Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3958 Ice and Bee!

Darkness, chaos, nothingness!

Ling Feng only felt that his consciousness sank into a cold abyss.

Indistinctly, he seemed to grasp something, mysterious and indescribable.

What he didn't know was that because he helped Yu Bingqing fight against the thunder tribulation this time, Ling Feng absorbed and refined a large amount of Cangming Thunder, and even broke through his own limits one after another.

As the saying goes, there is no construction without destruction.

After this battle, the benefits Ling Feng got were probably no less than Yu Bingqing who was going through the tribulation.

And I don't know how long he slept, when Ling Feng opened his eyes again, he found himself lying on a big bed.


Ling Feng was slightly stunned. He vaguely remembered that before he fell into a coma, he seemed to be helping Yu Bingqing to go through the tribulation.

After finally resisting the last punch of the God of Heaven, he was completely exhausted and fainted.

All his energy and spirit were consumed. If it weren't for his deep foundation, I'm afraid he would have died a long time ago.

He looked around. This should be a bedroom. The decoration didn't look luxurious, but it was simple and clean.

"What is this place?"

Ling Feng raised his hand to support his forehead. He felt dizzy. In order to balance the violent power in A Jin's body, he forced the soul to suppress it.

Now, it should be the sequelae.

In addition, he swallowed a lot of pills, and the poison was still in his body.

If it is not handled properly, it will be troublesome.

At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a woman in a green dress walked in quickly.

"Ah, you're awake!"

The woman saw Ling Feng sitting up, and hurriedly shouted to the outside of the door: "Hey! Fatty, come here quickly! Your friend is awake!"

Before the voice fell, two figures appeared at the door, one fat and one thin. They were the fat man Huang Yuan and the prince of Dayu Xianting, Yu Qiubai.

"Boss! You finally woke up. I was so worried!" Fatty Huang rushed in excitedly. Yu Qiubai also rushed over with tears and snot, "Uncle! My dear uncle, you finally woke up! You have been in a coma for two days and two nights!" "Huh?" Ling Feng was stunned for a moment. Two days and two nights? Doesn't this mean that Yu Bingqing's great calamity as an immortal emperor has ended? Then, where is Yu Bingqing? "Fat Huang, stop howling. Where is Bingqing!" Ling Feng's eyes condensed, and he grabbed Huang Yuan's collar and asked anxiously. "Don't worry, don't worry!" Fatty Huang quickly grabbed Ling Feng's hand and said with a wry smile: "You have been unconscious all the time, and Her Royal Highness the Princess can only complete the remaining tasks for you!" It turned out that after Ling Feng fell into a coma, Yu Bingqing relied on the power of the ancestor dragon will of the Blood Prison Dragon, and finally successfully survived the great calamity of the soul and was promoted to the immortal emperor. Then, Vlakinus came at the first opportunity to kill these two evildoers who were enough to threaten the entire demon clan.

Yu Bingqing had just been promoted successfully. Although she was already an immortal emperor, her foundation was not yet stable. Moreover, she was in a weak state. How could she resist a strong man like Vlakinus?

Fortunately, as soon as Vlakinus arrived, the three immortal emperors of the Xuntianfeng clan also came immediately.

Qingyuan Immortal Emperor, Liuguang Immortal Emperor, Fengwu Immortal Emperor, all three immortal emperors were strong men of the sun.

Among the three, perhaps none of them could defeat Vlakinus alone, but when the three of them joined forces, the result was different.

In addition, the entire demon clan's pass was completely destroyed in the thunder.

There was no natural barrier to defend the pass below, and there was no barrier array to protect it.

Although Vlakinus was personally powerful, he was also the commander of the demon army after all.

Under the threat of the three immortal emperors, they dared not to confront him head-on, and could only evacuate with their subordinates and go to other passes for temporary shelter.

As for the three immortal emperors, they had no intention of confronting Vlachinus head-on.

After Vlachinus retreated, they did not pursue him, but went to check on Yu Bingqing's situation.

However, the three of them initially mistakenly thought that Yu Bingqing was Shui Han, and congratulated "Little Friend Shui Han".

After all, the news they got came from Wei Fangchang.

Wei Fangchang's first intuition was that "Shui Han" was undergoing a tribulation, so they naturally assumed that the person undergoing the tribulation was Ling Feng.

Yu Bingqing was both amused and confused, in fact, it was indeed Ling Feng who was undergoing the tribulation.

There were nine levels of thunder tribulation, and Ling Feng helped her to bear eight levels alone.

If not for this, she would probably have been buried in this great tribulation of the immortal emperor.

After explaining it once, Yu Bingqing told the whole story, then found the unconscious Ling Feng, and then reunited with Fatty Huang and his group.

Then, the group returned to Dingfeng Fortress together.

At this moment, Ling Feng was still in a coma, so Yu Bingqing asked for help from Dingfeng Fortress on behalf of Ling Feng.

The result was surprisingly smooth.

In this way, Ling Feng and his group rescued the scout team they sent out, which was a favor to Dingfeng Fortress.

Secondly, Yu Bingqing broke through the Immortal Emperor and attracted the God Colossus.

This kind of phenomenon was witnessed by almost everyone in the battlefield outside the domain.

No one would doubt Yu Bingqing's potential. If he hadn't fallen in the middle, he would have been able to achieve the ninth level of the Broken Layer in the future!

Even if it was just for this reason, the high-level Immortal Emperor powerhouses in Dingfeng Fortress had to carefully weigh the weight of Yu Bingqing, the future top powerhouse.

Finally, and of course the most critical point.

Yu Bingqing's Immortal Emperor Catastrophe completely destroyed the most troublesome and difficult pass on the blockade.

The demon strongman Frakinus also retreated automatically.

This is the best time to send troops.

As a result, after discussions among the many Immortal Emperors of Dingfeng Fortress, a total of 300,000 reinforcements were sent directly, plus nearly fifty powerful Immortal Emperors and five Shenwu Demon-Slaying Cannons, all rushing to the aid of Wangshu Fortress.

This kind of handwriting shows that the Xuantian Feng Clan attaches great importance to Yu Bingqing.

They obviously also want to use this opportunity to make good friends with Dayu Xianting.

After all, with the talent Yu Bingqing has shown, there may be a chance in the future to succeed her brother and become the new generation of Emperor Yu.

Then, Yu Bingqing personally led the team and led the reinforcements to Wangshu Fortress.

And these things all happened when Ling Feng was unconscious.

Although she wanted to be by Ling Feng's side, she also hoped that when Ling Feng woke up, the first person he saw would be her.

But she knew better that she was the eldest princess of Yu Xianting.

What a heavy responsibility she carries on her shoulders!

"So, don't worry!"

Fatty Huang spoke eloquently and said with a smile: "Her Royal Highness the Princess has successfully mobilized reinforcements, a total of 300,000 troops! Coupled with the large troops of our Demon Suppressing Army before, together we will definitely be able to defeat those You devils, kill them all without leaving any trace behind!”

After hearing this, Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that he had made the right bet this time, and Wei Fangchang did not disappoint him.

If he hadn't brought back the three powerful Immortal Emperors in time to form a new check and balance, then Frakinus would have killed Yu Bingqing and himself completely at all costs.

In addition, Yu Bingqing was able to ask for help from Dingfeng Fortress as soon as possible and personally led the reinforcements to Wangshu Fortress, which also proved that she was indeed a very courageous female hero.

It seems that she is indeed more determined and strong than she imagined.

She is indeed a very outstanding woman!

"So, why are you two idiots still here?"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and glanced at the two men angrily.

"What words!"

Fatty Huang slapped his chest, "Am I, Fatty Huang, the kind of person who doesn't have any loyalty? Boss, if you don't wake up, my ass will take root in this Dingfeng Fortress!"

"Bah, bah, bah, what nonsense! Do you dare to curse my uncle?"

Yu Qiubai gave Fatty Huang a shove, pushed him away, and came up to him with saliva, "Uncle, look, this is what my aunt asked me to hand over to you. She said she would give it to you as soon as you wake up. ”

Ling Feng blinked, reached out and took the wooden box handed by Yu Qiubai, and opened it gently. Inside was a plain white silk scarf. In one corner, an ice flower was sewn with colorful silk threads, and next to it was a plain white silk scarf. A bee that just looks a little funny.

Ice and bees?

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. The ice flower was okay, but it was just the bee. It seemed to be all about emotion and no skills.

"What, my aunt embroidered it herself!"

Yu Qiubai grinned, "It's always others who give things to my aunt, but you are the first to receive the gift!"

Ling Feng smiled and twisted up the silk scarf, and his hands were as silky as delicate skin, with a faint scent attached to it.

She really...

After experiencing so much, Ling Feng is no longer the stupid young man he used to be.

Even a fool like Ling Feng should understand such deep feelings.

Ling Feng grasped the silk scarf tightly, put it into the lapel of his clothes, and immediately turned over and jumped out of the bed.

"Okay, I'm almost recovered! Fatty, Qiu Bai, let's go, let's set off and return to Wangshu Fortress together!"


Fatty Huang was stunned for a moment, "Boss, you no longer cultivate yourself?"

The reason why this guy stayed in Dingfeng Fortress was firstly to "take care of" Ling Feng, and secondly, because he was afraid of going to the battlefield to fight.

Now that Ling Feng is in a hurry to go back, isn't his wishful thinking in vain?

"No need!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. At this moment, Yu Bingqing was probably leading reinforcements to kill the enemy bravely.

I can’t lie flat!

"Hey, you can't leave yet!"

At this moment, the woman in the cyan dress opened her arms and stopped Ling Feng.

"Your injury hasn't healed yet. Mr. Qingyan will have to change your dressing soon. How could you just leave like this?"

The girl pouted and glared at Ling Feng angrily.

"It's okay, I'm fine."

How could the girl stop Ling Feng? In a flash of light, Ling Feng had already passed the woman and flew out of the room.


The girl's eyes only felt blurry, and when she realized what she was doing, Ling Feng's shadow was nowhere to be seen.

"Miss Qingque, let's go then. Don't miss me too much!"

When Fatty Huang saw Ling Feng leaving, he sighed softly and could only follow quickly.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to turn around and tease the girl in green.

"Go to hell, who will miss you!"

Qingque snorted coldly and stamped her feet angrily, "Let's go, let's all go, this girl will save trouble!"

This fat man had been talking to her a lot in the past few days, but unfortunately, his obscene energy was so strong that Qingque didn't like him at all.

However, Ling Feng had just gone out and was about to leave when he saw a middle-aged man with a goatee walking over with a faint smile on his face, "Haha, little friend Shui Han is really talented. It’s an ordinary person. With such an injury, he would probably lose half his life, but the little friend only recovered to this extent after lying down for two days. It’s really surprising!”

"Your Excellency is..."

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, "Could it be that you are Mr. Qingyan? I haven't thanked you for your healing."

"It's indeed Qingyan, but your injury basically heals on its own, and my medicine only has some auxiliary effects."

Mr. Qingyan smiled faintly and then continued: "To be honest, I just heard of the name Shui Han not long ago. I didn't expect that I would be able to meet him so soon."

"Uh?" Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly. Is Shui Han's name very famous?

"My little friend, do you still remember Xiaolie Pill Emperor?"

Mr. Qingyan stroked his long beard and said with a smile.

"Senior Xiaolie Pill Emperor?"

Ling Feng's eyes narrowed and he suddenly recalled that the Xiao Lie Alchemy Emperor was one of the three great masters invited to the alchemist exchange conference in the capital of Dayu Immortal Court.

He had helped him fight against the calamity of the "Seven-Colored Underworld" before.

"He is my junior brother."

Mr. Qingyan smiled faintly, "To be honest, I am very interested in you! Since you are going to return to Wangshu Fortress, why not do this? I am also an Immortal Emperor, with some abilities, and I am also good at treating diseases and injuries. On the battlefield, it can be somewhat useful."

He looked at Ling Feng and continued: "Why don't I go with you to Wangshu Fortress? There are more people, more strength!"

"This is what I want!"

Ling Feng bowed to Mr. Qingyan, "Thank you sir!"


Mr. Qingyan laughed a few times and said, "My junior brother Xiaolie is full of praise for your alchemy skills. In fact, I also have some selfish motives. I hope that after this trip, I can discuss and exchange alchemy techniques with you. What do you think?" "

I see.

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, "What an honor!"

"very good!"

Mr. Qingyan burst out laughing, "Well, little friend, let's set off now! Little Qingque, go and tell the Governor that I want to follow this little friend Shuihan! In a short time, we won't be able to came back."

"Ah? Sir, why are you going too! Then, then I will go with you -"

However, when Qingque was about to catch up quickly, he saw that Mr. Qingyan, Ling Feng and his party had already spread their body skills and soared into the air.

Not long after, they flew out of the range of Dingfeng Fortress.

With Mr. Qingyan leading the way, it saves a lot of trouble.

Watching the Dingfeng Fortress behind him gradually disappearing, Ling Feng tightened his fists, took a deep breath, and immediately used the boundary-breaking shuttle, saying in a deep voice: "Please sir, please directly control my boundary-breaking shuttle, it's so fast. Some!"

Of course, Ling Feng will also have the opportunity to regain some strength while he is on the road.

"Oh? That's fine."

Mr. Qingyan nodded and smiled, and the powerful magic power of the Immortal Emperor level was poured into the energy array of the boundary-breaking shuttle.

There was just a "whoosh" sound, and a ray of blue light cut across the sky, heading straight towards the Wangshu Fortress...

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