Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3937 Si Chen’s choice!

The Demon-Suppressing General's Mansion.

"It's unreasonable! It's completely unreasonable! Can you still become handsome after being struck by lightning?"

Fatty Huang gathered around Ling Feng, walking around for more than a dozen times, his eyes full of envy.

Originally, it was enviable for Ling Feng to be favored by Yu Bingqing.

Now, luckily, Ling Feng's only "shortcoming", his appearance, has been completely improved.

He is so handsome that he has no martial ethics!

Looking at him as an old man, he was somewhat moved.

"Brother Huang, can you stop turning around? If you turn around again, I'll get dizzy."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Now that his aura and appearance have completely changed, Ling Feng doesn't need to change his appearance anymore.

Of course, what is more important is Yu Bingqing’s strong request.

In her words, just looking at what she looks like now, it feels like she has been practicing for ten years.

In order to maintain a happy mood, Ling Feng must not go back to his previous appearance in disguise!

In this regard, Ling Feng was also helpless, but since the effect of hiding his identity had been achieved, there was no need to forcefully disguise himself.

Wearing a mask every day is quite uncomfortable to be honest.


A look of excitement appeared on Fatty Huang's face, "Boss Shuihan, how about you refine the elixir again, and this time I will be struck by lightning!"

Ling Feng suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. In fact, at the last moment, if the Immortal-Destroying Pill hadn't absorbed most of the power of the pill, even with his strong body, he probably wouldn't have been able to survive.

Thinking about it now, Ling Feng still has lingering fears.

Forcibly refining elixirs by oneself is really too ignorant.

If Yu Bingqing hadn't arranged for five Immortal Emperors to resist such a Dao-level pill tribulation, weakening the power of the pill tribulation, he alone would not have been able to survive a hundred times.

The successful refining of the Immortal-Resisting Pill was due to too many coincidences. The person Ling Feng should be grateful to the most was Yu Bingqing.

Therefore, after the elixir was refined, Ling Feng handed two of them to Yu Bingqing.

First, Yu Bingqing can keep one for himself. As for the second one, Yu Bingqing asked Emperor Yu to bring five powerful Immortal Emperors to protect the law.

This elixir can be regarded as Ling Feng's thank you gift to Dayu Immortal Court.

At the same time, Yu Bingqing will definitely be able to occupy more say in the royal family with this avenue-level elixir.

After all, this Immortal-Destroying Heaven Pill can almost certainly create a powerful Immortal Emperor.

Placed anywhere, it would be enough to make the monks fight over it.

Therefore, after Yu Bingqing got the elixir, she happily returned to the imperial city to find her royal brother to revive her.

She could probably imagine how excited Emperor Yu would be when he saw this elixir.

"Brother Huang, a person's appearance is actually not important. What matters is the heart."

Ling Feng patted Fatty Huang on the shoulder, "How can I control this calamity? Brother Huang, it's better not to joke around."


Fatty Huang sighed, and then stared at Ling Feng suspiciously, "To be honest, I doubt you are born like this. Otherwise, would Her Royal Highness the Princess like you? She always cares about face the most!"


Ling Feng couldn't help but laugh a few times. This guy's intuition in this regard was quite accurate.


Ling Feng laughed and quickly changed the subject: "Brother Huang, when will the Demon Suppressing Army set out?"

"I heard from my father that here at Dayu Xianting, the battle situation at Wangshu Fortress on the front line is tight. We must set off within three days at the latest."

As Fatty Huang spoke, his expression became a little solemn.

Although he is the son of a general, he is a living second-generation ancestor. Before this, he had never been on the battlefield.

Probably the most dangerous situation you've ever encountered in your life is getting beaten up by that fat dude Du Ziling.

Although with Ling Feng's encouragement and his old father's expectations, Fatty Huang has made up his mind to change his mind and start over.

But when things came to a close, I was still a little nervous and a little withdrawn.

In the battlefield, everything is changing rapidly and the danger is extremely high.

Thinking of Platinum John's warm-scented nephrite, Fatty Huang felt his calves tremble a little.

Ling Feng obviously saw Fatty Huang's timidity, and comforted him with a smile: "It's normal to be nervous, but how can you get the fragrance of plum blossoms without a chill to the bones? Brother Huang, you don't want to be fooled by Du Ziling for the rest of your life." Feel free to bully those people!”

As soon as Fatty Huang heard Du Ziling's name, his teeth immediately started to itch with hatred, "Who... who is nervous? Fatty, I am so excited! Excited!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and did not expose the fat man. He just said lightly: "By the way, you just talked about Wangshu Fortress. Can you tell me the details?"

Ling Feng learned all the information about the battlefields outside the territory from Empress Qingluo.

But after all, the contact time was limited, and Ling Feng still knew very little about the battlefield outside the territory.

Although Fatty Huang has never been to foreign battlefields, his father is a demon-suppressing general after all.

Even if you talk about it on paper, you should be able to learn a lot of information about battlefields outside the territory.


When Fatty Huang saw Ling Feng asking him for advice, he immediately started to sneer, "Hey, you've asked the right person! When talking about Wangshu Fortress, we have to mention that our seven major forces have gone through countless battles with the demons. After years of fighting, a total of fifteen fortresses were built on the battlefield outside the territory, which is equivalent to the fifteen war fortresses occupied by our human race. "

After a pause, Fatty Huang continued: "Among them, the Fortress of the Dead Souls was the first fortress built, and later, it slowly developed to fifteen. The fortresses built by our Dayu Xianting were named, Wang. Shu fortress, Xihe fortress.

In the myths and legends of Dayu Xianting, Wangshu Xihe represents the moon god and the sun god respectively. In the battlefield outside the territory, there is no distinction between day and night. In the name of Wang Shuxihe, it can be regarded as a kind of longing for hometown. "

As Fatty Huang spoke, he sighed, "After all, once you step into a foreign battlefield, who can guarantee that you can return to your hometown alive?"

Ling Feng remained silent, as one general succeeded and all bones were withered.

It can be said that every fortress is made of blood and bones.

"I heard my father mention that since three or four years ago, the demon clan's offensive has become more and more crazy, and even high-level void beings have begun to be thrown into the battlefield. Wangshu of our Dayu Immortal Courtyard The fortress is relatively closest to the Soul Burial Canyon, the dividing line between the battlefields of the immortal and demon clans. Therefore, it has received the most violent attacks.

The demon-suppressing army commanded by my father is one of the garrison troops at Wangshu Fortress. In other words, the place we are going to this time is one of the most intense and dangerous fortresses at the moment. "

As Fatty Huang spoke, he began to back off again, "Let me tell you, Boss Shui Han, why don't we wait a little longer? It won't be too late to go when the war calms down a bit!"

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, and finally understood what it means to hate iron but not become steel.

This fat man is simply a coward!

He kicked him on the butt angrily, "You fat man, do you only have so much determination?"


Fatty Huang's face turned red, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I can't even make a joke!"

"OK OK!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. It was still too late to set off within three days.

He is now swallowing the elixir, refining its power, and weakening the realm barriers.

Wait until you reach the battlefield and then break through in one fell swoop.

Relying on the power of thunder and calamity that he was promoted to the Immortal Emperor, I am afraid that it will be enough to sweep across all directions and wipe out countless demon armies.

At the same time, far away in the Divine Realm.

Let's say that after Si Chen was sent to Yanlong Island by Ling Feng, with Si Chen's strength, he easily tamed all the people on Yanlong Island.

But it turns out that although Yanlong Island is located in a remote place, the "death news" that Ling Feng was killed in the dragon-slaying operation after participating in the Seven Jue Immortal Rankings still reached the island.

Coupled with the fact that Ling Feng had not appeared for many years, people on the island were panicked and began to worry about their future fate.

After all, Ling Feng died as a "descendant of heaven."

Who knows if he will be implicated.

Fortunately, as time passed by, no one seemed to notice this island far away overseas.

However, without Ling Feng as their spiritual leader, the various forces below inevitably began to become turbulent.

After all, Yanlong Island is composed of a large group of pirates.

In addition, the descendants of the ancient demons of the Youlan Sea Clan are also brave and aggressive by nature. If they come and go, conflicts will inevitably break out.

In addition, due to the addition of the Tianjing clan, these natural craftsmen allowed Yanlong Island to accumulate a lot of wealth in a short period of time.

Originally, when Ling Feng was still there, those immortal stones and crystals were kept in the treasure house, and no one dared to think about them.

But now that Ling Feng has "fallen", the true nature of those pirates has gradually begun to be exposed.

The pirate forces headed by Bakuzan were naturally concerned about the resources in the treasure house.

Although they did not return to their old business and follow the old path of pirates, they began to spend money without restraint.

The wealth that the Tianjing clan had worked so hard to accumulate was just wasted and enjoyed by this group of pirates who got something for nothing.

However, because Ling Feng was not here, they couldn't say anything.

After all, this group of pirates are the veterans of the New Sao Feng Camp.

In this way, gradually, people's hearts dispersed.

The Youlan Sea Clan couldn't stand these pirates and had already begun to look for other islands to draw a clear line with the pirates.

As for the Tianjing clan, they are also preparing to leave Yanlong Island and return to their secluded place.

Before our eyes, the new Xiaofeng camp was about to disappear in name only.

Fortunately, at this time, Si Chen arrived.

Not only did she bring back the news that Ling Feng had not died, but she also got rid of the bad apples in three strokes.

As for the culprit, Baoshan, although he is a veteran of the New Sao Feng Camp, his gangsterism is hard to get rid of.

Ling Feng was in urgent need of people back then, and Baoshan was the pirate leader after all. Only with him around could he mobilize these pirates for his use.

But now, it is time to eradicate this scourge.

Cutting the knot with a sharp knife may cause short-term pain, but it is better than being gradually corroded, and in the end even the roots are rotten, and there is no room for rescue.

As a result, Si Chen showed off the explosive mountain in front of everyone, shocking the pirates.

And with Si Chen as the backbone, the new Xiaofeng camp gradually began to restore order.

Everything became orderly again.

Seeing everything return to normal, Si Chen secretly made up his mind.

It's time for me to return to Tianzhi.

I have always been a person of heaven.

Tianzhi is her root!

No matter what kind of punishment she received, she would never regret it.

"It's time to go back..."

Si Chen sighed softly and stood on the shore, watching the stormy waves crashing onto the shore, feeling a surge of emotion in his heart.

After a while, Si Chen murmured in a low voice: "Boy, I have done everything I can do for you. Next, it is time to face my destiny."

Her eyes turned slightly red, the sun, moon and stars should have been together forever!

She stood on the shore until sunset.

Finally, she handed over the affairs of the island to Namia, the leader of the Blue Sea Clan, and flew away resolutely.

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