Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3948: Sky-patrolling Wind Tribe! Scouting Team!

"Can the person who plotted against me escape?"

As soon as Ling Feng finished speaking, Du Yutang, who was thousands of miles away, died suddenly.

Even though he had burned the teleportation talisman to escape, he still missed the mark.

He was able to use insidious tricks to scheme against Ling Feng, so Ling Feng naturally had a back-up plan for him.

When he followed Du Yutang and the others to this place, Ling Feng had already buried a golden thread of spiritual thought in his body.

This golden thread is as cotton as a gossamer. Unless the power of divine consciousness exceeds Ling Feng's, it is impossible to detect it.

However, the origin of Ling Feng's soul is already comparable to the broken level, and the mere Du Yutang is not even one ten thousandth as good as Ling Feng.

This golden thread usually does no harm, but as long as Ling Feng's spiritual thoughts urge it, it will immediately explode, penetrate the body, and directly detonate all the energy and blood in the body.

Even if one is destined to survive, 99% of one's strength will be reduced. In a dangerous place like an extraterrestrial battlefield, there is almost no way to survive.

"What's the meaning?"

Yu Bingqing blinked her eyes, feeling that there was a touch of cruelty in Ling Feng's smile.

"Anyway, just don't worry about him."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at Wang Anyi and Qi Yunchang.

At the moment, Ling Feng is in trouble as to how to deal with these two people.

If Ling Feng still lives alone as before, people like this who want to plot against him and get rid of him will definitely kill him quickly.

But now, he can be considered a member of the demon-suppressing army after all.

And these two people are the direct descendants of the Three Dukes of Dayu. If they all die in his hands, I am afraid that it will be difficult to move forward in Dayu Immortal Court in the future.

"Hmph, now that we have been defeated, you can kill or behead me as you wish!"

Qi Yunchang was getting tough at this time, but he didn't expect that guy Du Yutang to be so insidious. He just ran away and pushed him out as a shield.

It's simply despicable, dirty, worse than a pig or a dog!

"Killing you will give you an advantage!"

Ling Feng snorted coldly, then popped out a pill and fell into Qi Yunchang's mouth.

Qi Yunchang's eyelids twitched, and he subconsciously wanted to spit it out, but Ling Feng had already poked his throat with a finger, and a suction force poured in. Then, the pill went directly down the esophagus and into his abdomen.

"You...what did you give me to eat?"

Qi Yunchang panicked a little and stared at Ling Feng in panic.

"Nature is poison."

Ling Feng stared at Qi Yunchang coldly, "I think you were also bewitched by Du Yutang. I won't kill you this time, but I won't just let you go. Next, we will go to Quexie Fortress to ask for help. If you listen obediently, Order, I will give you the antidote when you return to Wangshu Fortress, but if you dare to be clever, I can make you unable to live or die with just one thought!"

Qi Yunchang clenched his fist tightly and gritted his teeth with hatred.

However, he finally sighed and chose to compromise.

Keep the green hills and don't worry about running out of firewood, it's important to save your life!

"Give me one too."

Wang Anyi actually stood up and reached out to Ling Feng to ask for the poison pill, "I was blind and mistakenly trusted that bastard Du Yutang, and he aroused jealousy. Now that I think about it, I am really stupid. ! I am also on the same side as them, I will take this poison pill too!"

"Oh, your introspection is quite profound!"

Yu Bingqing squinted her eyes and laughed. Among the three personal guards, Wang Anyi was the only one who was somewhat humane.

"That's all."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "Since you have already figured it out, why should I poison you again?"


Wang Anyi took a deep look at Ling Feng, and after a long while, he gritted his teeth and bowed deeply towards Ling Feng, "Brother Shui Han, I was too blind to recognize the true hero before. I...I..."

As he said this, this guy actually shouted in his face with a few big mouths, "I'm really not a fucking thing!"

"OK OK."

Ling Feng was dumbfounded by him and reached out to grab his palm, "Let's go back and join the others as soon as possible!"


Wang Anyi nodded heavily, "From now on, Brother Shui Han, if you ask me to go east, I will never go west!"

"Hmph!" Qi Yunchang on the side snorted and cursed in a low voice, "How embarrassing!"

"You are so embarrassed!"

Wang Anyi kicked Qi Yunchang and snorted coldly: "I know my mistakes and can correct them!"


Qi Yunchang was staggered by his kick and almost fell down. He immediately glared at Wang Anyi and was about to get angry.

However, with one look from Ling Feng, Qi Yunchang suddenly felt guilty. He could only tighten his fists, snort, and look away, not daring to argue with Wang Anyi.

Ling Feng smiled faintly. Things went smoother than he expected. At least, according to this trend, he would only offend two of the three men.

Soon, Ling Feng cleaned up his clothes and put on a clean robe. Then, together with Yu Bingqing and others, he returned the same way and met up with the others.

Not long after, Ling Feng saw Meng Chong and his party in a mountain col.

These people lurked behind a huge rock and did not dare to move forward rashly.

Ling Feng's figure swept over, and he, Yu Bingqing and others fell behind Meng Chong and the others.

"Brother Shuihan, you are back!"

When Meng Chong saw Ling Feng coming back, his face showed a hint of joy, but he was a little strange. Among the three personal guards, Wang Anyi was rescued, but Du Yutang was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is Mr. Du?" Meng Chong asked casually.


Ling Feng shrugged and didn't bother to mention it more. He just told the story briefly and briefly recounted the incident.

Na Meng Chong was horrified when he heard this. The next moment, he started yelling, "What a despicable person!"

On the battlefield, comrades are originally the most trustworthy companions, but those who stab you in the back are more hateful than the enemies on the opposite side.

"I've already seen that that guy is nothing!"

Fatty Wang also snorted, "What a shame, that family named Du has no good people!"

He had been bullied by Du Ziling since he was a child, and of course he didn't have the slightest fondness for the Du family.

"Second cousin, how dare you say that!"

Yu Qiubai smiled jokingly, the head of the family named Du was the Chief Sima, the head of the three princes!

"Ahem..." Fatty Huang also realized that he was speaking quickly, and he coughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment, "Haha, I'm just talking...just talking..."

Ling Feng shook his head, smiled, and changed the subject: "By the way, Commander Meng, why are you stopping here?"


Only then did Meng Chong remember, he took out a magic talisman and handed it to Ling Feng, "Brother Shui, look, this is a help talisman we captured before."


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he reached out to take the talisman. The mark on it was clearly the mark of the Xantian Wind Clan.

"It said that a scout team sent by the Xuntian Wind Clan was besieged by a group of demonic creatures, and almost the entire army was wiped out. At this moment, more than five hours have passed since the distress talisman was sent out. I am thinking, Do you want to go around and see if you can lend a helping hand?”

Meng Chong said in a deep voice: "This is my analysis. After all, there is an irremovable gap between the Xuantian Mountain Clan and our Dayu Xianting. But if we can rescue this patrol team of the Xuantian Feng Clan, maybe Dongfang will not Bright things come from the west, and there may be other opportunities.”

After all, Meng Chong is a veteran who has been on the battlefield for many years, and he is really thoughtful.

Of course Ling Feng also understands this truth.

If it is really impossible to get reinforcements from the Xuntian Mountain Clan, we can only abandon the near and seek the far away and go to the Xuntian Feng Clan to try.

If this scout team can be rescued, even if only one person is rescued, it can be regarded as a bargaining chip in making friends with the Sky Patrol Wind Clan.

"Save, of course we must save!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes, nodded and smiled: "General Meng, you did the right thing. Fortunately, we intercepted this talisman. Let's go, without further delay, hurry over!"

In fact, the reason why Ling Feng came to the battlefield outside the territory was because of the guidance of Empress Qingluo.

Empress Qingluo was kind to him, and Ling Feng could still figure this out clearly.

Compared to the Xuantian Mountain Clan, Ling Feng indeed has a more favorable impression of the Xuantian Feng Clan.

"Another extraneous matter! It's such a ridiculous waste of time!"

Qi Yunchang snorted lightly and cursed in his mouth.

He didn't really think there was anything wrong with the scout team that rescued the Tianfeng Clan, he was just simply dissatisfied with Ling Feng.

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Ling Feng chuckled and turned to look at him, "You, open the way in front! The fight will start soon, rush to the front!"


Qi Yunchang was so angry that he was the son of the Sikong Mansion after all, so he was rushing forward to be cannon fodder?

"you are not willing?"

Ling Feng glared at him, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and Qi Yunchang suddenly started to sweat on his back.

I almost forgot that my life was still in the opponent's hands.

He snorted softly and could only reluctantly walk to the front of the team, claiming to be clearing the way, but in fact he was just standing with Meng Chong and the others.

"Thank you, Ling Feng!"

At some point, Yu Bingqing walked over, with a scent of fragrant wind hitting her nostrils, and her spiritual voice came to her ears, "If it weren't for my sake, according to your temperament, you would have given him up long ago. Kill it."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose, and couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

Does it seem like you are so murderous?


This is all prejudice!

At the same time, in an abandoned bunker.

Here, there are a large number of demonic creatures.

The battlefield outside the territory is originally a special time and space composed of countless fragments that were beaten to pieces in the ancient demon-slaying war.

Therefore, these abandoned buildings from ancient times can still be seen everywhere.

But most of them have been turned into ruins or even disappeared in the baptism of time.

But this bunker is relatively well preserved.

Moreover, the evil creatures of the demons here seem to have given birth to some intelligence that the lower demons do not possess.

And the demon at the head is almost as intelligent as a human.

This is the biggest difference between the low-level demons and the high-level demons.

In other words, under the influence of the special environment here, the demon creature has mutated to a level comparable to ordinary high-level demons.

Moreover, the strength is also extraordinary.

In a strong iron cage, five monks were wrapped tightly with some special vines and tied tightly to the huge stone pillars.

Each of these people looked pale, and several had their limbs torn off. They had obviously suffered a lot of abuse.

They were the scout team of the Wind Clan that sent out the distress talisman.

In fact, there were originally twelve people in their team.

Except for the three people who were killed directly at the beginning, the remaining nine people were all captured.

They are not like other low-level demons who will devour living people directly when they encounter them.

They actually "raise" living people like animals.

It seems like I like to eat "fresh" food.

In just a few hours, several of his companions had been eaten clean, and among the remaining five, three had their arms or legs torn off.

Coupled with the fact that the crimson blood moon was hanging in the upper reaches of the sky and the ground was freezing, it made the already weak people tremble and feel that life was worse than death.

"Damn, I can't give in! I'm so damn unwilling!"

A younger man shouted loudly, "I, He Qilian, can be considered a genius of the generation and the hope of the entire sect, but I am going to die in the mouths of those beasts! Ahhh! I am not willing to give in. I don't want to die yet. !”

Among the monks who join the battlefield outside the territory, in addition to the disciples of the seven major forces, they often recruit talents and soldiers from the major sects and forces in each region.

This He Qilian was born in the Xunfeng Heavenly Territory and was a disciple of the Qingyuan Sword Sect.


The remaining companions also sighed deeply, even though they had been prepared to sacrifice on the battlefield since the day they entered the battlefield outside the territory.

But when things come to a close, I still feel uneasy.

"Who would have thought that these demonic creatures could actually use their brains!"

One of the middle-aged men with an unshaven beard began to curse, "Recently, the demon clan's offensive has become more and more fierce. The number of people killed in the battle on both sides has been increasing, and the demon clan's evil creatures can draw more and more flesh and blood power. No wonder Their mutations will become more and more frequent!"

This middle-aged man was covered in blood, and his left leg and right hand had been torn off. If he hadn't been tied to a stone pillar, he would have been unable to stand firmly.

"Captain, you are still thinking about this!"

Another monk smiled miserably and said: "Those beasts have a huge appetite. They come to pick someone every less than half an hour. Haha, we will all die soon!"

"Damn it, if it weren't for this weird vine that sealed the magic power in my body, I wouldn't have let those beasts eat me in vain even if I blew myself up!"

He Qilian gritted his teeth with hatred, but the more excited he became, the vines on his body automatically tightened and tied tighter.

These vines are actually living creatures.

It seems to be somewhat similar to the Void Touch summoned by Ling Feng.

In essence, this kind of vine is a kind of void life.

"I advise you to save your breath."

The captain sighed, "I hope someone can receive the rescue talisman we sent, otherwise..."

He did not continue talking. If no one came to rescue them, the only fate that awaited them would be to become a delicious meal for the evil creatures of the demon clan.


The five prisoners below the steps let out a long sigh at the same time.

Those who can be selected as scouts are undoubtedly the best in the ranks.

Their strength is not bad, they just lack luck.

Who would have thought that among the low-level demons roaming around, there would actually be existences comparable to the high-level demons.



Accompanied by a huge movement like the ground shaking, an extremely tall and tall Frost Troll, covered in ice crystal armor, strode over.

Everyone was so frightened that their breathing became rapid.


Their leader, not long after eating, was actually hungry again!

Seeing the frost troll's eyes sweeping across the crowd, a strange smile appeared on its hideous and ugly face.

Everyone trembled all over, and their expressions suddenly changed dramatically.

"Damn it! I can't stand it anymore!"

He Qilian twisted his eyebrows and cursed loudly, "Beast, if you want to eat, eat me first. If you die early, you will be born early. Eighteen years later, I will be a good man again!"

Either way, it's death, so it's better to have a happy life.

Death is not the most terrifying thing, but the feeling of waiting to die is the most terrifying thing.

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