Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3947 The price!

As soon as his figure flashed, Ling Feng used the law of time and space, and his figure suddenly disappeared in the void.

The next moment, when he reappeared, he had already passed over countless frost demons and approached the place where Wang Anyi was.


The frost troll, with its huge pupils, instantly locked onto Ling Feng's figure, raised his hand and roared in Ling Feng's direction.

Immediately afterwards, countless frost demons rushed towards Ling Feng like a tide.

Some frost demons who were relatively tall, reaching about one foot, stood in the distance and threw ice spears at Ling Feng.

In an instant, spears of frost filled the sky, attacking like a rain of arrows.

Ling Feng's figure disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he had already covered a large distance again.

This is the defiance of the laws of time and space. Unless the realm is completely crushed, the energy is blocked, and the void cannot be split, otherwise, if it cannot be locked, no one can hurt him at all.

At the same time, a dragon roar shook the nine heavens, and where Ling Feng was originally, a huge bloody dragon swept over.

But it was Yu Bingqing who punched out.

Boom boom boom boom!

The wind howls and the heaven and earth shake!

The blood dragon galloped past, and countless frost demons were directly knocked away, and were instantly twisted into bloody foam by the violent force.

Du Yutang and Qi Yunchang followed behind, their eyes met, and they both took a breath.

I never expected that Yu Bingqing’s strength would be so terrifying!

She alone might be enough to deal with the mutated frost troll.

Sure enough, at the same time as Yu Bingqing broke out, the frost troll also realized the terror of this woman, and directly abandoned Wang Anyi, leaving a few trolls about two feet tall to continue the siege, while he came out of the cage like a tiger and charged towards Yu Bingqing's The direction hit.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

In an instant, an iceberg of ten thousand feet fell from the sky. Yu Bingqing transformed into a blood dragon and collided heavily with the iceberg.

As ice chips scattered all over the sky, Yu Bingqing's figure was blown away, and most of the frost troll's body was blown to pieces.

Smelly and thick dark green blood flowed down his body surface, but the wound was quickly frozen.


As the ice shattered, the next moment, the shattered half of his body quickly recovered, but the severe pain caused by the blow just now completely angered the frost troll.

"Wow, grunt, haha..."

The frost troll roared in the demon language, probably some words of greeting to his ancestors. Although Yu Bingqing could not understand, he could see his rage from his expression.

Among these wandering low-level demons, although some mutants often appear, their strength is comparable to that of ordinary immortal emperors.

But strictly speaking, they are not considered a regular demon army.

It's just the scattered demonic energy, combined with the power of flesh and blood, that creates a bunch of demonic evil creatures.

Their intelligence is not very high, and once they encounter high-level demons, they are suppressed by bloodline levels and can only obey their orders.

Therefore, these demonized evil creatures are generally cannon fodder on the battlefield.

"What are you talking about? Go to hell!"

Yu Bingqing frowned and punched him again.

If one punch doesn't break it, then punch it again!

After inheriting part of the blood power of the Blood Hell Tianlong, Yu Bingqing's fighting style has completely changed.

In the past, she only stood behind her companions to provide assistance. Now, with her domineering strength, she can always rush to the front and kill everyone.

Boom boom boom!

In the blink of an eye, Yu Bingqing fired a dozen punches, and the power of each punch was enough to shake the Immortal Emperor!

The frost troll was shaken back thousands of feet with every punch it received. After more than a dozen punches, extremely terrifying cracks appeared all over its body, as if it was about to fall apart completely at any moment.

Du Yutang and Qi Yunchang's eyes almost dropped.

With Yu Bingqing's strength, what kind of personal guards do he need?

They even began to regret why they asked Yu Bingqing to come with them.

This would be very detrimental to their plan to get rid of Ling Feng.

With his eyes focused, Du Yutang looked towards Wang Anyi.

Although Yu Bingqing is extremely powerful, luckily, Ling Feng has walked into his own trap step by step.

At this moment, Ling Feng appeared in front of Wang Anyi. The moment he landed, an ice flower exploded under his feet.


The petals of the ice flower quickly extended, turning into icicles and crashing directly into the frost demons that were besieging Wang Anyi. Bang bang bang!

The moment the icicles penetrated the bodies of those demons, they exploded simultaneously.

The terrifying destructive power directly blew the bodies of those demons into pieces.

Just one fell to the ground, and all six peak immortal-level frost demons were killed.

You know, this is still the case when the crimson blood moon is hanging, and the power of these frost demons has been greatly increased!

The next moment, Ling Feng came back to his senses and looked at Wang Anyi.

However, there seems to be something wrong with Wang Anyi's situation at the moment.

His eyes were full of blood, and veins popped out on his forehead.

The aura in his body was sometimes strong and sometimes weak, and he went crazy and seemed to be in a state of obsession.


The next moment, Wang Anyi suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood and spit it directly on Ling Feng's body.

Ling Feng frowned and was about to speak when he realized that Wang Anyi's blood was actually poisonous.


Immediately afterwards, Wang Anyi let out an extremely hoarse roar and rushed towards Ling Feng like a ferocious beast.

Ling Feng was about to dodge sideways, but his figure suddenly stopped.

There was just a moment's pause, and then, Wang Anyi ripped Ling Feng's chest violently with a claw.

In an instant, Ling Feng's robe was stained red by the dark blood.

At the same time, Ling Feng's palm directly penetrated Wang Anyi's chest.



Their bodies fell backwards at the same time and fell heavily to the ground.

For a long time, there was no movement.

"It's done!"

Du Yutang and Qi Yunchang looked at each other, with ecstasy flashing in their eyes.

In fact, both of them were trembling slightly with excitement.

The next moment, Du Yutang shouted in the direction of Yu Bingqing: "Sorry, Your Royal Highness, there seems to be something wrong with Brother Shui Han!"


When Yu Bingqing heard this, he sent out a ray of spiritual thought towards Ling Feng, and suddenly felt like being struck by lightning, with five thunders hitting his head.

"No! How could it be like this!"

Yu Bingqing was immediately furious. He punched out in anger and directly smashed the frost troll into pieces.

The next moment, Yu Bingqing's figure turned into a bolt of lightning and quickly flew to Ling Feng's side.

There were five deep visible bone claw marks on Ling Feng's chest, and black blood was also oozing out from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

From this look, it was caused by a severe poison in the body.

Opposite him, Wang Anyi was also lying on the spot, his breath gone.

"What the hell happened!"

Yu Bingqing glared at Du Yutang and Du Yutang angrily.

She was just focused on fighting the frost troll and didn't notice the situation here at all.

What's more, she didn't believe that with Ling Feng's strength, he would be plotted here.

"This... we don't know very well either!"

Du Yutang shook his head and sighed: "I guess he was poisoned! Oh, what a pity. Brother Wang and Brother Shui Han were both geniuses of their generation, and they died so young!"

As he said this, he even squeezed out two tears. His acting skills were truly top-notch.

"Frost Demon Tribe, when did you learn to use poison?"

Yu Bingqing clenched her fists tightly, "Do you think I'm a fool?"

"Your Highness, Princess, what do you mean by this? Do you still think that I have tampered with it?"

Du Yutang looked innocent, "From the beginning to the end, we have never been close to this place. We came here only after you arrived first. How could we have the time and opportunity to do anything! Even if you are the eldest princess, you can't do it out of thin air. Is the filthy innocent?"


Qi Yunchang also echoed Lian Sheng: "Your Highness, Princess, no one wants this to happen, but the matter has come to this, and it is useless to be sad. Let us complete Brother Shui Han's mission together!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it turns out, this is your purpose!"

At this moment, Ling Feng, who had been lying on the ground, suddenly sat up, staring at Du Yutang and Du Yutang with a teasing smile on his face.

Yu Bingqing's eyes widened immediately, and the next moment, she was about to throw herself into Ling Feng's arms.

Ling Feng quickly raised his hand to stop her, and said with a bitter smile: "I'm covered in poisonous blood now, you'd better not come over."

Yu Bingqing could only glare at Ling Feng with great resentment, gritted her teeth and said: "You bastard, how dare you lie to me! How unreasonable!"

"you you……"

Du Yutang's face suddenly showed an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

But this guy's psychological quality is quite good. After a moment of shock, he suddenly smiled and said, "Great, Brother Shui Han, it turns out you're fine!"

Qi Yunchang on the side pointed at Ling Feng and exclaimed: "Why didn't you..."

Fortunately, Du Yutang caught Qi Yunchang in time and pinched his fingers hard. Qi Yunchang felt the pain and then realized what he was doing. He laughed a few times and said: "Haha, it's so... so good..."

However, his smile was even uglier than crying.

The only good thing is that Wang Anyi is dead.

There is no proof, even if he has suspicions, but there is no evidence, what can he do to them?

"Is it?"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and patted Yu Bingqing's back to comfort him. At the same time, he stared at Du Yutang and said with a sneer: "I thought that if I hadn't died, you would have been troubled!"

" could it be possible!"

Du Yutang smiled all over his face, "It doesn't exist, haha, it doesn't exist!"

"So that's it. Thank you both for worrying about me!"

Ling Feng said, suddenly snapping his fingers.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Anyi, who was lying upright opposite, suddenly sat up.

Not only that, the black energy lingering on his face quickly dissipated.


Du Yutang and Qi Yunchang's expressions suddenly changed. It didn't matter that "Shui Han" was not dead, but they clearly saw that Wang Anyi's heart was pierced, and with the severe poison in his body, there was no way he could still survive!

Little did they know that Ling Feng's palm was not to kill Wang Anyi, but to block the poisonous gas in his body and inhale it directly into his own body.

Being poisoned is certainly powerful, but if an ordinary Immortal Emperor is not careful, he might also fall into his trap.

It's a pity that he met Ling Feng.

He can even control the seven-color miasma poison of the rainbow, let alone Du Yutang's little trick.

In fact, the first time he saw Wang Anyi, he already knew his problem.

He deliberately didn't tell the truth, just to cooperate with Du Yutang's "script" so that he could reveal his true colors.

At this moment, when the two people saw that Wang Anyi was not dead, they were more panicked than the other, and they had no idea what to do.

"You two, look like you're panicking!"

Yu Bingqing also calmed down at this moment, regaining her aloofness as the eldest princess, her eyes fell on these two people, and asked in a cold voice: "Let me ask you again, what is going on?"

Qi Yunchang and Du Yutang both clenched their fists, but remained silent.

"If you don't want to say it, then let Brother Wang do it for you."

Ling Feng smiled coldly and stretched out his hand in Wang Anyi's direction.

Whoosh whoosh!

The next moment, several golden needles shot out of Wang Anyi's body.

In an instant, Wang Anyi's originally dull eyes regained clarity.

When he saw Du Yutang and the others, he immediately jumped up and cursed angrily: "You two bastards, you want to plot against me too!"

He clenched his fist tightly and gritted his teeth and said: "Shui Han, since you saved my life, I have nothing to hide. I will tell you everything. I will kill or chop you, whatever you want!"

But it turns out that although the three of them worked together to get rid of Ling Feng, it was because Wang Anyi said too much that "this is not good" that Du Yutang decided to sacrifice Wang Anyi.

If you want "Shui Han" to fall into the trap, you will naturally have to spend some money.

Wang Anyi's life is to be a good bait.

From the beginning, Du Yutang deceived Wang Anyi, saying that giving him a pill that could enhance his magic power and swallowing it would be enough to last them until they tricked Shui Han.

Unexpectedly, it was a fatal elixir.

Although it can stimulate potential, it itself is a kind of poison.

Generally speaking, contact with such a highly toxic poison will cause death.

Ling Feng was not only spit out with poisonous blood, but also had his chest torn apart.

No wonder Du Yutang thought that Ling Feng was bound to die.

Now, not only is Wang Anyi not dead, but the poison in his body has also been removed.

For a moment, both Du Yutang and Du Yutang's faces were ashen. Not only did they assassinate Ling Feng, the special envoy appointed by Prince Su, but they also almost poisoned Wang Anyi.

Each of these cases is a serious crime punishable by death.

Even if they were the sons of the Third Duke and committed such a serious crime, it would be difficult for the Third Duke to come forward to protect them.

"Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding!"

Du Yutang waved his hands repeatedly and said, "Brother Wang, it's not what you think!"

"Du Yutang, you bastard!"

Wang Anyi gritted his teeth with hatred, "I believed your lies, and you are a complete despicable person!"

Yu Bingqing also clenched his fists and stared at Du Yutang and Qi Yunchang coldly, "What else do you have to say now? With these things, even if they kill you on the spot, Da Sima and You Sikong will have nothing to say. Say it!”

"Your Highness, Princess, I...I know I was wrong!"

As Du Yutang spoke, he backed away. Suddenly, he slapped Qi Yunchang hard on the back and pushed him towards Ling Feng and the others. At the same time, with the help of the force of the counter-shock, the moment the figure retreated violently, a teleportation spell was ignited. The talisman can be teleported thousands of miles away instantly.

This guy is indeed insidious!

"Don't even think about running away!"

Yu Bingqing was itching with hatred. It was obvious that Du Yutang was the real mastermind in this matter.

"No need to chase."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Ling Feng's lips, "Can anyone who dares to scheme against me escape?"

At the same time, thousands of miles away, Du Yutang's figure appeared from the crack in the void. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a blood arrow shot out from his neck.

Then, the second course!

The third way!

Tsk tsk tsk!

In the blink of an eye, Du Yutang's figure was like a hedgehog. Countless needles shot out from his body, accompanied by blood arrows spurting out, which lasted for half a quarter of an hour.

Finally, with a "bang" sound, Du Yutang fell from the sky.

The strong smell of blood dissipated, and the low-level demons around them were immediately ready to move, roaring and gathering together.

The fate that awaits Du Yutang is to become a feast for the low-level demons.

This is the price of calculating Ling Feng.

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