Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3943 News from the Queen!

Wangshu Fortress, inside the commander's camp.

At this moment, Prince Su sat upright on the main seat.

The first position on his left is the Grand Governor of Wangshu Fortress, who is also an Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse named Du Zhongwei.

It can be easily judged from his surname that he is a strong man from the Great Sima Mansion.

The first person under Prince Su's right hand is Huang Shicheng, the demon-suppressing general.

Then came the Immortal Emperor elders among the defenders of Wangshu Fortress, and a dozen Immortal Emperors who came with Prince Su to reinforce the front line.

Further down are the generals of each county and battalion.

Such as Chen Wu and Meng Hanjiang are also among them.

Although they finally defeated the demon army after a hard battle, the price they paid was not small.

Just out of the 300,000 demon-suppressing troops that came for reinforcements this time, almost 80,000 have been defeated.

As for the original defenders, they suffered heavy losses.

In fact, as many as three Immortal Emperor-level experts have fallen.

There are countless other immortal-level generals.

This was undoubtedly a brutal and bloody battle.

Even if the Wangshu Fortress was defended, it would only be a miserable victory.

On the demon side, although about 80% of the million-strong demon army was wiped out, most of them were low-level demons who were used as cannon fodder.

Those low-level demons only need to rely on the power of flesh and blood and demonic energy to continuously reproduce, and the speed of reproduction is extremely terrifying.

Although their losses this time are also huge, they are afraid that after ten days and a half of reproduction, the number of low-level demons will grow to their original level.

In comparison, the three thousand Black Feather Battalion that Ling Feng annihilated in one fell swoop was a real pain to the demons.

At this moment, in the camp, from Prince Su to the commanders of each camp, their faces were almost as dark as water, without any joy at having defeated the demons.

"Everyone, we have just repelled this round of attack by the demons after a fierce battle. The soldiers should have had a good rest, but everyone knows very well that the next round of attack by those demons will , I’m afraid it’s coming soon.”

Finally, it was Huang Shicheng who broke the silence and said in a deep voice: "Moreover, the next round of offensive will probably be more violent, and the high-level demons sent will be even more powerful!"

His eyes looked at Prince Su.

Although there is a strong man who is half-step into the Broken Realm, his appearance will undoubtedly cause shock to the higher-ups of the demon clan.

I believe that it won’t be long before the demons will send out strong men who can rival the Half-Step Broken Realm to attack the city.

Not only that, there are also some beings among the demons who are good at summoning void life.

Once a half-step broken-level void beast arrives on the battlefield, the situation faced by Wangshu Fortress will become even worse.

Even the Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon is absolutely unable to cause any damage to the half-step shattering void beast.

"Although no one is willing to admit it, I must tell you responsibly that the scale of the attack by the demon army has exceeded the limit that our Wangshu Fortress can handle. It can even be said that it has exceeded the limit of our Yu Xianting The limit of what you can handle.”

Huang Shicheng clenched his fists, took a deep breath, and after a long while, he said something that no one wanted to hear.

"We can only ask for help from other forces!"

The reinforcements of 300,000 demon-suppressing troops were almost all the wealth that Dayu Xianting could produce.

Unless all the imperial guards are mobilized, it will be difficult to alleviate the current crisis.

The other fortress controlled by Dayu Xianting, Xihe Fortress, is located in the far north of the battlefield outside the territory. Water from afar cannot quench the thirst of the nearer.

After all, it is impossible to form a stable space-time connection in the outer battlefield space. In other words, the fortresses cannot teleport to each other through the teleportation array.

Their teleportation circle can only be transmitted to the outside world, or incoming from the outside world.

It is not even possible to perform cross-teleportation, but a one-to-one single-point teleportation array.

Their only choice is Quexie Fortress, which is closest to Wangshu Fortress.

And that fortress belongs to the Xantian Mountain Clan.

After the words fell, the faces of the Immortal Emperor elders and generals on the field darkened, but no one spoke for a long time.

Although Huang Shicheng's words are straightforward, they are true.

This first round of offensive had almost resulted in the loss of Wangshu Fortress.

If reinforcements had not arrived in time, Wangshu Fortress might have been trampled by the demon army at this moment.

And these people can only become homeless dogs.

Either bow to the Xantian Mountain Clan and ask for help, or flee after the city is broken.

The only choices before them seemed to be these two.

"There are just other forces, but the Xuantian Mountain Clan!"

Grand Governor Du Zhongwei frowned and gritted his teeth: "General Huang, you don't know about our relationship with the Xantian Mountain Clan, do you?"

"The lips are cold and the teeth are dead. Once the Wangshu Fortress is lost, the next one will be the Quexie Fortress."

Huang Shicheng took a deep breath and sighed softly: "I think the guard of the Angel Patrol, as long as he is not too stupid, should understand this truth."

"Even so, asking for help from the Xantian Mountain Clan would be too much..."

Prince Su tightened his fists. Even if the Xantian Mountain clan was finally willing to send troops to rescue, they would definitely have to be humble and even pay a heavy price.

He took a deep breath and walked quickly to the map in the middle of the camp. His eyes focused on the nearest fortress to the southwest of Quexie Fortress.

"Dingfeng Fortress!"

He pointed at the location of Dingfeng Fortress marked on the map, and a ray of light burst out in his eyes, "Instead of asking for help from the Xantian Mountain Clan, it is better to go to the Xantian Feng Clan! Our Dayu Immortal Court and the Xantian Feng Clan are nothing old. blame!"

However, just as he finished speaking, Du Zhongwei couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, "On the only way from Wangshu Fortress to Dingfeng Fortress, there is an elite army of demons stationed. Not all of them are without them. You idiot, at least this escape route has been blocked. I have tried to find someone to break out before, but they all failed."

After a pause, Du Zhongwei continued: "The general of the demon army guarding there is a demon emperor!"


There was a loud noise, but Prince Su smashed the table in front of him to pieces.

One can imagine the depression in his heart at this moment.

For a moment, everyone in the camp was as silent as a cicada, not daring to make a sound.

After a long while, Prince Su slowly closed his eyes and sighed.

When he opened his eyes again, he seemed to have grown much older.

"That's all, let's go ask for help from Quexie Fortress!"

He put his hands behind his back and walked straight out of the tent.

However, just when he walked to the door curtain, he turned back and looked at Meng Hanjiang.

"You must be Meng Hanjiang."

"The prince actually remembers the name of the general!"

Meng Hanjiang stood up suddenly, his face full of excitement.

"That boy..."

Prince Su pondered for a moment and said slowly: "What was the name of the young man who defeated the leader of the Black Feather Battalion with one sword!"

"His name is Shui Han!"

Before Meng Hanjiang could speak, Yu Bingqing shouted with a smile.

As a representative of the royal family, Yu Bingqing is the eldest princess, so she is naturally qualified to sit here.

However, she is naturally not interested in major military affairs.

But when Ling Feng was mentioned, interest arose here.

"Uncle Emperor, what do you think? You think he's great, right?"

Yu Bingqing's eyes flashed with excitement.

"Shuihan, you are quite capable."

Prince Su nodded slightly, "This person is very fast. Let him lead a small team to Quexie Fortress to ask for help."

Obviously, Prince Su admired Ling Feng very much and was ready to give him a chance to make meritorious deeds.

By the way, I also tested his abilities.

If Ling Feng can successfully bring reinforcements and solve the immediate urgent need, then he can justifiably promote Ling Feng directly.

"I am coming too!"

As soon as Yu Bingqing heard that Prince Su was going to send Ling Feng to ask for help, he immediately gritted his teeth and said: "As a member of the royal family, I should also contribute to everyone!"


Prince Su glared at her angrily.

She also knows that she is a royal!

Your Majesty, the majestic eldest princess, went to the Xantianshan clan to find someone to bow down to?

This is such a shame!

"You stay here peacefully! There will be many opportunities for you to contribute in the future!"

Prince Su's gaze came closer, and Yu Bingqing immediately shrank her neck.

Ever since she was little, this imperial uncle was the only one who could control her.

At the same time, Ling Feng didn't know that he had been targeted by Prince Su.

As a new soldier, he made such a great contribution when he first stepped onto the battlefield.

The soldiers who were assigned to the same camp as him were all congratulating Ling Feng, thinking that he would definitely be promoted, at least to the rank of captain of a thousand.

Now let’s butter up this future “chief” and make him look familiar, maybe there will be more opportunities!

Ling Feng had no choice but to hide in his tent on the grounds that he was weak.

As for Fatty Huang and Yu Qiubai, they had not exerted any strength on the battlefield before, but now they are full of energy.

These two guys were standing outside Ling Feng's tent, blowing Ling Feng's attention to the sky.

Not only that, he also emphasized how strong his relationship with Ling Feng was.

One is called Boss Ling Feng, and the other is called Uncle Ling Feng, almost becoming his spokesperson.

Ling Feng had no choice but to lay down a layer of soundproof barrier and began to regulate his breath and recover.

In fact, when Ling Feng killed Sakshi, he was careful and did not completely destroy the origin of Sakshi's soul.

Since this Sakshi possesses the bloodline power of the Gulando family, he should be more or less related to the demon queen Keveli.

He still had some things he needed to figure out.

Sakshi still has some role for him.

At this moment, a remnant of Sakshi's soul was sealed by Ling Feng in his own spiritual sea.

Feeling the origin of Ling Feng's terrifying soul that was almost comparable to the Broken Level, Sakshi realized that his death was not unjust.

Consciousness gradually sinks into the sea of ​​spirit.

The next moment, Ling Feng's consciousness looked inward and locked onto Saksi's ray of consciousness.

"Are you from the Gulando clan?"

The cold voice came, and Sakshi felt as if five thunders were hitting his head, and his mind trembled.

"You...who are you?"

"Answer me honestly, or you will die!"

Ling Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. Under the explosion of mental pressure, Sakshi's already weak soul source began to tremble violently like a candle in the wind.

"I said, I said!"

Sakshi said quickly: "The villain does have the blood of the Gulando family, but it is not pure, so at the limit, he can only summon the eighth-level void beast."

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and he realized that the eighth level was actually pretty good. His Eye of the Void could only summon fourth level void beings at most.

Moreover, because Ling Feng was unable to cultivate demonic energy when he was in the Immortal Realm, the Eye of the Void actually did not evolve for a long, long time.

"Then you know Kavli!"


Sakshi's eyelids twitched suddenly, "You're talking about the female... Queen?"

"It seems that your status in the demon clan is unusual."

Ling Feng sneered, "Tell me everything about her return to the Demon Realm."

"How did you know?"

Sakshi looked at Ling Feng in disbelief. The return of the Demon Queen only happened in recent years.

How could he know everything about this human being!

"Are you asking me or should I ask you? It seems that you haven't understood your situation yet!"

Ling Feng frowned, this guy probably doesn't have a good brain.

"I said, I said!"

Sakshi was startled and hurriedly told everything he knew.

But it turns out that Kvelli only reappeared in front of the higher-ups of the demon clan about eight years ago.

In other words, after she escaped from the trap, she did not show up immediately. Instead, she found a hiding place to recover her cultivation.

Although she has a transcendent status, she has been sealed for so many years. Among the demons, it is not just the lineage of Grando that is considered a high-level demon.

After she was suppressed, the situation among the demons was no longer within her control.

Therefore, the first thing she has to do is to quickly regain her strength.

At the same time, it also allowed her contracted void life Erbot to return to its peak state.

When she finally returned to her peak, she finally appeared in front of the high-level demons.

But the situation was still a little beyond her expectations.

During the tens of millions of years she was sealed, there were three different forces of the demon clan. The original Gruando clan declined and became the weakest of the three forces.

In addition, the originally ambitious Hilge family and the Bannick family have surpassed the once oldest and most powerful Gulando family and become upstarts.

However, with the strong return of Kavli, these two prosperous races have felt tremendous pressure.

In order to avoid conflicts and battles within the demon clan, and to confirm a new emperor who can truly dominate the demon realm.

A contract was reached between the three major races.

The three tribes each gathered their troops and selected a human fortress to attack. The first tribe to capture a fortress could directly dominate the other two tribes and become the truly superior race.

The development of things is quite reasonable and not difficult to understand.

What left Ling Feng a little speechless was that the demon forces attacking Wangshu Fortress were the Gulando clan controlled by the demon queen Keweili.

As soon as he entered the battlefield, he met his own...

Old friend?

Ling Feng sighed secretly in his heart, feeling a little bitter.

It would be fine if they met the other two tribes, but the relationship between Keveli and herself is barely an ally, right?

"Since you know the Queen, we shouldn't be enemies!"

Seeing that Ling Feng's attitude towards Keveli seemed quite ambiguous, Sakshi said quickly: "You let me go, I promise that I will repay you in the future!"

"Hmph, why wait until the future to repay me?"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, "I'm sorry, you are you, and Keveli is Keveli. You are not worthy of talking to me."

As soon as the words fell, Ling Feng had completely crushed the remaining soul of Saksi, and was directly absorbed and devoured by the origin of Ling Feng's soul.

The next moment, Ling Feng's eyes heated up slightly, absorbing Sakshi's pupil power.

And his Eye of the Void finally improved significantly again.

If he improves by forcibly plundering his pupil power in this way, he may have the opportunity to summon a void beast comparable to Erbot in the future.

At that time, it will be another big trump card against Immortal Emperor Yi Ting!

But think about it, forget it. If she really kills all the people in Keweili's clan, she is afraid that she will fall out with herself.

Absorbing the demonic energy of other demons will improve it a bit slowly, but it will still improve.

Of course, if someone like Sakshi comes to your doorstep, it’s all for nothing!

But now, we have to think of a way to kill two birds with one stone to avoid a direct conflict with Kavli.

It’s really a headache to think about it…

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