Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3942 Beheading! Fight to become famous!


The one-eyed demon leader Sakshi suddenly showed a trace of disdain when he saw a young boy who didn't know how to live or die flying out from among the remnants of the human camp.

"You don't know what you can do!"

A cruel arc appeared at the corner of Saksi's mouth, and he raised his hand casually, and the billowing demonic energy condensed into five bloody claw marks, tearing away towards Ling Feng.


Meng Hanjiang's expression changed drastically, and he thought Ling Feng was just a stupid young man who didn't know the heights of the world.

Indeed, he has the strength of a peak Immortal Lord, but in this extraterrestrial battlefield, he is also a Peak Immortal Lord, but his strength is only slightly different, but it can be said to be a world of difference.

That Sakshi had the blood of a high-level demon race, and even he couldn't get the slightest advantage, and even had an arm cut off. How could such a young boy like him be compared to him.

However, facing Sakshi's clutches, Ling Feng did not dodge, but instead ran straight into it.

The next moment, Ling Feng's figure was torn into pieces by the bloody claw marks. However, the imagined scene of blood rain did not appear.

Sakshi's expression changed, and with his eyesight, he had already realized that the boy he tore apart was just an afterimage.

In an instant, a sense of crisis came over, and Sakshi felt a chill down her spine.

An extremely cold long knife appeared on his back.


Sakshi turned around suddenly, only to see that Ling Feng was already holding a frost-condensed long knife and slashed it down.

That long sword was transformed from Ling Feng's Ten Directions Destruction. In order to hide himself as much as possible, Ling Feng changed his sword skills to sword skills, and at the same time mainly used the power of ice laws.

In Ling Feng's body, the blood power of his mother's half of the Xuantian Ice Clan flows. In addition, when he faced the Great Dao Level Pill Tribulation before, his potential was fully stimulated.

Now, although he has not directly exposed the power of Xuntian Ice Soul, the ice laws he uses have annihilation and destruction attributes that ordinary ice laws do not possess.

In just a moment of confrontation, a layer of frost formed on the wings behind Sakshi.

"Lord Sakshi!"

Seeing Sakshi being "sneak-attacked" by Ling Feng, the black-feathered demons rushed forward to rescue him, but were suddenly blocked by barriers condensed with black ice.

"Attack now!"

Meng Hanjiang's reaction was also very fast. Seeing that Ling Feng had such strength, he immediately cooperated with him.

The moment Ling Feng used the Black Ice Barrier to stop the black-feathered demons, the five thousand remnants of the army looked up to the sky and let out a roar.

"Swish swish!"

Rays of golden light burst out from the ground, and five thousand remnants of the army threw their spears at the Black Feather Camp in the sky at the same time.

The sound of breaking wind roared past.

The overbearing Qi swept across Zhou Tian!

While Ling Feng slashed at Na Saksi, he also mobilized the power of the law of wind to accelerate the speed of throwing spears.

"Boy, you are seeking death!"

Sakshi's remaining one eye was widened, staring at the young man in front of her in disbelief.

With an angry roar, a black storm rolled up around Sakshi and slammed into Ling Feng.

However, Ling Feng's figure instantly disappeared into the ice wall, and the black storm transformed by Sakshi hit the ice barrier. The violent impact instantly crushed the ice wall into powder.

But at the same time, it also directly dispersed the Black Feather Camp behind them.

"grown ups!"

The expressions of the demons from the Black Feather Camp changed drastically. They had already worked together to launch the Black Feather Arrow Formation to deal with the spear formation of the human defenders.

Now, it was destroyed by Sakshi.

Tsk tsk tsk!

For a moment, spears pierced directly through the body of the Black Feather Camp Demon Clan and were nailed to the ground.

Nearly half of the three thousand Black Feather Battalion were killed or injured in one round of confrontation!

But Ling Feng's back-up plan did not give those demons any chance to breathe.

Swish, swish, swish!

At this moment, a huge whirlpool emerged in the sky, and countless ice crystal spears fell, causing the Black Feather Battalion to lose its troops again.


Sakshi was so angry that he gritted his teeth and roared towards the sky. However, Ling Feng's sword had been waiting for him for a long time.


A loud shout that shook the sky resounded throughout the sky.

Then, accompanied by lightning and storm, Ling Feng's figure landed like red thunder.

When two figures, one black and one red, collided.

Boom boom boom!

A terrifying explosion sounded, and then a dazzling light shone far and wide!

And when everything disappeared and calm returned, only Ling Feng was left in the sky, standing in the sky relying on the virtual wind to control the wind.

In his hand, he was holding a bloody head!

It is the commander of the Black Feather Battalion, Sakshi!

"The enemy general's head is here! You guys, don't wait to be killed!"

Ling Feng raised the head high and looked at the demons from the Black Feather Camp, his eyes bursting with a domineering aura.

But the armor on his body was not stained by blood.

It seems that for him, killing a demon general is no waste of effort.

At the same time, because Sakshi drank hatred on the spot, the giant void beast 'Varuk' summoned by him was also sealed into the void again.

For a time, the military morale was greatly boosted!

"Good boy!"

Commander Chen Wu looked back and saw Ling Feng holding the demon general's head, standing in the sky, and he was immediately overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, General Huang actually recommended such a fierce general to himself.

"Soldiers, take advantage of this opportunity and kill them all in one fell swoop!"

With a loud shout, Chen Wu waved his command flag, and then the whole army turned into tigers and surged out.

For a time, the 30,000 troops under his command were like a golden torrent, destroying everything it passed. The demon army, without the command of its general, was instantly defeated.

Meng Hanjiang clenched his fists and looked at Ling Feng in the air. His blood-red eyes instantly filled with tears.

The blood feud between his two sons was finally avenged!


The next moment, the head in Ling Feng's hand exploded, and blood rained down. Ling Feng looked at the defeated soldiers of the Black Feather Camp.


In a flash, Ling Feng's figure disappeared again, and when he reappeared, he had already broken into the Black Feather Camp.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Streams of blood rain were thrown high, and every time Ling Feng struck with his sword, he would definitely take the lives of several demons.

"Monster, monster!"

"Run away!"

All of a sudden, these Black Feather Battalions, who relied on their speed advantage on the battlefield and were invincible, became the souls of Ling Feng's sword one after another. They didn't even have time to escape.

And Ling Feng didn't notice that the more he killed, the more pure blood flowed into his body from the blade.

Finally, they converged towards the killing mark between the eyebrows.

The so-called great killing technique can only reach the highest level in killing.

This extraterrestrial battlefield is indeed the most suitable place for Ling Feng to make a breakthrough.

Before the fort.

Prince Su slashed back a giant void beast with his sword. His sword energy spread across the sky. Surrounded by more than a dozen giant void beasts, he seemed to be strolling around without any panic at all.

He could even see Ling Feng's side with his peripheral vision, and secretly let out a sigh of admiration.

"Which family's junior is that? At such a young age, he has such domineering murderous intent!"

Obviously, after this stop, Ling Feng had left an extremely deep impression on Prince Su's mind.

With the power of one person, he can take the head of an enemy general among thousands of troops, just like searching a bag for something!

Such achievements are enough to be proud of!

After this battle, this son will be of great use!

In the distance, Yu Bingqing has returned to the tower of Wangshu Fortress under the escort of the guards.

Her eyes were looking at Ling Feng's killing figure from a distance, and a look of incomparable admiration appeared in her eyes.

Ling Feng mentioned to her that his goal in going to the battlefield outside the territory was to directly obtain the title of Nine-Star God of War. From then on, he could be upright and establish himself in the fairyland.

At that time, he can completely marry her and become her consort with his true identity.

Thinking of this, Yu Bingqing couldn't help but blush.

Behind her, the geniuses from the Sangong family clenched their fists one by one.

"Humph, that's all!"

Wang Anyi, the son of Situ Mansion, snorted coldly, his eyes full of dissatisfaction.

Qi Yunchang, the young master of the Sikong Mansion, even sneered: "If it were me, I could kill the demon leader with one move! Hum, that kid, all bells and whistles, nothing more than that!"

Only Du Yutang from the Grand Sima Mansion remained silent. Although he hated Ling Feng, he was not a brainless person.

The strength shown by Ling Feng has exceeded his expectations.

It seems that whether it is to help Du Ziling regain his breath or to win the favor of Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess, this person must be eliminated quickly!

When Yu Bingqing heard Wang Anyi and Qi Yunchang's complaints, she couldn't help but sneered, "You are so capable, why don't you go up and try it yourself?"


Qi Yunchang said quickly: "Our mission is to protect Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess and not to leave even an inch!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Wang Anyi also nodded repeatedly, "If not, would that kid still have his turn in such a limelight thing?"

Du Yutang instead followed Yu Bingqing's intention and said, "Both of you, Brother Shui Han's strength is actually obvious to everyone. Come to think of it, he is already above us, and Yutang is even more ashamed of himself!"


Wang and Qi snorted at the same time, their eyes full of dissatisfaction.

There was a cunning look in Du Yutang's eyes.

His words not only catered to Yu Bingqing and made her let go of her previous prejudices against him, but also deliberately aroused Wang and Qi's jealousy towards Ling Feng. They really killed two birds with one stone.

In this way, Wang and Qi would target Ling Feng everywhere without him having to take action himself.

He could hide behind his back and pretend to be a good guy.

In the end, even if Wang Anyi and Qi Yunchang were taken advantage of by him, Her Royal Highness the Princess would definitely look at him differently.

It must be him, Du Yutang, who finally wins the beauty.

Little did he know that his little thoughts could not fool Yu Bingqing's eyes.

You know, in order to practice the law of charm, Yu Bingqing had "seen countless men" before. People like Du Yutang thought they were a little clever and could play with people's hearts.

However, in her opinion, it was so naive and ridiculous.

However, she didn't say anything. He wanted to see what this smart man wanted to do?

If he dares to deal with Ling Feng, she will naturally show him her own methods!

On the frontline battlefield, in just a quarter of an hour, the entire remaining army of the Black Feather Battalion was slaughtered by Ling Feng alone.

After killing so many demons from the Black Feather Camp, Ling Feng's body was still unstained with blood.

Ling Feng's figure flashed and returned to Meng Hanjiang.

In this battle, Meng Hanjiang's remaining 5,000 troops wiped out 3,000 Black Feather Battalions without losing a single person.

And all of this is thanks to Ling Feng.

Meng Hanjiang stared at Ling Feng with great excitement. You know, this was his first battle on the battlefield outside the territory!

The next moment, Ling Feng propped his knife on the ground, pretending to be extremely weak.

Otherwise, it will appear that you are too outrageous.

After all, human monks, unless they have a physique like Yu Jingyuan, are rarely able to recover their mana on their own in extraterrestrial battlefields.

Ling Feng didn't want to expose this prematurely.

After all, in addition to the opponent in front of you, there may be other enemies behind you.

It's always right to keep something safe.

"Boss Shui, you are so strong! I love you so much. If I were a woman, I would definitely marry you first!"

Before Ling Feng could pretend to be weak, the next moment, Fatty Huang came over and hugged him.

Yu Qiubai also screamed and rushed forward, shouting, "Did you see, this is my uncle! He is my uncle!..."


Ling Feng was speechless for a moment. These two guys must have some serious brain problems.

"Little friend Shuihan!"

Meng Hanjiang also walked forward quickly, and the next moment, he knelt down directly towards Ling Feng.

"My little friend killed Sakshi and avenged the murder of my son. Please accept my respect!"

Seeing Commander Meng kneel down, the five thousand remnants of the army all knelt down as well.

There is no doubt that Ling Feng was on the battlefield for the first time and had already accumulated considerable prestige among the defenders of Wangshu Fortress.

Ling Feng stretched out his hand to support Meng Hanjiang and said quickly: "Commander Meng, we'd better retreat to the fortress as soon as possible to restore our mana!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Commander Meng nodded repeatedly, "I'm so excited! The whole army continues to retreat and return to the fortress!"

At the same time, the other nine reinforcements finally completed their replacement with the defenders.

After about an hour, all the defenders retreated into the fortress.

The 300,000 reinforcements finally gathered into one force, and under the command of the Demon-Suppressing General, they formed an encirclement on the demon army.

It has to be said that perhaps Huang Shicheng's personal combat power is not that incredible, but his tactical strategies and ability to control the entire battle situation are probably unmatched by anyone on this battlefield.

High in the sky, the powerful Immortal Emperor led by Prince Su finally succeeded in suppressing those giant void beasts.

Then, he joined forces with the strong Immortal Emperor among the defenders to repel the opponent's strong Demon Emperor.

This fierce and massive fortress guarding battle lasted for three days and three nights, and finally ended with the repelling of a million demon army.

But the price paid for this is not unbearable.

On top of the city tower, almost all the soldiers were staggering.

Although they had repelled the demons, they had almost reached their limit.

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