Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3954 The vast ocean! Lei Ze country!

The sky was gloomy and dark clouds were coming over the city.

Even the three blood moons hanging high in the sky were completely blocked.

This momentum can be vaguely compared to the previous Dao-level pill calamity when refining the Immortal-Resisting Heaven-Seizing Pill.

At that time, there were five powerful Immortal Emperor protectors from Dayu Immortal Courtyard who formed a formation to deal with the calamity, but they were all almost killed by the thunder of the calamity.

Now, Ling Feng is the only one protecting Yu Bingqing, and he has just experienced a tough battle.

Killing the Mantis Blade Demon Emperor Sykes before seemed like an understatement, but in fact it was full of dangers.

If it hadn't been for the Mantis Blade Demon Emperor's support, which gave him the opportunity to distance himself, and with his airtight sword skills, Ling Feng would have never had the chance to completely seal him off with his powerful divine soul source and kill him in one fell swoop.

He was able to kill the Mantis Blade Demon Emperor because he was really lucky.

And even if this is the case, Ling Feng's consumption of spiritual power is not huge.

But now that Yu Bingqing is facing the great calamity of the Immortal Emperor, he can only bite the bullet.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng grabbed a handful of pills and stuffed them into his mouth.

When the qi and blood are exhausted and the magic power is insufficient, the medicinal power in the body is directly dissolved, and it can be resisted for a while.

"Bingqing, these pills are for you!"

Ling Feng stuffed his stomach full and didn't forget to stuff a lot of pills into Yu Bingqing's hands.

The good thing about being a high-level alchemist is that Ling Feng can easily take out a basin of heaven-defying elixirs that others would have a hard time finding.

Yu Bingqing couldn't help but secretly gasped, how could this guy have a richer family than his own, the eldest princess?


The thunder in the sky became more frequent, and among the dark clouds, streaks of crimson thunder could be faintly seen.

The first thing that comes up is the Heaven-killing Blood Thunder. Obviously, this is just an appetizer.

Ling Feng clenched the Ten Directions Destruction in his hand. He was not afraid of the Tribulation Thunder in the form of thunder.

If it evolves into the previous pill calamity of the Immortal Seizing Pill, and directly gathers into evil spirits like Enlightenment Beast, it will become very difficult.


Just when the thoughts in Ling Feng's mind were changing rapidly, the first sky-killing blood thunder pierced the sky and exploded down.

"bring it on!"

Ling Feng raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, pointed his long knife at the sky, and the sound wave exploded, which could actually stop the falling speed of the sky-killing blood thunder.

The bloody thunder trembled violently in the void, and after a brief pause, it fell again in the direction of Yu Bingqing.

Ling Feng's figure soared into the sky in an instant, destroying all directions in his hand, and slashed directly towards Lei Lei.


Within the pass, Frakinus and other powerful demons, although retreating within the defensive barrier, were closely watching the catastrophe of being promoted to the Immortal Emperor.

When he saw Ling Feng actually using his sword to kill the thunder, the six eyes of the six-eyed demon emperor all widened.

Since he was born, he has never seen such an amazing operation, holding a machete in his hand to chop thunder, this is too exaggerated!

"That boy, I'm afraid he has practiced some kind of body-refining magical power, and his physical strength is even stronger than that of ordinary demon emperors!"

Frakinus took a deep breath and said slowly: "His power can defeat Sykes head-on. That is not a physical quality that ordinary humans can possess! It can be said that the origin of his soul and body have been After crossing the realm of the Immortal Emperor, there is only one final step left, especially the origin of the soul, and even surpassing me!"


The Six-Eyed Demon Emperor took a breath of cold air.

Frakinus, that is a strong man equivalent to the sixth level of the human sun!

Even he said that the origin of his soul is not as good as that boy. What kind of monster is that guy?

"It's just that he hasn't been promoted to the Immortal Emperor yet. He has a powerful soul, but he can't really exert its full power!"

Frakinus's face became more solemn and he continued: "If he breaks through, it will be very difficult even for me to suppress him! If he is given another hundred years to continue to grow, I'm afraid..."

After a pause, Frakinus continued: "No one under the ninth level of the sun can kill him!"

"Just a few hundred years?"

The eyes of the Six-Eyed Demon Emperor were about to pop out. For experts at their level, thousands of years were too short.

In just a hundred years, it would be too exaggerated to become such an invincible powerhouse.

But he knew very well that Frakinus was so arrogant that he would never praise a human race easily.

Since he said that, then, most likely, it is true.

"Today, he must be completely eliminated! Otherwise, this son will grow up and cause endless troubles!" Frakinus said in a deep voice.

At this moment, the three giant demons opened their eyes wide and shouted: "When the two of them survive the thunder tribulation, they will be extremely weak. By then, they will be just fish and meat on the chopping board, and they will not be slaughtered by others! I Crush them completely!"

Of the three giant monsters, two and a half of their three heads were blown up by Yu Bingqing. Although one of their heads has been restored, their aura is extremely weak.

Otherwise, this extraterrestrial battlefield would be filled with demonic energy, and there would be countless cannon fodder from the low-level demons providing energy and blood. He might have to lie down for decades and he might not be able to recover.

"Hmph, a defeated general still has the nerve to talk!"

Frakinus glared at him coldly, "If missing you hadn't still had some effect, I would have taken off your last head right now!"

The three-headed troll turned pale with fright. He quickly closed his mouth and stepped aside, not daring to stand out in front of Fraginus.

Conspicuous bags are not easy to sell. I originally wanted to take credit, but I almost lost my life.

And the Mantis Blade Demon Emperor Sykes was even worse. He really risked his life.

In the future, if you encounter such a coaxing immortal, you'd better hide away a little bit.

Even the Immortal Emperor is not so difficult to deal with!

At this time, Ling Feng held the Ten Directions Destruction in his hand and had already chopped hundreds of sky-killing blood thunders into pieces.

The blood thunder also changed from one at the beginning to three, six, nine...

After a while, dozens of them began to fall together.

It will even start to accumulate thunder energy. From the beginning, it was thicker than a python, but now it has become thicker than a bucket... no, thicker than a water tank.

Ling Feng also directly displayed his divine magic form, holding a thousand-foot giant sword in his hand, and slashed at the thunder crazily.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

The violent thunder made Ling Feng's whole body numb, but the power of the thunder that escaped was directly absorbed by Ling Feng's tyrannical body.

The Chaos Dantian moves on its own, and a calamity thunder of this magnitude cannot hurt him at all.

And soon, the calamity clouds on the horizon changed again.

The Heaven-killing Blood Thunder is just an appetizer.

In less than half an hour, dark raindrops fell from the clouds.


Heavy rain poured down.

However, as the raindrops fell, the entire sky was filled with extremely dense black fog.

In an instant, hundreds of miles around were enveloped in this strange black rain.

The area covered by the raindrops seems to have turned into a special area, and every drop of black rain seems to contain the destructive power of destroying the world.

"not good!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched suddenly, and he suddenly reached a high altitude and fell down.

If every raindrop is a thunderstorm, and billions of raindrops are scattered by the wind, the entire space will definitely not be spared.

Sure enough, the moment the raindrops hit the ground, they turned into a wildly surging black thunderstorm.

Then, the thunderstorms continue to cause thunderstorms!



The whole land instantly turned into a thunderstorm.

"The great calamity!"

Within the pass, there was a dignified look in Frakinus's eyes.

With his vision, he could naturally recognize the origin of this thunderstorm at a glance.

The calamity of Cangming, the ninth level of great waves!

This calamity has nine levels in total, and the first level is to summon the Kingdom of Lei Ze.

Wherever the black rain passes, the entire area affected by the thunderstorm will become the Kingdom of Thunder!

"Just being promoted to Immortal Emperor can actually trigger a huge catastrophe!"

Frakinus took a deep breath, among the human race, the geniuses were rising together, and among the demon race, the stars were also shining brightly.

It seems that a true battle between gods and demons is not far away!

at the same time.

Yu Bingqing faced the thunderous country, her eyelids jumped suddenly, and she quickly flew up.

If it were swallowed up by that piece of thunder, I'm afraid it would be blown to pieces.

"What a terrible thunder disaster!"

Yu Bingqing's complexion changed drastically. She had also observed the Immortal Emperor's catastrophe of the clan elders, but she had never seen such an exaggerated one.

Little did she know that from the moment she obtained the blood power of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon, it was destined that the tribulation thunder she would face in the future would only become more terrifying each time.

The deeper the foundation and the stronger the bloodline, the more terrifying the disasters faced will naturally be.

The will of this world will spare no effort to prevent anything that threatens the birth of this world.

Yu Bingqing is the kind of existence that arouses heaven's jealousy.

"Bingqing, come up!"

Ling Feng shouted loudly and stretched out a palm in the direction of Yu Bingqing.

When Yu Bingqing heard Ling Feng's voice, she immediately flew out without any hesitation.

In an instant, countless flying swords shot out, blocking all the black raindrops Yu Bingqing encountered along the way.

The next moment, Yu Bingqing tightly grasped Ling Feng's hand and saw his eyes full of determination and perseverance.

Ling Feng grasped Yu Bingqing's palm with his left hand, and at the same time raised his right hand high to destroy all directions, and let out a loud shout.

"Zhou Tian Chaos Formation!"

In an instant, a six-pointed star formation appeared at Ling Feng's feet.

The extremely bright nine-colored rays of light directly intertwined into an airtight shield of Gangqi around Ling Feng and Yu Bingqing.

This is the secret technique passed down from the temple of the witch clan when Ling Feng was still practicing in Xuanling Continent. It was created by the witch ancestor and turned into small chaos with the power of Zhou Tian. It can deal with witchcraft of various attributes. , all produce a certain restraint effect.

Today, Ling Feng has already cultivated the Great Zhoutian and transformed into great chaos. The power of the Zhoutian Chaos Formation has also long since changed.

However, after reaching the level of immortality, Ling Feng still tended to practice swordsmanship and various attribute laws, and he put aside the way of witchcraft.

But at this moment, the Zhoutian Chaos Formation can be used to fight against the ubiquitous black rain.

"Golden Sword! Get up!"

In the chaotic formation around the sky, a golden light soared into the sky, and in an instant, it condensed into a huge sword of ten thousand feet!

"Mysterious sword draws thunder!"

The golden giant sword, filled with Gengjin energy, was actually able to attract the terrifying power of thunder contained in the black raindrops.

In the blink of an eye, countless black rain gathered around the golden sword, turning into dragons as black as ink.

This is the true form of those Black Rains - the Cangming Thunder Dragon!

Bang bang bang!

A head of Cangming Thunder Dragon waved its dragon claws and slapped the golden sword hard.

With every claw strike, the terrifying power will be transferred to Ling Feng through the Zhoutian Chaos Formation.

Although it had been weakened by at least 50% or 60% by Zhou Tian's power, Ling Feng still spat out a mouthful of reverse blood after being slapped by dozens of claws, and the energy and blood in his body surged.

"How are you?"

Yu Bingqing looked at Ling Feng with concern. She bit her silver teeth and was about to activate the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon Dharma to rush out, but was held tightly by Ling Feng.

"I'm fine! Don't rush!"

Ling Feng shook his head at her and said in a deep voice: "Don't waste your mana first. At the last moment, try to get the maximum benefits when you are promoted! Now, you just need to believe me!"


Looking into Ling Feng's firm eyes, Yu Bingqing nodded heavily, feeling a warmth surge in her chest.

Maybe she couldn't fully see through Ling Feng's thoughts, but at least, at this moment, he had her in his eyes.

His concern also comes from the heart.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, and in the next moment, he held the ten directions and destroyed them all, and soared into the sky again.

He used the Zhoutian Chaos Formation and the Black Sword to draw thunder, gathering all the black raindrops together and turning them into the true form of the Thunder Dragon.

Now, he doesn't need to distract himself from protecting Yu Bingqing, he only needs to kill these thunder dragons.



Dozens of Cangming Thunder Dragons looked up to the sky and roared.

They were forcibly summoned by the power of Ling Feng's mysterious sword and revealed their true bodies. At this moment, they were already angry.

Seeing Ling Feng break out of the "turtle shell" of the Zhoutian Chaos Formation, he immediately roared and rushed towards him, trying to tear this tiny ant into pieces.

Ling Feng clenched the Ten Directions All Destruction in his hand and stared at the thunder dragon with its teeth and claws. In an instant, the Hunyuan Immortal Demon Tribulation was completely unsealed!

The two qi of immortals and demons intertwined and fused within the body, erupting into an unparalleled terrifying momentum.

The Lei Ze Kingdom is like a natural barrier that can isolate spiritual perception.

And in this area covered by Lei Ze, no one can spy on what is happening inside.

Even Vladinus is no exception.

This also means that in this space, Ling Feng no longer needs to hide, and can use all his strength to resist the thunder tribulation!

Immortal and demon energy exploded, and the killing mark was fully revealed at the center of Ling Feng's eyebrows, with a hint of dark red luster.

Destruction in all directions also restored the sword form.

Swordsmanship is Ling Feng's strongest area.

"bring it on!"

Ling Feng shouted loudly, slashed out with his sword, and then, eighteen clones scattered in all directions.

But it turned out that the moment he drew his sword, Asura's demonic eye also opened at the same time.

Eighteen Blood Shadow Guards appeared and killed a Cangming Thunder Dragon.

Although these clones cannot use Ling Feng's various secret arts and magical powers, they have exactly the same cultivation and physical strength as him.

This alone is enough to delay those Cangming Thunder Dragons, waiting for me to take action and harvest them one by one.

"Ice Soul Swimming Technique!"

Immediately afterwards, Ling Feng's figure disappeared on the spot, and as ice flowers scattered all over the sky, there was a flash of cold light, and a sword came out, accompanied by the howl of a Cangming Thunder Dragon. This sword had already pierced the head of a Cangming Thunder Dragon. head.


Lightning flashes and thunder breaks out!

The Cangming Thunder Dragon's body exploded. Ling Feng suddenly drew his sword and opened his mouth. He opened his mouth and started to swallow the thunder!

Chaos Dantian welcomes all comers. To him, the power of domineering thunder contained in the thunder dragons transformed from these calamity thunders is no less than that of top-grade fairy crystals, or even treasures such as Hongmeng fairy crystals!

Of course it can’t be wasted!





In just a few dozen breaths, Ling Feng killed nine heads of the Cangming Thunder Dragon!

And Ling Feng's belly was also slightly bulging. He was worthy of being an Immortal Emperor-level calamity thunder. He was full in the blink of an eye!

No, no, you have to keep some belly, there will be a real "big meal" in a while!

Yu Bingqing watched Ling Feng use all kinds of methods and couldn't help but cover her lips.

It turns out that this is his true strength!

When facing the Mantis Blade Demon Emperor before, this guy actually had reservations!

Too deep!

This guy hides so deeply!

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