly spurted out a mouthful of black blood.

But it turned out that when he was refining the elixir, he accidentally lost his spirit and failed to control the poison of the Rainbow Miasma well, so that the poisonous energy backfired.

Fortunately, Zhu Yucheng had quick eyes and quick hands and took action in time to pull him down.

All those medicinal liquids were splashed on the alchemy table, making a sizzling "scorching" sound. It was so toxic that it was terrifying.

The old man had just recovered from the shock and was trembling with fear.

It took him a while to come back to his senses and quickly thanked Ling Feng, "President Zhu, thank you for saving this old man's life."

"It's a small effort, but it doesn't matter!"

President Zhu looked at the floor tiles being burned through by the venom, and showed a hint of panic.

And after this incident, how dare those alchemists continue to gamble with their lives.

Not to mention losing the medicinal materials, but also losing your life, it’s not worth it.

As a result, Ling Feng successfully won the first place, and this alchemist exchange conference was concluded successfully.

"Fellow Daoist Shuihan!"

President Zhu walked up to Ling Feng with a smile, holding a jade box in his hand, "This is the reward for the champion of this alchemist exchange conference, please accept it."

Ling Feng took it with both hands, opened the jade box and looked at it. It was the Tianyuan Marrow Crystal he needed.

Obtaining this item meant that he could finally start refining the Immortal-Destroying Pill.

We are one step closer to the realm of the Immortal Emperor!

"Thank you, President Zhu!"

Ling Feng bowed his hand to Zhu Yucheng, not wanting to stay long, and was about to say goodbye when he heard President Zhu say with a smile: "By the way, fellow Taoist Shuihan, I heard what you said before, you are just a casual cultivator, if you want to If so, you can stay in our Alchemist Guild in the Capital of Dayu. The president can assure you that with your ability, you will soon become the chief elder!"


At this moment, Chen Yuanmo walked over with a smile, "Brother Shui, if you listen to his nonsense, you are also coming to my Alchemist Guild in Leixiao Holy City! Don't talk about the chief elder, you are the deputy guild. Chairman, in a few years, the president will be yours!”

The corner of Zhu Yucheng's mouth twitched slightly, this old fritter, how could he still have any moral integrity?

The presidents of other regions also stepped forward to win over Ling Feng.

An outstanding alchemist like him is naturally popular wherever he goes.

Ling Feng could only smile and decline one by one.

Seeing that Ling Feng wasn't going anywhere, the presidents felt relieved and stopped forcing him.

Chen Yuanmo sighed softly and suddenly murmured: "From you, I think of another young man I met a few years ago on the Seven Ultimate Immortal Ranking. It's a pity that that kid, although talented, is still young after all. Die young!”

Ling Feng felt a thump in his heart, wasn't he talking about himself?

"When it comes to talent, I'm not saying it. Compared to that kid, there is still some gap between you."

Chen Yuanmo sighed, "If he hadn't died too early, there would be no limit to what he could do when he grows up to your age."

Ling Feng secretly smiled bitterly in his heart, well, I'm not as good as me, right?

Just when Ling Feng was dumbfounded and didn't know how to talk, Chen Yuanmo changed the topic and said: "That little friend is in the Alchemist Guild of Leixiao Holy City and has left several kinds of alchemy recipes. It is his legacy and is extremely precious. If you are willing to become the guest elder of our Leixiao Holy City Alchemist Guild, I can make the decision and share these elixirs with you for free."


Ling Feng couldn't hold himself any longer. Are you using my things to fool me?

He quickly shook his head and smiled, "Sorry, what do you think of this? If I have the opportunity to go to Leixiao Holy City in the future, I will definitely go and pay a visit to President Chen!"

"That's fine."

Seeing that Ling Feng didn't seem interested, Chen Yuanmo could only sigh and turned around to leave.

Ling Feng shrugged and said goodbye to President Zhu. When he left, he happened to see Elder Ziyun and Yu Shiwei walking out of the union.

The woman glared at Ling Feng with some dissatisfaction.

If it weren't for Ling Feng, the leader this time would definitely be her.

Regarding this, Ling Feng could only smile helplessly. If there were any extra Immortal-Resisting Pills in the future, he could send some to Cihang Jingzhai.

Coincidentally, those elders also have the qualifications to be promoted to Immortal Emperor. Once they break through, they will all belong to their own power and become another pillar of the new Saofeng camp.

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