Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3940 Entering the battlefield for the first time! A fight!

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed. Since the disciples of the Grand Sima Mansion are here, the two people next to him look arrogant. Even next to Du Yutang, they look like I am the best in the world and they don't obey anyone.

Come to think of it, the other two are young talents from the Zuo Situ Mansion and You Sikong Mansion.

"Brother Shui Han, I have long admired your name!"

At this moment, Du Yutang walked up to Ling Feng quickly and bowed to him, with a gentle smile on his face, "Du Yutang, I would like to apologize for my unscrupulous cousin Du Ziling! "


Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, this guy's acting skills are really good, he can turn his face faster than turning the pages of a book.

Just now he had a sinister look on his face, but in the blink of an eye, he looked like a humble gentleman.

However, the more such a person is, the more scheming he is, so he needs to be careful.

After all, he was about to join the army and become a member of Dayu Xianting's demon-suppressing army.

Although he is directly affiliated with the Demon Suppressing Army, he may be very passive if one of the three princes, the Grand Sima Mansion, controls the army of Immortal Court and makes some small moves against him secretly.

However, since this person was being arrogant to him, there was no need for Ling Feng to break his face directly.

"It turns out to be Mr. Du!"

Ling Feng also bowed his hands to Du Yutang and said with a smile: "Actually, the person who was bullied is Brother Huang. If you want to apologize, you should apologize to him."

"No need!"

Huang Yuan was obviously extremely afraid of this Du Yutang. He waved his hands repeatedly and said, "I am thick-skinned and don't get in the way. Haha, Mr. Du, don't take it seriously."

"No, no, no, no matter how you put it, I, the Great Sima Mansion, took care of this matter first."

Du Yutang said, and also took out some elixirs and fairy crystals and offered them, "Just talking about it, I'm afraid it's not sincere enough. I hope Brother Huang will accept these things. As for the incompetent guy Du Ziling, he has also been affected." If you are punished, you should not dare to do anything wrong again.”

"This this……"

Fatty Huang was so flattered that he felt that those elixir crystals were like a hot potato, and there was no way he dared to accept them.

"Since Brother Du understands justice so well, just accept it."

Ling Feng laughed and patted Huang Yuan on the shoulder.

Yu Bingqing also echoed: "That's right, Fatty Huang, just keep it. The young master of Da Sima Mansion is also good at this!"

In fact, she didn't really care about the private grievances between Huang Yuan and Da Sima's house.

However, she was dissatisfied with the emperor's brother forcing the third son's son into his bodyguard group, making Ling Feng unable to stay with her.

Now, of course she was happy to see Du Yutang bleeding and spending money.


Huang Yuan glanced at Du Yutang timidly, and then carefully collected the elixirs and fairy crystals.

Du Yutang squinted his eyes and smiled, "That's right. Since Brother Huang accepted these gifts, the past things can be forgotten. We will soon go to the battlefield outside the territory again. There are many opportunities to cooperate. We have a long future. …”

His words were clearly meant for Ling Feng.

Especially the four words "The future is long", although it is said to be "sincere", in fact, it is quite provocative.

But in front of the eldest princess, he still had to maintain his image of a modest gentleman.

Ling Feng felt tired for him because he was so hypocritical.

The other two young masters from Situ and Sikong Mansion next to them looked completely indifferent to Ling Feng.

Compared with this kind of arrogant guy with eyes higher than his head and two eyes on his forehead, someone like Du Yutang is more like an insidious poisonous snake.

No one knows when the opportunity will bite him hard.

"Okay, okay, this princess has arrived at the military camp, you should go back first!"

Yu Bingqing felt a little impatient, and immediately sent Du Yutang and the others away.

Although the three of them are personal guards around her, they have not yet arrived on the battlefield, so following her like this makes Yu Bingqing feel very unhappy.

"In that case, I'll take my leave first."

Du Yutang saluted Yu Bingqing and glanced at Ling Feng before retreating with the other two.

His eyes clearly fell on Yu Bingqing's arm holding Ling Feng.

Ling Feng secretly smiled bitterly in his heart, lowered his voice and said to Yu Bingqing: "Your Highness, the eldest princess, do you know how much hatred you have brought to me like this! I'm afraid my life will be difficult in the future!"


Yu Bingqing snorted softly, rolled her eyes at Ling Feng angrily, and then said: "With this princess protecting you, who among them would dare to mess around?"

Ling Feng couldn't laugh or cry again. Am I afraid that they will mess up? I'm afraid you'll mess around!

"The emperor...the emperor's aunt..."

At this time, Yu Qiubai called out weakly.

His eyes were still full of complaints and grievances.

I just want to be a trash in peace, is it so difficult?


Yu Bingqing is so smart, and Yu Qiubai's little thoughts are nowhere to be seen, "You kid, in the royal family, many things are not what you want to do! Do you think the emperor really doesn't care about your son at all? ? If that's the case, why would he spend so much resources to force your cultivation to the level of Immortal Master? "Think about it yourself!"

"Hey, if it weren't for the sake of your deceased mother-in-law, you would think I care about you!"

Yu Bingqing scolded him a few times, then turned to look at Ling Feng, "Shui Han, I leave this nephew to you. You have to help me discipline him well. This is a favor you owe me, and you have to pay it back." oh!"


Ling Feng smiled bitterly again, now he was surrounded by fat and thin Toutuo!

Taking two "crouching dragons and phoenix chicks" to the battlefield is a hell of a start!

However, Yu Bingqing was right, she owed her a lot of favors, and she should take care of her eldest nephew.

When Yu Qiubai heard Yu Bingqing mention his mother-in-law, he clenched his fists, and a rare flash of fighting spirit flashed in his eyes.

It's a pity that this trace of fighting spirit also passed away in a flash.

In terms of decadence, he is probably ten times more decadent than Fatty Huang.

"Okay Qiubai, you will understand your aunt's painstaking efforts for you in the future."

Yu Bingqing sighed softly and said slowly: "Come here and call someone. From now on, you will stay with Shui Han and listen to his words. Do you understand?"


Yu Qiubai responded impatiently, and then shouted to Ling Feng: "Uncle, please give me more advice in the future!"


Ling Feng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, don't be so direct!

On the other hand, Yu Bingqing's face suddenly lit up with joy, and she secretly praised in her heart, "This kid has some eyesight!"

"Well, you misunderstood..."


Just as Ling Feng was about to explain, he felt Yu Bingqing's unkind gaze cast over him, and he suddenly fainted.

It’s true that people are under the roof and have to bow their heads!

Since coming to the royal capital, he has relied on Yu Bingqing in everything. As the saying goes, he is soft-handed and short-tongued.

If you come out to fool around, you have to pay back!

The next day.

The demon-suppressing general Huang Shicheng commanded 300,000 demon-suppressing troops and assembled at the school grounds in the western suburbs of the royal capital.

Ling Feng and Fatty Huang mingled with the army and were swallowed up in this sea of ​​people.

On the high platform of the school grounds, General Huang Shicheng, holding a demon-slaying sword, raised his arms and shouted, and the 300,000 troops simultaneously let out a roar that shook the world.

The ambition to kill demons is soaring into the sky!

Then, Yu Bingqing, representing the royal family, also slowly climbed onto the high platform.

Behind her, the three personal guards followed closely.

From today onwards, protecting the safety of the eldest princess is their highest mission.

Yu Bingqing also spoke a few words to encourage everyone, and then, from high in the sky, eighteen rays of divine light came down from the sky.

In the blink of an eye, eighteen powerful Immortal Emperors arrived.

These Immortal Emperors will also set off with the Demon Suppressing Army.

In the wars that broke out in the battlefields outside the territory, although the Immortal Lord and Immortal Lord level monks had the largest number.

But the key to victory or defeat often lies in the power of the Immortal Emperor.

Now, the demon army has gathered in Wangshu Fortress, and the war situation is in danger.

This time, Dayu Immortal Court also spared no expense and directly mobilized eighteen Immortal Emperor-level experts to rush to the front line.

Thinking about it, it can alleviate the danger on the front line very well.

"The battle situation on the front line is tight, so there is no point in wasting time and words!"

The leader, a man wearing a golden python robe, waved his sleeves and shouted loudly: "Teleportation formation, get up!"

This person is obviously also a strong member of the royal family, and his aura is extremely powerful, far surpassing the other seventeen Immortal Emperors.

If Ling Feng guessed correctly, the strength of this man in python robe may have reached the half-broken level.

As he finished speaking, a magic formation hundreds of feet high rose from the ground.

A deep purple vortex jumped in the center of the magic circle, and chaotic time and space tides erupted from the vortex.

The "road" to the battlefield outside the territory may not be easy to walk at all!

"Set off!"

The man in the python robe shouted loudly, and then Huang Shicheng, the demon-suppressing general, raised his sword high.

Under the command of the commanders, each battalion and each team entered the teleportation array in an orderly manner.

Ling Feng took another look and saw that underneath the teleportation circle, the immortal crystals were burning crazily. Almost every minute and every second, the amount of immortal crystals needed to be consumed was immeasurable.

The cost of transporting an army of 300,000 to the front line is probably something that only the seven super-first-rate forces can afford.

Soon, Ling Feng followed the other soldiers and entered the magic circle.

His vision went dark, and then came the extremely long transmission process.

It took almost a whole morning for all the 300,000 troops to enter the teleportation circle.

After everyone was finished, the man in the python robe turned back and glanced at the demon-suppressing general Huang Shicheng, and said slowly: "General Huang, it's time for us to set off!"

"Yes, Prince Su!"

Huang Shicheng nodded anxiously. Although he respected him as the Demon-Suppressing General, he was nothing in front of this man.

This man is the son of the Great Yu Saint Emperor. The current Emperor Yu's uncle's strength has reached the half-broken state.

If he hadn't been obsessed with martial arts, he would have easily obtained the throne.

"Uncle Emperor, you are actually taking action personally this time. You will definitely be able to defeat those demons and leave them with teeth all over the place!"

In front of Prince Su, Yu Bingqing rarely showed her playful side.

"You girl."

Prince Su shook his head and smiled, "Not bad, not bad. I haven't seen you for many years, and I have grown a lot. I am full of energy and blood, and I am full of energy. Very good. I will have a good chance in the future to surpass your imperial brother!"

"Cough cough cough..."

Yu Bingqing suddenly started coughing. This was what Prince Su was saying, and no one else dared to say it even if they had the courage to do so.

Her royal brother is His Majesty Emperor Yu!

After some pleasantries, Prince Nasu said no more and led more than ten powerful Immortal Emperors into the teleportation circle.

"Your Highness, Princess, please!"

Huang Shicheng saluted Yu Bingqing, and then, together with Yu Bingqing, he took a dozen of his generals into the battle.

The transmission process this time was longer than Ling Feng imagined.

Even, it far exceeds the cross-domain level teleportation array.

The frequent eruptions of time and space tides made the soldiers who rushed to the battlefield for the first time even more frightened.

These well-trained soldiers were like this, let alone Fatty Huang and Yu Qiubai.

At this moment, the two of them were hugging each other, one was talking about "old uncle" covering me, and the other was talking about "don't be afraid", nephew, but both of them were so frightened that their faces turned pale and they were shaking.

Ling Feng slapped his forehead and was extremely speechless towards these two guys.

Finally, no matter how long it took, light finally appeared in front of me.


The next moment, everyone was thrown out of the transmission channel.

What you see is an extremely desolate and devastated world.

In the distance, low hills rise one after another, with potholes everywhere.

Ling Feng took a deep breath. The extremely thin spiritual energy of heaven and earth was escaping in the air. Instead, there was a demonic energy that caused anger, pain and sadness.

In other words, in this place, the rate of recovery of cultivation by relying on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will be suppressed to the extreme.

Most people can only rely on elixirs to restore their mana.

However, for Ling Feng, it did not have much impact.

Whether it's demonic energy, spiritual energy, or the body of chaos, they can all be blended into one furnace.


At this moment, there was a loud vomiting sound coming from beside him.

However, Fatty Huang and Yu Qiubai, who had just been thrown out of the transmission channel, fell to the ground and started vomiting.

What a shame!

However, considering the past of the two of them, being able to stand on this battlefield is already a breakthrough.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, artillery fire was raging, and there was a sound of indiscriminate bombing not far away, only about a hundred miles away.

"The demons are attacking the city!"

At this time, a commander in armor yelled. It seemed that they had just arrived at Wangshu Fortress and were about to face a fierce fight.

Whoosh whoosh!

At the same time, eighteen rays of golden light flew out, the leader of which was none other than Prince Nasu.

"The whole army forms a formation and follow me to charge!"

Prince Su shouted loudly, and then, seventeen Immortal Emperors turned into rainbows and shot out.


One after another, extremely terrifying roars came and went.

Ling Feng looked up and saw dozens of huge creatures swimming in the sky.

Astonishingly, it is the void life!

Moreover, they are all void beings above the eighth level, comparable to the Immortal Emperor level!

Each head is hundreds of feet long, and the whole body is erupting with terrifying void power.

In the distance, the towering city wall was suffering from the crazy impact of those void beings. Countless cracks had appeared and it was on the verge of collapse.




Those huge giant monsters either slapped them with their giant palms or hit them with their bodies. The terrifying aftermath of power impacted and turned into huge waves sweeping over them. Wherever they passed, the ground collapsed and mountains were destroyed!

If this continues, this fortress may be in danger.

Unexpectedly, the battle situation at Wangshu Fortress has become so critical!

"Take the battalion as a unit! Support the frontline defenders quickly!"

Immediately afterwards, Huang Shicheng also appeared in the sky. As the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, now that the war situation was critical, he had to rush to the front line to fight.


The commanders of each battalion shouted loudly at the same time.


"Come on!"

"Kill those demon bastards!"

In an instant, shouts of killing shook the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the 300,000-strong army spread out, like ten sharp knives, piercing the battlefield.

Ling Feng followed the army led by Chen Wu and advanced toward the southwest.

Although Fatty Huang and Yu Qiubai turned pale with fear, they also knew that waste like themselves would die faster if they were separated from the large army.

Gritting his teeth and fighting hard, he had to follow Ling Feng.

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