Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3955 Yin-Yang Chaos Thunder Beast!




The more Cangming Thunder Dragons devoured by Ling Feng, the more violent and dense the calamity thunders released became as if the calamity clouds in the sky were provoked.

Generally speaking, the Great Tribulation of the Immortal Emperor can only be triggered after complete preparations have been made.

There must be numerous magical formations to protect the body, countless magic weapons to protect the body, and enough powerful immortal emperors to protect the body.

These three are often indispensable.

Those who dare to break through in battle and trigger the Immortal Emperor's catastrophe without any preparation are either stupid or so confident that they are arrogant.

Only a "pervert" like Ling Feng had planned this from the beginning.

After all, the conditions for an Immortal Emperor to protect the Dharma are simply unthinkable.

As for Yu Bingqing, who has such a respected status as Her Royal Highness the Princess of Yuxian Court, it is actually not difficult for her to meet the three conditions.

Once she came, she didn't expect that she could break through so quickly.

After all, after swallowing the Immortal-Resisting Heaven-Seizing Pill before, although the bottleneck has been loosened a lot, she also feels that being able to break through within ten years is already extraordinary.

Secondly, it is also forced by the situation.

If the thunder tribulation is not forcibly triggered and the Frachinus is forced back, then Ling Feng will definitely be in crisis.

This is also the reason why Ling Feng risked his life to fight against the thunder disaster for Yu Bingqing.

If it weren't for herself, Yu Bingqing would never have fallen into such a crisis.


At this moment, the great catastrophe changed again!

In addition to the Cangming Thunder Dragons flying all over the sky, in the lightning below, black electric arcs turned into pythons and jumped up, bringing out streams of extremely viscous dark green thunder liquid.

As the saying goes, the sky is yang and the earth is yin.

At this moment, the thunder falling from the sky was Yang Lei.

The thunder that exploded in the thunder was Yin thunder.

The intertwining of yin and yang and thunder is also the real horror of the great catastrophe.

Soon, Ling Feng discovered something was wrong.

He had just swallowed a large amount of thunder power, and at this moment, it actually began to run wildly inside his body.


The next moment, Ling Feng's whole body was filled with arcs of electricity, and the power of Yin Lei and Yang Lei actually formed some subtle combination in Ling Feng's chaotic dantian.

The moment when the power of yin and yang merged, a terrifying destructive power erupted a hundred times a thousand times.

Ling Feng felt that his body was about to explode. Even with such a powerful body, he was about to be unable to withstand it.

"Ling Feng!"

Seeing Ling Feng's embarrassed appearance, Yu Bingqing couldn't help but be distracted again.

However, the next moment, Ling Feng's figure began to skyrocket.

Immediately afterwards, the true form of Chaos was actually displayed!


With a terrifying roar, Ling Feng's whole body was instantly covered with golden hair.

A golden-haired giant ape dozens of feet tall appeared in front of Yu Bingqing's eyes.

Soon, the immortal and demonic energy intertwined, and around Ling Feng, the evil energy turned into black smoke and rose up. In an instant, he turned into a chaotic demon ape again.

After sacrificing the true form of Chaos, the thunder rage in the body was slightly relieved, but at the same time, the thunder dragon transformed from Yang Lei and the thunder snake transformed from Yin Lei attacked Yu Bingqing again.

Ling Feng took a deep breath, looked up to the sky and roared. Then, he grabbed the thunder dragon with one hand and the thunder snake with the other. He crushed the head with a "click" and then sent it into the bloody mouth.

His majestic mountain-like King Kong body was like an indestructible copper wall, protecting Yu Bingqing's body.

Even though the sky was full of mysterious thunder, it couldn't hurt Yu Bingqing at all.

Boom boom boom!

Yu Bingqing clenched her silver teeth, no longer distracted, and frantically refining the blood essence and blood power of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon in her body.

She knew that the power of the Blood Hell Dragon was her last resort against such terrifying thunder.

Within the pass.

Because of the arrival of the Leize Kingdom, even Frakinus was unable to sense the situation within the Leize.

However, even if those two people are top geniuses, it would be difficult to resist a thunder catastrophe of this magnitude.

The Six-Eyed Demon Emperor took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "In this extraterrestrial battlefield, the power of thunder tribulations is generally much stronger than that of the outside world. If that woman is going through the tribulation in the Immortal Realm, there will be no strong one in the family." If someone protects her, she may be able to survive, but at this moment, she can only rely on that boy who is not above the Immortal level. It seems that they will not be able to escape this disaster. "

The Kingdom of Lei Ze will not come easily.

And even in the cases with historical records in the realms of immortals and demons, the probability of success for the genius who caused the catastrophe was less than 10%.


Frakinus snorted coldly, he had already made up his mind. After the Cangming catastrophe was over, he had to kill the two human monks completely, regardless of whether they were dead or alive.

Once these two geniuses grow up, they will definitely pose a huge threat to all the demons in the entire outer battlefield.

Can't stay!

Absolutely not allowed to stay!

At the same time, thousands of miles away.

Although Fatty Huang, Yu Qiubai and his group had already obeyed Ling Feng's instructions, they stayed far away for now.

But the exaggerated calamity clouds in the sky still made them feel almost breathless.

"What's going on? Who's going through the tribulation?"

Fatty Huang stared at the dark clouds in the sky, swallowed hard, and Ling Feng's figure flashed in his mind.

That guy's strength has long been comparable to that of the Immortal Emperor!

If he gets promoted, it will happen naturally.

It's just that breaking through during the battle with the demons is a bit too much.

Yu Qiubai's eyelids were also twitching wildly, "I guess my uncle must have made a breakthrough! How cruel, this is the Immortal Emperor Tribulation, if it were me, there is no 99.99% chance, I will definitely not Easily trigger thunder disaster."

Wang Anyi on the side couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Your Highness, I'm not telling you, it's embarrassing for you to break through the Immortal Emperor."

This guy is just a medicine pot. He has reached the realm of Immortal Master by using pills all the way. He has almost no foundation and his realm is extremely vain.

He can break through the Immortal Emperor, so the hard work of these people has no meaning!

The threshold of the Immortal Emperor cannot be broken through with enough pills or resources.

Qualification, understanding, and character are all indispensable!

"That guy Shui Han, he breaks through at this time, but I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing."

Qi Yunchang sighed softly. Now he had some admiration for Ling Feng, but he was still being tough and pretending to be cold.

"Regardless of good or bad, I hope the captain can bring back those Immortal Emperors from our Patrol Wind Clan, otherwise, everything will be in vain."

He Qilian placed more hopes on those Immortal Emperors.

After all, those powerful men who were able to safely help them break out of the siege before will definitely be able to support them and return to Dingfeng Fortress.

"Yes, the most important thing is to be able to reach Dingfeng Fortress smoothly and move back to reinforce the troops."

Yu Qiubai nodded repeatedly, "Otherwise, Wangshu Fortress will really be unable to hold on. I don't know if the situation at General Meng's side is going well."

After all, Yu Qiubai is the prince of Yu Xianting. Although he is used to being lazy, he is not a complete idiot.

In terms of the overall situation, I still have some discernment.

the other side.

After Wei Fangchang broke through the demon blockade, he didn't dare to stop for even a moment, and rushed madly towards the Dingfeng Fortress.

Fortunately, although they had already missed the agreed time, the Immortal Emperors waited there for a long time before leaving.

Now, Wei Fangchang rushed on the road at full speed, and finally caught up with the three Immortal Emperors before chasing back to Dingfeng Fortress.

Otherwise, once the three of them return to Dingfeng Fortress, if they want to find them again, they will need to go through some relatively troublesome processes and consume a lot of time.

"Your Majesty Qingyuan! Your Majesty Liuguang! Your Majesty Feng Wu!"

Wei Fangchang stepped forward to stop the three of them, already out of breath.

"My subordinate Wei Fangchang..."


The leader, Immortal Emperor Qingyuan, had a look of surprise in his eyes, "Why are you here?"

They waited patiently for nearly a day at the agreed place. Firstly, they did not receive any news from the contact talisman, and secondly, there was no situation on the other side of the blockade.

She thought that some accident had happened to the scout team and that they had been wiped out long ago.

But now, Wei Fangchang actually crossed the demon clan's blockade.

How did he do it?

"The situation is urgent. Your Majesty, please allow your subordinates to talk while we walk!"

Wei Fangchang was sweating profusely and said in a deep voice: "Now, would you like to ask some of your Majesty to follow your subordinates back to the blockade to meet the other brothers!"


Immortal Emperor Qingyuan and others looked at each other, and seeing Wei Fangchang's anxious look, they could only tell that the situation was extremely urgent.

Then, Supreme Qingyuan directly summoned his mount, grabbed Wei Fangchang and jumped on the mount, and said to the other two immortal emperors: "Let's go back!"

Immortal Emperor Liuguang and Immortal Emperor Fengwu nodded. Their mission was to help the scout team return to Dingfeng Fortress safely.

Although it is a little late now, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will not give up on these soldiers who dare to sacrifice their lives for the clan.

After a while, Wei Fangchang explained the situation concisely.

But when they heard that there was an unparalleled genius in the Great Yu Immortal Court who could single-handedly contain the countless demonic armies of the blockade, and helped Wei Fangchang safely break through the blockade, the three immortal emperors all expressed disbelief. color.

How could such a talented person be completely unknown before this?

With his level of strength, he should be at least a three-star or above God of War, right?

Is it possible that this is the new prodigy who has just entered the battlefield outside the territory for the first time?

"In the Great Yu Immortal Court, there really is an extraordinary talent. It's a pity that he is not in my patrol of the Wind Clan!"

Immortal Emperor Qingyuan sighed lightly, but little did she know that Ling Feng was "instructed" by Empress Qingluo, and then he thought of entering the battlefield outside the territory through Dayu Immortal Court.

"I am the genius of the Sky Patrol Wind Clan, but I may not be any worse than that kid!"

Immortal Emperor Feng Wu said in a deep voice: "Not long after, Her Majesty the Empress's personal disciple Yue Yinshuang will also join the battlefield outside the territory. That girl, after being on the Qijue Immortal List, got an imperial weapon, and with the help of her The insights from the battle with Taixu Zhoulong have become the secret skills taught by Her Majesty the Empress. Now that Yue Yinshuang has broken through the barrier, he has begun to possess the qualifications of an Immortal Emperor. In time, he may not be worse than Shui Han. "

"That's true."

Immortal Emperor Qingyuan and Emperor Liuguang both nodded slightly.

Today's young people are more exaggerated and more evil than the last.

These old guys will have to withdraw from the stage of history sooner or later.

In a short while, Immortal Emperor Qingyuan and others had arrived within 800 miles of the blockade.

It took Wei Fangchang several hours to travel at full speed, but the flying mount Qingluan Bird of the Qingyuan Immortal Emperor only took less than half an hour.

However, when it got close to the range of 800 miles, the blue luan bird said it didn't dare to move forward any further.

In fact, without the unusual reaction of Qingluan Bird, several Immortal Emperors had already noticed the calamity cloud over there.

The huge and terrifying calamity cloud made the three of them stunned, and their eyes widened.

"The great calamity!"

Immortal Emperor Qingyuan blurted out the words first, with an incredible look in his eyes.

It wasn't that she couldn't believe that someone could trigger a catastrophe, but she just couldn't believe that someone dared to trigger a thunder catastrophe while fighting against the demons.

This is simply a lifeless act!

"Even the Kingdom of Lei Ze appeared..."

Immortal Emperor Liuguang took a deep breath and immediately showed a wry smile, "Okay, now we have no way to intervene if we want to. Before this thunder tribulation is over, the powerful Demon Emperor within the pass may not dare to act rashly. "

Immortal Emperor Fengwu nodded, "Yes, the other party would not dare to provoke the will of this world easily. What's more, the power of thunder tribulation has a natural restraint on the demons."

"It seems that we can only wait and see here. I hope that the young man named Shuihan you mentioned can survive this disaster safely."

Immortal Emperor Qingyuan shook her head and sighed. In fact, she didn't have much hope for this.

Without preparation, the chance of success in resisting the catastrophe is almost zero.

However, the other party had once rescued their scout team patrolling the Wind Clan.

If he is still alive after the thunder tribulation is over, they will definitely not let the demons harm him.

In fact, they all mistakenly thought that the person who had overcome the tribulation was Ling Feng.

In fact, there is another person who caused the thunder disaster.

However, there is actually not much difference.

Because, so far, the person who has been struggling to support and resist the catastrophe is Ling Feng.


At this moment, the hair all over Ling Feng's body had been burnt, and the Chaos Demon Ape was about to turn into a bald orangutan.

However, he also withstood six great catastrophes.

Six major tribulations, six changes.

Ling Feng has almost used all kinds of trump cards to keep the bottom of the box.

But then, there are three more!

Ling Feng needs to bear two more weights for Yu Bingqing.

As for the last level of soul tribulation, Ling Feng was helpless and could only rely on Yu Bingqing himself.

What he has to do is to ensure that Yu Bingqing remains in the best condition when facing the catastrophe of the soul.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

In an instant, hundreds of violent thunderbolts fell.

The yin and yang thunder has completely completed the fusion.

A Yin-Yang Chaos Thunder Beast soared into the sky from the lightning, its body covered with the extremely viscous dark green thunder liquid.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

Thunder liquid fell down its body, and every drop of thunder liquid had terrifying power that could destroy the world.

And the yin-yang chaotic thunder beast also had violent thunder beating in its blood-red eyes.

In an instant, the thunder beast had torn apart the void and came.

His speed was far more than ten times higher than those of the previous thunderbirds of the sixth level of thunder tribulation!

Ling Feng gritted his teeth, grunted, and swallowed a pill that had been in his mouth for a long time.

Mad Dragon Violent Pill!

Yes, this elixir was the elixir that Ling Feng had been gifted to him by Tushan Fox and Chi You Zhizhi when he was looking for spring spring in the Holy Snow Mountain.

This elixir contains the power of the essence and blood of the Taichu Life Dragon, and is also mixed with some soil from the remains of the Longtan Divine Spring in the past. It is also mixed with some sporadic spiritual power of the Longtan Divine Spring.

There are only three of these magical elixirs in total.

Ling Feng has always been reluctant to use it, because this is a pill that can ignore realm and cultivation level, and instantly restore his body, energy and blood to their peak state, and increase the amount tenfold.

Use one less.

Ling Feng originally planned to keep it until the promotion was broken and then take it out.

Now, it seems that I can't stand it without taking out these treasures at the bottom of the box.

What's more, any treasure has its value. If it is for Yu Bingqing, it is worth it!

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