Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3939 Are you my uncle?

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Just as Ling Feng was thinking about it, there was a slightly hurried knock on the door.

"Shui Han, are you there? Are you there?..."

It was Fatty Huang's voice.

Ling Feng was speechless. This guy was a powerful immortal after all. Didn't he know whether he was there or not?

But the next moment, Ling Feng remembered his habit. Before practicing, he must set up at least three layers of barriers in the room to be safe.

I blamed Fatty Huang wrongly.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He raised his hand and removed the barrier and opened the door at the same time.

Fat Huang was half-patting the door. When the door opened, this guy almost fell to the ground.

This reaction...

Ling Feng was at a loss for words again. No wonder Fatty Huang was called the shame of the immortal.

If he wants to change from a complete waste to the kind of man his old father expects, he will have a long way to go!

Ling Feng flashed and appeared in front of Fatty Huang. He held the guy with his hand and said in a deep voice, "Are we leaving?"


Fat Huang nodded heavily, smiled and stood firm, "The old man asked us to go to the front hall to find him."

Are we finally leaving!

Ling Feng's eyes were fixed. He was afraid that he would fight in the battlefield outside the domain for a long time.

"Let's go!"

Ling Feng walked out of the room in a flash. Fatty Huang only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and then he heard Ling Feng's voice, which had drifted away.

"Wait for me!"

Fat Huang turned around and walked out of the room, chasing after Ling Feng's back.

Not long after, the two came to the front hall of the Demon-Suppressing General's Mansion.

At this moment, the Demon-Suppressing General Huang Shicheng was sitting on the throne of the head of the family.

On the seat on the right side of the hall, there was also a middle-aged man in armor.

There was a terrible scar on the man's face, which almost ran through his entire cheek from his forehead, adding a bit of decisive and fierce aura to his rough appearance.

His helmet was placed on the coffee table next to him. In the center of the helmet, there was a totem pattern of a demon-suppressing sword, indicating his identity as a member of the demon-suppressing army.

"Huang Yuan, come and meet Commander Chen!"

As soon as Fatty Huang showed up, he heard Huang Shicheng's cold voice.

Fatty Huang hurriedly ran into the hall, walked in front of Commander Chen, bowed, "Junior Huang Yuan, meet Commander Chen."

Commander Chen hurriedly stood up from his seat and raised his hand to support Huang Yuan, "So you are the young general, you are really a tiger father... cough cough..."

He swallowed his words halfway.

The fat man in front of him had a weak step and an unstable foundation. At first glance, he was the kind of medicine jar cultivated with elixirs.

He was completely different from those immortals who were really honed in battle.

Although he was only at the peak of the Immortal Venerable Realm, if he made a move, a single finger could kill Huang Yuan instantly.

Therefore, Commander Chen could not say the second half of the compliment anyway.


Huang Shicheng smiled awkwardly, and he also knew what kind of person his son was.

The reason why he chose Chen Wu to come was because Chen Wu was a true character, not just a flatterer.

Only by handing his useless son to such a commander can he be better tempered.

"Commander Chen, my son is a useless thing, and if you can't praise him, there's no need to win the praise. But the nephew Shui Han next to you, a young hero, should be worthy of your attention."

Huang Shicheng smiled faintly and looked at Ling Feng.

Although Long Fei became Shui Han, his appearance was completely changed.

However, he was able to inspire his salted fish son and give him a little fighting spirit.

No matter who he is, he is his "benefactor".

"How can you belittle your own son like this! You are my real father!"

Fat Huang couldn't help but mutter a few words in his heart.

When Chen Wu heard this, his eyes fell on Ling Feng. After a moment, he showed a trace of astonishment and praised: "What a young talent, really amazing!"

This Chen Wu is also known as the God of War in the battlefield outside the domain, and he is even a three-star God of War.

However, he is several rounds older than Yu Jingyuan, so his reputation is not as loud as Yu Jingyuan.

But in terms of strength, Chen Wu is definitely not inferior to Yu Jingyuan.

Even, he has more combat experience, commanding the army, and making great military achievements, which are not comparable to Yu Jingyuan.

But with his strength, he can't see through Ling Feng, so he looks up to Ling Feng.

"Senior, you are too kind."

Ling Feng smiled modestly and saluted to Commander Chen.

"As long as Commander Chen is satisfied." Huang Shicheng stroked his long beard and said with a smile: "From today on, my son Huang Yuan and this nephew Shui Han will be under your jurisdiction, Commander Chen." "This!" Chen Wu was stunned and looked at Huang Yuan. I have heard for a long time that Huang Shicheng's son is a hopeless case and never wanted to join the army. Now, this hot potato has been handed over to me? Besides, Huang Shicheng must know the current situation on the front line. It would be too dangerous to send Huang Yuan to the front line at this time. Thinking of this, Chen Wu dared not agree easily and said quickly: "General, think twice!"

"Commander Chen doesn't look down on Quanzi after all!" Huang Shicheng sighed softly.

Chen Wu was so frightened that he shook his head repeatedly, "No, no, no, the general is just joking. This subordinate definitely didn't mean it."

"That's a promise."

Huang Shicheng laughed loudly and then said slowly: "Quuzi lacks experience. As the saying goes, if you don't polish it, it will become useless. Since I have asked you to manage Quanzi, then you will never interfere in all matters, big or small! Even if this kid died on the battlefield , that is also his own creation, and I will not be angry with you because of this!"

"This, this, this..."

The sweat on Chen Wu's forehead suddenly dropped.

What you are saying is so easy now. If it were really a son, any guarantee would be nothing but fart!

The fat man's face turned pale with fear, "Dad, you are driving me to death!"

"Hmph! When you go to the battlefield, your head is no longer in your belt. Don't you understand this?"

Huang Shicheng glared at him coldly, and Fatty Huang shrank his neck in fright, and did not dare to speak anymore.

"Okay, that's all I have to tell you, General. Huang Yuan, and nephew Shui Han, you can pack your things now and head to the military camp, Commander Sui Chen."

After saying that, Huang Shicheng turned around and said no more.

Fatty Huang looked at his old father's back, gritted his teeth, and went back to his room to pack his things without saying anything.

Ling Feng also bowed towards Huang Shicheng's back and exited the lobby.

After Huang Yuan left, Huang Shicheng sighed, turned around, and said to Chen Wudi in a deep voice: "Commander Chen, what you said just now was just to encourage that incompetent fool. He should practice and use it. You don’t need to save face if you deserve to be beaten or scolded, but please remember, Commander, I am only such a son.”

"My subordinate understands."

Chen Wu shook his head and smiled bitterly. The general was really worried about this son.

However, the list on his shoulders is even heavier.

"Go ahead."

Huang Shicheng sighed lightly. As a demon-suppressing general, he needed to take charge of the overall situation. Naturally, he could not keep an eye on his son.

But this time the demon army was coming with a fierce force. Although he led a full 300,000 reinforcements to support Wangshu Fortress.

But what we have to face next may be a protracted battle.

"Humph, are you such a father?"

"I'm really convinced. What's the use of having a father like this? He didn't care when I was beaten before. Now that I've joined the demon-suppressing army, he doesn't care at all and wants me to be the leader!"

"Boss Shui Han, I'm so sorry. I originally thought that because of my old face, I could be a centurion, but this is what happened..."

In the barracks, Huang Yuan has been complaining ever since he came in.

After all, he is a second-generation ancestor. It is not easy to expect him to change at once.

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed, finally unable to listen anymore.

He stepped forward and patted Fatty Huang on the shoulder, and said calmly: "Okay, okay, the general also wants to temper you and experience you. You should be able to understand this painstaking effort."

"Hmph, I think he wants me to die on the battlefield as soon as possible, so that he can have another one in time."

Fatty Huang muttered and complained a few more times.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, knowing that this fat man was afraid of hardship and tiredness, and these were just angry words.

As everyone knows, he hopes to have such a father.

Unfortunately, he has never even seen his father since he was a child.

"If you feel that after entering the extraterrestrial battlefield, you can still be as comfortable as before, you might as well withdraw now, it's too late."

Ling Feng looked at him deeply and said seriously.


Fatty Huang suddenly choked, gritted his teeth, and then said: "Humph, I, Huang Yuan, have made a big decision this time! Not to mention the big-headed soldiers, even the cooking soldiers, I will fight to the end!"

"This momentum is quite good!"

Ling Feng patted Fatty Huang on the shoulder and encouraged him: "Fatty, starting from today, you will be completely transformed. If you complain in the future, just cut off that thing under your crotch, put a bun on it and become a woman." "

"Yes, cut it!"

Fatty Huang blurted out, but the next moment he reacted suddenly, "Boss Shui, why do you think you are tricking me!"

"Hey, it's all sincerity, no tricks at all!"

Ling Feng squinted his eyes and smiled. At this moment, the curtain of the big tent was opened.

This camp was just a temporary residence arranged by Chen Wu for the two of them. A formal formation would not be arranged for them until Wangshu Fortress was visited.

Therefore, no one else should come in.

However, as soon as the visitor walked in, he immediately shouted loudly, "Second cousin, why is it you!"


As soon as Fatty Huang heard this familiar name, he turned around and looked, "Qiu Bai? I'm going to wipe you, why are you here too?"

The person who came was none other than the good-for-nothing prince Ling Feng met outside the eldest princess's residence, Yu Qiubai.

Together with Fatty Huang, they are known as the two destitutes of the Imperial City.

This guy's scrawny appearance contrasts with Fatty Huang's, making him look like a fat and thin pair.

"I'm not my crazy imperial aunt. I don't know what's wrong with me. She actually said something about me. As a prince, I can't stop doing my job, so I asked my father to force me into the demon-suppressing army!"

The more Yu Qiubai talked, the angrier he became, grinding his teeth in hatred.

If he is just treating himself as a piece of trash, who is he bothering?

Ling Feng finally understood. The relationship was good, and everyone in this tent was from a close relationship.

This is true for Fatty Huang, and the same is true for Yu Qiubai.

As for the "crazy" aunt in Yu Qiubai's mouth, there was no need to ask but she just said that it was naturally Yu Bingqing.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled without saying anything.

Yu Qiubai was in a hurry to get angry. Hearing Ling Feng's laughter, he immediately snorted angrily: "Why are you laughing!"

Fatty Huang quickly pulled him, "Why are you talking to my elder brother?"

"Ah, your father's illegitimate son?" Yu Qiubai's eyelids twitched, "Then shouldn't I call you eldest cousin?"

"Uncle, you are a big-headed ghost!"

Fatty Huang rolled his eyes, "You saw it that day at the gate of the eldest princess's mansion! If you want to call me, you should call me uncle!"


When Yu Qiubai heard this, his expression suddenly changed. He looked at Ling Feng and exclaimed: "Aunt...uncle? Are you my uncle?"

Ling Feng almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. Does one of these two guys have a normal mind?

"You don't look like that, why did you change like this?"

Yu Qiubai felt that his mind couldn't turn around.

"Anyway, just follow my uncle... ah, just follow the boss, you can rest assured!"

Fatty Huang put his arm around Yu Qiubai's shoulders and said with a smile: "Boss, I'll cover you, and I'll cover you! When we go to the battlefield, we must be famous figures!"

"Second cousin, I don't read much, so don't fool me!"

"You are so embarrassed to say that, your majestic prince, how many books have you read?"

"Second cousin, you don't read much, right?"

"Nonsense, I've read at least hundreds of pornographic books!"

"Does Little Yellow Book count as a book?"


The two of them started chatting incessantly, and Ling Feng couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

A fat yellow man is already speechless, but now here comes another living treasure.

I feel like I got off to a bad start this time!

These two guys are not specifically trying to hold me back...

At this moment, another noisy sound came from outside. Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he felt a familiar breath and walked out quickly.

That aura belongs to the eldest princess Yu Bingqing.

Her information was quite good, and she found him so quickly.

"Ling... Shuihan!"

As soon as Yu Bingqing saw Ling Feng, she walked up quickly and put her arms around Ling Feng's arm, acting very affectionately.

Behind her, there were three other powerful peak immortals, all of whom were handsome and young, similar to Fatty Huang.

Judging from the aura, he should be a young talent on the same level as Yu Jingyuan, and one of the men wearing a blue robe is probably much better than Yu Jingyuan.

When the three people saw Yu Bingqing hugging Ling Feng's arm, they frowned at the same time, and their eyes were full of hostility.

Especially the man in green robe, his eyebrows were even more sinister and fierce, as if he had a deep hatred for Ling Feng.

When Fatty Huang saw this person, he couldn't help but tremble all over. He quickly whispered in Ling Feng's ear: "Boss, he is Du Ziling's cousin, and he is also the unparalleled genius of the younger generation of Da Sima Mansion, Du Yutang!"

Ling Feng just smiled lightly and didn't say much.

No matter who he is, it's best not to provoke him.

In the capital, Ling Feng still had to restrain himself, but in a place like a foreign battlefield, it was normal for someone to die.

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