Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3936 Dao Level Pill Tribulation!

One day later.

Within the territory of Dayu Xianting, somewhere in a deep forest.

This place is the secret realm of the royal family, thousands of miles away from the capital.

However, under Yu Bingqing's arrangement, Ling Feng arrived here with the help of the teleportation circle, just to refine the Immortal-Destroying Pill.

This elixir is based on the enlightened beast's natal essence elixir, including the Heaven-Qualifying Essence Marrow Crystal, and countless rare and rare heavenly materials and earthly treasures, so that it can be successfully refined.

Its grade is even ten times higher than the "Seven-Colored Yellow Spring" that I participated in the alchemist exchange conference before!

Naturally, such a treasure cannot be refined in a busy city. The Demon-Suppressing General's Mansion is obviously not a good choice.

As a result, Yu Bingqing brought Ling Feng to this place, and in order to deal with the possible calamity, Yu Bingqing used her status as the eldest princess to mobilize five Immortal Emperor-level Supreme Elders.

These are the group of elders directly affiliated with the royal family, serving directly to her royal brother.

Yu Bingqing told Emperor Yu that she had invited a brilliant alchemist to refine a divine elixir, which required the protection of elders from immortal emperors. Emperor Yu sent five immortal emperors to her without any hesitation. .

After all, Yu Bingqing will soon represent the royal family and fight on the battlefield outside the territory.

At this time, it is also appropriate to prepare more elixirs.

At this moment, at the core of this royal secret realm, Ling Feng looked solemnly, looking at the Nine Heavens Mysterious Yellow Cauldron in front of him, and his heart was already in his throat.

After tempering for most of the day, it was the most critical time to condense the elixir.

On the horizon, thousands of miles of dark clouds gathered, accompanied by streaks of thunder piercing the sky.

The calamity is about to come.

"Your Majesty!"

Yu Bingqing shouted loudly and wanted to remind the immortal emperors who came with her.

In fact, without her having to say anything, the Immortal Emperors had already flown up and landed on the Five Elements Formation.

"Five Elements Rotation Formation! Get up!"

The leader, an old man in green robes, shouted loudly, and then, five pillars of light, gold, red, green, blue, and brown, rose into the sky from behind the five immortal emperors.

The rays of light intertwined together to form a five-element formation!

With the cooperation of five people, this magic circle is like a copper wall and an iron wall, making it feel safe.

The green-robed old man finished setting up the formation, and then he said with a smile: "Your Highness, Princess, please rest assured, this level of calamity is more than enough for me to deal with!"

Yu Bingqing nodded slightly and tilted her head towards the elders, "Then I'll do some work for you, the elders."

As soon as the words fell, there was only a "boom" explosion, and the calamity finally arrived!

The green-robed old man's eyes narrowed and he looked at each other with the other Immortal Emperors.

It's just a pill tribulation, not to mention it's just a pill refined by an Immortal-level monk. Compared to this pill tribulation, it won't be much stronger.

Boom boom boom boom!

In an instant, dozens of thunderbolts fell, but they were unable to do anything to the barrier of the Five Elements Rotating Formation.

And Ling Feng's Jiuxiao Xuanhuang Cauldron also trembled violently when the Danjie broke out.

Ling Feng took a deep breath and activated the original elixir fire with all his strength.

This is the most critical moment. Once there is even the slightest mistake, all previous efforts will be wasted!

By then, he would not have a second enlightened beast inner elixir.

This furnace of elixir must be refined!

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and with full concentration, he automatically burst out with powerful divine soul power.


A roar sounded, and behind Ling Feng, a lone ghost and god became more and more condensed.


The five immortal emperors in the sky were not shocked by the Danjie, but were shocked by the ghosts and gods behind Ling Feng.

That is clearly a symbol of the origin of the soul and cultivation to the realm of ghosts and gods!

Moreover, the ghost and god figure actually had a layer of armor condensed with chaotic light all over his body.

This also means that this child may be about to enter a higher level at any time, the level of Hongmengzhuan.

The origin of such a terrifying soul is almost on par with the Broken Immortal Emperor!

The green-robed old man had a look of horror on his face, "A mere immortal has the origin of a soul that has transformed into a ghost or a god. How is this possible?"

"This kid is not simple!"

The other Immortal Emperors also showed a solemn expression.

Fortunately, he was refining elixirs for the Dayu royal family. Otherwise, if he was an enemy, he would have to nip it in the bud as soon as possible.

It is unimaginable how terrifying this junior's strength will become after he is promoted to Immortal Emperor in the future.


Immediately afterwards, above the sky, the second round of elixir tribulation broke out.

The dark clouds gathering in the sky have now turned deep purple.

The falling thunderbolt also changed from normal white lightning to purple thunder.


The first purple thunder hit the barrier heavily, and the pupils of the five Immortal Emperors shrank at the same time.

"This...this is..."

All the Immortal Emperors blurted out almost at the same time, "Tianxin Purple Thunder!"

According to rumors, only by refining the Dao-level elixir can Tianxin Purple Thunder be aroused.

To put it another way, this Tianxin Purple Thunder is just the prelude to the Dao-level pill calamity.

The so-called avenue level can be compared with the avenue source device.

Once the Immortal-Resisting Heaven-Seizing Pill refined by Ling Feng is completed, it will be like the birth of a great source weapon.

You must know that the Grand Avenue Source Artifact is a treasure that only a strong person at the Broken Immortal Emperor level is qualified to control.

"That boy, what kind of elixir are you refining!"

The old man in green robe had a solemn look on his face and took a deep breath.

Faced with a great avenue-level calamity, no one dares to be careless in the slightest.

Otherwise, the powerful Immortal Emperor would probably be punished on the spot.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, hundreds of Tianxin purple thunders had fallen.

The calamity cloud in the sky turned into a nine-headed giant monster!

Among the nine huge heads, wind, thunder, fire and lightning were constantly spitting out, and energy storms of various attributes invaded.

This can no longer be described as thunder calamity, but directly aroused the jealousy of this world, and wanted to completely kill the furnace elixir.

The more terrifying the elixir disaster was, the more these five Immortal Emperor elders understood that this elixir must be of great significance to the royal family.

The five old men are all powerful men who have been famous for a long time. Naturally, they will not shrink from the battle at this moment.

"bring it on!"

The green-robed old man shouted violently, and the Five Elements Rotation Formation, with him as the core, shrank by more than half, but the energy barrier also became more condensed.



Dan tribulations continued to erupt, and the five elders gritted their teeth and threw out all the magic weapons at the bottom of the box.

While Yu Bingqing watched these elders resisting the calamity of the pills, and at the same time watching Ling Feng refining the pills in the fire, her heart was in her throat.

At this moment, neither side must make mistakes, otherwise, it will be a devastating ending.

At this moment, Ling Feng gritted his teeth and the expression on his face seemed a little stiff.

In his mental space, the resentment of the enlightened beast turned into a vicious spirit and began to take revenge crazily.

It is worthy of being a terrifying existence comparable to the broken level. Even though it has been completely dead for a long time, there is still such a terrifying evil spirit condensed in the natal Yuan Dan.

Fortunately, Ling Feng's spiritual sea is also protected by the will of the ancestral dragon.

The Taixu Zhoulong plus the huge will power of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon are enough to suppress the resentment of this enlightened beast.

However, time is the biggest problem.

A quarter of an hour!

Two quarters of an hour!

Half an hour!

An hour!

Above the sky, the five Immortal Emperors all had faces as golden as paper and their bodies were trembling slightly.

"It's not okay yet!"

The old man in green robe gritted his teeth and his body was shaking violently.

Not only that, his eyes were bloodshot, and there was also a trace of blood overflowing from his ears and nose.

It was actually bleeding from seven holes!

The Dao-level elixir tribulation is preceded by Tianxin Purple Thunder.

At this moment, the calamity cloud in the sky has transformed into an enlightened beast with thirteen heads!

It's like fate. Sacrifice and refine the inner elixir of the enlightened beast, which leads to the elixir disaster led by the "enlightened beast".

"No, I won't be able to hold on any longer!"

One of the Immortal Emperors who dominated the power of earth law suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Among the five elements, the earth element dominates defense.

In other words, in this Five Elements Rotation Formation, he carries the most frequent attacks.


The green-robed old man shouted loudly, "I will lead the earth element!"

The five elements are mutually interdependent. He originally dominated the wood element and was born in the wood element. The power of the law changed. The positions of the five people remained unchanged, but they had completed the shift of their positions.

The Immortal Emperor who vomited blood suddenly relaxed, but the old man in green robe frowned.

Is this the terrifying pressure of facing the Great Dao-level calamity?

Just a quarter of an hour later, the position of the magic circle changed again and again, and the five people continued to change positions and endured the calamity.

But even so, after an hour, the five Immortal Emperors were almost at the end of their lives.


The green-robed old man suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and watched as the last thunderbolt, which condensed the power of thirteen completely different laws, condensed into an arrow that was as large as a thousand feet, and shot out from the depths of the sky. Down.


The arrow landed directly on the barrier, and with an explosion, the figures of the five Immortal Emperors were blown away at the same time.

The formation has been broken!

The Great Dao Level Pill Tribulation is so terrifying!


Yu Bingqing's eyes widened as she watched the thunderous arrow shoot in the direction of Ling Feng. She gritted her silver teeth, clenched her fists, and was about to rush out resolutely.


The sound of the dragon's roar shook the sky, and a bloody divine dragon condensed around Yu Bingqing's body. It was the Dharma Appearance of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon!

"Back off!"

At this moment, Ling Feng shouted loudly, held up the alchemy furnace with one hand, and faced the thunderous arrow directly.

Yu Bingqing's eyelids twitched. Although she didn't know what Ling Feng was going to do, she still used her skills and stepped aside.

Ling Feng raised the alchemy furnace high and directly used the alchemy furnace to deliver this terrifying blow.


There was an explosion, and Ling Feng's Jiuxiao Xuanhuang was blown to pieces, turning into fragments and scattering on the ground.

Ling Feng didn't feel too distressed. After all, this thing was obtained from Immortal Emperor Yi Ting. As long as it could be refined into the Immortal-Resisting Pill, it would have fulfilled its final mission.

As the alchemy furnace exploded, nine transparent elixirs actually condensed inside.

Under the control of Ling Feng's thoughts, it was suspended in the air, condensing and not dispersing.

The next moment, the nine transparent elixirs began to crazily absorb the spiritual power of the elixir.

But it turns out that the last step in refining the Immortal-Destroying Pill is to make it swallow up all the power of the pill.

However, at such a close range, Ling Feng would inevitably be affected.

In an instant, Ling Feng's body turned into charcoal. However, he locked it with his spiritual thoughts from beginning to end. Otherwise, these elixirs would surely escape in all directions once they became spiritual.

Tsk tsk tsk!

In this way, Ling Feng endured the baptism of Dao-level pill calamity for half an hour.

At this time, the five powerful Immortal Emperors had already flown back with their seriously injured bodies. Seeing this scene, their scalps went numb.

This alchemist is too crazy. Will he risk his life just to make alchemy?

Finally, no matter how long it took, the calamity clouds dissipated in the sky.

As the last thunderbolt disappeared, Ling Feng used his last tenacity to put all nine pills into the pill bottle.

Immediately afterwards, there was a "dong" sound, and Ling Feng's body fell heavily to the ground.

The whole person has turned into a coke.

Yu Bingqing gritted her teeth and shouted Ling Feng's name in her heart. Then, her figure turned into lightning and landed in front of Ling Feng.

However, at this moment, Ling Feng didn't look like a human being at all.

"No! No! You don't want to die!"

Yu Bingqing burst into tears as she looked at the pile of charcoal on the ground, which had even turned into fragments in the process of falling.

I don’t know where the head is and where the body is.

If she had known that refining this elixir was so dangerous, she would not have helped Ling Feng gather those heavenly materials and earthly treasures no matter what.

"Hey... I'm afraid this little friend may not be saved."

The old man in green robe sighed softly, "I have seen many alchemists, but this is the first time that I have risked my life to make alchemy."

He glanced at a porcelain bottle among the debris, and said in a deep voice: "Your Highness, the eldest princess, this little friend used his own life to refine the elixir for you. You must not let down this painstaking effort! "

As he said that, with a thought, he was about to suck the porcelain bottle over.

However, the next moment, a look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the old man in green robe.


When he used his mind to control the porcelain vase, he clearly sensed that another spiritual thought was guarding the porcelain vase.

Then, a series of explosive sounds of "click" and "click" were heard.

Among the charcoal, new skin and flesh actually appeared.

After a while, under the astonished eyes of everyone, a naked man slowly climbed up from the pile of broken charcoal. He was naked, naked, without even a single hair. Even the hair is gone.

Moreover, his appearance is not Ling Feng's original appearance, nor is it his "Shui Han" appearance after his disguise.

However, he has become more handsome and even has a touch of feminine grace.

It seems that because of the baptism of this Dao-level pill calamity, he has been further reborn, and it has also completely inspired the other half of his body, the power of the Xantian Ice Clan bloodline that belongs to his mother.

"That's great, it's great that you're okay!"

Yu Bingqing rushed over, hugged Ling Feng, and burst into tears.


Ling Feng patted Yu Bingqing's back, smiled bitterly and comforted: "Okay, okay, I'm fine!"

When the five Immortal Emperors saw this scene, they all retreated very wisely. At this time, it was better not to disturb them.

After all, they are all young people. It is difficult to say that thunder from the sky stirs up fire from the earth!

Of course, they were really overly worried. After all, that was Ling Feng, who was famous for his calmness.

The next moment, Ling Feng also realized that he was naked, and his old face felt slightly hot.

It would be very embarrassing if he got excited at this time.

He quickly pushed Yu Bingqing away gently, put on his robe quickly, and then coughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment.

The next moment, Yu Bingqing's jade hand came up, gently caressed his cheek, and said with some surprise: "How did you become like this! However, you are even more beautiful than before! God, I am more beautiful. Love it!”


Ling Feng was stunned, while Yu Bingqing took out a mirror and looked at Ling Feng.

When Ling Feng saw the appearance in the mirror, his eyelids twitched suddenly, and then he touched his forehead. No wonder he felt a chill on the top of his head. It turned out that there was no hair left.

Now, it was his turn to become a bald donkey.

Not only that, his appearance has changed, and his aura has completely changed.

It's more interesting this time. In the future, you won't even need to use all kinds of tricks, and you won't even need any disguise at all.

The current self is completely different!

The refining of the Anti-Immortal and Heaven-Seizing Pill actually has the effect of disguising one's appearance. I don't know whether to cry or laugh.

But no matter what, this time I refined nine Immortal-Resisting Heaven-Seizing Pills. Even if his realm barrier is indestructible, it must be broken with this huge medicinal power!

The realm of the Immortal Emperor is not far away!

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