Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3949 Brainless and unhappy!

"Come on, give me a good one!"

At this moment, He Qilian's whole body, it was estimated that only his mouth was still strong.

The frost troll, with its huge pupils, followed the sound and looked over. It scratched a few times with its sharp fangs, and indeed strode towards He Qilian.

"Wo nest!"

He Qilian suddenly felt cold all over, Damn it, come if I tell you to come, I tell you to eat Xiang, why don't you go!



He Qilian felt as if his heart was about to jump out of his throat.

He could even feel the stench and rotten breath escaping from the bloody mouth of the frost troll.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred!


A violent sound of breaking wind penetrated from high in the sky.

Then, an extremely thick icicle fell from the sky.

Hearing a loud "boom", the frost troll was smashed into meat cakes by the "object from heaven".

He Qilian looked intently and saw a young man in blue clothes standing on top of the hundred-foot icicle.

He has sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, and a face like a crown of jade. What a handsome and extraordinary young man!

Immediately afterwards, there were a few "swish, swish" sounds, and a dozen figures fell from behind the icicle and scattered in all directions.

Then, there was a scream from all around, and the frost demons stationed around were quickly eliminated one by one.

This is clearly a well-drilled squad.

The eyes of He Qilian and others suddenly widened with excitement.

The help is coming!

The rescuers have really arrived!

The next moment, Ling Feng floated down from the icicle. With a wave of his hand, a domineering aura directly split the iron prison into two.

As soon as his eyes were focused, the vines wrapped around several people also broke with a "click" and scattered all over the ground.

What a powerful power of consciousness!

The eyelids of several people suddenly jumped. It was obvious that they had to suppress the vines in an instant with powerful spiritual thoughts to achieve such a devastating effect.

However, as soon as the vines loosened, several people could no longer stand firmly.

Ling Feng flicked his finger and simultaneously flicked five pills into several people's mouths.

The elixir melted in the mouth, and as a warm current surged through the body, several people suddenly became energetic and their complexions recovered a bit.

"Thank you so much, brother!"

Wei Fangchang, the leader of the scout team of the Xuntian Wind Clan, quickly raised his fist and saluted Ling Feng. Since he only had one arm left, it was inconvenient to salute, so he could only nod his head in greeting and said in a deep voice: "I'm the scout leader of Dingfeng Fortress, Wei Fangchang! I don't know! My benefactor, how do you call me?"

"You're welcome, I'm a member of Xia Shuihan, Wangshu Fortress' demon-suppressing army. We are all fighting against the demons together, and we should help each other."

With that said, Ling Feng took out the help talisman that Meng had blocked before and handed it to Wei Fangchang.

"It turns out you received the distress talisman we sent!"

He Qilian on the side looked excited, but it was a pity that the companion who issued this talisman had now become a delicious meal in the demon's belly.

"It's not a good place to stay for a long time!"

Ling Feng glanced at several people. Although everyone was injured, this place was not a place for healing.

"We have to leave as soon as possible!"

With that said, Ling Feng glanced at his companions who were killing the demons around him, and immediately issued a signal to assemble.

They came here this time just to rescue these scouts from the Sky Patrol Wind Clan, not to exterminate the Demon Clan.

There is no point in wasting time here.

When Yu Bingqing saw Ling Feng's signal, the giant bloody dragon around him flew into the air, and a violent aura burst out. After crushing all the demons within a hundred feet around him into flying ash, he retreated with one blow and flew back to Beside Ling Feng.

Meng Chong and other team members quickly retreated and gathered around Ling Feng.

Qi Yunchang, on the other hand, seemed to be furious, or maybe he was holding a sense of depression in his body. After seeing the signal, he did not retreat as planned. Instead, he snorted coldly: "The demons here are all weak. It's so pitiful that those guys who patrol the Sky Wind Clan are really useless, they actually missed it here!"

However, before he could finish his words, a torrent of ice flames rose up from the depths of the dilapidated bunker.


Qi Yunchang's eyelids twitched suddenly. When he wanted to retreat, he found that there were already more than a dozen frost trolls surrounding him.

The other companions had already retreated to Ling Feng's side, preparing to evacuate.

"That idiot!"

Yu Bingqing cursed secretly. He was told to retreat before, and he had to show off, but now it's okay. The truly terrifying existence in this fortress has appeared.

"Brother Shuihan, what should we do?"

Seeing that Qi Yunchang was trapped, Meng Chong frowned suddenly. Qi Yunchang had a special status after all, so it was hard for him to die without saving him.

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, but he still used the secret technique of time and space displacement, and the next moment, he appeared behind Qi Yunchang.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Feng grabbed Qi Yunchang's shoulder with his big hand, and just as he was about to retreat, the Frost Lord-level troll roared and charged towards him.

The terrifying Qi blockade came instantly, and the surrounding world seemed to be completely enveloped by a blue curtain.

This Frost Lord actually has his own domain.

Demon Emperor level!

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, and he immediately determined that the strength of this Frost Lord was no longer comparable to the Demon Emperor, but a real Demon Emperor!

At least, it is equivalent to about the third or fourth level of the Moon Wheel Realm!

Ling Feng took a deep breath, picked up Qi Yunchang, and threw his body like a lead ball in the direction of his other companions.

"Bingqing, continue!"

With a loud shout, Ling Feng turned around suddenly, and the moment he turned back, he had already pulled out a long knife with a cold light.

Qi Yunchang was thrown out by Ling Feng, and Yu Bingqing frowned. Although she was too lazy to pay attention to that idiot Qi Yunchang, after hearing Ling Feng's words, she gritted her teeth and punched Qi Yunchang in the direction of Qi Yunchang.

The two forces superimposed and neutralized most of Qi Yunchang's momentum, but Yu Bingqing's punch still hit Qi Yunchang firmly on the back.

I only heard a few "clicks", and I was afraid that several bones were broken.

However, Qi Yunchang saved a small life and did not dare to let go. With the help of others, he returned to the team.

at the same time.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Around Ling Feng, ice flowers flickered and a cloud of rime exploded.

"Longshuang——Hanso! Kill!"

With a wave of the long knife, the extremely domineering Gang Qi, wrapped in the biting cold air, turned into a giant frost dragon and slammed into the Frost Lord.

This sword was exactly the Long Shuang Han Soul Saber technique passed down to Ling Feng by Commander Meng Han and Jiang Meng.

Although Ling Feng only glanced at it briefly, he still had a good grasp of it with his strong understanding.

It's a pity that he encountered a demon with the same ice attribute. Otherwise, this sword could at least suppress the local three-breath time.


The giant frost dragon slammed into the Frost Lord's huge body, knocking him back thousands of feet.

And this moment was enough for Ling Feng to break through the ice lord's domain blockade.


By the time the Frost Lord reacted, Ling Feng had already taken the other members and fled away.


The Frost Lord pointed in the direction where Ling Feng and others were leaving, and let out an angry roar. Then, the Frost Demons quickly emerged from the bunker and chased them out wildly.

There is a strong, unyielding attitude.

Half an hour later.

Ling Feng and his party returned to their previous trajectory. Seeing that the pursuers behind them had been completely thrown away, they temporarily found a relatively hidden place to take a breather.

"Brother Shuihan, everyone, I owe you all for saving your life this time, and I have nothing to repay!"

Wei Fangchang bowed deeply to everyone. If Ling Feng and others hadn't appeared like divine soldiers descending from the sky, they would have been devoured by the demons by now.

“I can’t thank you enough, I can’t thank you enough!”

The other scouts from the Wind Clan who patrolled the sky also expressed their gratitude incessantly, especially He Qilian, who burst into tears.

It's safe now, but after reacting, my legs are starting to feel a little weak.

"It's a kind of fate to be able to unexpectedly receive several help talismans."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, and then asked: "What are your plans next?"

"We were ordered to investigate the movements of the demons near Soul Burial Canyon. Unexpectedly, when we returned, we encountered a mutated Frost Lord."

Wei Fangchang sighed softly, and then continued: "Now, most of our companions are dead. We, the remaining soldiers and defeated generals, are just hanging on for a while. It may not be easy to return to Dingfeng Fortress."

"Captain, what you said is too conservative!"

He Qilian sighed and said: "Not only is it not easy, it is almost the same as committing suicide. When we crossed the blockade, there were powerful Immortal Emperors who protected us. Now we have long missed the time we agreed on, and the last magic talisman has also been lost." It’s over, and without the support of the Immortal Emperor’s strong men, we may not be able to survive.”

Ling Feng pondered for a moment and then continued: "Our trip is actually to go to the Xantian Mountain Clan to ask for help and send troops to support Wangshu Fortress."


Wei Fangchang was obviously stunned for a moment after hearing this.

Who doesn't know the relationship between the Xantian Mountain Clan and Dayu Xianting.

They went to the Xuntianshan Clan for help. Will they really send troops?

It’s good that I didn’t step on it.

"Captain Wei also thinks that this is not feasible." Ling Feng smiled lightly.

"This..." Wei Fangchang laughed a few times, not knowing what to say.

"According to my wishes, it's okay if the Xantian Mountain Clan doesn't go."

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he said something that made everyone stunned.

"Brother Shuihan, isn't this appropriate..."

Meng Chong was stunned when he heard this.

We've already reached the halfway point, and we're not going anymore?

"Everyone can think about it, with the relationship between our Dayu Immortal Court and the Xantian Mountain Clan, even if we arrive, the other party will definitely make things difficult and humiliate us in every possible way. Even if we retreat ten thousand steps, by the time they send troops to rescue, Wangshu Fortress may have been breached. "

"Even so, our mission is to ask for help. We can't just go back and do nothing, right?"

Meng Chong said with a frown.

"No!" Ling Feng shook his head, "We are not going back!"

He looked at Wei Fangchang and said in a deep voice: "We at Dingfeng Fortress are asking for help!"


For a moment, everyone in the house was shocked.

Even Yu Bingqing glanced at Ling Feng with some confusion, "Shui Han, didn't you listen to what they said? The demons have set up a blockade at Dingfeng Fortress. We alone cannot break out."

"Originally it was impossible, but now, there is a chance."

Ling Feng smiled and said calmly: "Captain Wei, you just said that when you broke out, you were supported by the powerful Immortal Emperor."

Wei Fangchang nodded, "Yes! Three Immortal Emperors! However, the time has passed now, and they may have..."

"Even if we miss the time, there is nothing that can be said with complete accuracy on the battlefield. They are seniors who have experienced battles for a long time, so they will understand this. They will wait for a while!"

"Having said that..." Wei Fangchang frowned, "But our contact talismans have been used up. Even if we reach the blockade, we can't contact the Immortal Emperors."

"Then cross over first!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, "Captain Wei, I will do my best to send you there. I hope you can bring back several Immortal Emperors in the shortest possible time!"

"It's too risky."

Wei Fangchang turned pale when he heard this.

In his opinion, although Ling Feng was powerful, he was only an Immortal Lord after all. How dare he boast so much!

"Instead of looking for an angel patrol that I know will definitely fail, I would rather take a chance!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Since he met the members of Xantian Wind Clan in advance, this was an opportunity.

Especially when Wei Fang often mentioned that there was a powerful Immortal Emperor on the other side of the blockade.

Ling Feng felt that the chance of success this time was at least 70%!

"Brother Shuihan, don't make decisions on your own in a hot head."

Meng Chong's expression changed slightly, "This is a decision made by the generals and Prince Su together! Military orders are like mountains, and as soldiers, we must obey orders!"

"You will be outside, and you will not accept your orders!"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, "Only by being flexible can you create opportunities."

"Having said that..."

Meng Chong fell into conflict and hesitation. Although what Ling Feng said made sense, military orders were military orders.

"How about this."

Ling Feng sighed softly, knowing that his prestige was not enough to influence a veteran like Meng Chong, so he could only shake his head and said slowly: "General Meng, you go to the Xantian Mountain Clan to ask for help according to the original plan."

With that said, he handed over several gifts that Commander Chen Wu had given him before to Meng Chong, "These are bargaining chips for negotiating with the Xantian Mountain Clan. You keep them, Captain Wei and I will go to Dingfeng Fortress!"

"I'll go with you!"

Yu Bingqing said nothing and naturally stood by Ling Feng.

Then, Fatty Huang and Yu Qiubai also expressed their stance and acted together with Ling Feng.

This time out, they finally understood.

You are right to hang out with Ling Feng!

Then Wang Anyi also walked up to Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "Brother Shui Han, I'm on your team! I'm a very simple person. If you save my life, I'll fight with you! I'll risk my life!"

Ling Feng nodded and smiled. It seemed that Wang Anyi was actually a pretty good person.

What surprised him was that Qi Yunchang actually came over and said with a sullen face: "What about that? I'll go with you!"


Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he looked at him in surprise.

"Don't get me wrong, I just..." Qi Yunchang clenched his fists and snorted: "I'm just not used to owing others!"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, these two guys are a bit interesting.

A person with no brains will do whatever others say.

The other one always has a stinky face, as if everyone owes him a hundred and eighty thousand.

Typical "mindless" and "unhappy"!

Coupled with Fatty Huang and Yu Qiubai, why are all the people around him so strange?

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Qi Yunchang and Wang Anyi are quite capable, and they don't have any big problems with them.

"so be it."

Ling Feng took a deep breath and looked at Meng Chong, "General Meng, let's part ways here. You go to Quexie Fortress according to the original plan!"

"Hey...that's all we can do..."

Meng Chong knew that he could not change the other person's mind, so he could only sigh and nodded.

But in general, one more road means one more opportunity.

In the end, no matter who can successfully move the reinforcements, in short, the most important thing is that Wangshu Fortress can be defended.

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