Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3938 Heart-piercing punishment!

Tianzhi, the realm of Mingyuan.

In the world shrouded in glow, a huge golden disk is suspended in the void.

At this moment, the Lord in white is sitting on the throne in the center of the disk. Behind him is the magic circle transformed from the sky. Amidst the surging colorful lights, the world around the sky is evolving and forming within the magic circle.

Three girls, Si Ri, Si Yue and Si Xing, stood on both sides of the throne.

Right in front of the Lord, Si Chen knelt down and worshiped on the disk, with golden shackles wrapped around his body.

The shackles were condensed with supreme magic power, sealing Si Chen's cultivation, and weighing down on him like a weight of tens of thousands of kilograms.

Si Chen's body was hunched under the pressure, and his forehead was covered with fine sweat. He looked very hard.

On the colorful clouds on the horizon, an Immortal Emperor named Tianzhi sat cross-legged on it, observing the trial.

"You released the son of Heaven secretly and gave away the fragments of the dragon's body. Si Chen, do you know your guilt?"

There was no expression on the face of the white-robed Lord, and his eyes, like a pair of vast stars, were extremely deep and devoid of any joy or anger.

"This slave is guilty."

Si Chen knelt on the ground, clenching her teeth and holding heavy shackles on her body. Every minute and every second was a huge torment for her.

"Your Majesty!"

The sun, moon and stars, after all, the love between sisters is deep.

Seeing Si Chen working so hard, Si Ri hurriedly stepped forward and gritted his teeth and said: "My four sisters have worked for Tianzhi for many years. Even though they have no merit, they still have hard work! I hope you are thinking that the fourth sister is just confused for a moment. I hope Your Majesty can be merciful beyond the law! If your Majesty must punish Fourth Sister, I am willing to accept the punishment on behalf of Fourth Sister. After all, I am the eldest sister and it is my fault for not being able to discipline her well!"

"I hope your Majesty will show mercy to you!"

Si Yue and Si Xing also quickly knelt down next to Si Chen, as if they wanted to advance and retreat together with her.

The Lord in white didn't pay attention to the three girls of Si Ri. He just looked at the elders of the Emperor Star Pavilion on the horizon and said calmly: "What do you think, all the Supreme Elders?"

Before he finished speaking, an old voice was heard.

"Hmph! If you rely on your own merits, it will be in vain to enforce the law. Then among the elders who are doing it, which one is not more meritorious than the hard work of them? Aren't they all free to do whatever they want!"

"Our Tianzhi organization has always enforced the law like a mountain. If we are just open to Si Chenwang, the other disciples may be dissatisfied!"

"The fragments of the dragon body are of great importance. The other major forces have basically obtained a main fragment. Only I, Tianzhi, have not obtained anything. If you fall behind others, you will fall behind step by step. This time, I finally have a chance. It's a great opportunity to get a fragment, but it is given away by this woman! Your Majesty, I think this woman should never be spared!"

"That's right, don't be lenient!"


For a moment, the Immortal Emperor elders of the Emperor Star Pavilion all had sharp expressions on their faces. They were obviously resentful of Si Chen for giving up the fragments of the dragon body to Ling Feng.

"Did you hear everything?"

The noble man in white sighed softly, "Si Chen, what else do you have to say?"


Si Chen bit his silver teeth lightly and immediately shook his head, "I have nothing to say, this slave."

"Fourth sister!"

Si Ri, Si Yue and Si Xing were so anxious that they almost jumped up.

Judging from the posture of those elders, Si Chen might have to sacrifice his life to atone for his sins.

However, Si Chen was still so resigned to her fate. If so, no one would be able to save her.

"Why do you have nothing to say!"

Si Xing stood up directly from the ground, put his hands on his hips, and cursed at the elders on the horizon, "What do you mean by handing over your hands? Do you know how you got the dragon body fragments? If it weren't for Ling Feng That kid, can this fragment belong to the Tianzhi organization? It was something he fought for with his life, is this called giving away? "

Seeing these old guys trying to force his fourth sister to death, Si Xing couldn't suppress his violent temper and burst into anger when he opened his mouth.

The elders were speechless for a moment.

"What a sharp-tongued girl, how brave you are!"

An elder stared at Si Xing angrily, crushing him down with Immortal Emperor-level pressure.

Si Xing gritted his silver teeth, staring at the pressure of the Immortal Emperor, and roared: "I have a reason to travel all over the world! That Ling Feng saved our lives, and saved the lives of all the fellow sects who were attacked by the Demon Soul Palace. ! Where were you elders and princes who enforced the law at that time? "



For a moment, the elders were so angry that they vomited blood. The pressure of the Immortal Emperors was superimposed on each other. Si Xing was pressed so hard that he couldn't stand upright. He even bled from his seven holes, but he still cursed: "You old guys, you know what's going on." It’s our sisters who are using their words and blood to show their strength! Now that our sisters have finally come back with their lives, you still want to force my fourth sister to death..."


A clear slap sounded, but it was Si Ri who slapped Si Xing hard on the face.

It's understandable that she was worried about Si Chen, so she spoke indiscriminately, but if she went too far with her words, there would be no room for change.

This girl is too straightforward and doesn't understand the ways of the world at all.

If these elders have no steps to go down, things will only become more out of control.

"The third sister is also worried about the fourth sister, so she said something rude. I hope you, Your Majesty, will not be on the same level as her."

Si Ri bowed deeply towards those princes.

Si Xing wanted to speak, but Si Ri glared back.

Si Xing retracted his neck and did not dare to say another word.

The Supreme Elders snorted coldly, saying that this matter had been revealed.

However, this does not mean that they will let Si Chen go.

"Si Chen has indeed made great contributions to my Tianzhi, but the mistake she made this time is really too big. I think I will throw her into the abyss of heartlessness and face the wall for a thousand years!"

An old man said in a deep voice.

A ray of light flashed in the eyes of the white-robed Lord. He knew that the sun, moon and stars were loyal to him, and were like his right and left arms to him.

However, in front of so many Supreme Elders, he did not like to show favoritism.

This suggestion was neither light nor heavy. Although a thousand years were long, I finally saved a life.

"Immortal Emperor Moyun, who doesn't know that you and the master of the three of them had an old relationship. Why, are you going to do it for personal gain now? That girl made such a big mistake, how can she just forget about it after facing the wall for a thousand years?"

Another old man with a sinister expression snorted coldly, "Such a serious crime deserves to be killed by Ling Chi!"

The so-called soul-killing Lingchi uses the method of mortal Lingchi to use a special torture knife to cut off the soul of the person being tortured piece by piece.

This is an extremely cruel death penalty, even thousands of times more painful than Ling Chi.

When Si Xing heard that they were actually going to kill Si Chen's soul, Ling Chi, he was so angry that he trembled all over, "You might as well kill me too!"

"Do you think you don't need to be punished?"

The old man snorted coldly, "Even if Si Chen betrays the sect, you should be guilty of the same crime as her. Since you and others are only the first offenders, and the circumstances are minor, it is already a great kindness to prevent you from being executed together with her."

"How about putting me to death?"

Si Xing knelt back to Si Chen and gritted his teeth and said: "My fourth sister and I live and die together. If you want to kill me, just kill me too!"

Si Chen's eyes were filled with tears and he shook his head repeatedly, "No, Third Sister, don't be impulsive!"

"Hmph, you are seeking death on your own. How can I still be afraid of you? Then let's kill souls together!"

"Then add me!"

Siyue clenched her fists. She, who had always been taciturn, finally broke out in her own struggle.

"Add me too."

Si Ri smiled bitterly and knelt together with the other three sisters, "The sun, moon and stars, one heart, one life."

"It's the opposite, it's really the opposite!"

The elder's face became ferocious for a while, "Are you going to die? I will help you!"


At this moment, a low roar sounded.

Everyone was trembling with fear, but it was the Lord in White who spoke.

"Elder Du'e, do you have the final say here?"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the noble Lord in white, which frightened Elder Du'e to the point where he trembled all over and said repeatedly: "For a moment, this old man..."

"Okay, no need to say more."

Your Majesty shook his head and sighed, and then slowly said: "Si Chen, you have committed a serious crime and should have been sentenced to death, but I am mindful of your daily merits and will be lenient."

When the three girls of Si Ri heard this, they burst into tears of joy.

Your Majesty’s heart is finally towards them!

"Your Majesty..."

Elder Du'e frowned and was about to speak, but His Majesty interrupted him directly and said slowly: "Death sins can be avoided, but living sins are difficult to forgive."

After a pause, Your Majesty continued: "Nowadays, the demon army is becoming more and more rampant on the battlefield outside the territory. Instead of executing you, it is better to use your useful body to kill the demons!"

With that said, the white-clothed master raised his hand and made a move, and the shackles on Si Chen's body fell off automatically.

But the next moment, Si Chen covered his chest and frowned deeply.

The heart-wrenching pain made her almost unable to breathe.

In just a moment, Si Chen broke out in cold sweat and almost twitched in pain.

"What...what's going on?"

Si Xing was so anxious that he almost cried.

"From today onwards, you will suffer heart-gnawing pain three times every day. Until you return from the battlefield outside the territory with perfect merit, I will relieve you of your punishment!"

Your Majesty sighed softly. He did this to block the mouths of the elders.

When Elder Du'e saw Si Chen suffering from heart-gnawing pain, he snorted and gave up.

The battlefield outside the territory is full of dangers. Si Chen suffers from heartache every day. If he makes the slightest mistake, he will definitely die.

"Your Majesty, what is considered to be... complete meritorious deeds?"

Si Xing looked at the white-robed Lord with a cry in his voice.

"Achievement, the Eight-Star God of War!"

The noble man in white said coldly.

"What? Eight stars?"

Si Xing was so anxious that he almost shouted out. Wouldn't that mean that Si Chen would have to suffer at least hundreds of thousands of years of heartache!

"Your Majesty, I am willing to go to the battlefield outside the territory with my fourth sister!"

Si Ri gritted his silver teeth, it was better to suffer than to die.

The most important thing now is that he can stay with Si Chen so that he can be taken care of on the battlefield.

"I am coming too!"

Si Yue, Si Xing, also blurted out quickly.

"That's right."

The noble man in white nodded, "In three days, you will accompany the reinforcements to the battlefield outside the territory."


The four girls, Sun, Moon and Star, nodded at the same time.

"Okay, let's disperse."

The white-clothed master waved his sleeves, and then, the divine light scattered across the sky, and the elders flew away from the Mingyuan Realm one after another.

Si Ri's three daughters also supported Si Chen and left together.

Soon after, inside the cave of the sun, moon and stars.

"Damn Elder Du'e is just a turtle bastard!"

As soon as he returned home, Si Xing's mouth was completely merciless, and he wanted to greet Du'e's eighteen generations of ancestors.

"Okay, okay, don't complain. It's not easy to have such a result now."

Si Ri rolled his eyes at her, Si Xing's mouth was so offending.

Even if your Majesty had the intention to be partial, she would make him unable to stand up.

She sighed softly, looked at Si Chen, gritted her teeth and said, "Fourth sister, are you feeling better?"

"I'm fine."

Si Chen shook his head and forced a smile.


Si Xing snorted, "The one who should be scolded the most is Ling Feng, that stinky scumbag, that turtle bastard! Who the hell is he? We taught Fourth Sister to him, but he actually let her come back alone! It's really not tempting!" I have decided that next time I see him, I will give him a few big mouthfuls of delicious food! "

"He is also...for my own good."

Si Chen clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Now that his identity has been exposed, it will be more dangerous for me to follow him. What's more, he didn't let me return to heaven. It was me who wanted to come back. I...I He is always a man of heaven..."


Si Xing had a look of hatred on his face, "At this time, your heart is still towards him! And you are still speaking for him! You stinky man, you don't know what to do! He just stole your soul away!"

"Okay, okay, stop saying a few words and let Fourth Sister rest!"

Si Ri sighed secretly in his heart. Although Si Chen said it easily, her face was as golden as paper and she was sweating. The torture of beating the heart is obviously not that easy to bear.

Si Chen is good at everything, but he is too pushy!

"When we arrived at the battlefield outside the territory, we quickly established more meritorious deeds. All contribution points were given to the fourth sister. I believe it won't be long before we can help her lift her sentence."

Siyue pursed her lips and suggested.

"What a great idea!"

Si Xing hugged Si Yue and said, "Second sister, you are really smart for once!"

Si Ri rolled his eyes at her angrily, "Second sister just doesn't like to talk, but most of the time, she's much smarter than you!"

At the same time, far away in the capital of Dayu Immortal Court, in the Mansion of General Suppressing Demons.

Ling Feng has already swallowed the third Immortal-Resisting Pill.

After the first two shots, except for the surging mana in the body, I felt almost nothing else. After the third shot, I felt a little bit.

It seemed like I was about to catch something.

It is mysterious and mysterious, but its secret cannot be understood.

The promotion of the Immortal Lord to the Immortal Emperor is like a natural chasm.

Ling Feng's foundation is extremely deep, so the difficulty of breaking through is naturally even more terrifying.

However, with the help of magical items such as the Immortal-Destroying Pill, I finally got some clues.

This step is often the most difficult.

But after getting this clue, it will be much easier later.

"about there."

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up. When he enters the battlefield outside the territory, he swallows two or three Immortal-Reverse and Heaven-Resisting Pills, and it should be done!

One of the Immortal-Resisting Heaven-Seizing Pills is hard to come by, and even Ling Feng, a monster, ate three pills in one go, and then had to take two more pills to keep it safe.

Fortunately, I didn't give half of it directly to Yu Bingqing, otherwise, I might not have enough.

Ling Feng slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and did not continue practicing.

The mana in the body has reached the critical point.

He didn't want to break through in the capital of Dayu King. If he continued to practice, it might not be easy to suppress him.

"I don't know what's going on with Sister Chen."

Ling Feng felt a little worried in his heart, always feeling that that woman might do something stupid.

After all, her sense of belonging to Tianzhi is too strong.

He even regards his sect as his own life.

Little did he know that what Ling Feng was worried about had already become a reality.

And in Si Xing's mouth, he has turned into a turtle bastard...

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