Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3952 Yu Bingqing’s outbreak!

at the same time.

Under the cover of Ling Feng and Yu Bingqing, Wei Fangchang was able to cross the demon blockade silently.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that Ling Feng added a layer of demonic energy to his body, so that after he sneaked into the blockade, he would not be noticed by the strong demons easily.

After crossing the blockade fearfully all the way, Wei Fangchang let out a sigh of relief. He turned back and looked into the sky, only to see several powerful Demon Emperors surrounding Ling Feng and Yu Bingqing. He couldn't help but clenched his fists.

"Brother Shuihan, wait for me!"

He took a deep breath, immediately spread out his body, and flew towards the direction of Dingfeng Fortress at the fastest speed.

If the Immortal Emperor responsible for responding to them did not leave immediately after the agreed time expired.

He might be able to find those Immortal Emperors soon and fight back to the blockade.

"You bitch, how dare you speak nonsense in front of me!"

The six bloody eyes on the three heads of the three-headed troll Raqil were all staring at Yu Bingqing.

He is a powerful Demon Emperor, what qualifications does this woman have to dare to mock herself as the weakest one!

Does she deserve it?

Yu Bingqing's face was as cold as frost, and her face no longer looked even half as charming as usual.

Her talent is not bad, but she liked to take shortcuts when practicing before, and she was not very interested in fighting.

But after integrating the blood essence power of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon, he received repeated guidance from Ling Feng.

Now, her fighting talent has finally been fully unleashed.

"Great Brahma Dragon Elephant!"

While the three trolls were still shouting crazily and hurling insults, Yu Bingqing had already launched the offensive first.

As the eldest princess of Dayu Immortal Court, she has the support of the entire Dayu royal family.

After she returned to the royal capital from Zhantian Fengyuan, she immediately selected several secret techniques that suited her from the royal family's treasure house.

This "Great Brahma Dragon Elephant Divine Fist" is one of them.

She inherited the essence and blood of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon, and her divine power is unparalleled in the world. With this boxing technique, what she emphasizes is that one strength can reduce ten levels.


The three giant monsters opened their three big mouths at the same time. Not to mention, the physical strength of the strong demons is generally far stronger than that of humans.

He is at the Demon Emperor level!

An Immortal Lord foolishly competed with the Demon Emperor for strength!

It's just self-inflicted.

"court death!"

The three-headed troll roared loudly, and two pairs of arms suddenly stretched out from behind.

The muscles were knotted, and the exaggerated veins bulged out one by one. Coupled with his terrifying figure of ten feet tall, it was like thick pythons wrapping around his body.

Boom boom boom!

The violent fist wind created waves of terrifying sonic booms.

One punch!

Two punches!

Three punches!

In an instant, the six arms of the three-headed troll bombarded Yu Bingqing like cannonballs.

These three giant monsters had suffered losses at the hands of Ling Feng and the others before, so this time it can be said that they were not careless at all and had already attacked with all their strength.


Above the sky, a huge bloody dragon descended from the sky. It was the appearance of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon.

"Little tricks!"

The three giant demons punched out six punches at once and faced the giant dragon!


In an instant, the three-headed troll's body was knocked down from the air. In the blink of an eye, it fell from a height of ten thousand feet to the ground.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The ground suddenly exploded, and the three giant demons remained standing, with six arms firmly grasping the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon Dharma.

Under the collision of violent forces, the ground below suddenly cracked, and spider web-like cracks spread rapidly, directly affecting an area of ​​several thousand feet.

And with the violent trembling of the muscles on his six arms, and at the cost of two of his arms being blown up, he actually used the brute force of his body to drag down the Ancestral Dragon Dharma Image.

"Hmph, a competition of strength? I am a troll! How can you resist the power of the trolls!"

The three-headed giant demon let out a roar of disdain, then actually picked up the Ancestral Dragon Dharma Image, threw it over his shoulder, and hit the ground heavily.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The thousand-foot-long ancestral dragon dharma image fell to the ground. The scene was so spectacular.

Countless low-level demons couldn't dodge and were smashed into meat pies.

The next moment, the Ancestral Dragon Dharma Form collapsed, and Yu Bingqing's figure rose into the sky again, but a stream of blood clearly spilled from the corner of her mouth.

In the confrontation just now, Yu Bingqing obviously did not take advantage.

Indeed, it is still too much to fight against the high-level trolls at the Demon Emperor level with the level of Immortal Lord.

Seeing that Yu Bingqing was injured, Ling Feng's heart tightened.

Yu Bingqing's growth rate is indeed very fast, but the opponent is a powerful Demon Emperor who has experienced hundreds of battles, and his physical strength is unparalleled.

If the three trolls hadn't been injured before, Yu Bingqing wouldn't have even been able to blow up both of his arms.


There was another loud noise, and the three giant demons kicked the ground with both feet, and their bodies rose into the sky, catching up with Yu Bingqing's direction.

"Smelly woman, go to hell!"

The three-headed trolls roared ferociously, and the demonic energy erupted all over their bodies. Four huge demonic palms were thrown out at the same time, and they swatted Yu Bingqing fiercely like swatting flies.


Although they were still nearly a thousand meters apart, the storm caused by this palm almost tore the void apart.

Ling Feng frowned and stared at Yu Bingqing. If Yu Bingqing's life was in danger, he would not stand idly by.

"What, do you want to break the rules?"

The red-haired man opposite Frakinus narrowed his eyes and smiled coldly, "If you take action, the previous agreement will be invalidated, and I will take action as well."

Ling Feng's face darkened, and he could only hope that Wei Fangchang would bring back the reinforcements as soon as possible.


In an instant, the figures of the three giant demons had caught up with Yu Bingqing. Two pairs of huge devil palms clapped together. One pair struck at Yu Bingqing, and the other pair directly blocked Yu Bingqing's retreat.

However, just when the three trolls thought that this palm would end the battle, Yu Bingqing's figure mysteriously disappeared in time.

The next moment, there was a flash of blood, and Yu Bingqing appeared hundreds of feet away behind the three giant monsters, breathing slightly.

At the critical moment of life and death, she used the secret blood escape technique.


The three-headed troll frowned, turned around suddenly, and struck out with one palm again.

"Demon flame melts the sky!"

A layer of strong demonic energy turned into pitch-black flames and swept away in the direction of Yu Bingqing.

Yu Bingqing's face was solemn, her eyelids twitched wildly, and a vague shadow of death hit her heart.

Is this the powerful Demon Emperor!

Although the powerful Immortals at the God of War level all have the strength to kill ordinary Demon Emperors, the three-headed giant demon in front of them cannot be considered "ordinary" in any way.

In addition to this three-headed troll, there are three other demon emperors, each one stronger than the other.

Could it be that I could only become a burden to him after all?

She clenched her fist tightly, and in the blink of an eye, she turned back to look at Ling Feng.



I will never be willing to be a burden!

I don’t want to hide behind him forever and be protected and protected by him.

I want to stand by his side and become a companion who can fight alongside him!

For the first time, Yu Bingqing was so eager to gain power.


Perhaps it was at this moment that the powerful willpower that exploded in her body finally gained the true recognition of the essence and blood of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon in her body.

An extremely surging aura swept out of Yu Bingqing's body, turning into a bloody storm that continued to expand.

The magic flames emitted by the three giant demons were instantly swallowed up by the bloody storm.

Boom boom boom!

The next moment, countless fireballs scattered from the storm, turning into meteors and fire showers, affecting a radius of hundreds of miles!

Countless low-level demons were instantly blown into ashes.

Even those who were luckier and were not killed by the explosion were still burned by the demonic fire. They screamed and were eventually burned to coke.

"Damn it!"

The three-headed troll became even more furious. Until now, he had barely hurt the opponent's hair, but instead killed countless low-level demons.

Although these low-level demons are originally cannon fodder, that’s not how cannon fodder is used!


Ling Feng secretly praised in his heart. He could see that Yu Bingqing seemed to have fallen into some kind of enlightenment state.


Ling Feng clenched his fists and a thought flashed through his mind.

Perhaps, Yu Bingqing will take the lead and be promoted to Immortal Emperor!

"You bitch, go to hell! Die, die, die!"

The three-headed troll has gone completely crazy. In the four palms, the demonic energy condenses, and finally condenses into four highly compressed black balls of demonic energy.

"Big Moyang Jade!"

With a loud roar, the three-headed trolls threw the four black balls of demonic energy towards Yu Bingqing.

"Great Brahma Dragon Elephant!"

With a scream, the bloody storm dispersed, and Yu Bingqing's figure emerged from the bloody light.

Like a phoenix reborn from blood, at this moment, Yu Bingqing's momentum has risen a lot again.

With a sharp look in her eyes, she used the Great Brahma Dragon Elephant Divine Fist again, but this time the momentum was completely different from before.


Terrifying power exploded, and the aura of the ancestral dragon level swept across, and once again condensed into a bloody giant dragon.

The giant dragon actually opened its big mouth, swallowed all four black balls of demonic energy, and slammed into the three giant monsters at the same time.


The three-headed troll's eyelids twitched, and its four thick arms grabbed the bloody dragon again.

Obviously, he wanted to repeat his old tricks and neutralize Yu Bingqing's moves again.


The demonic energy rioted, and with the power of destroying the galaxy, it collided with Yu Bingqing's bloody dragon.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

In an instant, the demonic energy rolled, the blood flickered, and the two terrifying forces intertwined and burned, actually "cracking".

boom! boom! boom!

The force of the overbearing collision formed a huge air wave in the surrounding space of thousands of feet, sweeping across with a roar, hitting Yu Bingqing's chest, knocking her directly out, and hitting the mountain heavily.


A blood arrow spurted out.

At the same time, all four arms of the three-headed troll Rakir were crushed, and the flesh and blood flew away, revealing the thick white bones inside.

Immediately afterwards, the bones were twisted into ashes, and a violent hurricane surged. Finally, Rakir couldn't stand and was thrown away.


His huge body fell heavily to the ground, and then he spat out several mouthfuls of dark green blood.

He was injured again, obviously more serious than the previous blow from Ling Feng's Ghostly Shocking Tribulation.


The three giant demons vomited more than a dozen mouthfuls of blood one after another, and then they pounced into the army of lower demons, frantically devouring and refining the energy and blood of the surrounding lower demons.

After a while, the flesh and blood on his body began to squirm, and he could only barely recover an arm.

In a short period of time, I am afraid that I will no longer be able to gather a second arm.

He stared at Yu Bingqing in mid-air with some horror.

It is completely impossible to understand what happened to this woman and how she could suddenly become so powerful.

Could it be that she was just pretending before?

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

The three-headed troll suddenly rose into the sky and roared hysterically, "You bitch, I'm going to tear you apart!"


The figure of the three-headed troll suddenly disappeared.

This is not the rules of space, but his power, forcibly tearing open the void and traveling through the void.

You know, this is an extraterritorial battlefield!

His physical strength is actually terrifying!

Yu Bingqing's face turned stern, and the next moment, a ferocious smile came from behind: "It's over, it's completely over! Go to hell! Go to hell!!!"


In a flash of lightning, Rakir's remaining one arm was suddenly grabbed out!

A claw covered with long black hair penetrated directly from Yu Bingqing's chest.

However, just as the claws penetrated Yu Bingqing's body, the smile on the three-headed troll's face froze in an instant.

"No, this is an afterimage! How could it be?"

He turned around suddenly, but was shocked to find that a faint pink appeared in Yu Bingqing's eyes.

Previously, Yu Bingqing had been using the domineering energy and blood power of the Blood Hell Dragon to fight against the three-headed trolls, without using his own charm laws at all.

In fact, this is her "old trade"!

Caught off guard, the three-headed troll was completely unprepared and was controlled by Yu Bingqing's charming eyes.

The moment his body froze in place, Yu Bingqing struck out with another "Great Brahma Dragon Elephant Divine Fist"!

Boom boom boom boom!

Along with the violent bloody air waves, after everything settled, the body of the three-headed troll fell heavily to the ground.

Two of his three heads were blown up, and the remaining one was cut off in half. It looked extremely miserable.

Obviously, the outcome is decided.

After Yu Bingqing fired this blow, his figure also fell from the sky.

Although she had defeated the three-headed troll, she had exhausted her last strength and was now in a state of exhaustion.

Ling Feng's figure flashed, hugged Yu Bingqing's delicate body around her waist, and slowly landed on a mountain peak from the air.

"How's it going? Are you okay?"

Ling Feng looked at Yu Bingqing with concern, seeing that her face was as white as a sheet of paper, and quickly fed her a pill.

After a while, Yu Bingqing regained her composure, chuckled and shook her head at Ling Feng, "Why are you so concerned about me now? Are you finally going to fall in love with me?"

"Cough cough cough..."

Ling Feng rolled his eyes at her angrily, "How long has it been and you still have the guts to say this?"

the other side.


The expression on Frachinus's face was a bit gloomy, but he didn't say much.

"Trash is trash!"

The Mantis Blade Demon Emperor sneered, showing no sympathy for the seriously injured and dying three-headed troll.

He flicked his pair of huge beetle knives, looked back at Frakinus, and said with a evil smile: "Master Frakinus, leave that kid to me!"

Frakinus' eyes fell on the Mantis Blade Demon Emperor, nodded, and then said in a cold voice: "Sykes, I hope you will not disappoint me!"

"Don't worry, Lord Frakinus, my strength is not comparable to that of that loser Rakir!"

He raised the huge mantis knife high, pointed it at Ling Feng, and shouted loudly: "Boy, it's your turn! Don't worry, I will let you die happily without any pain!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, put Yu Bingqing on the ground, and gave a few more instructions in a warm voice. Then he turned to look at the Mantis Blade Demon Emperor, raised his arm, and Destruction from All Directions gathered together again and turned into a weapon. blade.

Although Destruction in All Directions was broken by Frakinus before, this humane heavenly weapon was born from the origin of Ling Feng's soul. As long as Ling Feng does not die, Destruction in All Directions can be restored to its original state in an instant no matter how it is destroyed. .

As soon as the blade turned, Ling Feng's figure flew into the air and stood face to face with the Mantis Blade Demon Emperor. His eyes turned cold and he said slowly: "You are honored, because you will be the first to die in my hands. A demon emperor!"

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