Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3941 I can kill him!


In the sky above the battlefield, the giant beast of the void roared endlessly.

Under the crazy offensive of these behemoths, the defenders of Wangshu Fortress could only defend the barrier with their lives.

One after another, the city guards died of exhaustion.

But soon, there will be newcomers to fill in.

Once the barrier is broken and the demon army invades the fortress, this will become the first fortress lost in the battle with the demons on the battlefield outside the territory.

Every monk in the Dayu Immortal Courtyard would absolutely not want to see such a shameful and humiliating event.

Therefore, even if you use your life to defend this city wall, you will not hesitate.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

Those behemoths, physically indestructible, did not take them seriously even when faced with thousands of immortal monks.

Their eyes were always fixed on the city wall, and they did not even fight back against the crazy attack of the defending army, but just attacked the city wall crazily.

Their mission is to destroy the defensive barrier of Wangshu Fortress so that the demon army can invade the fortress and completely destroy it in one fell swoop.

A dozen Immortal Emperor-level void beings, just the burst of void tides are enough to frighten people.

In the battlefield ahead, nearly a million demon clan troops were pressing forward.

The defenders in the fortress had to allocate more than 70% of their troops to deal with the demon army.

At the same time, dozens of demon emperors launched an attack at the same time.

Within the Wangshu Fortress, there have been several large-scale attacks, resulting in the loss of troops and generals.

Facing the pressure of dozens of demon emperors, they could only send out all the powerful immortal emperors to respond to the enemy.

Fifty thousand soldiers were left on this side of the city wall to stop those giant void beasts.

However, their crazy attacks had almost a negligible impact on these void beings.

Only the dozens of divine and demon-slaying cannons on the city tower can slightly slow down the attack of these giant void beasts.

However, the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon, which was manufactured at a huge cost, is still quite limited in its lethality against the behemoths of the void.

At this moment, a golden light fell from the sky.

"Cangtian Yulong Slash!"

Immediately afterwards, a dragon roar descended from the sky.

But it was Prince Su who slashed down from the sky with a sword. When the sword energy exploded, in an instant, he split a giant beast in the void into two!

"Reinforcements are coming!"

"Reinforcements are coming!"


The soldiers guarding the city cheered.

Under the city tower, there were already corpses everywhere.

If these behemoths of the void are allowed to attack again, the city tower will surely fall.

"Elders, respect my orders!"

Prince Su pointed his sword at the sky, with a majestic appearance, and roared loudly: "Kill the giant beast in the void here, and then quickly reinforce the front line!"

"Follow the order!"

A group of Immortal Emperor elders simultaneously let out loud roars that shook the sky.

Although the situation on the front line is equally precarious, the base camp must be defended no matter what.

Otherwise, everyone will become a lost dog and have no choice but to run away in a hurry.

Prince Su took a deep breath, the sword energy spread across the sky, golden light burst out, and transformed into a golden sword god. Wherever he passed, flesh and blood flew.

With his half-step Broken Realm strength, every sword energy is a fatal threat to those giant void beasts.

Sure enough, soon, the Void Beast's war strategy changed at the same time. Instead of storming the city wall, it surrounded Prince Su.

This troublesome human must be eliminated first in order to suppress the momentum of Dayu Xianting to the greatest extent.

At the same time, Ling Feng followed the army led by Chen Wu and rapidly advanced to the southwest.

Their mission is to respond to the defenders on the frontline battlefield.

We cannot allow those demonic armies to open the gap and reinforce those giant void beasts that break into the rear.

Boom boom boom!

High in the sky, the battle between the Immortal Emperor and the Demon Emperor has reached a fever pitch.

Almost every minute, you can see blazing fireworks erupting in the sky.

Either the sun burns the sky, or the dark clouds cover the moon!

In the space of the outer battlefield, there is no sun, and there are always three bloody moons hanging high in the sky, with different colors and shades.

And the laws of time and space here are, as Empress Qingluo said, terrifyingly solid.

If it had been anywhere else, a battle of this level would have shattered the void and shattered the plane.

However, on the battlefield outside the territory, the destructive power caused seemed to be suppressed to the extreme.

Even with the destructive power of the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon, the impact point of a cannonball can only blast a deep pit of less than one foot in place.

"Holy shit, shit, don't you want it to be so exciting right from the start!"

Fatty Huang's face was so frightened that he would fall down every ten steps, and his whole body was shaking like a sieve. "Damn it, if I had known, I wouldn't have killed you. Damn it! Is it too late for me to go back now?"

Yu Qiubai was even more saddened, recalling the high bed and soft pillows in the imperial city. What the hell kind of place was this.

Is this a place for people to stay?

Ling Feng sighed secretly in his heart, hoping that after experiencing the battle of blood and fire, these two people could change.

However, looking at their current appearance, they might be in trouble.

With no time to be distracted, Ling Feng charged with the army, and soon, he had turned against the defenders of Wangshu Fortress.

Seeing the reinforcements coming, the defenders suddenly burst out with strong fighting spirit and roared towards the demon army.

However, such a battlefield is like a huge furnace.

No matter if you are an Immortal Lord or an Immortal Lord, you will be easily swallowed by this melting pot.

On the battlefield, corpses were everywhere and blood was flowing.

"Commander Chen, you are finally here!"

A middle-aged man among the defenders had his armor torn into dozens of cracks, blood seeped out of the hard armor, and his eyes had already turned red.

He held the spear with one hand, grinned and roared, "Kill! Kill with me!"

"Old Meng, your hand!"

Chen Wu saw that Commander Meng had his right arm cut off, and immediately clenched his fist.

"Damn demon cubs!"

He roared, and his figure passed by Commander Meng, and said in a deep voice: "Old Meng, you lead the frontline defenders to retreat first, leave this to me!"

"Bullshit, retreat!"

Meng Hanjiang had already been bloodthirsty. This tragic battle took away countless of his companions who fought side by side, and took away his two sons.

Anger and grief made him lose his mind.

"I'd rather die here!" Chen Wu frowned and slapped Meng Hanjiang's old face, "Fuck you, don't forget that you are a commander, you are responsible for the lives of the soldiers under you!" Meng Hanjiang was stunned by Chen Wu's slap, but the blood in his blood-red eyes gradually faded, and he regained some calmness. "Shui Han, Huang Yuan, and Yu Qiubai!" Chen Wu took a deep breath, turned back to find Ling Feng and the others, and said in a deep voice: "You lead a team to escort Commander Meng to retreat!" "Okay, okay!" Huang Yuan was overjoyed when he heard it, and nodded repeatedly, "I am good at escorting! I guarantee to complete the task!" Yu Qiubai also breathed a sigh of relief. Retreat is good! It's much better than fighting on the front line! Only Ling Feng smiled bitterly in his heart. Although the demon-suppressing general said that he couldn't take care of his son, in fact, he was afraid that he had secretly told Chen Wu. Although Ling Feng came to the battlefield outside the domain to accumulate merits and become a nine-star war god, only then can he gain a foothold in the fairyland openly.

But there is no need to rush.

"I obey your orders!"

Ling Feng bowed to Chen Wu, and then led a team of only a dozen people under the arrangement of Chen Wu.

Chen Wu looked at Ling Feng meaningfully. He knew that Huang Yuan and Yu Qiubai were both fools, and the only one he could trust was Ling Feng.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Wu began to assemble the army.

Commander Meng also regained his composure and quickly ordered the guards to retreat.

They have been fighting on the battlefield for a whole day. In this ghost place, the immortal cultivators cannot restore their mana by practicing qigong and regulating their breathing.

If this continues, all the defenders on the front line will be wiped out.

Only after retreating to the rear and recovering through elixirs can they fight against the demons again.

"Old Meng, you have to live well! Otherwise, all the brothers will die in vain!"

Chen Wu looked at Meng Hanjiang deeply, then raised the flag in his hand and shouted, "Soldiers of the Demon Suppression Army, kill them!"


Suddenly, the roar shook the sky, and the defenders of the fortress and the Demon Suppression Army quickly completed the exchange, and advanced ten miles forward in one go.

When Chen Wu led the army to kill, Ling Feng quickly sealed the blood vessels for Commander Meng and simply treated his injuries.

"Little brother, thank you!"

Commander Meng frowned and looked at Ling Feng. His body was corroded by the demonic energy and suffered from the pain of the demonic energy.

And Ling Feng drove out all the demonic energy with just a few palms.

It seems that this is another young man from a noble family.

"Commander Meng, you don't have to be polite."

Ling Feng looked at the defenders under Meng Hanjiang's command. Only less than 5,000 people were left, but they held back a full 100,000 demon army for a whole day.

This willpower is admirable.

Meng Hanjiang took a deep breath, nodded to Ling Feng, and then raised his arm and shouted: "All soldiers, listen to my order, follow me, retreat to Wangshu Fortress, and restore your cultivation!"


The five thousand remnants shouted at the same time.

Although almost all of them were seriously injured, none of them were cowards.

Perhaps infected by this fighting spirit, Fatty Huang and Yu Qiubai couldn't help but clenched their fists, as if they had begun to adapt to this cold and bloody battlefield.


At the same time, above the sky, a one-eyed demon with wings on his back sneered when he saw that the reinforcements led by Commander Chen Wu had replaced the original group of defenders.

"Want to retreat?"

The one-eyed demon grinned, revealing a mouthful of sharp fangs, "I want you to be annihilated!"

He waved his hand and shouted: "Black Feather Camp, go around and kill them!"

"Yes, Lord Saksi!"

As soon as the voice fell, a thousand demons with wings on their backs took off into the air, bypassed the powerful battlefield, and headed straight for the remnants of Meng Hanjiang's army.

Although the defenders led by Meng Hanjiang were outnumbered, they relied on their iron willpower to stop them here for a full twelve hours!

Moreover, the reason why Saksi became one-eyed was thanks to Meng Hanjiang.

Of course, Meng Hanjiang's arm was also torn off by him.

The two sides were barely a draw.

Now, of course, he would not watch this mortal enemy retreat safely.

"Not good!"

Chen Wu's expression suddenly changed when he saw that among the demon army, there were thousands of black-feathered demons that avoided direct confrontation with them.

These black-feathered demons are extremely fast, and ordinary immortals cannot catch up with them.

And their goal was obviously towards Meng Hanjiang and the others.

But as the saying goes, there is no turning back.

Their army has already rushed out. If they turn back at this time, once their formation is disrupted, not only will their morale be affected, but they will even pay an extremely heavy price for it.

He shouted loudly, and with a dozen of his followers, his figure suddenly rose into the sky.

He actually wanted to stop all these black-feathered demons.

"Joke! Who dares to stop me!"

Sakshi smiled coldly, and a purple light flashed in the remaining one eye.

This person actually has a trace of the Gulando family bloodline like the demon girl Keveli.

In an instant, the purple eye force tore the void apart.

From the crack in the void, a void lifeform dozens of feet tall emerged, shaped like a flying mantis, with a pair of huge jet black scythes connected to its front paws.

The black light flashed, and blood rained all over the sky.

This void life summoned by Sakshi has actually reached the level of a void lord!


For a moment, Chen Wu only felt that the pressure was greatly increased. Facing the threat of the void life, he could only grit his teeth and fight against it.

As for those black-feathered demons who had gone around, they could only choose to believe Meng Hanjiang.

"Lao Meng, yourself...hey!"

Chen Wu tightened his fists. At this moment, he had no time to be distracted!

"Hmph, Varuk, have fun with them!"

Nasakshi's wings flapped behind his back, and then, following the black-feathered demons rushing forward, he charged towards the retreating 5,000 remnant army led by Meng Hanjiang.

"here we go again!"

At the same time, Meng Hanjiang's expression changed. He was naturally very familiar with the aura of this old enemy.

"That devil is coming after me!"

Meng Hanjiang frowned, looked back at a subordinate next to him, and said solemnly: "Deputy Commander, you follow this little brother and retreat, I will stop that devil!"

"How is this possible!"

The deputy commander quickly stopped Meng Hanjiang, "If you want to go, I'll go too!"

"Can you stop me?"

Meng Hanjiang shouted loudly, kicked the deputy commander away, and looked deeply at Ling Feng, "Little brother, please!"

"If the commander doesn't leave, we won't leave either!"

The five thousand remnants of the army shouted loudly at the same time.


Meng Hanjiang clenched his fists, and a rush of blood rushed to the top of his head, "Okay, okay! They are all good! Damn, if you dare to chase me, then be prepared to never go back! Form an array and face the enemy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the five thousand remnants of the army formed a formation quickly.

No wonder they were able to intercept a hundred thousand demon army with only a few enemies!

All of these people can be regarded as tough guys!

"Stupid humans, hahahaha!"

Nasaksi led the Black Feather Battalion to attack. When he saw Meng Hanjiang actually giving up escaping and preparing to fight, he suddenly burst into laughter and said, "Go to hell, go to hell!"

All of these remnants were seriously injured.

And his Black Feather Camp had not participated in the war before, but now it was at the peak of its power.

Even if there were only 3,000 Black Feather Battalions, it would be easy to completely annihilate the 5,000 remnants of the army.

Seeing that Sakshi was so arrogant, three thousand black feather battalions swept in, wrapped in billowing demonic energy.

But at this moment, Ling Feng took a deep breath and resolutely took a step forward.

"I can kill that leader!"

As soon as the words fell, Ling Feng's figure had already risen into the sky, like an immortal god. He could stop thousands of armies with his own strength!

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