Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3953 Kill the Demon Emperor with a sword!

"Arrogant and ignorant!"

The Mantis Blade Demon Emperor raised the pair of extremely sharp mantis blades, stretched out a long scarlet tongue, and gently licked the tips of the blades.

"Never compare a trash like Rakir to me."

The next moment, the blade swiped, and a powerful blade slashed out.

The blade of the Mantis Blade Demon Emperor pointed directly at Ling Feng and sneered: "I, Sykes, the high-level Demon Emperor of the Blade Demon Tribe, will bury you here!"


The void roared, and extremely violent demonic energy surged crazily with Sikes as the center.

He is only over three feet tall and is far less massive than the three-headed trolls, but his strength is many times greater than the three-headed trolls.

If converted to the realm of an adult immortal emperor, this Mantis Blade Demon Emperor is comparable to the seventh level of the Moon Wheel Realm!

Coupled with the special physique of the demons and the environment of the battlefield outside the territory, the human race cannot recover by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. However, in this battlefield, the demonic energy is endless, inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

Therefore, generally speaking, to deal with a Demon Emperor of the same realm, it often takes two to three Human Immortal Emperors of the same level to suppress it steadily.

Of course, this rule obviously does not apply to real monsters.

Whether it is the genius of the human race or the genius of the demon race, they all have the ability to kill high-level opponents.

Genius cannot always be calculated using common sense.

Ling Feng's figure flashed, and he easily dodged the sword light of the Mantis Sword Demon Emperor. The Shifang Ju De blade in his hand vibrated, and he slashed out with his backhand, directly performing the Dragon Frost Cold Soul Sword Technique.


An ice dragon rushed towards the Mantis Blade Demon Emperor, hunting the cold wind and freezing the world.

"Using a knife in front of me is your biggest failure!"

The Mantis Sword Demon Emperor snorted coldly. Unlike other swordsmen, he was born with this pair of Mantis Swords.

Moreover, the blade was covered with extremely strong poison.

The blade kills lives, and the poison excites souls!

In an instant, the body of the Mantis Blade Demon Emperor spun at high speed like a windmill.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The ice dragon that Ling Feng slashed with one sword was directly chopped into ice and snow all over the sky by his double swords.

And with a flash of black light, the Mantis Blade Demon Emperor had already spun and rushed in front of Ling Feng.

"What a speed!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched. His attention was always on his pair of swords, but he forgot about the pair of high-speed rhythmic membrane wings behind him.

His speed is much faster than the Immortal Emperor who is good at the law of storm or thunder.

In a hurry, Ling Feng drew his sword to resist, and at the same time activated the hot sea power in his body.

Although in order to hide his identity, Ling Feng gave up his best skills of fire and swordsmanship.

However, the increase in Atami's divine power is basically pure power, and there are not many traces to speak of.

With a loud shout, Atami's divine power exploded, and he slashed out with his sword.

This sword was not fancy at all, but Atami's divine power was poured into the blade, and it collided solidly with the Demon Emperor Mantis Sword.


The sound of gold and iron clashing was extremely harsh.

The instant confrontation was like a thunder erupting from the sky.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on it, but Yu Bingqing took a deep breath and sat up cross-legged to meditate on the opposite side of the mountain.

After the battle just now, she had an epiphany.

In addition, I have already swallowed Dao-level pills such as the Immortal-Destroying Pill before.

At this moment, if you can do it in one go, you can break through the realm of the Immortal Emperor in one fell swoop.

She silently felt the will of this world, breathing in and out, the stars fell, and the moon appeared!

In an instant, Yu Bingqing's beautiful eyes flashed with extremely bright light.

Once you have achieved enlightenment, you can step through the profound entrance and be promoted to the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

"Lord Frakinus!"

When the Six-Eyed Demon Emperor was watching the battle, he glanced in the direction of Yu Bingqing and said in a deep voice: "That woman seems to be about to break through! Should I let my subordinates..."

As he spoke, his three pairs of blood-red eyeballs simultaneously burst out with murderous intent.

"Hmph, so what if we break through?"

Frachinus was dressed in a red robe and danced in the strong wind. His pale face showed a trace of fanaticism, "She has the breath of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon! Let her break through, and the Ancestral Dragon in her body will The blood will naturally be completely stimulated, and when the time comes, I will drain her blood again! Jie Jie Jie..."

Frachinus grinned ferociously, "This will be a feast!"

While the two demon emperors were talking, Ling Feng had already used the divine power of Atami to fight fiercely with the mantis sword demon emperor for hundreds of swords.


The divine power of Rehai rumbled in Ling Feng's arms, the sword rolled up a storm, and the sword energy cut through the sky!


The Mantis Blade Demon Emperor's eyes flashed fiercely, and the demonic energy in his body also roared and surged, making a harsh rumbling sound.

The next moment, billowing demonic energy burst out of the body, overwhelming Ling Feng's body, sweeping it in directly.


One word, like thousands of ghosts screaming together, and in an instant, numerous demonic shadows swept across the world!


The overbearing demonic energy turned into a huge raging wave.

The sea of ​​demonic energy swept across the sky. If it were an ordinary immortal, even this surging demonic energy would be enough to completely suppress him.

However, the next moment, an extremely thick sword light suddenly shined out from the sea of ​​demonic energy.

The bright light of the sword split the dark sea of ​​demonic energy into two parts. Ling Feng's figure rose up from the sea of ​​demonic energy. At the same time, he raised his hands high and held them in his hand, destroying all directions with one strike. Cut it down hard!

This sword was combined with the power of the Great Slaughter Technique, and the killing aura swept across. The power of the Immortal Emperor-level divine consciousness turned into a storm and crushed it down.

After all, the power of pure divine consciousness is comparable to that of the Shattered Immortal Emperor!

Previously, Frakinus directly suppressed Ling Feng with one move, instantly defeating the Dharma form transformed by the power of his divine consciousness.

What he used was also a powerful power of divine consciousness.

Ling Feng was defeated in one fell swoop, but he was not discouraged. Instead, he secretly learned some methods of using the power of divine consciousness from Frakinus.

Although it is only superficial, it cannot withstand the power of Ling Feng's consciousness, which is comparable to the broken level!

This is like the account balance of the Tianmeng Chamber of Commerce. Even if there is only one fairy stone, multiplied by several hundred million, it is still a very huge number.

Ling Feng's situation is very similar.

His astonishing understanding, coupled with the majestic power of divine consciousness, was able to produce such a heaven-defying performance.

"how come?"

The three pairs of blood-colored eyeballs of the Six-Eyed Demon Emperor were spinning wildly. Even if all six eyes were staring at Ling Feng, they couldn't believe it. How could a mere immortal be so ridiculously powerful?

"What an amazing understanding!"

A trace of fear flashed in Frakinus's eyes.

This pair of men and women are both so evil. It seems that they should be the top geniuses among the human race.

It just so happens that what he likes to do most is to nip the genius in the bud.

"Sykes, what now?"

Ling Feng shouted violently, and his whole body flashed with golden light. In an instant, he transformed into a golden god of war, holding up the sky and shaking the earth.

The golden god of war, with a huge hand, slashed hard in the direction of Sykes.

The situation seemed to have reversed in an instant. Just now, Ling Feng was trapped and struggling in the sea of ​​Sikes' demonic energy. Now, he was crushed by the sea of ​​Ling Feng's huge spiritual power, almost suffocating him.

"No! This is impossible!"

Sykes let out an angry roar. He had just made a lot of nonsense, saying that he was not comparable to a waste like Rakir, and that he would never be defeated by a mere immortal.

But then, he was suppressed by the "ant" in front of him!

Moreover, he could feel the terrifying power contained in Ling Feng's sword.

This knife is enough to kill it without even leaving ashes.

"Lord Frakinus!"

Sykes was trembling all over. Under the terrifying mental pressure of the Broken Immortal Emperor, he could not avoid it.

I am really too careless!

If I had known this, I would never have given that boy a chance to distance himself and allow him to unleash the power of his consciousness.

It's a pity that the only thing you can't buy in the world is regret medicine.

He could only look at Vlakinus in despair.

Now, only Frakinus could save his life.


Frakinus snorted coldly, not expecting that the must-win bets he proposed on a whim would turn out to be overturned one after another.

It’s okay if Rakir loses, but now even Sykes is not hostile to the opponent.

That's obviously just a mere Immortal!

Not only does he have the domineering brute force that can go head-to-head with Sykes, but he also has the astonishing power of the soul.

"Lord Frakinus!"

The Six-Eyed Demon Emperor also stared at Fraginus, "Although Sykes was defeated, the current situation of the battle is tight. Leaving a Demon Emperor will have a great impact on the battle situation."

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Frakinus snorted coldly, and the Six-Eyed Demon Emperor was so frightened that he trembled and stepped aside, not daring to say another word.

The next moment, Frakinus's whole body surged with momentum, and he roared in the direction of Ling Feng: "Boy, stop it!"

The rumbling sound, mixed with the majestic divine thoughts, was like thunder that shook the sky.

However, Ling Feng didn't seem to hear it. The sword fell with the force of cutting through the sky.

Frakinus frowned, a mere Immortal Lord dared to ignore his orders.

It seems that the finger he pointed just now has not completely shattered this person's self-confidence!

"Stop it!"

The roar became more intense and domineering, and Frakinus was already angry. This time, his spiritual thoughts turned into a huge demon, covering half of the sky.

If Ling Feng insists on taking action, Frakinus will kill him first.


What responded to him was Ling Feng's extremely determined roar.

The six-eyed demon emperor was right. The existence of every powerful demon emperor was enough to threaten countless human beings.

And if he kills one more Demon Emperor, the world of Immortal Realm will become more stable.

"How dare you! How dare you!"

A murderous intent burst out from Frakinus's eyes, and a drop of dark red blood had already condensed in his devil's palm.

He controls the power of the Law of Blood. In a place filled with fighting and death every moment, the Law of Blood is one of the top laws that dominates the battlefield.

He carries the blood of the top demon clan, and has the arrogance and dignity of a superior. He will not allow an ant to be so arrogant in front of him!

However, at this moment, dark clouds rolled in from thousands of miles away!

Mixed with the muffled sounds of thunder, Yu Bingqing's final enlightenment was finally completed.

In an instant, Yu Bingqing opened her beautiful eyes, and her figure rose into the sky and stopped directly in front of Frakinus.

"Their battle is not over yet. Your so-called advanced demons are really dirty and shameless!"

Yu Bingqing smiled jokingly, and extremely brilliant blood burst out all over her body.

What about the Law of Blood?

The Blood Prison Heavenly Dragon is the real master who controls the power of Qi and blood!


As Yu Bingqing finished speaking, the calamity clouds finally condensed in the sky.

Naturally, she would not think that she had the strength to challenge Fraginus head-on, but her thunder tribulation had the powerful pressure of the will of this world.

It's enough to stop that Frachinus alive!

"I should have killed you long ago!"

Frakinus frowned, he had shot himself in the foot.

Just now when Yu Bingqing was comprehending the power of the will of heaven and earth, whenever he had the slightest thought of killing, this woman would never be able to fight back.

Fortunately now, she actually used the lightning tribulation of being promoted to Immortal Emperor to stop herself.

Damn woman!

Frakinus clenched his fists, snorted coldly, but still flew back.

He would not be stupid enough to help Yu Bingqing fight against Lei Jie.

As for the Mantis Blade Demon Emperor Sykes, we can only let him die!

"Woman, when your calamity thunder dissipates, you will die!"

Frakinus snorted coldly, reached out and grabbed hold of the three-headed troll Raqir who was still lying on the ground "pretending to be dead", and then flew back and retreated into the pass.

Sykes must die, but he can't let the three-headed trolls belch as well.

As a result, there are too few powerful Demon Emperors guarding here, and I am afraid that there will be some action on the other side of Dingfeng Fortress.

Immediately afterwards, a blood-colored light shield descended from the sky above the pass, covering the entire mountain peak.

Obviously, Frachinus was also afraid that this place would be affected by Yu Bingqing's lightning disaster, so he took the lead in opening the defensive barrier.

At the same time, without the interference of Frakinus, Ling Feng swung down his sword, and the Mantis Blade Demon Emperor Sykes turned into flying ashes and was annihilated in the golden light.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Feng's figure flashed and appeared beside Yu Bingqing.

"Bingqing, thank you!"

Ling Feng knew everything Yu Bingqing had done for him.

If Yu Bingqing didn't take action just now, Frakinus would definitely launch an attack on him.

In this way, not only will Sikes be unable to kill him, but he may also be seriously injured.

Fortunately, at the most critical moment, Yu Bingqing finally achieved enlightenment.

Yu Bingqing narrowed her eyes and smiled, "Have you forgotten, I don't like hearing you say thank you to me the most!"

Ling Feng scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, took a deep breath, and immediately flew in front of Yu Bingqing.

Her previous battle with the three-headed troll had severely damaged her vitality. Now, it would be difficult for her to survive the thunder tribulation on her own.

Only by relying on yourself and facing the disaster together with her can you increase your chances of success.

"I will help you carry the first few thunder tribulations, but for the last step, you can only rely on yourself!"

Ling Feng clenched his fists, took a deep breath, looked up at the sky, and said silently in his heart, "Come on!!!"

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