Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3950 Forced breakout!

After the team's opinions differed, the team was split into two.

Ling Feng followed the scout team Wei Fangchang and his party who were patrolling the Wind Clan, and turned around and headed for Dingfeng Fortress.

Meng Chong took the other team members and continued to the Quexie Fortress of the Xantian Mountain Clan according to the original plan.

In fact, Meng Chong's concerns are not unreasonable. It is undoubtedly a very risky decision to cross the blockade guarded by the powerful Demon Emperor from here.

But it’s better to take a risk than get nothing.

Ling Feng did not believe that the Xuntianshan tribe could send troops to rescue regardless of past suspicions.

At least, this chance is very slim.

Instead of pinning his hopes on Xuntian Mountain's "big picture", Ling Feng preferred to believe in his own fists.

"Brother Shuihan, don't you think about it carefully?"

Meng Chong sighed softly and wanted to give him the final persuasion.

"General Meng, you have your concerns, and I also have my considerations."

Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted Meng Chong, and said solemnly: "I hope everyone can succeed. In this way, if the Xantian Mountain Clan and the Xantian Feng Clan send troops to rescue at the same time, they can naturally defeat the demon army in one fell swoop."

"I hope so..."

Meng Chong shook his head and smiled bitterly. In fact, the hopes of both sides seemed to be equally slim.

With a sigh, Meng Chong also paid a military salute to Ling Feng, then turned around and left resolutely with the rest of the soldiers.

They have wasted a lot of time and must race against time.

Reinforcements must be brought to Wangshu Fortress before the next crimson blood moon.

Just like that, Meng Chong took the other twelve members and left quickly.

Beside Ling Feng, apart from the five surviving members of the scout team from the Xuntian Wind Clan, there were only five others left, Yu Bingqing, Yu Qiubai, Huang Fatty, Qi Yunchang and Wang Anyi.

In fact, among these five people, only Yu Bingqing can help him, and the others are basically just free of charge.

"Brother Shui, do you really want to cross the demon blockade with us?"

Wei Fangchang had a bitter smile on his face. In fact, even he himself found this a bit strange.

What's more, in their current situation, all five of them were seriously injured. If they really wanted to start a fight with the demons, they would all be a burden.

"We've already reached this point, is there any way out?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, then took out a bottle of elixir from the Naling Ring and dispensed it.

As the saying goes, sharpening a knife makes it easier to chop wood. These people were missing arms and legs, so they couldn't go at full speed.

Ling Feng simply treated all these people at once.

Although their limbs were missing, they were only torn off by brute force, and it was not difficult to restore them.

After a short time, all five of Wei Fangchang were intact and recovered.

Apart from being a little weak, it's basically nothing serious.

"Thank you, Brother Shui, for your great kindness. I will never forget it!"

As Wei Fangchang said, he was about to kneel down to Ling Feng.

The other members of the scout team also saluted and knelt down towards Ling Feng.

"Everyone please get up quickly."

Ling Feng helped one person up, and the other one knelt down, leaving him speechless for a while.

It's just a little effort, is it really necessary?

In fact, although the elixir for rebirth of severed limbs is not too rare in the fairyland.

But if too much time passes, even if the arm grows back, it will never be able to return to its previous state, and its strength will definitely be greatly reduced.

I'm afraid I won't be able to make any progress in my lifetime.

Ling Feng's casual move can be said to have saved the promotion paths of these monks.

Not to mention kowtow a few times and call him "Grandpa" a few times.

"Brother Shui's medical skills are truly unparalleled in the world!"

He Qilian gave Ling Feng a thumbs up, "A hundred times more powerful than our Wanfa Tian Sect's Yao Elder!"

Wanfa Tianzong?

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and said that when he was on the Qijue Immortal List, he had some dealings with Master Jinguang of the Ten Thousand Fa Celestial Sect.

He also obtained the secret technique of "Sanskrit Sound Dragon" and two Sanskrit Sound Beads from Master Jinguang.

However, Ling Feng later learned the soul path secret technique "Soul Xi Long You" from Ning Kun. Because the effects were quite similar, Ling Feng was not very interested in practicing "Sanskrit Heavenly Dragon".

Therefore, in the end, they all got the better of the bitch, but that guy practiced with gusto, roaring at the top of his lungs in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace all day long.

The Wanfa Tian Sect is originally a sect force in the Xunfeng Heavenly Domain, so it is reasonable for its disciples to become members of the Dingfeng Fortress.

"Wanfa Tianzong, I have some impressions."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "I remember there was a man named Master Jinguang, he seems to be a disciple of your Ten Thousand Fa Celestial Sect!"


He Qilian laughed and said: "Master Jin Guang is my nephew. In fact, he is older than me and started earlier than me. I used to call him senior brother, but now he calls me senior uncle because he has too many thoughts. He likes to play with some strange skills, so that he can't break through the realm. "

Ling Feng shook his head, smiled, and said a few words. Invisibly, he got closer to the scouts of the Wind Clan who were patrolling the sky, and they became much more harmonious with each other.

About half a day later.

Ling Feng and his party arrived at a narrow pass.

On both sides of the pass, there are towering Ten Thousand Ren peaks. If you want to break through, this pass is the only place you must pass.

And on the mountainside, there are empty caves, with large numbers of demon clan elites lurking inside.

Once a living person passes by, they will rush out.

In addition, there is also a strong Demon Emperor stationed in the cave on the top of the mountain.

Although Ling Feng had received information about only one person before, from Wei Fangchang and others, Ling Feng learned that there were at least three powerful Demon Emperors stationed here.

From a distance, you can see many human beings wrapped in chains and half-clothed on the mountain roads on both sides of the pass, digging out rocks to build watchtowers and city walls to reinforce the blockade.

These humans were all prisoners captured from the battlefield.

They were not immediately used as food by the demons, but their cultivation was sealed, and after being pierced through the Pipa bone, they were sent here and became slaves.

If something doesn't go your way or if it loses its use value, it will be ruthlessly devoured.

The fate of these people is even more tragic than that of the soldiers who died on the battlefield.

"This is it!"

The group of people hid in a low-lying area, hiding their breath and not daring to take a breath.

Wei Fangchang said with a solemn expression: "In order to escort our scout team out, a total of three powerful Immortal Emperors of the fifth level of the Moon Wheel Realm were sent to cover it. Now, all our contact talismans have been destroyed and we cannot directly communicate with them. Please contact the Immortal Emperor."

After a pause, Wei Fangchang continued: "Brother Shui Han, do you really want to lead us to break out of the encirclement? It is conservatively estimated that the number of demons stationed here, including the lower demons, will probably not be less than 100,000. ! Moreover, beyond this blockade, there is a second blockade less than three thousand miles away. This is why our Dingfeng Fortress has not completely eliminated the blockade even though we know it exists. "Because of the suppression."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Indeed, as Wei Fangchang said, if the army of the Xuantian Wind Clan failed to break through this blockade in a short period of time, then soon, the demon army of other blockades would be able to Rapid support.

Unless they are prepared for a decisive battle with these demonic armies, acting rashly will only bring greater trouble to themselves.

This is obviously not wise.

"It's not realistic to take everyone with us to break out, but if I take you alone, it should be okay."

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he said in a deep voice: "Bingqing, you will go out with me in a moment, and we will work together to send Captain Wei to the opposite side of the blockade!"


Yu Bingqing nodded, her beautiful eyes full of determination.

Although it sounds impossible for the two of them to break through the demon blockade with their own strength, she has witnessed with her own eyes the miracle created by Ling Feng!

They can even survive under the hands of the Tianbai Corpse Emperor who is comparable to the Broken Powerhouse.

This time, there will be no exception.

Ling Feng nodded and smiled at her. This sense of trust made him more confident.

"Captain Wei, after you break out, you must bring the three Immortal Emperors back to meet us in the shortest possible time."


Wei Fangchang also took a deep breath and clenched his fists tightly, "Brother Shui, I will definitely fulfill my mission!"


Ling Feng nodded. As long as the three immortal emperors appeared, his plan would be considered a success.

"Me, me!"

Wang Anyi pointed at his nose, looking eager to try, "Brother Shui, I owe you a life. Although this battle is not small, if I frown, I won't be considered a leader!"


Although Qi Yunchang's face was a bit pale, he still said bravely: "Wang Anyi is not afraid, so will I be afraid?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, then said: "Wang Anyi, Qi Yunchang, you two are the best and strongest among the remaining people. You stay where you are and protect others. If you encounter trouble, find a solution." Evacuate.”


Wang Anyi was obviously stunned for a moment, and was about to say something when he heard Ling Feng continue: "As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood. If we fail, it will be your responsibility to ask for help. On the shoulder."

Ling Feng said so, and Wang Anyi could only nod his head, "I understand! I will conserve my strength!"

Qi Yunchang rolled his eyes, this guy's mind was simply over the top.

The reason "Shui Han" said this was so that he could stay on the sidelines with peace of mind.

This guy……

Qi Yunchang took a deep look at Ling Feng. If he had known this "Shui Han" earlier, he would have definitely become good friends with him.

Ling Feng felt a little nervous when he was stared at by Qi Yunchang. This guy's eyes were red and he was hesitant to speak, making him look like a girl.

Ling Feng was speechless for a while, then threw a pill into Qi Yunchang's hand, "This is the antidote. If you can follow me, it proves that your conscience is not too bad."

Qi Yunchang held the elixir in his hand, gritted his teeth, and threw it back. "We agreed that you would give it to me when you return to Wangshu Fortress. What do you mean by giving it to me now? Huh! It's not too late to give it to me after I go back!"


The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. This boy is quite arrogant!

"That's fine."

Ling Feng put the elixir away, looked back at Yu Bingqing, and nodded at the same time.

"let's go!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and his figure immediately flew out.

At the same time, behind Yu Bingqing, a huge bloody dragon rose into the sky.

The strength of both of them is at the peak of the Immortal Lord, and both of them have taken Dao-level divine pills such as the Immortal-Destroying Heaven Pill.

It can be said that they were only one step away from a breakthrough.

This battle may be an opportunity for a breakthrough.

"You devil bastards, come out and die!"

With a roar, a thousand-foot-long face suddenly formed in the sky, with its eyebrows raised and its eyes blazing, stars spitting out from its mouth!


In an instant, the sky trembled and the earth rumbled and shook.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of two-winged demons jumped out from the mountains and flew towards the giant face in the sky.

However, the next moment, from behind the huge face, another thousand-foot-long dragon descended from the sky.


Amid the roar of the dragon, the blood light fell down like a curtain. In an instant, all those two-winged demons were directly strangled, without even the slightest time to react.

Ling Feng's powerful spiritual power matched with Yu Bingqing's violent energy and blood power.

The combination of the two is enough to dominate the world!

"Their strength is so terrifying!"

Below, Wang Anyi, He Qilian and others all took a deep breath. No wonder they were confident and dared to break through the blockade.

This kind of strength can already challenge the Immortal Emperor level head-on!


The next moment, demons were dancing wildly in the mountains!

Ling Feng and Yu Bingqing killed hundreds of the two-winged demons as soon as they took action. This was undoubtedly a provocation.

Then, from the top of the mountain on one side of the pass, a demon clan that was more than ten feet tall jumped up and towered over the void.

I saw that this demon actually had three heads, and its whole body was covered with long black hairs, which stood upright like a hedgehog's thorns.

At this moment, the six eyes of the three-headed demons were all staring at the huge face above the sky, and they shouted loudly, "Who is this person! Looking for death!"

This demon has actually mastered the human language. It seems that it can be regarded as an advanced race.

The next moment, the three giant monsters, three huge heads, spewed out ice, fire and devilish energy respectively, and swept towards the huge face in the sky.

At the same time, the demonic energy around him spread like a prairie fire, spreading wantonly.

Those low-level demons were affected by his demonic energy, and their auras surged, and they seemed to have fallen into some kind of violent state.


With crazy roars, tens of thousands of demon troops swarmed in.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and the eyes of that huge face began to condense with dark purple light.

The two huge pupils were like stars, infinitely condensed and infinitely collapsed.

Finally, when the pupils condensed into a little purple light, then two beams of light burst out from the pupils.

This move is Ling Feng's latest realization of the shocking calamity of ghosts and gods!

When he was practicing this secret technique, Emperor Tianbai once told him that this shocking calamity was a large-scale attack method. He once stared to death tens of thousands of troops on the battlefield!

Now, although he is facing powerful demon enemies, Ling Feng's shocking calamity has already transformed.


The roaring sound echoed through the void.

The purple beam of light spans thousands of miles, destroying everything, destroying heaven and earth!


In an instant, a peak on the opposite side was flattened and fell from the sky.

With this single blow, in addition to crushing and killing all the demons along the way, the rolling rocks also flattened countless lower demons.

You know, this is an extraterrestrial battlefield, and the laws of time and space are so strong.

Even if it were a Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannon, one blast would create a crater several feet deep.

Ling Feng's attack was already ten times as powerful as the Divine Demon-Slaying Cannon.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

The three giant demons were furious. They clearly felt the opponent's aura, but they were only at the Immortal level, but they actually had such terrifying strength.

Its three pairs of blood-colored pupils flashed with angry flames at the same time, and with its roar, it commanded countless demonic armies and launched a new round of charge.

It believed that although the attack method just now was powerful, it would definitely have a very long period of weakness after one blow.

In fact, after completing this blow, Ling Feng staggered in the void and almost lost his balance.

Fortunately, Yu Bingqing supported Ling Feng in time, and at the same time poured in the domineering power of qi and blood in her body.

Ling Feng's expression recovered instantly and he nodded slightly towards Yu Bingqing.

The three-headed trolls were not wrong in their estimation. Unfortunately, Ling Feng did not fight alone.

In an instant, the ghosts and gods were stunned, and the second shot condensed again!

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